North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

INPFC Documents

The following table includes 2501 INPFC documents authorized for release to the public. The documents have been organized in a paginated, searchable table below. The table displays 200 documents per page, and navigation tools exist under the table.

To view a document, select the document number in the left-most column.

3CanadaData Record—Ocean Weather Station “PAPA”Pacific Oceanic GroupJuly, 1957
5JapanNumber and Spacing of Circuli on Pink Salmon ScalesHokkaido Fisheries Research LaboratoryJuly, 1957
6JapanSome Fundamental Considerations of the Scale Pattern of Chum SalmonHokkaido Salmon HatcheryJuly, 1957
8JapanDiscussion of the Position From Which Scale Samples of Red Salmon Should be Taken for Age DeterminationHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research StationApril, 1957
9JapanReport of Investigation of Parasites From Salmon in the North Pacific in 1956T. FukuiJuly, 1957
99JapanSerological study for distinguishing salmon stocks of northern seasY. SuyehiroTokyo UniversityMarch, 1957
100CanadaPhysical, Chemical and Plankton Data Record North Pacific Survey, Jan. 23 to Mar. 4, 1957Pacific Oceanographic GroupSeptember, 1957
101JapanResults of Oceanographic observations by government research vessels in 1956.Japan Fisheries AgencySeptember, 1957
103CanadaProgress in 1957 in Canadian research on problems raised by the ProtocolSeptember, 1957
109U.S.Progress Report—The use of multivariate analyses in racial studiesD.D. WorlundPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSeptember, 1957
110U.S.Northeast Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Alaska Physical and Chemical Data. Summer and Fall, 1955. A preliminary tabulation of oceanographic data collected by vessels of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceF. Favorite and C.M. LoveUniversity of WashingtonSeptember, 1957
114CanadaCanadian exploratory fishing for salmon in the northeast Pacific in 1956F. Neave and J.I. ManzerFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1957
115CanadaA study of the parasites of Sockeye and Pink salmon with particular attention to their application in distinguishing between Asiatic and North American stocks of these fish on the high seas—Report of results of examination of 1956 samplesL. MargolisFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1957
116CanadaInitial observations on the vertical distribution of Pacific salmon on the high seasOctober, 1957
117CanadaPhysical, Chemical and Plankton Data Record North Pacific Survey, July 23 to August 30, 1957Pacific Oceanographic GroupOctober, 1957
118JapanSummary of Japanese research in 1957Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1957
124Japan1957 salmon catch by Japanese mothership fishery in Aleutian waters, in numbers of fishFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1957
125JapanAdditional material to interim report (Doc. 113)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1957
126JapanReport of investigations on chum salmon in the North PacificT. Kobayashi and S. AbeHokkaido Salmon HatcheryOctober, 1957
129SecretariatStatistical Compilation for 1956November, 1957
131U.S.Report of investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1957INPFCNovember, 1957
132U.S.Paper chromatography—Progress ReportW.E. Shanks and J.E. HalverPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
133U.S.Studies on parasites of chum salmon—Progress ReportJ. R. UzmanPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
134U.S.Analysis of 1956 red salmon meristic data–Progress ReportF.M. FukuharaPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
135U.S.Scale—Racial studies—Progress ReportK.H. MosherPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
136U.S.Progress report on salmon serologyG.J. RidgwayPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
137U.S.North Pacific salmon racial collections, 1955–1957A.E. PetersonPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
138U.S.King crab investigations—Progress reportKing Crab StaffPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
139U.S.Review of progress on racial studiesC.E. AtkinsonPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
150U.S.North Pacific Tagging—Recovery pattern charts, 1956–1957November, 1957
152U.S.Progress report on oceanographyF. FavoritePacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1957
156Japan1956 cruise of the Oshoro-maru to the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1957
163U.S.Occurrence of net-marked salmon in Alaska in 1957—Progress ReportW.F. RoyceNovember, 1957
164U.S.North Pacific Tagging Recovery Charts, 1956–1957 (to Nov. 1957)December, 1957
165U.S.Experimental fishing to determine distribution of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, 1955D.E. Powell and A.E. PetersonU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceDecember, 1957
174CanadaSkeena Outside Tagging, 1957. Preliminary summary of tagging and recoveryJune, 1958
175CanadaDate and location of tagging, number of salmon tagged, and tag numbers used in the taggings carried out off Chatham Sound in 1957June, 1958
176CanadaCanadian salmon tagging in Juan de Fuca Strait—1957June, 1958
179U.S.Clarification of the difference in estimates of natural mortality rates used in the United States and Canadian reports on herringJune, 1958
181CanadaPhysical, Chemical and Plankton Data Record North Pacific Survey, March–April 1958Pacific Oceanographic GroupJuly, 1958
184JapanSalmon tagging experiments conducted by Japan in the North Pacific, with data on recoveries, 1952–1957Japan Fisheries AgencyJuly, 1958
192CanadaData record of Canadian exploratory fishing for salmon in the northeast Pacific in 1957J.I. Manzer and F. NeaveFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1958
195CanadaSalmon distribution and abundance in the northeast Pacific, 1956 and 1957, with some comparisons with other regions of the North Pacific and the Bering SeaJ.I. ManzerFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1958
196CanadaOceanographic investigations in the northeast Pacific ocean during August 1956, February 1957, and August 1957A.J. DodimeadPacific Oceanographic GroupAugust, 1958
200CanadaThe application of parasitological data to the problem of recognizing the continent of origin of stocks of sockeye salmon in the North Pacific and adjacent seas—A summary of three years’ (1955 through 1957) researchL. MargolisFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1958
201CanadaNotes on plankton collection from the northeast Pacific OceanR.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1958
202U.S.Age, length, and body weight of salmon caught by Japanese high seas fleets in the North PacificG. TanonakaPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSeptember, 1958
205JapanInterim report of the cooperative research of salmon with main emphasis on scale analysisFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1958
206JapanStudy of sockeye salmon stocks by means of the growth pattern of scalesT. KuboSeptember, 1958
207JapanOn the identification of chum salmon stocks in the North Pacific by means of scalesT. Kobayashi and S. AbeSeptember, 1958
208JapanOn the origin of pink salmon found in offshore waters of the North Pacific and Bering SeaT. Ishida and K. MiyaguchiSeptember, 1958
209JapanOceanographic structure of the Bering Sea and Aleutian watersK. KitanoSeptember, 1958
210U.S.King crab investigations—Progress reportKing crab staffPacific Salmon Investigations, Bureau of Commerical FisheriesOctober, 1958
211U.S.Progress report on oceanographyF. FavoriteSeptember, 1958
212U.S.Distribution and racial sampling of salmon on the high seas, 1958—Progress reportM.G. HanavanPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSeptember, 1958
213U.S.Salmon racial sampling—1958 Progress reportA.E. PetersonPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSeptember, 1958
214CanadaVariations in scale characteristics of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) of the Northern Pacific AreaR. Sato, T.H. Bilton, and M.P. ShepardFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1958
215CanadaCharacteristics of scales of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) taken on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean in 1956T.H. Bilton, M.P. Shepard, and D.W. JenkinsonFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1958
216CanadaSummary of data on parasites of pink salmon collected in 1957 for INPFC studiesL. MargolisFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1958
217CanadaProgress report on Canadian exploratory fishing for salmon in the northeast Pacific in 1958October, 1958
218CanadaOceanographic investigations in the northeast Pacific Ocean , March 11–April 10, 1958Pacific Oceanographic Group (Bulletin 5806)October, 1958
219CanadaOceanographic observations in the northeast Pacific Ocean July 22 to August 16, 1958 in HMCS OshawaPacific Oceanographic Group (Bulletin 5807)October, 1958
220CanadaOceanographic observations in the vicinity of the Aleutian IslandsPacific Oceanographic Group (Bulletin 5808)October, 1958
221JapanStudies of the origin of salmon, using parasitesT. FukuiOctober, 1958
222Japanstudies to determine the origin of northern seas salmon by serological methodsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1958
225JapanOn the surface currents in the waters fished by Japanese salmon motherships from the results of drift float experimentsK. TaguchiOctober, 1958
226U.S.Studies on parasites of chum salmon—Progress ReportJ.R. Uzman and R.H. LanderPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1958
227U.S.Analysis of morphological and scale data obtained from the pink salmon collection of 1957October, 1958
228U.S.Analysis of pink salmon scalesOctober, 1958
229U.S.Analysis of red salmon scalesOctober, 1958
230U.S.Analysis of morphological data obtained from the chum salmon collections of 1955 and 1957October, 1958
231U.S.Summary of the Results of the Deep Sea Salmon Tagging by the Unites StatesA.C. Hartt and W.F. RoyceOctober, 1958
232U.S.Summary of data from deep sea tagging by the United States in 1958October, 1958
233U.S.Progress report by the United States for racial studies of red salmonPacific Salmon Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1958
234U.S.Pink salmon serology—Progress reportG. RidgwayPacific Salmon Investigations, Bureau of Commerical FisheriesSeptember, 1958
235U.S.Analysis of morphological data obtained from the pink salmon collection of 1957October, 1958
257 (Rev. 1)JapanSummary statistics of the Japanese salmon mothership fishery in 1958 and crab fishing in the eastern Bering SeaNovember, 1958
268JapanNorth Pacific Tagging—location of tagging experiments, 1958—Tenyo-MaruNovember, 1958
269JapanRecaptures of salmon tagged by Japan in 1958, as of October 13, 1958November, 1958
271U.S.Observations of molting female king crabH.M. SakudaBureau of Commercial FisheriesDecember, 1958
273CanadaData Record—Ocean Weather Station “P” Jan. 22–July 11, 1958Pacific Oceanographic GroupFebruary, 1959
276U.S.Ocean salmon research cruise plans, 1959Bureau of Commercial FisheriesMarch, 1959
277U.S.North Pacific Tagging–1958–U.S.May, 1969
280U.S.Stomach contents of the Bering Sea king crabP.A. McLaughlin and J.F. HebardUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceAugust, 1959
281 (Rev. 1)U.S.Currents in southeastern Bering SeaJ.F. HebardUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1960
285CanadaAtlas of Physical and Chemical Data North Pacific Surveys—Jan. 20 to Feb. 15, 1959Pacific Oceanographic GroupAugust, 1959
286U.S.S.R.Pacific Salmon catch statistics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1940–1958VNIROSeptember, 1959
287U.S.S.R.Biometric data for Pacific salmon of the U.S.S.R—1958VNIROSeptember, 1959
290CanadaThe determination and distribution of immature and maturing salmon taken by Canadian exploratory fishing vessels in the northeast Pacific in 1957H. GodfreyFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1959
292CanadaProgress report on Canadian exploratory fishing for salmon in the northeast Pacific in 1959Fisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1959
294CanadaData record of Canadian exploratory fishing for salmon in the northeast Pacific in 1958J.I. Manzer and F. NeaveFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1959
302CanadaSome features of the upper zone in the Sub-arctic Pacific OceanA.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1959
303CanadaReport on parasitological studies of sockeye salmon collected in 1958 with some comparisons with other yearsL. MargolisFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1959
304U.S.Experimental fishing to determine distribution of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1956M.G. Hanavan and G.K. TanonakaUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1959
305U.S.Food of salmonid fishes of the western North Pacific OceanG.H. Allen and W. AronUniversity of WashingtonOctober, 1959
307JapanOn the pink salmon stocks distribution in the North Pacific and Bering SeaT. Ishida and K. MiyaguchiBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
308JapanInformation concerning the offshore distribution of red and chum salmon caught by Japanese commercial fisheries and research vessels in the high seasT. Ishida and M. OtomariBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
309JapanOn the distribution area of salmon in the high seasM. KondaHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1959
310JapanOceanographic structure of the northern North Pacific OceanS. KitanoHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1959
311CanadaFurther observations on the vertical distribution of salmon in the northeast PacificJ.I Manzer and R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1959
312U.S.Racial analysis of the offshore samples of red salmon (O. nerka) from the central North Pacific and Bering Sea from May 1 to July 15 in 1956 and 1957 by means of scalesK.H. MosherBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
313U.S.Intraspecific Differences in the Serum Antigens of red salmon demonstrated by immunochemical methodsG.J. Ridgway, G.W. Klontz, and C. MatsumotoBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
314U.S.Progress report on chum salmon morphological studiesJ. LaLanneBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
315U.S.Progress report on distribution and racial sampling of salmon on the high seas, 1959High Seas Salmon InvestigationWashington Bureau of Commerical FisheriesOctober, 1959
316U.S.Progress report on king crab investigations—1959Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
317U.S.Progress report—salmon racial sampling—1959Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
318U.S.Estimated growth of the southeastern Bering Sea adult male king crab populationD.D. Weber and T. MiyaharaBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
319U.S.Progress report on oceanographyF. FavoriteBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
320U.S.Use of morphological differences in determining the area of origin of red salmon taken on the high seasF.M. Fukuhara, S. Murai, J.J. Lalanne, A. SribhibhadhBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1959
321JapanThe estimation of rate of intermingling of salmonFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1959
322JapanReport on the research by Japan on the king crab in the eastern Bering SeaS. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1959
323JapanOn the surface current in the mothership fishing ground based on the recovery of floats drifted (1959)K. TaguchiOctober, 1959
324JapanSalmon tagging experiments in high seas of the North PacificY. Hirano and H. KondoOctober, 1959
325JapanOn the chum salmon stocksT. KobayashiHoddaido Salmon HatcheryOctober, 1959
326JapanStudy of sockeye salmon stocks by means of the growth pattern of scalesT. KuboFaculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido UniversityOctober, 1959
327U.S.Movement of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as determined by tagging, 1956–1958A.C. HarttFRI Circular 106October, 1959
328CanadaScale characteristics of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) from the North Pacific area in 1957T.H. Bilton and M.P. ShepardFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1959
333 (Rev. 3)SecretariatCommercial salmon catch by species and by countryINPFCSeptember, 1961
335U.S.Table of returns of United States tags in 1959 (through Dec. 15, 1959)University of WashingtonOctober, 1959
351U.S.Release and recovery information for 47 tags received from U.S.S.R December 21, 1959January, 1960
353JapanRecoveries in 1959 of salmon tagged by Japan—as of February 12, 1960Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1960
354CanadaData record Ocean Weather Station “P” January 21–November 24, 1959S. Tabata, C. D. McAllister, D.G. Robertson, and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanography GroupMarch, 1960
355U.S.North Pacific and Bering Sea Oceanography 1958F. Favorite and G. PedersenUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceMarch, 1960
357 (Rev. 1)CanadaMethod used to distinguish between immature and maturing sockeye and chum salmon taken by Canadian exploratory fishing vessels in the Gulf of AlaskaH. GodfreyFisheries Research Board of CanadaApril, 1960
358CanadaSome features of the upper zone of the Sub-Arctic Pacific OceanA.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaApril, 1960
360U.S.Blood types in Pacific salmonG.J. Ridgway and G.W. KlontzUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceMay, 1960
361U.S.Bristol Bay Oceanography—August–September, 1938F. Favorite and G. PedersenUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceMay, 1960
362U.S.North Pacific and Bering Sea Oceanography 1957F. Favorite and G. PedersenUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceMay, 1960
363U.S.S.R.Statistical information on the coastal catch of Far-Eastern salmon by the Soviet Union for the year 1959Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography of the U.S.S.R.May, 1960
364CanadaBio-statistical data on salmon for the year 1959—Pacific Salmon of the U.S.S.RResearch Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography of the U.S.S.R.May, 1960
365CanadaPhysical and chemical data record—North Pacific surveys—Western Aleutians and Bering Sea, June 27 to August 14, 1958Pacific Oceanographic GroupMay, 1960
366CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station “Papa” January 1, 1957–January 24, 1958Pacific Oceanographic GroupMay, 1960
367CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station “P” July 9, 1958 to January 24, 1959Pacific Oceanographic GroupMay, 1960
373CanadaPhysical and chemical data record—North Pacific surveys—Continental Shelf and Gulf of Alaska, July 22 to August 16, 1958Pacific Oceanographic GroupJune, 1960
374CanadaPhysical and chemical data record—North Pacific Surveys—January 20 to February 15, 1959Pacific Oceanographic GroupJune, 1960
376CanadaOceanographic data record—North Pacific Survey January 12 to February 10, 1960A.J. Dodimead, K.B. Abbot-Smith, and H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1960
377CanadaData Record of Bathythermograms observed by Fisheries Research Board chartered fishing vessels—March–September, 1959J.I. Manzer and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupJune, 1960
378CanadaAtlas of Oceanographic Data— North Pacific Survey, January 12 to February 10, 1960A.J. DodimeadPacific Oceanographic GroupJune, 1960
379JapanRecapture data for salmon tagged by Japan (as of May 9, 1960)Fisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1960
382CommissionProgress report of the Working Party on the distribution of salmon, May 24 to July 20, 1960INPFCAugust, 1960
389SecretariatComments on the form and nature of reports submitted for 1959 by Canada and the United States under Articles III(1)(a) and X(2) of the ConventionR.I. JacksonSeptember, 1960
390U.S.North Pacific Tagging—1960 tagging totals by location, date and speciesFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1960
391CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1955N.P. FofonoffPacific Oceanographic GroupSeptember, 1960
392CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1956N.P. FofonoffPacific Oceanographic GroupSeptember, 1960
393CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1957N.P. FofonoffPacific Oceanographic GroupSeptember, 1960
394CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1958N.P. FofonoffPacific Oceanographic GroupSeptember, 1960
395U.S.Racial analysis of the offshore samples of red salmon by means of scalesK.H. MosherSeptember, 1960
396U.S.Intraspecific Differences in the Serum Antigens of red salmon demonstrated by immunochemical methodsG.J. Ridgway, G.W. Klontz, and C. MatsumotoSeptember, 1960
397U.S.Use of morphological differences in determining the area of origin of red salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)F.M. Fukuhara, S. Murai, J.J. Lalanne, and A. SribhibhadhBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1960
398 (Rev. 1)SecretariatProgress Report—Catch statistics for North Pacific SalmonH. KasaharaINPFCOctober, 1960
401 (Rev. 1)JapanDifferentiation of mature and immature chum and sockeye salmon in northern seas (Progress report)R. Ishida, K. Takagi, and S. AritaFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1961
402JapanSummary of investigations by research vessels in 1960Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1960
403JapanDistribution and intermingling of pink salmon in offshore watersT. IshidaHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1960
405CanadaScale characteristics of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in coastal areas and on the high seas of the North Pacific OceanS. Tanaka, M.P. Shepard, and T.H. BiltonFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1960
406CanadaProgress report on the oceanography of the North Pacific Ocean for 1960A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1960
