North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin Number 6 (2016)

Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Production in a Changing Climate: Past, Present, and Future

Proceedings of the 2015 NPAFC International Symposium on Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Production in a Changing Climate: Past, Present, and Future, May 17–19, 2015, Kobe, Japan.

Editors: Shigehiko Urawa, Marc Trudel, Richard J. Beamish, Edward V. Farley, Jr., Jeffrey R. Guyon, James R. Irvine, Toshihiko Saito, Alexander V. Zavolokin, Olga S. Temnykh, and Nancy D. Davis


Migration and Survival Mechanisms of Salmonids during Critical Periods in Their Marine Life History

Size-selective mortality of Chinook salmon in relation to body energy after the first summer in nearshore marine habitats
K.G. Howard, J.M. Murphy, L.I. Wilson, J.H. Moss, and E.V. Farley, Jr.
Pages 1–11 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/1.11 | PDF (806 KB)

Thiamine and lipid utilization in fasting Chinook salmon
D.C. Honeyfield, A.K. Peters, and M.L. Jones
Pages 13–19 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/13.19 | PDF (250 KB)

An exploratory assessment of thiamine status in western Alaska Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
D.C. Honeyfield, J.M. Murphy, K.G. Howard, W.W. Strasburger, and A.C. Matz
Pages 21–31 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/21.31 | PDF (553 KB)

The influence of environmental variation on the Columbia River estuarine fish community: implications for predation on juvenile salmonids
L.A. Weitkamp, T.P. Good, D.E. Lyons, and D.D. Roby
Pages 33–44 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/33.44 | PDF (818 KB)

Initial estimates from an integrated study examining the residence period and migration timing of juvenile sockeye salmon from the Fraser River through coastal waters of British Columbia
C.M. Neville, S.C. Johnson, T.D. Beacham, T. Whitehouse, J. Tadey, and M. Trudel
Pages 45–60 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/45.60 | PDF (1,068 KB)

Early marine migration of juvenile chum salmon along the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido
K. Kasugai, H. Saneyoshi, T. Aoyama, Y. Shinriki, A. Iijima, and Y. Miyakoshi
Pages 61–72 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/61.72 | PDF (589 KB)

Adapting Hokkaido hatchery strategies to regional ocean conditions can improve chum salmon survival and reduce variability
M. Nagata, Y. Miyakoshi, M. Fujiwara, K. Kasugai, D. Ando, M. Torao, H. Saneyoshi, and J.R. Irvine
Pages 73–85 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/73.85 | PDF (846 KB)

Effects of release timing on the recovery of late-run chum salmon in the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido, Japan
M. Nagata, D. Ando, M. Fujiwara, and Y. Miyakoshi
Pages 87–95 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/87.95 | PDF (822 KB)

Observations of steelhead in the California Current lead to a marine-based hypothesis for the “half-pounder” life history, with climate change implications for anadromy
S.A. Hayes, A.J. Ammann, J.A. Harding, J.L. Hassrick, L. deWitt, and C.A. Morgan
Pages 97–105 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/97.105 | PDF (638 KB)

A water-recycling system for hatchery rearing of chum salmon fry
T. Shimizu, T. Morita, and Y. Yamamoto
Pages 107–111 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/107.111 | PDF (374 KB)

Pacific salmon and steelhead: life in a changing winter ocean
K.W. Myers, J.R. Irvine, E.A. Logerwell, S. Urawa, S.V. Naydenko, A.V. Zavolokin, and N.D. Davis
Pages 113–138 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/113.138 | PDF (1,612 KB)

Is winter the critical period in the marine life history of Pacific salmon?
S.V. Naydenko, O.S. Temnykh, and A.L. Figurkin
Pages 139–152 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/139.152 | PDF (967 KB)

Stock-specific abundance of chum salmon in the central Gulf of Alaska during winter
S. Urawa, T.D. Beacham, S. Sato, T. Kaga, B.A. Agler, R. Josephson, and M. Fukuwaka
Pages 153–160 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/153.160 | PDF (439 KB)

Allometric relationships between body size and energy density of juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon across a latitudinal gradient
J.H. Moss, J.M. Murphy, E.A. Fergusson, and R.A. Heintz
Pages 161–168 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/161.168 | PDF (512 KB)

Chinook salmon first-year production indicators from ocean monitoring in Southeast Alaska
J.A. Orsi, E.A. Fergusson, A.C. Wertheimer, and E.V. Farley, Jr.
Pages 169–179 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/169.179 | PDF (456 KB)

Climate Change Impacts on Salmonid Production and Their Marine Ecosystems

Temporal and spatial variation in growth condition of Pacific salmon
H. Ueno, M. Kaeriyama, M. Otani, M. Oe, Y. Qin, M.N. Aita, S. Yoon, and M.J. Kishi
Pages 181–187 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/181.187 | PDF (592 KB)

Correlations between winter sea surface temperatures in the North Pacific Ocean and continental-scale commercial catches of Pacific salmon, 1983–2013
A.V. Bugaev, O.B. Tepnin, and K.W. Myers
Pages 189–205 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/189.205 | PDF (1,326 KB)

Variation in zooplankton and micro-nekton biomass in response to seawater temperature changes in the central Bering Sea during summer
T. Sato, S. Sato, S. Urawa, and T. Nagasawa
Pages 207–217 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/207.217 | PDF (846 KB)

Distribution, diet, and bycatch of chum salmon in the eastern Bering Sea
J.M. Murphy, E.V. Farley, Jr., J.N. Ianelli, and D.L. Stram
Pages 219–234 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/219.234 | PDF (1,673 KB)

