North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

INPFC Bulletins

The following table includes 53 INPFC Bulletins—some of which are broken down into multiple volumes. The Bulletins have been organized in a searchable table below.

To view a Bulletin, select the volume number in the left-most column.

Bulletin YearTitleAuthor
1 (I)1955The Pacific Salmon of the Canadian Pacific CoastR.E. Foerster
1 (II)1955On the Salmon in Waters Adjacent to JapanFisheries Agency of Japan
1 (III)1955A Brief Review of the Salmon Fishery in the Aleutian Islands AreaC.E. Atkinson
1 (IV)1955The Pacific Herring Along the Pacific Coast of Canada F.H.C. Taylor
1 (V)1955Oceanography Along the Canadian Pacific Coast J.P. Tully
21955Review of the Oceanography of the Northern Pacific R.E. Fleming
3 (I)1961Rapid Counting of Nematoda in Salmon by Peptic Digestion J.A. Stern
D. Chakravarti
J.R. Uzman
M.N. Hesselholt
3 (II)1961Serological Differentiation of Populations of Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka G.J. Ridgway
J.E. Cushing
G.L. Durall
3 (III)1961Some Features of the Upper Zone of the Sub-Arctic Pacific Ocean A.J. Dodimead
41961The Exploitation, Scientific Investigation and Management of Herring (Clupea pallasi) on the Pacific Coast of North American in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
5 (I)1961Observations of Molting Female King Crabs, Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius) Henry M. Sakuda
5 (II)1961Stomach Contents of the Bering Sea King Crab P.A. McLaughlin
James F. Hebard
5 (III)1961Currents in Southeastern Bering Sea James F. Hebard
5 (IV)1961Methods Used to Distinguish Between Immature and Mature Sockeye and Chum Salmon by Canadian exploratory Fishing Vessels in the Gulf of Alaska Harold Godfrey
5 (V)1961Criteria for the Differentiation of Mature and Immature Forms of Chum and Sockeye Salmon in Northern Seas Rikiichi Ishida
Kenji Takagi
Setsuko Arita
5 (VI)1961Blood Types in Pacific Salmon G.J. Ridgeway
George W. Klontz
61962Movement of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as Determined by Tagging, 1956–1958 Allan C. Hartt
71962The Exploitation, Scientific Investigation and Management of Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis Schmidt) Stocks on the Pacific Coast of North America in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
8 (I)1962Intraspecific Differences in Serum Antigens of Red Salmon Demonstrated by Immunochemical Methods G.J. Ridgeway
G.W. Klonotz
Charles Matsumoto
8 (II)1962Continental Origin of Red Salmon as Determined from Morphological Characters F.M. Fukuhara
Sueto Murai
John J. LaLanne
Arporna Sribhibhadh
91962In the Exploitation, Scientific Investigation and Management of Salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) Stocks on the Pacific Coast of Canada in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
101962The Exploitation, Scientific Investigation and Management of Salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) Stocks on the Pacific Coast of the United States in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
11 (I)1963Ocean Condition in the Vicinity of the Aleutian Islands, Summer 1957Richard J. Callaway
11 (II)1963Racial Analysis of Red Salmon by Means of Scales Kenneth H. Mosher
11 (III)1963Oceanographic Conditions and Salmon Distribution South of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands, 1956 Felix Favorite
Michell G. Hanavan
11 (IV)1963Use of a Discriminant Function in the Morphological Separation of Asian and North American Races of Pink Salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum) Murray H. Amos
Raymond E. Anas
Roger E. Pearson
11 (V)1963Parasites as Indicators of the Geographical Origin of Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), Occurring in the North Pacific Ocean and Adjacent Seas Leo Margolis
12 (I)1963Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part I Introduction Roy I. Jackson
12 (II)1963Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part I Catch Statistics for North Pacific Salmon Hiroshi Kasahara
131963Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part II Review of Oceanography of the Subarctic Pacific Region A.J. Dodimead
F. Favorite
T. Hirano
14 (I)1964Marine Growth of Western Alaskan Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) Robert H. Lander
George K. Tanonaka
14 (II)1964Direction of Movement of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as Indicated by Surface Gillnet Catches, 1959–1960 Richard C. Johnsen