407CanadaThe ocean distribution of sockeye salmon originating in Rivers and Smith InletsJ.I. Manzer, T.H. Bilton, and K.H. MosherOctober, 1960
408CanadaObservations of the vertical distribution of salmon in the northeast Pacific, 1960Ferris NeaveFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1960
409CanadaReport on the use of parasites to determine the continental origin of sockeye salmon taken on the high seas from May to August, 1959L. MargolisFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1960
410CanadaSalmon tagging by Canada in the Gulf of Alaska, 1960H. GodfreyFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1960
411JapanProgress report on king crab research in the eastern Bering Sea–1960I. TakeuchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1960
412U.S.Use of a discriminant function in the morphological separation of Asian and North American races of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum)M.H. Amos, R.E. Anas, and R.E. PearsonBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1960
413U.S.Ocean circulation in the vicinity of the Aleutian Islands, 1957R.J. CallawayBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1960
414U.S.Additional information regarding the United States salmon and halibut stocks—statistical summaryOctober, 1960
415U.S.Oceanographic conditions and salmon distribution south of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands, 1956F. Favorite and M.G. HanavanBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1960
416SecretariatInformation on sport catches of salmonSecretariatOctober, 1960
417U.S.Recovery and release data for 182 United States tags recovered by Japan in 1960, reported as of September 2, 1960University of WashingtonOctober, 1960
418 (Rev. 1)JapanRecovery and release data for 66 Japanese tags recovered by the United States in 1960 (through September 13)October, 1960
419 (Rev. 1)Japan1960 tagging information by research vessel Wakashio-maruFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1961
420U.S.Progress report of investigations by the United States during 1960Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1960
421U.S.Report of Rapporteur for Red SalmonF. CleaeverOctober, 1960
422U.S.Rapporteur’s report on chum salmonM.P. ShepardOctober, 1960
423U.S./CanadaOceanographic atlas of the Pacific Subarctic region—Summer, 1958A.J. Dodimead and F. FavoritePacific Oceanographic GroupOctober, 1960
426U.S.Location of mature Bristol Bay red salmon at sea before arrival in Bristol Bay in 1960B.F. JonesUniversity of WashingtonOctober, 1960
434CanadaAdditional information on North American halibut with reference to Articles III(1)(a) and IV of the International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean—Data on average weights, tag returns, growth and age compositionCanadian section of INPFCINPFCNovember, 1960
437U.S.Additional information on North American halibut with reference to Articles III(1)(a) and IV of the International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean—Data on average weights, tag returns, growth and age compositionU.S. Section of INPFCINPFCNovember, 1960
442CanadaOceanographic data record—North Pacific Surveys July 10 to September 6, 1960A.J. Dodimead, L.F. Giovando, R.H. Herlinveaux, R.K. Lane, and H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1960
444U.S.Bristol Bay sockeye salmon catch in numbers of fish by river systemDecember, 1960
445U.S.Tag serial numbers used in 1960 in United States high seas tagging operationsFisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonFebruary, 1961
446U.S.Release and recovery data for 28 U.S. tags recovered in the U.S.S.RFisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonMarch, 1961
447CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1959N.P. FofonoffPacific Oceanographic GroupMarch, 1961
448JapanRecapture data for salmon tagged by Japan in the North Pacific, as of December 12, 1960March, 1961
449JapanRelease and recapture data for 29 salmon tagged by Japan in the North Pacific and recovered by the U.S.S.RMarch, 1961
450U.S.Release and recovery data for 21 United States tags recovered on Hokkaido by Japan and 3 additional United States tags recovered by the U.S.S.R. in 1960Fisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonMarch, 1961
451U.S.Returns in 1960 for United States tagging experiments from 1957–1960, as of April 10, 1961Fisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonApril, 1961
452CanadaData record of oceanographic observations and bathythermograms observed in the northeast Pcific Ocean by Fisheries Research Board chartered fishing vessels—May to July, 1960Pacific Oceanographic GroupMay, 1961
453JapanRecapture data for salmon tagged by Japan in the Japan Sea, as of December 20, 1960May, 1961
454CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1960N.P. FofonoffPacific Oceanographic GroupApril, 1961
455Japan1960 tagging information by research vessel Takuyo-maruFisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1961
456U.S.Distribution of recoveries from 3,183 halibut tagged in the Bering Sea in 1956, by area and year of recoveryJune, 1961
457U.S.S.R.Statistical information on the coastal catch of far-eastern salmon by the Soviet Union for the year 1960VNIROJuly, 1961
458U.S.S.R.Bio-statistical data on salmon collected by the Soviet Union in 1960 by coastal areas and rivers of the Soviet Far-EastVNIROJuly, 1961
465RapporteurOrigins of high seas sockeye salmonF.C. CleaverSeptember, 1961
467RapporteurRapporteur’s report on coho and chinook salmon, 1961H. GodfreySeptember, 1961
468CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the northeast Pacific Ocean during 1961A.J. DodimeadSeptember, 1961
469CanadaData Record Ocean Weather Station “P” (Latitude 50°00’N, Longitude 145°00’W) December 9, 1959 to January 19, 1961S. Tabata, C.D. McAllister, R.L. Johnston, D.G. Robertson, J.H. Meike, and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupOctober, 1961
470CanadaProposed broadening of program of research on salmonCommittee on Biology and ResearchINPFCOctober, 1961
471CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon, herring and halibut stocks. I. Supplementary time-series data (1958-60). II. Distribhution of recoveries from halibut tagged in Bering Sea in 1956Canadian section of INPFCINPFCOctober, 1961
473CanadaSalmon tagging by Canada in the Gulf of Alaska, 1961F. NeaveFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1961
474RapporteurDistribution and racial origin of chum salmon on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.M.P. ShepardFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1961
475CanadaProgress report on Canadian studies on chum salmon scales for 1961T.H. Bilton and M.P. ShepardFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1961
476RapporteurDistribution and intermingling of pink salmon in offshore watersT. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1961
477JapanOutline of the study of the vertical distribution of salmon carried out in the northwest Pacific and the Bering Sea, 1961S. MachidoriFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1961
478JapanDifferences in scale characteristics of pink salmonOctober, 1961
479JapanCertain characteristics of the growth pattern of scales as a means of discriminating between sockeye salmon from various streams of Alaska and the Kamchatka PeninsulaM. OsekoHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1961
480JapanOutline of the progress in studies of salmonHokkaido Provincial Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1961
481JapanKing crab investigations in the eastern Bering Sea in 1961H. KurataOctober, 1961
482U.S.Progress report of investigations by the United States during 1961R. FrenchBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1961
483U.S.Release data for United States high seas tagging experiments in Aleutian and Gulf of Alaska areas, 1961High Seas Tagging StaffUniversity of WashingtonOctober, 1961
484JapanA study of the distribution of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) stocks of Asia and North America, based on age compositionT. YonemoriHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1961
485JapanProgress report on tagging experiments in 1961 and additional information on recoveries in 1960H. KondoHokkaido Provincial Fisheries Research StationOctober, 1961
486JapanOn the question of abstention for North American salmonFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1961
487JapanOn British Columbia herring stocksFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1961
488JapanScale characteristics of coho salmon spawning in various streams of the coast of the North PacificR. SatoOctober, 1961
489JapanRecoveries of U.S. tags by Japanese motherships, 1961—Report No. 1October, 1961
490JapanStudy of the origin of coho salmon found on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean by means of scale patternR. SatoOctober, 1961
492JapanOn the king crab stocks in the Bering SeaT. DoiOctober, 1961
493JapanOn Pacific halibutY. FukudaOctober, 1961
494JapanOutline of king crab investigations in the eastern Bering Sea in 1961Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1961
497JapanCatch statistics of the Japanese mothership king crab fishery in the eastern Bering SeaNovember, 1961
498U.S.Comments by the United States on INPFC Document 486 (Japan) entitled “On the question of abstention for North American salmon”November, 1961
499U.S.Additional information regarding the Unites States salmon and halibut stocks—Statistical Summary, October 11, 1961November, 1961
505JapanIncidental catches of halibut by the Japanese bottom fish fisheryNovember, 1961
506JapanOn the results of experimental fishing by the Japanese drag-netters in the waters south of the Alaska PeninsulaNovember, 1961
509CanadaOceanographic Data Record, North Pacific Surveys, May 16 to July 1, 1961A.J. Dodimead, F.M. Boyce, N.K. Chippindale, and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupNovember, 1961
510U.S.North Pacific And Bering Sea oceanography, 1959F. Favorite, R.J. Callaway, and J.F. HebardUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceNovember, 1961
512CanadaOceanographic data record, Ocean Weather Station “P”, January 18 to September 17, 1961S. Tabata, C.D. McAllister, J.A. Coombs, W. Atkinson, and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupNovember, 1961
513CanadaAssessment of temperature structure in the eastern Subarctic Pacific OceanJ.P. TullyPacific Oceanographic GroupJanuary, 1962
514JapanData on salmon tagging by Japan in the North Pacific in 1961 and data on recoveries in 1961 of salmon tagged by Japan in 1959, 1960 and 1961Fisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1962
515CanadaData relating to salmon tagged by Canadian research vessel Fort Ross, 1961Fisheries Research Board of CanadaFebruary, 1962
516U.S.S.R.Bio-statistical data on salmon collected by the Soviet Union in 1961 by coastal areas and rivers of the Soviet Far-EastVNIROMarch, 1962
517 (Rev. 1)U.S.S.R.Statistics of coastal catches of salmon by U.S.S.R in 1961, by fishing areasVNIROMarch, 1962
518JapanAdditional data on recoveries in 1961 of salmon tagged by Japan in 1959, 1960 and 1961, as of February 6, 1962Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1962
519U.S.Release and recovery data for 27 U.S. tags recovered in U.S.S.R. in 1961Fisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonApril, 1962
520JapanRecovery information for salmon tagged by the United States and recovered in Japanese coastal waters in 1961 (as of April 1, 1962)Fisheries Agency of JapanApril, 1962
521CanadaOceanic data record Ocean Weather “P”, September 12, 1961 to January 21, 1962S. Tabata, D.G. Robertson, W. Atkinson, and N.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupMay, 1962
526Canada & U.S.Summary report upon a trawl survey of the demersal fish stocks conducted by the International Pacific Halibut Commission between Unimak Pass and the eastern end of Kodiak Island, Alaska, from May 1961 to May 1962International Pacific Halibut CommissionJuly, 1962
527JapanExperimental fishing by Izumo-maru in the Gulf of Alaska. Interim report of the results of the first cruiseFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1962
528JapanHalibut data obtained by biological investigations during the winter operations of Chichibu-maruFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1962
529 (Rev. 1)U.S.A summary report on exploratory trawl fishing conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries in the Gulf of AlaskaJuly, 1962
536JapanFishing operations south of the Alaska Peninsula and trawl fisheries (since Nov. 1961). Information provided in partial fulfillment of a request by the United States National Section dated June 29, 1962Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1962
537JapanFishing operations in the eastern Bering Sea (1962). Information provided in partial fulfillment of a request by the Canadian National Section dated June 21, 1962Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1962
538JapanRecoveris by Japan of halibut tagged by the IPHC and Japan in the North Pacific and Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1962
543U.S.Tag serial list—1962 High Seas TaggingFisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonOctober, 1962
544U.S.Numbers of salmon caught and tagged, by location, date, and species—1962 High Seas TaggingFisheries Research InstituteUniversity of WashingtonOctober, 1962
545JapanRecovery information for Canadian and U.S. salmon tags recaptured by Japanese High Seas Salmon Fishery as of September 8, 1962Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1962
546Joint Reporting GroupReview of oceanography of the Subarctic Pacific regionA.J. Dodimead, F. Favorite and T. HiranoOctober, 1962
548JapanReport on the study of the vertical distribution of salmon carried out in 1962S. Machidori and S. OsakoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1962
553JapanExperimental fishing in the Gulf of Alaska by the Izumo-maruFisheries Agaency of JapanOctober, 1962
555CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the Subarctic Pacific region during 1962A.J. DodimeadPacific Oceanographic GroupOctober, 1962
556U.S.Utilization of Pacific halibut stocks: Estimation of maximum sustainable yield, 1960D.G. Chapman, R.J. Myhre, and G.M. SouthwardInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1962
557Canada and U.S.Average catches of halibut in pounds per unit effort of Canadian and United States vessels for each 60–mile section of the Pacific Coast from Cape Spencer (18) to Unimak Pass (35), not including waters of Bering Sea, by months, 1957 to 1961, inclusiveOctober, 1962
558Canada and U.S.Landings of halibut in 1000’s of pounds by Canadian and United States vessels from each 60-mile statistical area from Cape Spencer (18) to Umnak Island (37), not including waters of Bering Sea, by months, 1957 to 1961, inclusive.International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1962
559Canada and U.S.Locations of halibut fishing in 1961October, 1962
560Canada and U.S.Location of halibut fishing in November 1929 and of some known halibut spawning grounds west of Cape Spencer, AlaskaInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1962
561Canada and U.S.Distribution of 1961 United States and Canadian halibut catches from grounds west of Cape Spencer not including Bering Sea, and the catch of halibut under 65 centimeters in Round I of the 1961–1962 and of the 1962–1963 surveysInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1962
562Canada and U.S.Preliminary report upon the trawl survey being conducted between the eastern end of Kodiak Island and Cape Spencer, AlaskaInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1962
563CanadaHigh-seas salmon fishing by Canadian vessels in 1962F. Neave, J.I. Manzer, H. Godfrey, and R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1962
564CanadaProgress report on Canadian Sstudies on chum salmon scales for 1962T.H. Bilton and M.P. ShepardFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1962
565CanadaNumbers of salmon tagged by Canada in 1962, by location and date, October, 1962Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1962
566CanadaCanadian tagging in the Gulf of Alaska, 1962. List of recoveries as received to date, October 10, 1962H. GodfreyFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1962
568U.S.Report of the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1962U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1962
569U.S.Direction of movement of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as indicated by surface gill net catches, 1959–60R.C. JohnsenU.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1962
572U.S.North Pacific oceanography, February–April, 1962F. Favorite, Betty-Ann Morse, A.H. Haselwood, and R.A. Preston, Jr.U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesNovember, 1962
573CanadaFurther information on the qualification of Canadian herring stocks for abstention under Article IV 1 (b)(i)Fisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1962
574, 574ACanadaNorth American halibut stocks: Additional information bearing on questions raised at the 1961 Annual Meeting/Calculated number of units of gear in thousands fished by United States and Canadian vessels by 60-mile statistical sections 4 to 41 and in southeastern Bering Sea, 1956 to 1961 inclusiveINPFC/International Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1962
575U.S.North American halibut stocks: Additional information bearing on questions raised at the 1961 Annual MeetingInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1962
576U.S.Additional information regarding the Unites States salmon and halibut stocks. Statistical Summary, October 26, 1962International Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1962
577CommissionReport of the meeting of groundfish scientists to discuss the distribution of halibut in the northeastern Pacific OceanInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1962
589CanadaOceanographic data record, North Pacific survey, May 23 to July 5, 1962A.J. Dodimead, F.W. Dobson, N.K. Chippindale, and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupNovember, 1962
590CanadaOceanographic data record Ocean Weather Station “P”, January 17 to August 5, 1962S. Tabata, C.D. McAllister, J.H. Meikle, and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupNovember, 1962
591CanadaCanadian drift bottle releases and recoveries in the North Pacific OceanA.J. Dodimead and H.J. HollisterPacific Oceanographic GroupNovember, 1962
593CanadaOsteological studies on Pacific salmon of the genus OncorhynchusV.D. VladykovFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1962
597CanadaRecoveries recorded subsequent to those listed in INPFC Doc. 566—from Canadian tagging in the Gulf of Alaska, 1962Fisheries Research Board of CanadaApril, 1963
598Joint Reporting GroupCoho salmon in offshore watersH. GodfreyFisheries Research Board of CanadaApril, 1963
600CanadaU.S.S.R recoveries recorded subsequent to those listed in INPFC Documents 566 and 597—Canadian tagging in the Gulf of Alaska, 1962April, 1963
602U.S.Additional information on Alaskan salmonINPFCMay, 1963
603U.S.North Pacific and Bering Sea Oceanography, 1960 and 1961B.-A. MorseBureau of Commercial FisheriesMay, 1963
604CanadaThe seasonal thermocline at Ocean Weather Station “P” during 1956 through 1959S. Tabata and L.F. GiovandoPacific Oceanographic GroupJune, 1963
606U.S.Off-Bottom trawling experimentsJuly, 1963
612—Supplement. 1CanadaSupplement No. 1 to Document 612—Comparison of size composition of halibut in trawl catches and setline catches made in 1962 from various parts of the survey areaAugust, 1963
613CanadaMiscellaneous items of information concerning the North American halibut fishery and techniques of researchINPFCSeptember, 1963
614CanadaInformation on the numbers of undersized halibut and amounts of other species caught and discarded by Canadian and United States setline vessels in the Gulf of AlaskaSeptember, 1963
615CanadaReport of the Canadian observer aboard the Japanese trawler Akebono-maru No. 51, May 22–30, 1963September, 1963
616Joint Reporting GroupA review of the biological information on masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou)Shoichi TanakaJune, 1963
619 (Rev. 1)JapanRecoveries by Japan in 1963 from United States and Canadian high seas taggingOctober, 1963
620CanadaHigh-seas salmon fishing and tagging by Canadian vessels in 1963F. Neave, J.I. Manzer, H. Godfrey, and R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1963
621CanadaList of recoveries as received to date, October 11, 1963—Canadian tagging in the Gulf of Alaska, 1963Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1963
623CanadaOcean Weather Station “P”, North Pacific OceanPacific Oceanographic GroupOctober, 1963
629JapanFork length of halibut aboard mothershipsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1963
630JapanAdditional information for “Biological information on the condition of sockeye salmon stocks in East Kamchatka (I)”N. Hanamura, S. Oseko, S. Ito, and M. InazawaHokkaido Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1963
631JapanBottomfish research in 1963 in the northern part of the North Pacific Ocean by Izumo-maru (Progress Report)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1963
632JapanRelease information for tags of bottomfishFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1963
633U.S.Report of the U.S. observer aboard the Japanese factory-trawler Akebono-maru No. 51—January 28 through March 6, 1963S. Murai and D.L. AlversonOctober, 1963
634U.S.Report of the U.S. observer aboard the side trawler Tenryu-maru—May 12 through June 16, 1963S. Murai and D.L. AlversonINPFCOctober, 1963
635CanadaReport on trawling operations of the Candian research vessel G.B. Reed in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from July 2 to August 5, 1963INPFCOctober, 1963
637JapanBiological research program for bottomfish fisheries in the northern North Pacific for 1964Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1963