Potential role of the magnetic field on homing in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) tracked from the open sea to coastal Japan 
T. Azumaya, S. Sato, S. Urawa, and T. Nagasawa
Pages 235–241 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/235.241 | PDF (446 KB)

Retrospective Analysis of Key Salmonid Populations as Indicators of Marine Ecosystem Conditions

Future climate-related changes in fish species composition including chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in northern Japanese waters, inferred from archaeological evidence
Y. Ishida, A. Yamada, and K. Nagasawa
Pages 243–258 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/243.258 | PDF (486 KB)

Changes in the trophic structure of an epipelagic community in the western Bering Sea and western North Pacific Ocean with an emphasis on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)
A.V. Zavolokin, V.I. Radchenko, and S.V. Naydenko
Pages 259–278 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/259.278 | PDF (769 KB)

Recent decline of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) abundance in Japan
T. Saito, Y. Hiraba ashi, K. Suzuki, K. Watanabe, and H. Saito
Pages 279–296 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/279.296 | PDF (1,191 KB)

Population dynamics of pink salmon in the Sakhalin-Kuril region, Russia
A.M. Kaev and J.R. Irvine
Pages 297–305 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/297.305 | PDF (399 KB)

Changing growth and maturity in western Alaskan Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, brood years 1975–2005
M.V. McPhee, J.M. Leon, L.I. Wilson, J.E. Siegel, and B.A. Agler
Pages 307–327 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/307.327 | PDF (1,545 KB)

Effects of climate and competition for offshore prey on growth , survival, and reproductive potential of coho salmon in Southeast Alaska
L.D. Shaul and H.J. Geiger
Pages 329–347 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/329.347 | PDF (703 KB)

Pink and sockeye salmon interactions at sea and their influence on forecast error of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon
G.T. Ruggerone, B.A. Agler, B.M. Connors, E.V. Farley, Jr., J.R. Irvine, L.I. Wilson, and E.M. Yasumiishi
Pages 349–361 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/349.361 | PDF (1,010 KB)

Stock-recruit analyses of Fraser River sockeye salmon
S.A. Akenhead, J.R. Irvine, K.D. Hyatt, S.C. Johnson, and S.C.H. Grant
Pages 363–390 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/363.390 | PDF (1,349 KB)

Habitat manipulations confound the interpretation of sockeye salmon recruitment patterns at Chilko Lake, British Columbia
S.A. Akenhead, J.R. Irvine, K.D. Hyatt, S.C. Johnson, C.G.J. Michielsens, and S.C.H. Grant
Pages 391–414 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/391.414 | PDF (804 KB)

Application of Stock Identification and Models for Salmonid Population Management

Genetic identification of juvenile pink salmon improves accuracy of forecasts of spawning runs in the Okhotsk Sea basin
N.Yu. Shpigalskaya, A.I. Kositsina, U.O. Muravskaya, and O.N. Saravansky
Pages 415–420 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/415.420 | PDF (288 KB)

Microsatellite identification of sockeye salmon rearing in the Bering Sea during 2009, and 2011–2014
T.D. Beacham, J.R. Candy, S. Sato, and S. Urawa
Pages 421–432 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/421.432 | PDF (375 KB)

Occurrence of white-fleshed coho salmon in northern Southeast Alaska
W.R. Heard
Pages 433–437 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/433.437 | PDF (604 KB)

Genetic analysis identifies consistent proportions of seasonal life history types in Yukon River juvenile and adult chum salmon
C.M. Kondzela, J.A. Whittle, C.T. Marvin, J.M. Murphy, K.G. Howard, B.M. Borba, E.V. Farley, Jr., W.D. Templin, and J.R. Guyon
Pages 439–450 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/439.450 | PDF (929 KB)

Genetic variation in chum salmon in the Sanriku Region, Japan, inferred from mitochondrial DNA analysis
H. Tsukagoshi, S. Terui, G. Ogawa, S. Sato, and S. Abe
Pages 451–454 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/451.454 | PDF (228 KB)

Forecasting Salmonid Production and Linked Ecosystems in a Changing Climate

Applying the Krogh Principle to find shortcuts to understanding Pacific salmon production
R.J. Beamish and C.M. Neville
Pages 455–468 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/455.468 |  PDF (953 KB)

Feeding habits and trophic levels of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the North Pacific Ocean
Y. Qin and M. Kaeriyama
Pages 469–481 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/469.481 | PDF (934 KB)

Forecasting pink salmon production in Southeast Alaska using ecosystem indicators in times of climate change
J.A. Orsi, E.A. Fergusson, A.C. Wertheimer, E.V. Farley, Jr., and P.R. Mundy
Pages 483–499 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/483.499 | PDF (783 KB)

Review of the NPAFC 2011–2015 Science Plan

Forecasting Pacific salmon production in a changing climate: a review of the 2011–2105 NPAFC Science Plan
S. Urawa, J.R. Irvine, J.K. Kim, E.C. Volk, A.V. Zavolokin, T. Azumaya, T.D. Beacham, A.V. Bugaev, E.V. Farley, Jr., J.R. Guyon, S.G. Kim, M.J. Kishi, N.V. Klovach, M.V. Koval, D.H. Lee, S.V. Naydenko, D.S. Oxman, T. Saito, S. Sato, M.W. Saunders, O.S. Temnykh, A.M. Tompkins, M. Trudel, V.V. Volobuev, K.I. Warheit, and N.D. Davis
Pages 501–534 | doi: 10.23849/npafcb6/501.534 | PDF (571 KB)