Stock identification of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea by parasite tags
S. Urawa, K. Nagasawa, L. Margolis, and A. Moles
Pages 199–204 | PDF (627 KB)
Are naturally-occurring parasite “tags” stable? An appraisal from four case histories involving Pacific salmonids
L. Margolis
Pages 205–212 | PDF (825 KB)
Simulations of the even-year Asian pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) genetic baseline to determine accuracy and precision of stock composition estimates
S. Hawkins, N. Varnavskaya, J. Pohl, and R.L. Wilmot
Pages 213–219 | PDF (610 KB)
Genetic stock identification of chum salmon in highseas test fisheries in the western North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea
Gary A. Winans, Paul B. Aebersold, Yukimasa Ishida, and Shigehiko Urawa
Pages 220–226 | PDF (1,072 KB)
A comparison of methods of stock identification for sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Barkley Sound, British Columbia
T.D. Beacham, L. Margolis, and R.J. Nelson
Pages 227–239 | PDF (1,462 KB)
Estimating salmon escapement using area-under-the-curve, aerial observer efficiency, and stream-life estimates: the Prince William Sound pink salmon example
Brian G. Bue, Stephen M. Fried, Samuel Sharr, Daniel G. Sharp, John A. Wilcock, and Harold J. Geiger
Pages 240–250 | PDF (926 KB)
Ocean mortality of northeast Kamchatka pink salmon and influencing factors
V.I. Karpenko
Pages 251–261 | PDF (1,075 KB)
Migration timing, a life history trait important in the genetic structure of pink salmon
A.J. McGregor S. Lane, M.A. Thomason, L.A. Zhivotovsky, W.W. Smoker, and A.J. Gharrett
Pages 262–273 | PDF (1,394 KB)
Determining area of origin of pink salmon juveniles on their catadromous migration in the Okhotsk Sea in 1995 using genetic stock identification techniques
N. Varnavskaya, V. Erokhin, and V.A. Davydenko
Pages 274–284 | PDF (957 KB)
Genetic stock identification of chum salmon harvested incidentally in the 1994 and 1995 Bering Sea trawl fishery
Richard L. Wilmot, Christine M. Kondzela, Charles M. Guthrie, and Michele S. Masuda
Pages 285–299 | PDF (1,331 KB)
Allozyme, mtDNA, and microsatellite variants describe structure of populations of pink and sockeye salmon in Alaska
James E. Seeb, Christopher Habicht, Jefferey B. Olsen, Paul Bentzen, James B. Shaklee, and Lisa W. Seeb
Pages 300–318 | PDF (2,179 KB)
Identification of long and short-term reared masu salmon with quantified scale characteristics
Kazumasa Ohkuma
Pages 319–326 | PDF (706 KB)
On the possibility of using the pink salmon survival measure (R/E) in the forecast of chum salmon returns in north-east Kamchatka
S.A. Sinyakov and A.G. Ostroumov
Pages 327–333 | PDF (578 KB)
Salmon abundance in offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and its relationship to coastal salmon returns
Yukimasa Ishida and Soto-o Ito
Pages 334–339 | PDF (634 KB)
Review of the stock condition and fishery of masu and pink salmon of the Sea of Japan
V.V. Tsiger and V.G. Markovtsev
Pages 340–351 | PDF (1,284 KB)
Abundance and biology of Kamchatkan salmon during the initial year of ocean residence
V.I. Karpenko, V.G. Erokhin, and V.P. Smorodin
Pages 352–366 | PDF (1,383 KB)
Incidental by-catch of Pacific salmon during Russian bottom trawl surveys in the Bering Sea and some remarks on its ecology
V.I. Radchenko and I.I. Glebov
Pages 367–374 | PDF (569 KB)
Artificial propagation of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Korea
Ki Baek Seong
Pages 375–379 | PDF (423 KB)
Evaluation of the reliability of in-season run size estimation techniques used for southern British Columbia chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) runs
P. Ryall
Pages 380–387 | PDF (812 KB)