638JapanReport on bottomfish research along the B.C. coast and in the Gulf of Alaska by the Canadian research vessels, G.B. ReedK. Tatara and H. ShimamuraTokai Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryNovember, 1963
639JapanReport on the winter operations in the Gulf of Alaska, January to March 1963, Akebono-maru No. 51T. MaruyamaFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1963
640JapanReport on the experimental fishing operations in the Gulf of Alaska, Akebono-maru No. 51H. ShimamuraFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1963
641JapanReport on the trawling operations in the Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1963
642JapanDaily catch record of halibut in the quota areaFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1963
648CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the eastern Subarctic Pacific Region during 1963A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1963
649U.S.Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1963U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesNovember, 1963
650JapanStudy on the rate of reduction in the processing of halibutFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1963
651U.S.Report of the U.S. observer aboard the Japanese sunken Gillnet Vessel Seiju-maru #3—April 23 through June 30, 1963G.K. Tanonaka and D.L. AlversonINPFCNovember, 1963
652U.S.Preliminary report on the July–August 1963 operations of the Tenryu-maru in the Gulf of AlaskaP.L. MacnairBureau of Commercial FisheriesNovember, 1963
653JapanLongline gear used by the Japanese North Pacific bottomfish fleetFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1963
654U.S.Additional information regarding the United States salmon and halibut stocks—statistical summaryNovember, 1963
656U.S.Tag serial numbers used in United States high seas tagging experiments in 1963Bureau of Commercial FisheriesNovember, 1963
657U.S.Numbers of salmon caught and tagged by location, date and species, 1963Fisheries Research InstituteNovember, 1963
658U.S. and CanadaProjected winter fishing and tagging operations, Bering Sea and adjacent areas, November 1963 to February 1964International Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1963
659U.S. and CanadaResearch vessel operations in Bering Sea—April to August, 1963International Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1963
660U.S. and CanadaStatistics of catch, fishing, tagging and size and age composition from the Canadian and United States fishery in Bering Sea, Tables 1–10International Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1963
663CanadaReport of the Canadian Section on procedures followed to enforce the Commission’s conservation measures for the eastern Bering Sea halibut fisheryNovember, 1963
667CanadaAdditional information on Canadian herring stocks with reference to Articles III 1 (a) of the International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean. Occurance of young, immature herring in British Columbia watersINPFCNovember, 1963
674U.S. and CanadaEstimates of fishing mortality for halibut in eastern Bering SeaInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1963
682JapanRecoveries by the U.S.S.R. of tags applied by Japan in the North Pacific Ocean and in the Sea of Japan (information submitted to the INPFC Secretariat on Nov. 14, 1963)December, 1963
684CanadaReport on trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off Kodiak Island from August 20 to Sept. 22, 1963INPFCJanuary, 1964
686U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R coastal salmon catch statistics for 1962VNIROMarch, 1964
687JapanRelease and recovery data for bottomfish tagged and recovered by JapanFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1964
691JapanRecords of operations in the Gulf of Alaska. Data from Seiju-maru, Taiyo-maru, and Taiyo-maru No. 71Fisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1964
704CanadaReport on trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed from Chiriikof Island to Unalaska Island, July 27–August 22, 1964INPFCOctober, 1964
707JapanReview of the mothership bottomfisheries operations in the Bering Sea in 1963, based on catch statisticsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
708JapanDescription of longline gear and its catches in the mothership bottomfisheries in the North Pacific and Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
709JapanResults of a joint operation to compare the efficiency of Japanese and North American logline gearFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
710JapanA comparison of results of IPHC and Japanese age determinations on halibut by means of otoliths and estimates of age and growth of northwestern Bering Sea halibut based on these resultsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
711JapanGeneral review of the Japanese halibut fishery in the triangle quota area, 1964Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
712JapanPlans for biological research on North Pacific bottomfish—1965Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
713Canada and U.S.Investigation, utilization and regulation of the halibut in southeastern Bering SeaH.A. Dunlop, F.H. Bell, R.J. Myhre, W.H. Hardman, and G.M. SouthwardOctober, 1964
714U.S.Report of the U.S. observer aboard the side trawler Tenryu-maru—May 1 through June 6, 1964G. KudoOctober, 1964
715U.S.Report of the U.S. observer aboard the side trawler Taiyo-maru April 28 through September 3, 1963G. KudoOctober, 1964
716U.S.Additional statistics for certain Alaskan salmon fisheries, 1959–1961D. PowerBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1964
717CanadaObservations of seawater temperature and salinity on the Pacific Coast of Canada, Volume XXIII—1963Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
718CanadaData Record of Bathythermograms observed in the Northeast Pacific Ocean during the Gulf of Alaska salmon tagging program, April to June, 1963Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
719CanadaAn estimate of the scale-length of internal waves in the seasonal thermocline near Ocean Station “P”R.H. LoucksFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
720CanadaData Record—A preliminary checklist of some marine plankton from the northeastern Pacific OceanR.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
721CanadaData Record—Collections of fish taken in Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl from northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1958-59R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
722CanadaMidwater trawl salmon catches in northern Hecate Strait, November, 1963R.J. LeBrasseur and W. BarnerFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
723CanadaClassification of monthly mean sea surface temperatures and salinities at shore stations along the British Columbia and adjacent American coasts, 1915–1962H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
724CanadaData Record—Productivity measurements in the northeast Pacific with associated chemical and physical data, 1958–1964K. StephensFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
725CanadaData Record–Ocean Weather Station “P”, North Pacific OceanCanadian Oceanographic Data CentreOctober, 1964
726CanadaData Record—Ocean Weather Center Station “P”, North Pacific OceanCanadian Oceanographic Data CentreOctober, 1964
727U.S.A report on the operations of the Taiyo-maru #81, Japanese stern trawler, in the Gulf of Alaska, April 6 through April 20, 1964J. NishimotoBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1964
728U.S.A report on trawling operations of the Taiyo-maru #81 in the Gulf of Alaska, July 9–19, 1964D. CunninghamOctober, 1964
729U.S.Daily landing (excluding halibut) of the Taiyo-maru #77, August 21-September 9, 1964, and number and weight of halibut caught (i.e., two tables)R. SakaiOctober, 1964
730JapanDaily catch record of halibut in the quota area in the Bering Sea, as of September 20,1964Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
735JapanRelease and recovery information on bottomfish tagging experiments in the North Pacific and Bering Sea in 1964Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
739CanadaTags recovered from Canadian tagging in the Gulf of Alaska in 1964, and other recoveries received to October 15, 1964Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
740JapanJapanese groundfish statistics (including Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska) for 1963Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
741JapanJapanese groundfish statistics (including Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska) for 1964 (up to June)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
742JapanSize composition of groundfish in Japanese catches in Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, by species, for 1963Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1964
743Canada and U.S.Statistics of catch, fishing and size and age composition from the Canadian and United States fishery in Bering Sea (Tables 1-7, and Supplement to Table 3)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1964
744Canada and U.S.Information on recoveries in 1964 of halibut tagged in Bering Sea from 1956 to dateInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1964
745Canada and U.S.Summary of halibut tagging experiments conducted in Bering Sea from 1956 to September 1964International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1964
746Canada and U.S.Results of fishing by the International Pacific Halibut Commission research vessel Pacific during parallel setline fishing operations with the Izumo-maru in July 1964International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1964
747CanadaDistribution and relative abundance of pink salmon in offshore waters, with special reference to the stocks of Central British ColumbiaF. Neave, M.P. Shepard, J.I. Manzer, and H.T. BiltonOctober, 1964
748CanadaWinter distribution of salmon in the northeast Pacific Ocean, January 7 to February 7, 1964, with some reference to oceanographic conditionsJ.I. Manzer and A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1964
749U.S.Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1964Bureau of Commercial FisheriesNovember, 1964
751U.S.Tag serial numbers used in United States high seas tagging experiments in 1964University of WashingtonNovember, 1964
752U.S.Numbers of salmon caught and tagged by location, date and species, 1964Fisheries Research InstituteNovember, 1964
754JapanTag recovery records—U.S. tagged fish caight by the Japanese fisheries in 1964 (up to October 31)Fisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1964
758JapanOn standardization of gillnets for research useFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1964
760JapanAdditional information on catches and age composition of catches of coho and chinook salmon in the Japanese high seas fishery and on the Soviet coastsFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1964
761JapanOn yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) on the Bering Sea FlatsFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1964
762JapanJapanese proposal with regard to use of the North Pacific standard plankton netFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1964
779U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R. coastal salmon catch statistics for 1963VNIROJune, 1965
785CanadaReport on trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed in the Kodiak Island and Yakutat areas of the Gulf of Alaska from February 14 to February 28, 1965INPFCSeptember, 1965
793CanadaTags recovered from Canadian tagging in the Gulf of Alaska, 1965, and recoveries from previous Canadian taggings received subsequent to those reported in INPFC Doc. 739Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
796JapanRecovery record of salmon tagged by Canada and recovered by Japan—1965Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
797JapanRecovery record of salmon tagged by the United States and recovered by Japan—1965 (from March 1 to Sept. 30)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
798JapanOn the structure and variation trend of water temperature near the western extremity of the Alaska StreamK. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
799JapanOutline of sea conditions in northern waters, June–July 1965 (preliminary report mainly based on water temperature reports)K. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
800JapanDesign of a salmon gillnet for the purpose of standardization and its catch results (interim report)T. Ishida, J. Ito, and M. OsakoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
802JapanEcological aspect of immature sockeye salmon in southern waters of Attu Island (in relation to the vertical distribution of food organisms)T. Suzuki and J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
807JapanOutline of Japanese fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (1964 and 1965)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
808JapanOutline of Japanese fisheries in the Bering Sea (1964 and 1965)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
809JapanData on western Bering Sea halibutY. Fukuda and Y. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
810JapanCondition of the king crab stocks in the eastern Bering SeaK. Niwa, H. Fujita, and K. TakeshitaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
812JapanRelation between catch and type of longline gear in the Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
813JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and Bering Sea, in 1966Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1965
814CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the eastern Subarctic Pacific Region during 1965A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
815CanadaResults of salmon longline fishing surveys in the Gulf of Alaska in 1965Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
817CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed from Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia, to Cape Spencer, Alaska—August 23 to September 7, 1965INPFCOctober, 1965
818U.S.Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1965U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1965
819U.S. and CanadaInformation requested of the International Pacific Halibut Commission by the Sub-Committee on Bering Sea Groundfish (INPFC Document 759, Appendix 6)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
820U.S. and CanadaSummary of field activities conducted during 1965—International Pacific Halibut CommissionInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
821U.S. and CanadaSummary of Bering Sea halibut tagging and recovery since September 1964International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
822U.S. and CanadaPreliminary results of tagging conducted in Bering Sea and between Shumagin Islands and Unimak Pass in the winter of 1963–64R.J. MyhreInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
823U.S. and CanadaStatistics of catch, fishing and size and age composition from the Canadian and United States fishery in Bering Sea—Tables 1–8International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
824U.S. and CanadaCatch data taken during recruitment studies in the Gulf of Alaska, July–August 1965International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
827U.S.Tag serial numbers used in United States high seas tagging experiments in 1965Fisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1965
828U.S.Numbers of salmon caught and tagged by location, date, and species, 1965Fisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1965
830U.S.Size distribution of halibut sampled by United States observers aboard Japanese trawlers in the Gulf of Alaska, 1964 and 1965U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1965
831U.S.Summary of catch information recorded by United States observers aboard Japanese trawlers in the Gulf of Alaska, 1964 and 1965U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1965
832U.S.Cruise reports by United States observers aboard Japanese trawlers in the Gulf of Alaska, August 1964 to October 9, 1965Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1965
834CanadaOcean Weather Station “P”, North Pacific Ocean, May 16 to August 12, 1964Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
835CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station “P”, North Pacific Ocean, August 7 to October 31, 1964Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
836CanadaGraphs of seawater temperature and salinity observations at British Columbia coastal station, 1964H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
837CanadaOceanographic atlas of the Subarctic Pacific Region, Summer 1961A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
838CanadaOceanographic Atlas of Ocean Weather Station “Papa”, 1956–1963D.G. Robertson, J. Wong, A.R. Stanley-Jones, and H. WilkeFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
839CanadaA general description of some factors governing primary production in the Strait of Georgia, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound, and the N.E. Pacific OceanT.R. ParsonsFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1965
842U.S. and CanadaSize and age compositions of the Japanese and North American halibut catches in southeastern Bering Sea in 1963 and 1964W.H. HardmanInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1965
857CanadaGraphs of seawater temperature and salinity observations at British Columbia coastal stations, 1963H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1965
864CanadaBiomass atlas of net zooplankton in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1956–1964R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1966
865CanadaSeasonal and annual variations of net zooplanktonat Ocean Station P, 1956–1964R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1966
866CanadaA report on bathythermograph observations at the Swiftsure Bank and Umatilla Reef lightship stations, 1954–1961H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1966
867CanadaData record—Primary production data from the N.E. Pacific Ocean, January 1964 to December 1965K. StephensFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1966
868CanadaStomach contents of salmonids caught in the northeastern Pacific Ocean—1958R.J. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1966
869CanadaData Record—Ocean Weather Station “P” North Pacific Ocean, October 31, 1964, to January 26, 1965Fisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1966
870U.S.The distribution of mature western Alaskan and Kamchatkan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaB.J. Landrum and T.A. DarkBureau of Commercial FisheriesMay, 1966
871U.S.Movement and recovery of tagged king crabs in the eastern Bering Sea, 1955–63R.R. Simpson and H.H. ShippenBureau of Commercial FisheriesJuly, 1966
875CommissionComments on the form and nature of the reports submitted by Canada and the United States in 1966 under Articles III(1)(c)(iii) and X(2) of the ConventionW.G. Van CampenOctober, 1966
876U.S.Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1966Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1966
879Japan1965 mothership bottomfish fishery statistics (lengths, catches, water temperatures) Bering Sea and Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
881JapanOutline of the Japanese bottomfish fisheries in the Bering Sea for 1965Tokai Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1966
882JapanPlans for bottomfish research in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea in 1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
883JapanOutline of the Japanese bottomfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska from 1965Tokai Regional Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1966
885JapanOutline of Japanese high seas salmon research in 1966Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
888JapanOutline of Japanese salmon tagging on the high seas in 1966Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
890JapanCondition of the king crab stocks in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
893JapanReport on biological research of groundfish in Bering Sea by Kawachi-maru, 1966Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
894JapanRelease and recovery information on groundfish tagging experiments in Bering Sea and Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
896JapanOn the several characteristics of the sea temperature distribution around the North Pacific Polar Front and in the waters of the Alaska CurrentK. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
897JapanOn the long-term fluctuation of the vertical distribution of temperature in the western subarctic watersK. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
898JapanOutline of sea conditions in the northern waters, May–July 1966 (preliminary report mainly based on the water temperature reports)K. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
899Japan1966 Mothership-type trawl fishery (Bering Sea)October, 1966
900Japan1966 Mothership-type trawl fishery (Gulf of Alaska)October, 1966
901CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the eastern Subarctic Pacific region during 1966A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1966
902CanadaResults of salmon longline fishing surveys in the Gulf of Alaska in 1966Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1966
903CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed from Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia to Sitka Sound, Alaska, August 24 to September 15, 1966S.J. WestrheimINPFCOctober, 1966
904CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, January 23, 1965, to April 19, 1965Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreOctober, 1966
905CanadaFofonoff computations of Ekman transport for the northeast Pacific Ocean, 1965W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1966
906CanadaSeawater temperature and salinity observations at British Columbia coastal stations in 1965H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1966
