The Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey-II (BASIS-II) 2009–2013
What is BASIS?
The Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey-II (BASIS-II) was NPAFC’s coordinated program of cooperative research on Pacific salmon in the Bering Sea designed to clarify the mechanisms of biological response by salmon to the conditions caused by climate changes.
BASIS Phase II was developed to address the following research questions:
- How will climate change and climate cycles affect anadromous stocks, ecologically related species, and the Bering Sea ecosystems?
- What are the key climatic factors affecting cyclical changes in Bering Sea food production and pelagic fish communities?
- How will climate change and climate cycles impact the available salmon habitat in the Bering Sea?
- How will climate change and climate cycles affect Pacific salmon carrying capacity within the Bering Sea?
Past BASIS Symposium
NPAFC International Symposium on the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Surveys (BASIS): Climate Change, Production Trends, and Carrying Capacity of Pacific Salmon in the Bering Sea and Adjacent Waters
November 23–25, 2008
Seattle, Washington, USA
View Program and Abstracts
View Proceedings (NPAFC Bulletin No. 5)