North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics (CSRS) was established by the Commission under Articles VII, VIII, and IX of the Convention. In general, the purposes of the CSRS are to review and coordinate the collection and exchange of scientific data and specimens, coordinate and assess scientific studies of anadromous stocks and ecologically related species in the Convention Area and adjacent to it, coordinate scientific exchanges, review proposed scientific research programs, and make recommendations to the Commission.
The CSRS holds its meetings during the Annual Meetings of the Commission.
Current Chairperson: Ju Kyoung Kim (Korea)
CSRS Points of Contacts:
Canada: Jackie King
Japan: Shunpei Sato, Toshihiko Saito
Korea: Jong Kuk Choi
Russia: Svetlana Naydenko, Albina Kanzeparova
USA: Kathrine Howard
International Year of the Salmon Working Group (discontinued 2023)
BASIS Working Group (discontinued 2015)
Working Group on Salmon Tagging (discontinued 2016)
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