907CanadaCharacteristics of the surface layer in the northeast Pacific OceanL.F. Giovando and M.K. RobinsonFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1966
908U.S.Additional information regarding the United States salmon and halibut stocks—statistical summary, September 26, 1966October, 1966
909U.S.Variations in biomass of eastern Bering Sea king crabs, based on tagging estimates of growth and mortalityG. HirschhornBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1966
910U.S.Trip Summaries by observers, 1966October, 1966
914U.S. and CanadaField research plans for 1967International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
915U.S. and CanadaSummary of field activities conducted during 1966I.R. McGregorInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
916U.S. and CanadaComparison of Japanese and U.S. Data on the incidental take of halibut by Japanese stern trawlers in the Gulf of Alaska during 1964J.C. QuastBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1966
918U.S. and CanadaStatistics of catch, fishing and size and age composition from the Canadian and Unites States fishery in Bering Sea—Tables 1–7International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
919U.S. and CanadaSummery of Bering Sea halibut tagging and recovery since September 1965R.J. MyhreInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
920U.S. and CanadaComparison of selectivity and effectiveness of Japanese and North American longline fishing gearG.J. PeltonenInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
921U.S. and CanadaObservations on the distribution, age composition and size of population of young halibut in southeastern Bering SeaF.H. Bell and E.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
922U.S.Relationships between salmon distribution and environment in the central North Pacific Ocean during autumn 1965W.J. IngrahamInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1966
925JapanCatch statistics of the Japanese bottomfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska in 1963 and 1964Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1966
926U.S.Age, sex and size composition of Arctic and sub-Arctic Alaska stocks of chum and sockeye salmonR.I. Regnart, P. Fridgen, and M. GeigerAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1966
927U.S. and CanadaThe halibut fishery south of Willapa Bay, WashingtonF.H. Bell and R.J. MyhreInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1966
928U.S. and CanadaThe halibut fishery, Shumagin Islands and westward not including Bering SeaF.H. BellInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionNovember, 1966
929JapanKing crab catch data by Japanese research vessel No. 2 Kumamoto Maru in the eastern Bering Sea, 1965 and 1966Fisheries Agency of JapanNovember,1966
930JapanJapanese king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea—statistics by period and regionFisheries Agency of JapanNovember, 1966
942Joint Reporting GroupSalmon of the North Pacific Ocean—Part VIII. Chum salmon in offshore waters.M.P. ShepardFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1966
943CanadaStomach contents of salmonids caught in the northeastern Pacific Ocean—1956 & 1957R.J. LeBrasseur and D.A. DoidgeFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1966
944CanadaStomach contents of salmonids caught in the northeastern Pacific Ocean—1959 & 1960R.J. LeBrasseur and D.A. DoidgeFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1966
945CanadaStomach contents of salmonids caught in the northeastern Pacific Ocean—1962R.J. LeBrasseur and D.A. DoidgeFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1966
946CanadaStomach contents of salmonids caught in the northeastern Pacific Ocean—1963 & 1964R.J. LeBrasseur and D.A. DoidgeFisheries Research Board of CanadaNovember, 1966
947CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, April 17 to June 3, 1965Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreJanuary, 1967
948CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, July 2 to September 22, 1965Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreJanuary, 1967
950U.S. and CanadaHalibut catch and fishing effort of the North American halibut fleet in 1966 for major statistical areas of the Gulf of AlaskaINPFCApril, 1967
951U.S. and CanadaSize composition studies of halibut taken in the North American halibut fishery in 1966INPFCApril, 1967
953CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, May–December 1962W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
954CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1963W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
955CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1964W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
956CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1965W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
957CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1946W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
958CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1947W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
959CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1948W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
960CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1949W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
961CanadaObservations of seawater temperature and salinity at British Columbia coastal stations in 1964 and 1965H.J. HollisterFisheries Research Board of CanadaMay, 1967
966U.S.S.RU.S.S.R catch and biostatistical data—1964VNIROJuly, 1967
967U.S.S.RU.S.S.R catch and biostatistical data—1965VNIROJuly, 1967
969JapanThe salmon gillnet mesh selectivity curveT. IshidaAugust, 1967
973U.S.Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1967U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1967
979JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations on the high seas, 1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
982JapanSummary of Japanese high seas salmon tagging in 1967 and additional information on tagging experiments before 1966Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
983JapanPreliminary review on the dropout and injuries by salmon gillnetT. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
984JapanOn the characters of temperature structures in the Western Subarctic Region (from April through August 1967; preliminary report based on water temperature data)S. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
985JapanOceanographic structure near the western terminus of the Alaskan StreamS. KitanoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
986JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1966K. TataraFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
987JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Gulf of Alaska, 1966K. TataraFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
988JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaO. Kibezaki and Y. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
989JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and Bering Sea, in 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
990JapanReport on biological research on groundfish in the Bering Sea by the Nisshin Maru No. 51 in 1967S. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
991JapanRelease data on the tagging experiment on groundfish in the Bering Sea by the Nisshin Maru No. 51 in 1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
992JapanTagging records of halibut (releases in 1964 and 1965 by Japanese observer aboard IPHC research vessel)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
993CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off Vancouver Island, British Columbia, February 1 to April 24, 1967S.J. WestrheimINPFCOctober, 1967
994CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska, September 6–October 4, 1967S.J. WestrheimINPFCOctober, 1967
995CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon, herring and halibut stocks. Supplementary time-series data (1965–66)INPFCOctober, 1967
996CanadaReport on the British Columbia herring fishery, 1955–56 to 1966–67F.H.C. TaylorFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1967
997CanadaRecent information on salmon stocks in British ColumbiaW.E. Ricker and J.I. ManzerOctober, 1967
998CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the eastern Subarctic Pacific Region during 1967A.J. DodimeadOctober, 1967
999CanadaWinter oceanographic conditions in the central Subarctic PacificA.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1967
1000CanadaResults of salmon longline fishing surveys in the Gulf of Alaska in 1966–1967M.P. Shepard, C.E. Turner, K.V. Aro, and L.W. BarnerFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1967
1001U.S. and CanadaSize, age and sex composition data for North American setline halibut catches in Bering Sea in 1965, 1966, and 1967IPHCOctober, 1967
1002U.S. and CanadaSummary of Bering Sea halibut tagging and recovery since October 1966IPHCOctober, 1967
1003U.S. and CanadaSummary of field activities conducted during 1967IPHCOctober, 1967
1004U.S. and CanadaResearch vessel operations for 1968IPHCOctober, 1967
1005U.S. and CanadaCatch statistics for the North American halibut fishery in Bering Sea in 1967 and earlier yearsIPHCOctober, 1967
1009JapanOn the salinity structure in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
1010JapanReport on king crab research in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1011U.S.Additional information regarding the United States salmon and halibut stocks—statistical summary, September 25, 1967October, 1968
1013U.S.Additional data on U.S. tagging and sampling—1967Fisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1967
1015JapanOn the northeastern Pacific halibutFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
1016JapanPreliminary catch statistics of Japanese mothership bottomfish fisheries in the Bering Sea for 1967 (up to August)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
1017U.S.Cruise reports of U.S. observers aboard Japanese stern trawlers in the Gulf of Alaska during 1967October, 1967
1018JapanTonnage of the vessels and specification of groundfish trawl nets used by Japanese fleet in the Gulf of Alaksa, 1966October, 1967
1023JapanResults of fisheries oceanographical observation in mothership salmon fishing ground, 1966 and 1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1967
1024JapanPreliminary catch statistics of the Japanese trawlers operating in the Gulf of Alaska east of 135°W, 1966November, 1967
1031U.S.Northern Alaska salmon dataNovember, 1967
1035U.S.United States king crab catch in the eastern Bering Sea west of longitude 160°00′ west and seaward of the United States territorial sea by degree of longitude and month, for 1967January, 1968
1038JapanJapanese king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea, 1966–1967. Statistics by period and region.Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1968
1039JapanInterim measures taken with respect to the eastern Bering Sea king crab resources under the bilateral arrangement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of AmericaFebruary, 1968
1040U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and Japan—king crab fisheries (Treaties and other International Acts Series 5688)February, 1968
1041U.S.Agreement of November 29, 1966, between the United States of America and Japan—king crab fisheries (Treaties and Other International Acts Series 6155)February, 1968
1042U.S.Agreement of February 5, 1965, between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—king crab fisheries (Treaties and Other International Acts Series 5752)February, 1968
1043U.S.Agreement of February 13, 1967, between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—kin crab fisheries (Treaties and Other International Acts Series 6217)February, 1968
1045JapanCarapace length frequency distributions of king crabs (commercial males) caught in the eastern Bering Sea in 1967March, 1968
1046U.S.Comparison of catches of Pacific salmon by gillnets, purse seines, and longlinesR.R. FrenchMarch, 1968
1047U.S.Direction of movement of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska as indicated by surface gillnet catches, 1962–65J.R. DunnBureau of Commercial FisheriesMarch, 1968
1048CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, September 17–December 15, 1965Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreApril, 1968
1049CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, December 11, 1965 to March 9, 1966Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreApril, 1968
1050CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, March 3 to June 2, 1966Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreApril, 1968
1051CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, May 27 to August 10, 1966Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreApril, 1968
1052CanadaData record—Ocean Weather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, August 5 to October 31, 1966Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreApril, 1968
1053CanadaData record—Primary production data from the northeast Pacific Ocean, January 1966 to December 1967K. StephensFisheries Research Board of CanadaApril, 1968
1054JapanRelease and recovery information for five Japanese king crab tags recovered by the United StatesMarch, 1968
1060CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean—1967W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1968
1061CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean—1967W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1968
1062CanadaTemperatures and salinities of the northeast Pacific Ocean during 1965 and 1966 with appendix—data record of bathythermograms April–August, 1965 and 1966A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1968
1063CanadaCanadian high seas salmon catches in 1967K.V. Aro, C.E. Turner, and L.W. BarnerFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1968
1064CanadaFofonoff transport computations for the North Pacific Ocean, 1966W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1968
1072CanadaAtlas of salmon catches made by longlines in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, 1961 to 1967C.E. Turner and K.V. AroFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1073U.S.North American catch of haibut in thousands of net weight pounds and fishing effort in thousands of skates in 1966 by month and by IPHC 60-mile statistical areas and INPFC sub-areas from the Washington Coast to and including the Aleutian IslandsSeptember, 1968
1074CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off Vancouver Island, British Columbia, April 2 to June 11, 1968S.J. WestrheimFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1075CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocea, 1946–1949W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1076CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean, 1950–1952W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1077CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean, 1953–1955W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1078CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean, 1956–1958W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1079CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean, 1959–1962W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1080CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean, 1963–1966W.P. Wickett, J.A.C. Thomson, and L.V. PienaarFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1081CanadaOceanographic conditions in the Central Subarctic Pacific Region, winter 1966A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1968
1082CanadaData record—Ocean Wheather Station ‘P’, North Pacific Ocean, April 7 to July 6, 1967Canadian Oceanographic Data CentreSeptember, 1968
1083U.S.Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1968U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1968
1085JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1086JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Gulf of Alaska, 1967Y. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1087JapanReport on biological research on groundfish in the Bering Sea by the Chosui-maru, 1968H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1088JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1089JapanRelease and recovery information on groundfish tagging experiments in the Bering Sea and in the Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1090JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1968 (and in September–October 1967)—I. Catch dataFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1091JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1968 (and in September–October 1967)—II. Data of oceanographical observationsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1092JapanData records and summary of Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1968 (and in September 1967), and additional information before 1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1093JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations on the high seas, autumn of 1967 to summer of 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1094JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions in the northwestern Pacific Ocean from spring to summer, 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1101U.S.Additional data on U.S. tagging and sampling—1968A.C. Hartt, M.B. Dell, and L.S. SmithFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1968
1105JapanIncidentally caught halibut by the operation of Japanese stern trawlers in the northeastern Pacific OceanO. Kibezaki and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1106JapanResults of fisheries oceanographical observation in mothership salmon fishing ground, 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1107JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese trawl fishery operated in the Gulf of Alaska in 1967October, 1968
1108JapanCatch statistics of halibut by the Japanese mothership fishery in the Bering Sea, 1958–1967Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1109JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and Bering Sea in 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1110JapanDistribution of Pacific salmon on the central subarctic and the neighbouring waters in April and May, 1967J. ItoFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1968
1111 (Rev. 1)JapanResearch on king crab in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanDecember, 1968
1112JapanAdditional data on recoveries in 1968 of salmon released by Japan (supplemental to data in INPFC Doc. 1092—Table 3)October, 1968
1113JapanPreliminary catch statistics of the Japanese mothership groundfish fisheries and deep sea trawl fishery in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean—Jan.–Aug. 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1968
1114JapanAdditional release and recovery information for Japanese groundfish tags—supplemental to data in INPFC Document 1089October, 1968
1115U.S.Additional information regarding the United States salmon and halibut stocks—statistical summaryOctober, 1968
1116CanadaTag returns subsequent to those reported in INPFC Doc. No. 975—Canadian high seas taggingFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1968
1118CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the eastern subarctic Pacific region during 1968A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1968
1119U.S.Estimated incidental catch of Pacific halibut > 65 cm by the Japanese stern trawler fishery, Gulf of Alaska, 1964–66U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1968
1121U.S.Cruise summaries for U.S. observers 1968 (through September)U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1968
1123U.S.Analysis of data on viability of Pacific halibut, Gulf of Alaska, 1968U.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1968
1124U.S. and CanadaInformation requested of IPHC on the halibut and the halibut fishery of the Gulf of AlaskaInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1968
1125U.S. and CanadaIPHC field activities in 1968 and plans for 1969International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1968
1126U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut and the halibut fishery in Bering Sea requested of the IPHCInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1968
1130U.S.Results of salmon longline fishing surveys in the Gulf of Alaska in 1968James MauneyAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1968
1131U.S.U.S. king crab research progress report—1968David T. Hoopes and Joseph W. GreenoughU.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1968
1132U.S.Data requirements of U.S. southeastern Bering Sea king crab programJoseph W. GreenoughU.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1968
1133U.S. and CanadaAdditional information regarding halibut of the northeastern Pacific Ocean requested of Canada and the United StatesInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1968
1134U.S.Information on recent changes in the salmon fisheries of Alaska and the condition of the stocksR.A. Fredin, S. Pennoyer, K.R. Middleton, R.S. Roys, S.C. Smedley, and A.S. DavisOctober, 1968
1135U.S.Status of commercial and subsistence salmon fisheries in the western Alaska region from Cape Newenham to Cape Prince of WalesR.I. Regnart and M.F. GeigerOctober, 1968
1144 (Rev. 1)U.S.Release and recovery information for thirteen Japanese king crab tags recovered by the United States in 1968September, 1969
1145U.S.Trawl sampling station positions—1968: U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bering Sea king crab study (USBCF research vessels John R. Manning and Miller Freeman)February, 1969
1146U.S.Oceanographic data, spring and fall—1968: U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bering Sea king crab study (USBCF research vessels John R. Manning and Miller Freeman)February, 1969
1147U.S.Length frequency data for male king crabs: U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bering Sea king crab study, spring and fall 1968February, 1969