14 (III)1964Direction of Movement of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska as Indicated by Surface Gillnet Catches, 1961 Herbert A. Larkins
14 (IV)1964Effect on Direction of Set and Distance Between Nets on the Salmon Catch of Two Gillnets Herbert A. Larkins
Robert R. French
14 (V)1964Use of Discriminant Function to Classify North American and Asian Pink Salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum), Collected in 1959 Roger E. Pearson
151965Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part V Offshore Distribution of SalmonJ.I. Manzer
T. Ishida
A.E. Peterson
M.G. Hanavan
161965Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean Part IX, Coho, Chinook and Masu Salmon in Offshore Waters
16 (I)Coho Salmon in Offshore Waters Harold Godfrey
16 (II)Chinook Salmon in Offshore Waters James E. Mason
16 (III)A Review of the Biological Information on Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou)Shoichi Tanaka
171965Offshore Distribution and Migration of Pacific Salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) Based on Tagging Studies (1958–1961) Heihachi Kondo
Yoshimi Hirano
Nobuyuki Nakayama
Makoto Miyake
181966Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part III A Review of the Life History of North Pacific Salmon
18 (I)Sockeye Salmon in the Far East N. Hanamura
18 (II)Pink Salmon in the Far East T. Ishida
18 (III)Chum Salmon in the Far East S. Sano
18 (IV)Sockeye Salmon in British Columbia W.E. Ricker
18 (V)Pink Salmon in British Columbia Ferris Neave
18 (VI)Chum Salmon in British Columbia Ferris Neave
191966Migration of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as Determined by Seining and Tagging, 1959–1960 Allan C. Hartt
201967Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part IV Sockeye Salmon in Offshore WatersL. Margolis
F.C. Cleaver
Y. Fukuda
H. Godfrey
21 (I)1967The Alaskan Stream Felix Favorite
21 (II)1967Growth of the Immature King Crab Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius) Douglas D. Weber
221967Salmon of North Pacific Ocean—Part VII Pink Salmon in Offshore WatersFerris Neave
Teruo Ishida
Sueto Murai
231967Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part IV Spawning Populations of North Pacific Salmon
23 (I)Sockeye Salmon in the Far East N. Hanamura
23 (II)Pink Salmon in the Far East T. Ishida
23 (III)Chum Salmon in the Far East S. Sano
23 (IV)Pacific Salmon in the United States C.E. Atkinson
J.H. Rose
T.O. Duncan
23 (V)Pacific Salmon in Canada K.V. Aro
M.P. Shepard
24 (I)1968The Distribution of Mature Western Alaskan and Kamchatkan Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaBetty J. Landrum
Thomas A. Dark
24 (II)1968Movement and Recovery of Tagged King Crabs in the Eastern Bering Sea, 1955–63 Robert R. Simpson
Herbert H. Shippen
251968Salmon of the North pacific Ocean—Part VIII Chum Salmon in Offshore WatersM.P. Shepard
A.C. Hartt
T. Yonemori
26 (I)1969 The Salmon Gillnet Mesh Selectivity Curve T. Ishida
26 (II)1969 Comparison of Catches of Pacific Salmon by Gill Nets, Purse Seines, and Longlines Robert R. French
26 (III)1969 Direction of Movement of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska as Indicated by Surface Gillnet Catches, 1962–65 J.R. Dunn
26 (IV)1969 Origin of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific in 1956–1958 as Determined from Scale Studies S. Tanaka
M.P. Shepard
H.T. Bilton
26 (V)1969 Use of Scale Characters and a Discriminant Function for Classifying Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) by Continent of Origin Raymond E. Anas
Sueto Murai
27 (I)1971Distribution and Migration of Immature Sockeye Salmon Taken by U.S. Research Vessels with Gillnets in Offshore Waters, 1956–67 Richard G. Bakkala
27 (II)1971Marine Growth of Chum Salmon John J. LaLanne
281972Supplementary Information on the Exploitation, Scientific Investigation, and Management of Herring, Halibut, and Salmon Stocks on the Pacific Coasts of Canada and the United States in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
291974Additional Information on the Exploitation, Scientific Investigation, and Management of Salmon Stocks on the Pacific Coasts of Canada and the United States in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
30 (I)1974Catches of Sockeye Salmon of Bristol Bay Origin by the Japanese Mothership Salmon Fishery, 1956–70 R.A. Fredin
D.D. Worlund
30 (II)1974Atlas of Catch and Fishing Effort, Japanese Mothership Salmon Fishery Alvin E. Peterson
311975Distribution and Abundance of Coho Salmon in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific Ocean H. Godfrey
K.A. Henry
S. Machidori
