North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin Number 3 (2003)

A Review of the Research on the Early Marine Period of Pacific Salmon by Canada, Japan, Russia, and the United States

A Review of the 2000 International Workshop on Factors Affecting Production of Juvenile Salmon: Comparative Studies on Juvenile Salmon Ecology Between the East and West North Pacific Ocean, October 29, 2000, Tokyo, Japan

Editor: Philip Symons


Review Papers

Canadian Review Paper: A history of the research on the early marine life of Pacific salmon off Canada’s Pacific coast
Richard J. Beamish, Isobell A. Pearsall, and Mike C. Healey
Pages 1–40 | PDF (571 KB)

Japanese Review Paper: Japanese studies on the early ocean life of juvenile salmon
Hiroshi Mayama and Yukimasa Ishida
Pages 41–68 | PDF (994 KB)

Russian Review Paper: Review of Russian marine investigations of juvenile Pacific salmon
Vladimir I. Karpenko
Pages 69–88 | PDF (698 KB)

United States Review Paper: Research conducted by the United States on the early ocean life history of Pacific salmon
Richard D. Brodeur, Katherine W. Myers, and John H. Helle
Pages 89–132 | PDF (720 KB)


Major Topics by Species
Pages 133–134 | PDF (82 KB)

Location Names
Pages 135–142 | PDF (102 KB)


Authors’ Bios
Pages 143–152 | PDF (865 KB)