1148U.S.Length frequency data for female king crabs: U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bering Sea king crab study, spring and fall 1968February, 1969
1149U.S.Relation of fecundity and egg length to carapace length in the king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticaE.B. HaynesU.S. Bureau of Commercial FisheriesFebruary, 1969
1150U.S.A preliminary report on the Alaska sea scallop—fishery exploration, biology, and commercial processingE.B. Haynes and G.C. PowellAlaska Department of Fish and GameFebruary, 1969
1151U.S.Fate of unfertilized eggs in king crabs Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius)J.C. McMullen and H.T. YoshiharaAlaska Department of Fish and GameFebruary, 1969
1152U.S.Investigation of king crab ocean reproduction and brood stock composition, Kodiak IslandJ.C. McMullenAlaska Department of Fish and GameFebruary, 1969
1153U.S.King crab Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius) offshore breeding study on Marmot Flats, Kodiak Island, spring of 1967J.C. McMullenAlaska Department of Fish and GameFebruary, 1969
1154U.S.Growth of king crabs in the vicinity of Kodiak Island, AlaskaG.C. PowellAlaska Department of Fish and GameFebruary, 1969
1155U.S.Breeding king crabs Paralithodes camtschatica located in ocean environmentJ.C. McMullenAlaska Department of Fish and GameFebruary, 1969
1157JapanCarapace length frequency distributions of king crabs (commercial males) caught in the eastern Bering Sea in 1968March, 1969
1158U.S.United States commercial king crab catch in the eastern Bering Sea west of longitude 160°00′ west and seaward of the United States territorial sea by degree of longitude and month, for 1968April, 1969
1159U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—amending and extending the agreement of February 5, 1965, as amended and extended (King Crab)April, 1969
1160U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and Japan—amending and extending the agreement of November 25, 1964, as amended and extended (King Crab)April, 1969
1161CanadaThe time distribution of serial oceanographic data from the Ocean Station P programC.A. Collins, R.L. Tripe, D.A. Healy and O. JoergensenMay, 1969
1162U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort by Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission areas—1967May, 1969
1163U.S.Statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort by Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission areas—1967May, 1969
1164CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off British Columbia, February 1969S.J. WestrheimJune, 1969
1165JapanJapanese king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea, statistics by period and region, 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1969
1166CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1967T.H. ButlerJune, 1969
1167CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1967J. PrestJune, 1969
1170CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the eastern North Pacific Ocean by Canada, 1960 to 1967D.P. GiovandoAugust, 1969
1179U.S.Distribution and abundance of immature chum salmon in relation to major surface currents and water masses in the subarctic Pacific, 1961–67J.R. DunnBureau of Commercial FisheriesAugust, 1969
1181U.S.Preliminary productivity data, Subarctic Pacific Region, 1966–68J.D. LarranceBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1969
1182U.S.Summary report of Soviet fishing off Alaska, January–July 1969Bureau of Commercial FisheriesAugust, 1969
1183U.S.Distribution, abundance, and migrations of immature sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in offshore waters investigated by the Bureau of Commercial FisheriesR.G. BakkalaBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1969
1184U.S.A preliminary bibliography of papers pertaining to relationships between Pacific salmon and the marine environmentF. FavoriteBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1969
1185U.S.Recoveries in 1964–68 of drift bottles released from a merchant vessel SS Java Mail en route Seattle to Yokohama, October 1964D.M. FiskBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1969
1186U.S.Buoy telemetry for environment prediction in fisheries researchW.B. McAlisterBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1969
1187U.S.Variants of lactate dehydrogenase isozymes in sera of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)H.O. Hodgins, W.E. Ames, and F.M. UtterBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1969
1188JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1189JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Gulf of Alaska, 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1190JapanRecovery data of tagged groundfish in Bering Sea and Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1191JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1192JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and Bering Sea in 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1193U.S.Investigations by the Untied States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1969Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1194U.S.Vertical circulation in the North Pacific Ocean, summer 1958A. Bakun and W.B. McAlisterBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1195U.S.Field Manual, scientific section data codes for North Pacific taggingA.W. PalmerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1969
1196JapanReport on biological research of groundfish in the Bering Sea by Yoko-maru in 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1197U.S.Additional data on U.S. tagging and sampling—1969B.J. Rothschild, A.C. Hartt, M.B. Dell, R.W. Arthur, and T.J. NorthupFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1969
1199JapanInformation on time when Pacific salmon are caught by gears obtained by simultaneous operations of longlines and gillnetsK. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1200JapanSome information obtained on Pacific salmon by simultaneous operations of longlines and gillnetsK. Takagi and T. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1201JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations on the high seas, summer of 1968 to summer of 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1202JapanSupplement to “Data records and summary of Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1968 (and in September, 1967), and additional information before 1967”Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1203JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1969 (February to July) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1204JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels from August 1968 to July 1969—I. Catch dataFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1205JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels from August 1968 to July 1969—II. Data of oceanographical observationsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1206U.S.Summary of United States trawl fisheries in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean—1968H.A. LarkinsBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1207U.S.Primary production in the mid-Subarctic Pacific region, 1966–68J.D. LarranceBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1208U.S.Oceanographic observations in Bristol Bay and the Bering Sea 1939–41, USCGT RedwingF. Favorite, J.W. Schantz, and C.R. HebardUnited States Fish and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1969
1209CanadaTransport computations for the North Pacific Ocean 1968W.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1969
1210CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W) 9 August–26 September, 1968B.G. Minkley, D.A. Healey, and C.A. CollinsFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1969
1211CanadaReport of the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off British Columbia, September 1969S.J. WestrheimOctober, 1969
1212U.S.Halibut associates I for observed Japanese stern trawl catch—1969 (through August)Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1213U.S.Catch table for the observed Japanese stern trawlers—1969 (through August)Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1214JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific Ocean in 1968October, 1969
1215JapanThe results of oceanographic observation of salmon research vessels Hokko-maru and Wakashio-maru in 1968Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1216U.S.A summary of BCF investigations of the physical-chemical oceanic environment of Pacific salmon, 1955–68F. FavoriteBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1217U.S.Estuarine ecology of sockeye salmon in Bristol BayR.R. Straty and H.W. JaenickeOctober, 1969
1218U.S.King and tanner crab researchD.T. Hoopes, J.F. Karinen, J.W. Greenough, and M.J. PeltoOctober, 1969
1219U.S.Salmon data from sampling and tagging experiments in the Gulf of Alaska, 1969J. MauneyAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1969
1220U.S.Atlas of the Japanese mothership high seas sockeye salmon fishery, 1956–1966B.J. Rothschild, R.W. Geist, and M. KelleyFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1969
1221U.S.Physical and chemical data, North Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, summerof 1956C.M. LoveU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1969
1224JapanPreliminary catch statistics—January–August 1969, Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, mothership groundfish fishery, independent trawl fishery, independent longline-gillnet fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1225JapanRelease information on groundfish tagging experiment in the Bering Sea in 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1226JapanOutline of the oceanographic conditions in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, in spring and summer, 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1227JapanReport on king crab research in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1228JapanResults of fisheries oceanographical observations in mothership salmon fishing ground, 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1229JapanReport on tanner crab research in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1969
1230CanadaTag returns subsequent to those reported in INPFC Doc. No. 1170—Recoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the eastern North Pacific Ocean by Canada, 1960 to 1967 (Received from June 27, 1969, to October 14, 1969)Fisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1969
1231CanadaEstimated annual catches of Pacific Ocean perch, by nation, 1959–1968INPFCOctober, 1969
1232CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon, herring and halibut stocks. Supplementary time-series data (1967–68)INPFCOctober, 1969
1233CanadaWater masses encountered in March and April during Transpac 69 cruiseW.P. WickettFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1969
1234CanadaTrans-Pacific cruise of CNAV ENDEAVOURT.R. ParsonsFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1969
1235CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the Subarctic Pacific region during 1969A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1969
1236U.S.Interim report on release and recovery data for 20 U.S. salmon tags recovered from the Japanese mothership fishery in 1969Fisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1969
1237U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut and the halibut fishery in Bering Sea requested of the IPHCInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1969
1240U.S.Cruise summaries for U.S. observers aboard Japanese stern trawlers 1969 (through August)Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1969
1241CanadaSummary of Canadian groundfish fisheries in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1968C.R. ForresterINPFCOctober, 1969
1242U.S. and CanadaRecruitment investigations: trawl catch records eastern Bering Sea, 1968 and 1969E.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1969
1243U.S. and CanadaRecruitment investigations: trawl catch records Gulf of Alaska, 1967E.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1969
1244U.S. and CanadaRecruitment investigations: trawl catch records Bering Sea, 1967E.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1969
1245U.S. and CanadaDistribution and abundance of juvenile halibut in eastern Bering SeaE.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1969
1248JapanMorphometric characters of two species of tanner crab, gen. Chionoecetes, in the eastern Bering SeaK. Takeshita, H. Fujita, T. Yamamoto, and S. KawasakiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryNovember, 1969
1250 (Rev.1)JapanJapanese comments on Document 996 (Canada)—report on the British Columbia herring fishery, 1955–56 to 1966–67October, 1970
1251JapanJapanese comments on INPFC Document 997 (Canada)—recent information on salmon stocks in British ColumbiaOctober, 1969
1252JapanJapanese comments on INPFC Document 1134 (U.S.)—information on recent changes in the salmon fisheries in Alaska and the condition of the stocksOctober, 1969
1253JapanJapanese comments on INPFC Document 1135 (U.S.)—status of commercial and subsistence salmon fisheries in the western Alaska region from Cape Newenham to Cape Prince of WalesOctober, 1969
1263CanadaSurface transport charts for the North Pacific Ocean, 1968W.P. Wickett and J.A.C. ThomsonFisheries Research Board of CanadaDecember, 1969
1264CanadaComputation of divergence of Ekman transport for the North Pacific Ocean, 1946–1968W.P. Wickett and J.A. ThomsonFisheries Research Board of CanadaDecember, 1969
1267U.S.S.R.USSR coastal salmon catch statistics for 1966VNIROJanuary, 1970
1268U.S.S.R.USSR coastal salmon catch statistics for 1967VNIROJanuary, 1970
1269U.S.S.R.USSR coastal salmon catch statistics for 1968 and biostatistical data for USSR salmon in 1968VNIROJanuary, 1970
1270CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W) 27 October 1968 to 26 February 1969K.A. Gantzer, O.H. Joergensen, and D.A. HealeyFisheries Research Board of CanadaFebruary, 1970
1271CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W), 21 February to 9 April 1969D.A. Healey and R.L.K. TripeFisheries Research Board of CanadaFebruary, 1970
1272JapanJapanese king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea—statistics by period and region, 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1970
1273JapanCarapace length distribution of king crabs caught by the Japanese motherships in the eastern Bering Sea, 1969February, 1970
1274CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W), 4 April to 22 May 1969J. Wong and D.A. HealeyFisheries Research Board of CanadaMarch, 1970
1278U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1968June, 1970
1279U.S.Statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1968June, 1970
1280CanadaLarval fish species collected in zooplankton samples from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1956–1959R. LeBrasseurFisheries Research Board of CanadaJune, 1970
1281CanadaData record: First Canadian trans-pacific oceanographic cruise, March to May, 1969. Biological, chemical and physical dataFisheries Research Board of CanadaJuly, 1970
1282CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1968Fisheries Research Board of CanadaJuly, 1970
1287CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1969J.E. SmithJuly, 1970
1289CanadaReport of the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off British Columbia and Alaska, March–June, 1970S.J. Westrheim and M.S. SmithAugust, 1970
1290CanadaSummary of vessel and gear specifications of the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1968–69C.R. ForresterAugust, 1970
1291CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1968A.N. YatesAugust, 1970
1292CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1969A.N. YatesAugust, 1970
1293U.S.Distribution and migration of immature sockeye salmon taken by U.S. research vessels with gillnets in offshore waters, 1956–67R.G. BakkalaNational Marine Fisheries ServiceAugust, 1970
1294U.S.Marine growth of chum salmonJ.J. LaLanneBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1970
1295U.S.Reduction in stocks of the Pacific ocean perch, an important demersal fish off AlaskaJ.C. QuastBureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1970
1296CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W) 31 October 1969 to 10 December 1969A.A.R. Dykes and C.A. CollinsFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1970
1297U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1969October, 1970
1298U.S. and CanadaRelationship of halibut stocks in Bering Sea as indicated by age and size compositionW.H. HardmanInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1970
1299U.S. and CanadaRecruitment investigations: trawl catch records, Gulf of Alaska, 1968 and 1969E.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1970
1300U.S. and CanadaRecruitment investigations: trawl catch records eastern Bering Sea, 1963, 1965, and 1966E.A. BestInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1970
1302JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1303JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1304JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1305JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiment in 1970 (March to September) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1306JapanSupplement to “Release data of Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1969 (February to July) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1969”Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1307JapanOn the scale characteristics of the Pacific ocean perch in the northeast Pacific Ocean—I. Some scale characteristics, their variation by body region and formation of the resting zoneS. ChikuniFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1970
1308JapanFishing characteristics of the trawl net for the grid-survey in the Bering SeaS. ChikuniFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1970
1309JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska by Inase Maru No. 3 in 1970S. ChikuniFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1970
1310JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations on the high seas, from August 1969 to July 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1311JapanOn summer distribution of immature sockeye salmon in the northwestern Pacific and its adjacent watersS. MachidoriFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1312U.S.Soviet fishing activities in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska, August 1969–July 1970Bureau of Commercial FisheriesSeptember, 1970
1313CanadaReport of the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off Vancouver Island, British Columbia, September 9 to 25, 1970M.S. SmithINPFCOctober, 1970
1314JapanRelease and recovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1315JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery in the northeast Pacific Ocean in 1969Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1316JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and Bering Sea in 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1317JapanCatch statistics (preliminary): Mothership-type groundfish fishery, North Pacific trawl fishery, North Pacific longline gillnet fishery, January–August 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1318U.S.Recent trends in the rockfish (Sebastodes sp.) fisheries of the northeastern Pacific OceanH.A. LarkinsBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1970
1319JapanThe information about the incidentally caught halibut by Japanese trawlers in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1320U.S.Trends in the eastern Bering Sea king crab fishery (1953–1969)D.T. HoopesNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1970
1321U.S.Status of Bering Sea king and tanner crab stocks (1969–1970)D.T. Hoopes, J.F. Karinen, and M.J. PeltoNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1970
1322U.S.Effect of trawling on Bering Sea crab stocksD.T. HoopesNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1970
1323U.S.Preliminary estimates of number and weight of Pacific halibut trawled and available for discard by Japan in the Gulf of Alaska in 1968 and 1969R.E. HaightNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1970
1324U.S.Results of salmon longline fishing surveys in the Gulf of Alaska in 1970J. MauneyAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1970
1326U.S.Additional data on U.S. tagging and sampling—1970A.C. HarttFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1970
1327CanadaCanada high seas taggingFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1970
1328U.S. and CanadaThe size, age and sex composition of North American setline catches of halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus stenolepis) in Bering Sea, 1964–1970W.H. HardmanInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1970
1329U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut and the halibut fishery of the northeastern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea requested of the International Pacific Halibut CommissionInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1970
1330U.S.Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1970Bureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1970
1331U.S.Report on bottom trawling operations of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries vessel Miller Freeman off Washington and Oregon in 1969H.H. ShippenOctober, 1970
1332U.S.BCF drift bottle experiments in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea; 1957–60, 1962, 1966, and 1970F. Favorite and D.M. FiskBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1970
1334U.S.Additional data on the ocean distribution , abundance, and migration of salmon—summer 1970R. French, R. Bakkala, J. Dunn, D. Sutherland, and P. WashingtonBureau of Commercial FisheriesOctober, 1970