321975Symposium on Evaluation of Methods of Estimating the Abundance and Biological Attributes of Salmon on the High Seas (held by the Committee on Biology and Research at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 24, and 25, 1972)
331976Oceanography of the Subarctic Pacific Region, 1960–71 F. Favorite
A.J. Dodimead
K. Nasu
341976Distribution and Origin of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific Ocean R. French
H. Bilton
M. Osako
A. Hartt
351976Distribution and Origin of Chum Salmon in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific Ocean F. Neave
T. Yonemori
R.G. Bakkala
361977Additional Information on the Exploitation, Scientific Investigation, and Management of Salmon Stocks on the Pacific Coast of the United States in Relation to the Abstention Provisions of the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
36 (I)Information on Columbia River Salmon Runs and Fisheries Lawrence Korn
36 (II)Information on California Salmon Fisheries and Stocks Donald H. Fry
36 (III)Information on Coho and Chinook Salmon Stocks Originating in Puget Sound and Washington Coastal Streams North of the Columbia River G.A. Holland
371978Groundfish, Shrimp, and Herring Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific—Historical Catch Statistics Through 1970 C.R. Forrester
A.J. Beardsley
Y. Takahashi
381978Distribution and Origin of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific Ocean R.L. Major
J. Ito
S. Ito
H. Godfrey
391979Historical Catch Statistics for Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean
401981Distribution and Origin of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific Ocean K. Takagi
K.V. Aro
A.C. Hartt
M.B. Dell
411983Groundfish, Shrimp, and herring Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific—Historical Catch Statistics, 1971–1976 C.R. Forrester
R.G. Bakkala
K. Okada
J.E. Smith
421984Symposium on Determining Effective Effort and Calculating Yield in Groundfish Fisheries, and on Pacific Cod Biology and Population Dynamics (held by the Standing Committee on Biology and Research at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 28 to 30, 1981)
431984Spawning Populations and Marine Life of Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou)Seiji Machidori
Fumihiko Kato
441985Results of Cooperative U.S.-Japan Groundfish Investigations in the Bering Sea During May–August 1979R.G. Bakkala
K. Wakabayashi
K. Okada
J.J. Traynor
T.M. Sample
H. Yamaguchi
M.S. Alton
M.O. Nelson
451986Symposium on Biology, Stock Assessment, and Management of Pollock, Pacific Cod, and Hake in the North Pacific Region (held by Standing Committee on Biology and Research at Anchorage, Alaska, October 26 to 28, 1983)
461986Early Oceanic Migrations and Growth of Juvenile Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout Allan C. Hartt
Michael B. Dell
471986Symposium on Biological Interactions in the North Pacific Region and on Factors Affecting Recruitment, Distribution, and Abundance of Non-anadromous Species (held by the Standing Committee on Biology and Research at Tokyo, Japan, October 29 to 31, 1985)
481986Groundfish Resource of the Aleutian Island Waters Based on the US-Japan Trawl Survey, June–November 1980 Lael L. Ronholt
Kiyoshi Wakabayashi
Thomas K. Wilderbuer
Hirotsune Yamaguchi
Keisuke Okada
49*1989Effects of Ocean Variability on Recruitment and an Evaluation of Parameters Used in Stock Assessment Models R.J. Beamish
G.A. McFarlane
501990Proceedings of the Symposium on Application of Stock Assessment Techniques to Gadids
511992Distribution and Origins of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific Ocean R.L. Burgner
J.T. Light
L. Margolis
T. Okazaki
A. Tautz
S. Ito
521993Review of the Japanese Landbased Driftnet Salmon Fishery in the Western North Pacific Ocean and the Continent of Origin of Salmonids in the Area K.W. Myers
C.K. Harris
Y. Ishida
L. Margolis
M. Ogura
531993Symposium on Biology, Distribution and Stock Assessment of Species Caught in the High Seas Driftnet Fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean (held by the Standing Committee on Biology and Research at Tokyo, Japan, November 4 to 6, 1991) J. Ito
W. Shaw
R.L. Burgner
53 (I)I. Driftnet Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean
53 (II)II. Oceanography—Biology—Ecology (All Species)
Symposium on Biology, Distribution and Stock Assessment of Species Caught in the High Seas Driftnet Fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean (held by the Standing Committee on Biology and Research at Tokyo, Japan, November 4 to 6, 1991)
53 (III)III. Catch and Fishery Impact (All Species)