North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Building Salmon Life Cycle Assessment Frameworks to Inform Future Management Challenges

Colin D. Bull and Wilf Luedke

This synthesis presents options to managers to direct their actions at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales in light of the continuing declines of salmon populations in many regions of the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. We argue for wider support and adoption of life cycle assessment framework (LCAF) approaches to improve management efficiencies and direct future strategy development. These approaches involve linking several components: knowledge gleaned from wider ecosystem approaches to stock assessments, models that describe processes influencing full lifetime population dynamics and risk evaluation systems. LCAF processes engage user groups and bring cutting edge science within the reach of managers, who are frequently required to allocate finite resources to preserve salmon stocks amid changing conditions. This process aims to inform the development of new scenario-testing capacities that can support salmon managers and catchment practitioners in addressing the multiple challenges posed by the climate change crisis.



Bull, C.D., and W. Luedke.  2024.  Building salmon life cycle assessment frameworks to inform future management challenges.  N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Bull. 7: 37–49.