1335CanadaEffects of environmental factors and fishing on stocks of British Columbia herringFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1970
1336JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific Ocean in the summer, 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1337JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels from August to October 1969—catch data and oceanographical observationsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1338JapanRelation between the direction of gilling (direction of swimming of fish when caught by gillnet) and the long-term migratory direction obtained by tagging experiments on salmon distributed in the central part of the Bering SeaT. YonemoriFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1970
1342JapanReport on king crab and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1343JapanDistribution of tanner crab in the eastern Bering SeaK. Takeshita, S. Kawasaki, and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1344U.S.The United States Bering Sea king and tanner crab fisheries, 1966–1970J.C. McMullen and H.T. YoshiharaAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1970
1346U.S.Comments on INPFC Documents 1252 and 1253 (Japan)INPFCOctober, 1970
1347U.S.Additional information on Alaska salmon fisheries and stocks: Extension of time-series data in INPFC Documents 1134 and 1135 through 1969October, 1970
1348U.S.Additional information regarding the United States salmon and halibut stocksOctober, 1970
1349CanadaCanadian comments on INPFC Document 1251 (Japan) regarding status of Canadian salmon stocksOctober, 1970
1350JapanSome comments on U.S. document 1134Y. FukudaFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1970
1352JapanOn the age and size relationship of the Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1353JapanOn the relationship between the biological production and yield of the Pacific ocean perch in the northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1354JapanData on the Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern Pacific (Development and history of Japanese trawl fishery through 1969)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1970
1360JapanHistory of drafting of Article III 1.(d) and Article IX 2. of the Convention and their enforcementNovember, 1970
1363U.S.Letter from Edward W. Allen re transmittal to Canada and Japan for reference purposes of research reportEdward AllenNovember, 1970
1364U.S.S.R.Biostatistical data for USSR salmon in 1963VNIRONovember, 1970
1365U.S.S.R.USSR coastal salmon catch statistics for 1969VNIRONovember, 1970
1366U.S.S.R.Biostatistical data for USSR salmon in 1969VNIRONovember, 1970
1367CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W) 19 September to 6 November 1969 and 5 December 1969 to 15 January 1970B.G. Minkley, K.A. Gantzer, and D.A. HealyFisheries Research Board of CanadaDecember, 1970
1368CanadaOceanographic observations at Ocean Station P (50°N, 145°W) 16 May – 3 July 1969C.A. Collins, C. DeJong, A. Huyer, and L. BoilardFisheries Research Board of CanadaJanuary, 1971
1369JapanJapanese king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea—Statistics by 10–day period and region, 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1971
1370JapanJapanese tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea—Statistics by 10–day period and region, 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1971
1371JapanCarapace length distribution of king crabs (commercial males) caught by the Japanese king crab motherships in the eastern Bering Sea, 1970February, 1971
1372JapanCarapace width frequency distribution of tanner crabs (C. bairdi) caught by the Japanese crab fleet in the eastern Bering Sea in 1969 and 1970March, 1971
1373CanadaData record—primary production data from the northeast Pacific Ocean, January 1967 to December 1969K. StephensFisheries Research Board of CanadaMarch, 1971
1376CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1970J.E. SmithJuly, 1971
1377CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the North Pacific Ocean by Canada, Japan, and the United States, 1956 to 1969July, 1971
1378CanadaSummaries of salmon tag recoveries in the North Pacific coastal and high seas areas from salmon tagging in INPFC Statistical Areas in the North Pacifc Ocean by Canada, Japan, and the United States, 1965 to 1969September, 1971
1379CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel, G.B. Reed, in Queen Charlotte Sound, June 1971M.S. SmithJuly, 1971
1382U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and Japan effected by exchange of notes signed at Tokyo December 11, 1970, with agreed minutes. (King and Tanner crab) (Treaties and Other International Acts Series 7019)July, 1971
1383U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics signed at Washington February 12, 1971, with exchange of letters (King and Tanner Crab) (Treaties and Other International Acts Series 7044)July, 1971
1384U.S.Statistics for the Puget Sound pink salmon fishery, 1959–69 (odd-numbered years)August, 1971
1389U.S.Soviet fishing activities in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska, August 1970–July 1971September, 1971
1390CanadaSurvey of rockfishes, especially Pacific ocean perch, in the northeast Pacific Ocean, 1963–66S.J. WestrheimFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1971
1392U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean—answers requestes in Doc. 1341 (1970)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1971
1394CanadaSummary of vessel and gear specifications of the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1970October, 1971
1395CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1970A.N. YatesOctober, 1971
1396CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon, herring and halibut stocks: Supplementary time-series data (1969–70)October, 1971
1397CanadaRevised and consolidated time-series data for British Columbia herring, 1958–59 to 1968–69F.H.C. TaylorFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1398CanadaTag returns from Canadian high seas taggings subsequent to those reported in INPFC Doc. 1327 (received from October 1, 1970, to September 30, 1971)October, 1971
1399CanadaCorrections to report on the British Columbia herring fishery, 1955–56 to 1966–67 (INPFC Doc. 996)F.H.C. TaylorFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1400U.S.Statistics of United States Shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1969October, 1971
1401U.S.Statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1970October, 1971
1402U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1970October, 1971
1403U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States Pacific Coast trawl fleet, 1969–1970G. DiDonato, J. Meehan, and T. JowOctober, 1971
1404U.S.United States sablefish setline fishery, 1953–1969R. Parrish, J. Meehan, G. DiDonato, and D. HarmerOctober, 1971
1405CanadaSoviet fishing activities off the British Columbia coast, October 1970–September 1971Department of the Environment, Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1971
1406JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1970H. YamagushiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1407JapanOutline of Japanese groundfish fisheries in the norteastern Pacific Ocean, 1970 (November 1969–October 1970)H. YamagushiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1408JapanPlans for research in 1972 on groundfish in the North Pacific and Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1409JapanReport on biological research on groundfish in the North Pacific, Tanshu-maru—1971K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1410JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1411JapanOn the standardization of the fishing effort of Japanese Pacific ocean perch fishery in the northeastern PacificS. ChikuniFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1971
1412JapanComparison of the age-size relationships reported by three scientists respectivly, for the Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern PacificS. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1413JapanOn the scale characters of the Pacific Ocean Perch in the Bering Sea—III. Objectivity and accuracy of age determination by scale readingS. Chikuni and K. WakabayashiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1971
1414JapanOutline of the Japanese high seas salmon investigations, from August 1970 to September 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1415JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1971 (April to September) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1416JapanStudies on special trace elements in salmon and in river water: Studies on activable tracers for salmon (1)T. Yonemori, K. Nishino, and M. ShibuyaOctober, 1971
1417JapanRelease and recovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of AlaskaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1418JapanCatch statistics—Preliminary: Japanese mothership-type groundfish fishery, North Pacific trawl fishery, North Pacific longline fishery, Jan–July 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1419JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery in the Northeast Pacific Ocean in 1970Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1420JapanOn the relationship between the biological production and yield of the Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern Pacific: Supplementary consideration to Doc. 1353S. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1421JapanData on the Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern Pacific (Development and history of the Japanese trawl fishery through 1970)S. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1422JapanInformation on blackcod in the North PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1425JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific Ocean in the summer of 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1427U.S.Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission—1971U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1971
1428CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the eastern Subarctic Pacific Region during 1971A.J. DodimeadFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1429U.S.Additional data on the ocean distribution , abundance, and migration of salmon—summer 1971R. French, R. Bakkala, D. Sutherland, and P. WashingtonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1971
1430JapanRecovery results of tagged salmonOctober, 1971
1431CanadaData record: Detailed results of the effects of environmental factors on scale and body growth in young sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) No. 1H.T. Bilton and G.L. RobinsFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1432CanadaAge composition of 1970 British Columbia sockeye, chum and pink salmon catchesD.W. Jenkinson and H.T. BiltonFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1433CanadaData and computations used in racial analyses of even- and odd-year North American pink salmon on the basis of their scale charactersH.T. BiltonFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1434CanadaData and computations used in racial analyses of age 1.2 and 1.3 North American sockeye on the basis of their scale charactersH.T. BiltonFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1436U.S.Additional data on U.S. tagging and sampling—1971A.C. Hartt and M.B. DellFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1971
1437CanadaPossible variations in the natural mortality rate of British Columbia herring stocks in response to changes in predationK.S. Ketchen and F.H.C. TaylorFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1971
1438JapanImprovement of non-selective salmon research gillnet—preliminary reportK. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1440U.S.United States king and tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea, 1971P.B. JacksonAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1971
1441U.S.King and snow (tanner) crab research—1971D.T. Hoopes and J.F. KarinenNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1971
1442U.S.Data requirements of United States Bering Sea king and snow (tanner) crab research programNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1971
1446U.S.Comments on INPFC Document 1350 (Japan, 1970)October, 1971
1447U.S.Information on Columbia River salmon runs and fisheriesL. KornFish Commission of OregonOctober, 1971
1448JapanReport of king crab and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1971
1449U.S.Longevity and growth of tagged king crabs in the eastern Bering SeaD.T. Hoopes and J.F. KarinenNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1971
1450U.S./CanadaRecruitment studies conducted by the International Pacific Halibut Commission in the northeast Pacific Ocean in 1970International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1971
1451U.S.United States king and tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea, 1971 (Addendum)October, 1971
1452CanadaRecent trends in Canadian Pacific salmon stocksOctober, 1971
1461JapanJapanese king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea—Statistics by 10–day period and region, 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1972
1462JapanCarapace length frequency distribution pf king crabs (commercial males) caught by the Japanese crab factory fleet in the eastern Bering Sea, 1971February, 1972
1463JapanJapanese tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea—Statistics by 10–day period and region, 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1972
1464JapanCarapace width frequency distribution of tanner crabs (C. bairdi) caught by the Japanese crab fleet in the eastern Bering Sea, 1971February, 1972
1465CanadaReport on trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed in Queen Charlotte Sound, October 1971M.S. SmithFebruary, 1972
1467CanadaAnalysis of the refined catch statistics from the Japanese trawl fishery in the northeast Pacific Ocean, 1963–70S.J. WestrheimFebruary, 1972
1468CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the North Pacific Ocean by Japan and the United States in 1970 and 1971, and additional recoveries from earlier taggings by Canada, Japan, and the United StatesApril, 1972
1469Canada and U.S.On the status of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) stocks off British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon in 1970S.J. Westrheim, D.R. Gunderson, and J.M. MeehanJune, 1972
1471CanadaSummary of vessel and gear specifications of the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1971J.E. SmithJune, 1972
1472CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1971J.E. SmithJune, 1972
1478CanadaLength-weight and length-girth relationships for Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) collected off Southeastern Alaska in August 1971S.J. WestrheimFisheries Research Board of CanadaJuly, 1972
1479CanadaAge determination and growth of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in the northeast Pacific OceanS.J. WestrheimAugust, 1972
1481U.S.Supplement to INPFC Document #1469—On the status of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) stocks off British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon in 1970J.M. MeehanSeptember, 1972
1482U.S.S.R.USSR coastal salmon catch statistics for 1971VNIROSeptember, 1972
1483U.S.Soviet fishing activities in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska, August 1971–July 1972National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationSeptember, 1972
1484CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1971A.N. YatesFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1972
1485CanadaJuvenile sablefish tagging, northwestern Vancouver Island, 1972W.A. Kennedy and M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaSeptember, 1972
1486JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1971 (November 1971–October 1972)H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1487JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and Bering Sea, in 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1488JapanOutline on development and history of Japanese blackcod fisheries in the Bering SeaT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1489JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the northeastern Pacific Ocean by Chosui-maru in 1972T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1490JapanData on the Pacific ocean perch fishery in the northeastern Pacific Ocean—III. Development and history of the Japanese trawl fishery through 1971S. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1491JapanOn the relationship between the biological production and yield of the Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern Pacific—III. Analysis of the isopleth diagrams under consideration of reproductive rate and natural mortality in early life periodS. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1492JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1971H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1493CanadaTag returns from Canadian high seas taggings subsequent to those reported in INPFC Doc. 1398 (received from October 1, 1971, to September 30, 1972)October, 1972
1494U.S.Summary of United States 1970–71 sablefish landings by INPFC areas (longlines and pots only)October, 1972
1495U.S.Statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1971October, 1972
1496U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1971October, 1972
1497U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States Pacific Coast trawl fleet, 1970–1971October, 1972
1498CanadaSize and age compositions of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in British Columbia trawl landings 1960–71M.S. Smith, D. Davenport, W.R. Harling, and S.J. WestrheimFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1972
1499JapanStudies on special trace elements in salmon and in river water: Studies on activable tracers for salmon (2)T. Yonemori, K. Nishino, and M. ShibuyaOctober, 1972
1500JapanObservations on latitudinal distribution of offshore coho salmon in early summer, with reference to water temperature and food organismsS. MachidoriFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1972
1501JapanDistribution and direction of movement of coho salmon at early stage of spawning migration in the northwestern North Pacific OceanS. MachidoriFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1972
1502JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1503CanadaSoviet fishing activities off the British Columbia coast, October 1971–September 1972Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1504U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean (requests in Doc. 1439, 1971)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1972
1506U.S.Criteria for determining maturity status of sockeye salmon caught in the winterR.R. FrenchU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1507U.S.United States king and tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea, 1972P.B. JacksonOctober, 1972
1508U.S.Progress report on sablefish (blackcod) studies by the United States National Marine Fisheries Service, 1971–72H.H. ShippenU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1509U.S.Equilibrium sustained yield model for the southwestern Bering Sea king crab fishery.J.W. GreenoughU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1510U.S.King and snow (tanner) crab research—1971J.F. KarinenOctober, 1972
1511U.S.King and tanner crab research by the United States in the eastern Bering Sea in 1972M.L. Hayes and J.W. BalsigerOctober, 1972
1512U.S.Tagging and samplingA.C. Hartt, G.E. Lord, M.B. Dell, and D.E. RogersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1513U.S.A study of the Pacific ocean perch fisheries of the northeastern Pacific OceanG.A. Robinson (abstracted by G. Hirschhorn and M.F. Tillman)U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1514U.S.Standardization of catch per unit of effort in the king and tanner crab fisheries of the eastern Bering SeaJ.W. BalsigerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1515U.S.Allocation of USSR and South Korean trawl catches by INPFC statistical areas by month 1967–70N.B. Parks and T.A. DarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1516U.S.Estimates of the incidental crab catch in the Japanese Bering Sea groundfish fisheryJ.W. BalsigerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1517U.S.Ocean distribution , abundance, and migration of salmonR. French, R. Bakkala, and P. WashingtonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1518U.S.Statistics of Japanese mothership salmon fisheryA.E. PetersonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1519U.S.Observations on the incidental catch of halibut and crab aboard the Shikishima Maru—June 1972U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1520U.S.Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) tagged by National Marine Fisheries Service and cooperating agenciesCompiled by K. ThorsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1972
1521JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery in the northeast Pacific Ocean in 1971Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1522JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiment in 1972 (April to August) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1972Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1523JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations on the high seas in 1972Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1524JapanRelease and recovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and the northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1527JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1972Keiji NasuFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1528JapanCatch statistics—Preliminary: Japanese mothership-type groundfish fishery, North Pacific trawl fishery, North Pacific longline fishery, Jan–July 1972Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1529JapanStock conditions of king and tanner crabs in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1532CanadaEstimates of U.S.S.R. production of certain marine fish species in waters of the North Pacific Ocean, 1964–1971October, 1972
