North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
NPAFC Documents are reports generated by the Parties, Committees, and the Secretariat for the Commission. NPAFC Documents are available in English.
The following are NPAFC scientific research documents submitted to the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics (CSRS) and are authorized for distribution and citation. Documents are organized by year, and are numbered sequentially. For each year the range of published documents is listed to make exploration more convenient.
NPAFC Documents submitted to the Committee on Enforcement (ENFO), Committee on Finance and Administration (F&A), and from the NPAFC Secretariat are not authorized for the public and are not included in the list below.
Organization | |
ABL | Auke Bay Laboratories, Alaska Fisheries Science Center (USA) |
ADF&G | Alaska Department of Fish and Game (USA) |
AFSC | Alaska Fisheries Science Center (USA) |
BCPackers | British Columbia Packers (1999) Limited (Canada) |
CAFS | Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science (China) |
ChukotTINRO | Chukotka Branch of Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (Russia) |
DFO | Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Canada) |
ESAU | Enhancement Support and Assessment Unit (Canada) |
FIRA | Korea Fisheries Resources Agency (Korea) |
FAJ | Fisheries Agency of Japan (Japan) |
FBGS | Federal Border Guard Service (Russia) |
FBS | Federal Border Service (Russia) |
FCRF | State Committee of Fisheries of the Russian Federation (Russia) |
FDRF | Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation (Russia) |
FF-HU | Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University (Japan) |
FRA | Fisheries Research and Education Agency (Japan) |
FRI | Fisheries Research Institute (Japan) |
FWS | US Fish and Wildlife Service (USA) |
GRCFF | Gyeongbuk Research Center for Freshwater Fish (Korea) |
GWNU | Gangneung-Wonju National University (Korea) |
HI | Hakai Institute (Canada) |
HNFRI | Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute (Japan) |
HTU | Hokkaido Tokai University (Japan) |
HU | Hokkaido University (Japan) |
JMFRRC | Japan Marine Fishery Resource Research Center (Japan) |
KamchatNIRO | Kamchatka Branch of VNIRO (Russia) |
KhabarovskNIRO | Khabarovsk Branch of VNIRO (Russia) |
KhfTINRO | Khabarovsk Branch of Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (Russia) |
KNU | Kangnung National University (Korea) |
KPMG | KPMG Peat Marwick Thorne |
KU | Kyoto University (Japan) |
MagadanNIRO | Magadan Branch of VNIRO (Russia) |
MOF | Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Korea) |
NI | Nisshinbo Industries (Japan) |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service (USA) |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA) |
NPFMC | North Pacific Fishery Management Council |
NPRB | North Pacific Research Board (USA) |
NRC | National Research Council (Canada) |
NSCC | National Salmon Conservation Center (Japan) |
NSRC | National Salmon Resource Center (Japan) |
PBS | Pacific Biological Station (Canada) |
PFMC | Pacific Fishery Management Council (USA) |
POST | Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project |
PSMFC | Pacific State Marine Fisheries Commission (USA) |
RAS | Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) |
SakhNIRO | Sakhalin Branch of VNIRO (Russia) |
Sakhalinrybvod | Sakhalin Branch of Glavrybvod (Russia) |
SBD, FCWBR | Sakhalin Basin Department for Fisheries and Conservation of Water Biological Resources (Russia) |
SC | Sheridan Consulting (USA) |
SEP-PCA-DFO | SEP-Program Coordination and Assessment, DFO (Canada) |
SFS-KU | School of Fisheries Sciences, Kitasato University (Japan) |
SI | Salmoforsk International (Canada) |
TINRO | Pacific Branch of VNIRO (Russia) |
TREC | Taehwa River Eco Center (Korea) |
TSMRI | Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute (USA) |
UAF | University of Alaska Fairbanks (USA) |
UAJ | University of Alaska Juneau (USA) |
UBC | University of British Columbia (Canada) |
USCG | U.S. Coast Guard (USA) |
UT | University of Toronto (Canada) |
UTokyo | University of Tokyo (Japan) |
UVic | University of Victoria (Canada) |
UW | University of Washington (USA) |
VNIRO | Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries & Oceanography (Russia) |
WDFW | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (USA) |
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