North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Brett T. Johnson and Tim C.A. van der Stap
The process of mobilizing data for appropriate reuse can improve salmon management. Data mobilization facilitates data sharing, discovery, reuse, and leads to increased citations, synthesis data products, meta-analyses and robust management-decision support tools. The International Year of the Salmon (IYS) high seas expeditions in 2019, 2020, and 2022 presented a challenge and an opportunity for data mobilization efforts due to the scale, volume, diversity of data, and number of nations involved. Salmon ocean ecology data from this program were mobilized through the United Nations Global Ocean Observing System and Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Under this framework datasets were catalogued using metadata records, assigned digital object identifiers, and published to a web accessible data catalogue ( Where possible, pre-existing international data and metadata standards were adopted and data were published in global open-access data services. Both the sociocultural and technical solutions implemented deepen the impact of the IYS and lay a foundation and direction for institutions, commissions, foundations, or projects to contribute to international data-intensive salmon and oceanographic sciences.
Johnson, B.T. and T.C.A. van der Stap. 2024. Data mobilization through the International Year of the Salmon ocean observing system. N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Bull. 7: 51–60.
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