1533CanadaSize composition and catch statistics for Blackcod (Anoplopoma Fimbria) landed by Canadian trawlers from the Vancouver area, 1965–72C.R. ForresterOctober, 1972
1534CanadaReport on the trawling operations of the Canadian research vessel G.B. Reed off Vancouver Island, British Columbia in September 1972M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1972
1535JapanEstimation of rates of exploitation of king crab tanglenet fishery in the eastern Bering SeaK. Takeshita, H. Fujita, and S. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1972
1537U.S.Information on California salmon fisheries and stocksD.H. Fry, Jr.California Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1972
1538U.S.Additional information on Alaska and Columbia River salmon fisheries and stocks: Extension of time-series data in INPFC Documents 1134, 1135, 1347 and 1447 through 1971October, 1972
1549U.S.Catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70R.A. Fredin and D.D. WorlundNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationMarch, 1973
1550JapanKing and tanner crab data submitted by Japan in 1973—carapace length composition of king crabs caught in 1972, carapace width composition of tanner crabs caught in 1972, and catch and effort in 1972 for king and tanner crabsFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1973
1551U.S.Atlas of catch and fishing effort, Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70A.E. PetersonNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationApril, 1973
1553JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1972May, 1973
1554U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and Japan effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington December 20, 1972 with agreed minutes and Japanese note—Fisheries, King and Tanner Crab. Treaties and Other International Acts Series 7527July, 1973
1555U.S.Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics signed at Moscow February 21, 1973. Treaties and Other International Acts Series 7571July, 1973
1564CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1972J.E. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1565CanadaSummary of vessel and gear specifications of the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1972J.E. SmithAugust, 1973
1566CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1972A.N. YatesFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1567CanadaReport on the 1972 comparison of Pacific ocean perch otolith and scale interpretationsS.J. Westerheim and W.R. HarlingFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1568CanadaAge determination and growth of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in the northeast Pacific OceanS.J. WesterheimFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1569CanadaMore about juvenile sablefish tagging—northeastern Vancouver Island, 1972W.A. Kennedy and M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1570CanadaSome sablefish kept for observation during tagging in 1972W.A. KennedyFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1571CanadaHalibut incidence in trawl catches of the G.B. Reed, June–July 1973M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1572CanadaEstimates of U.S.S.R. production of certain marine fish species in waters of the North Pacific Ocean, 1964–1972August, 1973
1573CanadaRevised records of British Columbia herring catches and age composition, 1911–12 to 1971–72A.S. HourstonFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1973
1574CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon and halibut stocks—supplementary time-series data (1971–72)August, 1973
1575JapanData on the Pacific ocean perch fishery in the northeastern Pacific . IV—Development and history of the Japanese trawl fishery through 1972Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1576JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea, in 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1577JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery in the Northeast Pacific Ocean in 1972Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1578JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations on the high seas in 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1579JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1972H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1580JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaY. Takahashi and H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1581JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1972H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1582JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska by Wakatori Maru No. 2 in 1973K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1583JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiment in 1973 (April to September) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1584JapanData on the Japanese blackcod fisheries in the Bering Sea and North Pacific—I. Development and history of the Japanese blackcod fisheries through 1972T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1586JapanDifferentiation of mature and immature sockeye salmon caught by research vessels in MayM. OsakoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1587CanadaHalibut incidence in trawl catches of the G.B. Reed, September 1973M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1973
1588CanadaSpecies composition of rockfish in catches by Canadian commercial and research vessels in Queen Charlotte SoundC.R. Forrester and M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1973
1589Canada, Japan, and U.S.Distribution and abundance of coho salmon in offshore waters of the North Pacific OceanH. Godfrey, K.A. Henry, and S. MachidoriFisheries Research Board of CanadaOctober, 1973
1590U.S.Record of International Pacfic Halibut Commission tag releases and recoveries in 1972U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1592U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean—requested in Doc. 1530, 1972International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1973
1593U.S. and CanadaThe estimated incidental catch of halibut by Japan in the eastern Bering Sea and its effect on North American setline yieldInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1973
1594JapanRelease and recovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and the northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1595JapanResearch on king crabs and tanner crabs in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1602U.S.Catch of Pacific halibut by Japanese trawl and longline fisheries and the North American setline fishery in the Bering Sea, 1956 to 1972R.A. FredinNational Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1603U.S.Information on coho and chinook salmon stocks originating in Puget Sound and Washington coastal streams north of the Columbia RiverG.A. HollandWashington State Department of FisheriesOctober, 1973
1604U.S.Soviet fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and CaliforniaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1605U.S.Monitoring migrations and abundance of salmon at seaA.C. Hartt, G.E. Lord, and D.E. RogersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1606U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1972U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1607U.S.Allocation of USSR and South Korean trawl catches in 1971 and 1972 respectively by INPFC statistical areas and monthU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1608U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States Pacific coast trawl fleet, 1971–1972October, 1973
1609U.S.Additional information regarding United States salmon and halibut fisheriesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1610U.S.Survival of tanner crabs (Chionoecetes bairdi) after capture in trawls and subsequent handling and storageM.L. HayesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1611U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1973M.L. Hayes and G. ReidU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1612U.S.Observations aboard Japanese crab motherships in 1973M.L. HayesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1613U.S.Soviet and South Korean fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering SeaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1614U.S.Sablefish investigations by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service and cooperating agencies, 1971–73K.N. Thorson and H.H. ShippenU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1615U.S.Incidence of halibut and tanner crab in catches by the eastern Bering Sea mothership trawl fishery and independent trawlersF.M. Fukuhara and D.D. WorlundU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1616U.S.Scale studies to identify Asian and Western Alaskan chinook salmonR.L. Major, S. Murai, and J. LyonsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1617U.S.Summary of United States 1972 sablefish landings by INPFC areas (longlines and traps only)U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1618U.S.Statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1972U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1619U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1973M.L. HayesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1973
1621U.S.Bristol Bay 1974 sockeye salmon forecast and current production trendsR.D. Paulus and D.E. RogersOctober, 1973
1623CanadaSoviet fleet activity off British Columbia, 1972–73October, 1973
1624JapanNotes on the offshore distribution of sockeye salmon with a large freshwater zone on scalesS. ItoFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1973
1625JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1626U.S.United States fishery for king and tanner crab in the eastern Bering Sea, 1973D.E. PhinneyOctober, 1973
1628JapanSeasonal movement of adult male king crab in the eastern Bering Sea revealed by tagging experimentH. Fujita, K. Takeshita, and S. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1629JapanCatch of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery by species, by ten-day period, and by area, in thousands of fish, 1972Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1973
1630U.S.Supplemental data on 1974 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon forecast and current production trendsOctober, 1973
1631U.S.Forecast of the sockeye salmon run to Bristol Bay in 1973D.E. RogersFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1973
1642JapanCarapace length composition of male king crabs sampled in 1973 and catch and effort in 1973 for king and tanner crabs (part of 1974 data submission from Japan)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1644JapanCatch statistics (preliminary): Japanese mothership-type groundfish fishery, North Pacific trawl fishery , North Pacific longline-gillnet fishery, January to July, 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanMay, 1974
1645U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R coastal salmon catch statistics for 1972VNIROMay, 1974
1646U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R coastal salmon catch statistics for 1973VNIROMay, 1974
1655CanadaTag returns from Canadian high seas taggings received from October 1, 1972 to July 31, 1974August, 1974
1656CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1973 (data record)J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceAugust, 1974
1658CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1973A.N. YatesFisheries and Marine ServiceAugust, 1974
1659CanadaU.S.S.R. interpretations of Pacific ocean perch otoliths and scales collected in Queen Charlotte Sound during June 1972S.J. WestrheimAugust, 1974
1660CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–73J.E. SmithAugust, 1974
1661CanadaFinal report on sablefish kept for observation during tagging in 1972W.A. Kennedy and M.S. SmithFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1974
1662CanadaEcho-sounder and trawl net calibration studies with the G.B. Reed and Ogon, September 1972S.J. Westrheim and N.S. FadeevFisheries Research Board of CanadaAugust, 1974
1663U.S.U.S.S.R. groundfish and herring catches from the eastern Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1967–72H.A. LarkinsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1974
1664U.S.Allocation of U.S.S.R. trawl catches in 1972 by INPFC statistical areas and monthN.B. ParksU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1974
1665U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States Pacific coast trawl fleet, 1972–1973G.S. DiDonatoWashington Department of FisheriesSeptember, 1974
1666U.S. and CanadaThe status of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) stocks off British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon in 1972D.R. Gunderson, J.M. Meeham, and S.J. WestrheimSeptember, 1974
1667CanadaEstimates of U.S.S.R production (1000 M.T.) of certain marine fish species in waters of the North Pacific Ocean, in FAO statistical areas 61 and 67, 1964–73September, 1974
1668JapanOutline of Japanese Salmon Investigations on the high seas in 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1669JapanStudies on resources of the yellowfin sole in the eastern Bering Sea—I. Biological characteristicsK. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1671JapanEstimation of density index for the Pacific ocean perch stock in the North PacificS. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1672JapanBiological characteristics of the Pacific ocean perch in the North PacificS. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1673JapanThe annual change of the relative catchabilities of the vessels in the mothership pollock fishery in the eastern Bering SeaY. TakahashiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1974
1674JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea in 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1675JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering sea and the Gulf of Alaska by the Shunyo maru, 1974H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1676JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1677JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fisheries in the North Pacific in 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1678JapanA method to estimate the age composition from the observed length composition for Pacific ocean perch in the North PacificS. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1679JapanResources of Yellowfin sole, Rock sole, Flathead sole, Pacific halibut, Shrimps, Pacific herring, Pacific cod and Turbot in the Bering SeaY. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1680JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1973H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1681JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1973H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1682U.S.Additions (1971 and 1972 data) to tables of INPFC document 1549—catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70R.A. Fredin and D.D. WorlundU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1683JapanData on the Japanese blackcod fisheries in the Bering Sea and Northeastern Pacific—II: Development and history of the Japanese blackcod fisheries through 1973T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1684JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiment in 1974 (April to September) and new recovery data obtained before September of 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1685JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1974Kozo KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1687U.S.Importance and species composition of continental shelf rockfish landed by United States trawlersD.R. Gunderson, J. Robinson, and T. JowOctober, 1974
1688U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch stocks in the Gulf of AlaskaH.A. LarkinsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1689U.S.Revision of Document 1618—statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only), 1972U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1690U.S.Soviet and South Korean fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea—1974U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1691U.S.Incidence of halibut in U.S. groundfish trawl surveys in the western Gulf of Alaska and southeastern Bering Sea, 1973–1974S.E. HughesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1692U.S.Herring fisheries and resources of eastern Bering SeaR.A. FredinU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1693U.S.Soviet fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and CaliforniaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1694U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean requested for INPFC (Document 1620, 1973)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1974
1695U.S. and CanadaThe incidental catch of halibut by trawlers in the northeast Pacific OceanInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1974
1696U.S. and CanadaThe incidental catch of halibut by Japanese trawlers in the Bering SeaS.H. Hoag and R. FrenchInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1974
1697JapanAnnual catch records of the Japanese mothership and independent trawl fisheries, by fishery, fleet, month, and major species, 1968–1973 (fishing years)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1698JapanRecovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and the northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1699JapanPollock stocks in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1700JapanPopulation dynamics for the Pacific ocean perch in the North PacificS. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1701JapanHalibut and crabs incidentally caught by Japanese trawl fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1702JapanCatch composition of Japanese stern trawlers in the northeastern Pacific in recent yearsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1710JapanCatch statistics (preliminary): mothership fishery, North Pacific trawl fishery, and North Pacific longline-gillnet fishery (January to July 1974)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1713CanadaForeign fishing activities off British Columbia, October 1972–October 15, 1974October, 1974
1714U.S.Progress report on the Bering Sea groundfish sampling program, 1973–1974R. French and L. NelsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1715U.S.Monitoring migrations and abundance of salmon at sea—1974A.C. Hartt, G.E. Lord, and D.E. RogersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1716U.S.Incidence of tanner crab in the groundfish catch of the Japanese eastern Bering Sea trawl fisheryD.W. Kessler, D.A. Somerton, and R.D. SchultzU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1717U.S.Observations of Japanese crab factorships during 1974A.J. Beardsley and P.J. AndersonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1718U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1974J.E. Reeves and R.A. MacIntoshU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1719U.S.Preliminary investigation of the condition of yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) resource in the eastern Bering Sea in recent yearsR. Bakkala and G. HirschhornU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1720U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1973U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1721U.S.Preliminary results of halibut trawl catch reduction studiesI.E. EllisOctober, 1974
1722U.S.Summary of United States 1973 sablefish landings by INPFC areas (longlines and traps only)U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1723U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch stocks in the Aleutian Islands regionR.J. Wolotira, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1724U.S.Scale studies to identify Asian and western Alaskan chinook salmon—1969 and 1970 Japanese mothership samplesR.L. Major, S. Murai, and J. LyonsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1725U.S.Status of Alaska pollock in the eastern Bering SeaM.S. Alton and R.A. FredinU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1726U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch, Pacific cod, and several flatfish stocks in the Bering SeaR.J. Wolotira, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1727U.S.Status of sablefish resources in the Bering SeaL.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1729U.S.United States fishery for king and tanner crab in the eastern Bering Sea, 1974D.E. PhinneyOctober, 1974
1730JapanCatch of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery by species, by ten-day period, and by area, in numbers of fish, 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1731JapanResearch on king crab and tanner crab in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1732U.S.Forecasts of the 1975 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon run. A. Preliminary forecast of the 1975 sockeye run to inshore Bristol Bay based on abundance of immature sockeye at sea in 1974. B. Preliminary forecast of the toral Bristol Bay run in 1975 based on age .2 catch in 1974, smolt data and escapement-return relationshipsD.E. Rogers and R.D. PaulusFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1974
1734U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1974J.E. Reeves, R.A. MacIntosh, and R.N. McBrideU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1735U.S.Statistics of United States shrimp landings and effort (trawl fisheries only)—1973U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1974
1746CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the North Pacific Ocean by Japan and the United States in 1972 and 1973, and additional recoveries from earlier taggings by Canada, Japan and the United StatesK. V. AroFisheries Research Board of CanadaDecember, 1974
1749JapanStatistics and biological data of the Japanese king and tanner crab fisheries in the eastern Bering Sea in 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1975
1750U.S.Additions (1973 data) to tables of INPFC Document 1549–catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70D.D. WorlundU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceApril, 1975
1751U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R. coastal salmon catch statistics for 1974VNIROMay, 1975
1752U.S.Allocation of U.S.S.R. and Republic of Korea groundfish catches in 1973 by halibut conservation areas in the Bering Sea and INPFC statistical areas in the northeastern Pacific OceanN. ParksU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceJune, 1975
1753U.S.All-nation removals of groundfish and herring from the eastern bering sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1967–73H.A. LarkinsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceJune, 1975
1757CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1974A.N. YatesFisheries and Marine ServiceAugust, 1975
1758CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1974 (data record)J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceAugust, 1975
1759CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–74J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceAugust, 1975
1766Canada and U.S.Further information on the incidence of halibut in Japanese and U.S.S.R. trawl catchesS.H. Hoag and R. FrenchSeptember, 1975
1768JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1975
1769JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1975
1770JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Northeastern Pacific, 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1975
1771JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering sea and the Gulf of Alaska by the Shunyo maru, 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1975
1772JapanPopulation density of juvenile halibut in the eastern Bering SeaY. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1975
1773JapanHalibut and crabs incidentally caught by Japanese trawl fisheryY. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1774JapanResearch plans for bottomfish in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea, in 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1775JapanResources of rock sole, flathead sole, Pacific cod, turbot, and Pacific herring in the Bering SeaY. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1776JapanInformation on the Pacific ocean perch stock in the North Pacific, 1974S. ChikuniFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1777JapanData on the Japanese blackcod fishery in the Bering Sea and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean—III. Development and history of the Japanese blackcod fishery through 1974T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1778JapanPacific pollock stocks in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1779U.S.Progress report on the groundfish sampling program in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific, July 1974–June 1975R. French, L. Nelson, and M. MillerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1780U.S.Status of Alaska pollock in the eastern Bering SeaR. Bakkala, M. Alton, and G. HirschhornNational Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1781U.S.Continent of origin of sockeye salmon in the area of the Japanese land-based gillnet fisheryA.C. HarttFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1975
1782U.S.United States catches of shrimp by INPFC area—1974H.A. LarkinsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1783U.S. and CanadaUpdate of document 1666 (The status of stocks of Pacific ocean perch off British Columbia, Washington and Oregon in 1972) through 1973D.R. Gunderson, J.G. Robinson and S.J. WestrheimSeptember, 1975
1784U.S.Foreign fisheries off Washington, Oregon, and California—August 1974 to July 1975U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1785U.S.Status of yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) in the eastern Bering SeaR. Bakkala and G. HirschhornU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1786U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch stocks in the Aleutian Islands region through 1973R.J. Wolotira, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1787U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States Pacific coast trawl fleet, 1974H.A. LarkinsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1788U.S.Observations of Japanese crab factoryships during 1975A.J. BeardsleyU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1789U.S. and CanadaNorth American landings of species in the “Other Rockfish” category, with time series data on CPUED.R. Gunderson, J.E. Smith, J.G. Robinson and T. JowSeptember, 1975
1790U.S.Scale studies to identify Asian and western Alaskan chinook salmonR.L. Major, S. Murai, and J. LyonsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1975
1791JapanOutline of Japanese Salmon Investigations on the High Seas in 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1792JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1975K. KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1793JapanRelease data of Japanese salmon tagging experiment in 1975 (May to August) and new recovery dataobtained before September of 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1794JapanStudies on resources of the yellowfin sole in the eastern Bering Sea—II. Stock size and its changes estimated by the method of virtual population analysisA.K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1975
1795CanadaThe geographic origin of sockeye salmon occurring in the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery area in the North Pacific Ocean: A review of evidence from parasite “tags”L. MargolisOctober, 1975
1796JapanSockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum distributed in the northwest Pacifc—I. General examination based on the average relative density distribution and the age compositionM. OsakoFishery Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1797CanadaTag returns from Canadian high seas taggings received from August 1, 1974 to September 30, 1975Pacific Biological StationOctober, 1975
1798CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon and halibut stocks—supplementary time-series data (1973–74)Pacific Biological StationOctober, 1975
1800U.S. and CanadaItems of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean requested for INPFC (Document 1712, 1974)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1975
1802JapanPreliminary catch statistics of Japanese mothership, North Pacific trawl and North Pcaific longline-gillnet fishery in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific , November–December, 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1803JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fisheries in the North Pacific in 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1804JapanPreliminary catch statistics of the Japanese mothership, North Pacific trawl, and North Pacific longline-gillnet fishery in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific, January–July, 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1805JapanRecovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and the northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1815U.S.Foreign fisheries off Alaska, October 1974–September 1975U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1816U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch, Pacific cod, and several flatfish stocks in the Bering SeaR.J. Wolotira, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1817U.S. and JapanSablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) resources of the Bering Sea and Northeastern Pacific OceanT. Sasaki, L.L. Low and K.N. ThorsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1819U.S.Migrations and abundance of salmon at sea—1975A.C. Hartt, G.E. Lord and D.E. RogersFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1975
1820U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1974U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1821U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1975J.E. Reeves and R.A. MacIntoshU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1822U.S.A summary of the observed incidental catch of tanner crab taken by the Japanese eastern Bering Sea trawl fisheryD. KesslerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1823U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1975J.E. ReevesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1824U.S.United States fishery for king and tanner crab in the eastern Bering Sea, 1975D.E. PhinneyAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1975
1825JapanStatus of Japanese tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea and research in 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1826JapanEstimation of catchability coefficient in the eastern Bering Sea tanner crab pot fishery, based on tagging experimentFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1827JapanArea preference in tanner crab pot operation and evaluation of fishing areaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1829CanadaForeign fishing activities off British Columbia, October 1974–October 1975Pacific Biological StationOctober, 1975
1832CanadaCanadian oceanographic research in the subarctic Pacific regionA.J. DodimeadFisheries and Marine ServiceOctober, 1975
1833CanadaAge-length relationships for 26 scorpaenids in the northeast Pacific OceanS.J. Westrheim and W.R. HarlingFisheries and Marine ServiceOctober, 1975
1834JapanData record of salmon research vessels, 1973. II. Data of oceanographical observationsFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1835JapanCatch of the Japanese landbased driftnet fisheries by species, by month, and by area, in metric tons, 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1837JapanSpecies composition of Other Rockfish, Other Flatfish, and Other Fishes in northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1974Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1975
1838U.S.Additional information relating to Unites States salmon abstention documents—supplementary time-series data through 1974National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1975
1849JapanStatistics and biological data of the Japanese tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea in 1975. (1976 data submission from Japan)Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1976
1854ROKReports on the status of important fish and shellfish stocks for the conservation of fisheries resources of the North Pacific OceanOffice of FisheriesApril, 1976
1864U.S.Status of Alaska pollock in the eastern Bering SeaM. Alton and R. BakkalaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1865U.S.Status of sablefish in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean through 1974L.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1866U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch, Pacific cod, and several flatfish stocks in the Bering Sea through 1974L.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1867U.S.Status of Pacific ocean perch in the Aleutian Island Region through 1974L.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1868U.S.Progress report on the groundfish sampling program in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific (July–December 1975) and on the experimental off-bottom trawling program in INPFC Area A (January–April 1976)R. French, L. Nelson, and M. MillerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1869U.S.Allocation of U.S.S.R. and Republic of Korea groundfish catches in 1974 by halibut conservation areas in the Bering Sea and INPFC statistical areas in the northeastern Pacific OceanN. ParksU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1870U.S.Catch and effort data for the herring fisheries and resource of the eastern Bering SeaJ.E. MasonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1871U.S.Catch per hour of Pacific ocean perch in the central Gulf of Alaska 1961 and 1962 vs. 1975S.E. Hughes and L.L. RonholtU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1872U.S.Additions (1974 data) to tables of INPFC document 1549—catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70D.D. WorlundU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1873U.S.Status of the yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) resource in the eastern Bering Sea through 1975R. Bakkala and G. HirschhornU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1874CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1975J.E. SmithPacific Biological StationSeptember, 1976
1875CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–75J.E. SmithSeptember, 1976
1876Canada and U.S.Minimum estimates of the all nation removals, North American trawl species composition and CPUE for “Other Rockfish” in the northeastern Pacific OceanM. Fraidenburg, J.E. Smith, W.H. Barss, and T. JowSeptember, 1976
1877JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1878JapanProgress report on the 1975 research concerning incidental catch of halibut and crab by the Japanese trawl fisheriesI. Ikeda and S. YugeFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1879JapanRecovery data of tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and the northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1880JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska by Shunyo Maru, 1976T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1881JapanPacific pollock stocks in the eastern Bering SeaI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1882JapanStudies on resources of yellowfin sole in the eastern Bering Sea—III. Stock size and allowable catch, estimated by the method of VPA, in case that yellowfin sole is composed of two stock groupsK. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1883JapanData on the Japanese blackcod fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean—IV. Development and history of the Japanese blackcod fishery through 1975, and status of blackcod)T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1884JapanInformation of the CPUE for the Pacific Ocean perch in the North Pacific, 1975I. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1885JapanPacific ocean perch stocks in the northeastern PacificI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1886JapanProgress report on a trawl gear experiment in halibut conservation Area A of the Bering SeaI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1887JapanResources of rock sole, flathead sole, Pacific cod, turbot, and herring in the Bering SeaY. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1888JapanPreliminary catch statistics for Bering Sea and northeast Pacific groundfish, January–July 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1889JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1975 (November 1974–October 1975)H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1890JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific, 1975 (November 1974–October 1975)H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1891JapanPreliminary catch statistics for Bering Sea and northeast Pacific groundfish, November–December 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1892JapanResearch plans for groundfish in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea in 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1893JapanCatch and fishing location of rockfish in the Charlotte Area in 1974Y. TakahashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1976
1894JapanMSY of Greenland turbot in the Bering SeaI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1895JapanStock assessment of several rockfishes in the North PacificI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1896JapanPollock stocks in the northeastern PacificI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1897JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fisheries in the North Pacific in 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1898JapanCatch and number of vessel days for mothership, North Pacific trawl, and North Pacific longline-gillnet fisheries, by INPFC area, 1973–75Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1899Canada and U.S.The status of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) stocks off British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon in 1974D.R. Gunderson, S.J. Westrheim, R.L. Demory, and M.E. FraidenbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1900U.S.Observations of Japanese crab factoryships during 1976A.J. BeardsleyU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1901U.S.Data on the incidence of tanner crab in the Japanese eastern Bering Sea trawl fishery in 1975 and comparison with data for 1973 and 1974R. French, M. Miller, and R. CarlsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1976
1902Canada and U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean requested for INPFC (Doc. 1831, 1975)International Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1976
1903Canada and U.S.Detailed data on the incidence of halibut in the Japanese trawl catches in 1975S.H. Hoag and R. FrenchInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1976
1905U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1975U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1976
1906U.S.Migrations and abundance of salmon at sea, 1976A.C. Hartt, R.C. Cook, and R.H. ConradFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1976
1908JapanCatch statistics of Japanese landbased dragnet fishery in the Bering Sea Region, 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1909JapanCatch statistics of Japanese landbased dragnet fishery in the Bering Sea, 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1917JapanTanner crab resources in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1918Japan1976 survey of tanner crab resources in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1919JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1976 (May–September) and new recovery data up to September 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1920JapanOceanographic conditions of the northwestern Pacific in the summer of 1976K. KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1921U.S.Foreign fishing off the United States, October 1975–September 1976U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1976
1923U.S.Incidence of salmon in Japanese and U.S.S.R. trawl fisheriesR. French and M. MillerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1976
1924U.S.United States fishery for king and tanner crab in the eastern Bering Sea, 1976J. LechnerAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1976
1925CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1975T.H. ButlerFisheries and Marine ServiceOctober, 1976
1926U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1976J.E. Reeves, R.N. McBride, and N. NewcomeU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1976
1928U.S.Means of identifying the origin of salmon in the area of the Japanese land-based fisheryA.C. Hartt and R.C. CookFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1976
1929U.S.Recent information on distribution of Asian and western Alaskan chum and chinook salmon in the Bering SeaA.C. HarttFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1976
1932JapanSockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum distributed in the northwestern area of the North Pacific—Part II.Masanao OsakoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1933JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigatons on the high seas in 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1935JapanCatch (m.t.) of the Japanese landbased driftnet fisheries by species, by month, and by area, 1975Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1976
1936Canada and U.S.Results of the comparative testing of the Japanese off-bottom trawl designed to reduce the incidental catch of halibutW. Pereyra, I. Ellis, S. Hoag, and S.J. WestrheimU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1976
1948JapanStatistics and biological data of the Japanese tanner crab fishery in the Eastern Bering Sea in 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1977
1949U.S.Distribution and abundance of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in offshore waters of the North Pacific OceanR.L. Major, J. Ito, S. Ito and H. GodfreyFebruary, 1977
1950CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the North Pacific Ocean by Japan and the United States in 1974, 1975, and 1976, and additional recoveries from earlier taggings by Canada, Japan, and the United StatesK.V. AroFisheries and Marine ServiceApril, 1977
1951CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the pacific coast in 1976A.N. YatesDepartment of Fisheries and the EnvironmentJune, 1977
1954Japan & U.S.Report of the working group on average density index computation for pollock in the eastern Bering Sea to the INPFC Biology and Research CommitteeJuly, 1977
1962INPFCReport on the status of publications pertaining to the Committee on Biology and ResearchINPFC SecretariatAugust, 1977
1963Canada & U.S.The Pacific Halibut fishery: catch, effort and CPUE, 1929–1975 (Supplement to IPHC Technical Report No. 14)R.J. Myhre, G.J. Peltonen, G. St-Pierre, B.E. Skud and R.E. WaldenInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionJuly, 1977
1964U.S.Estimated catches of flounders by species in the Bering SeaK. Wakabayashi and R. BakkalaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1977
1966CanadaBias in using an age-length key to estimate age frequency distributionsS.J. Westrheim and W.E. RickerDepartment of Fisheries and the EnvironmentAugust, 1977
1967JapanCatch of the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery by species, by month, and by area in numbers of fish, and cumulative quantity of gear used (in tans), 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1977
1968JapanOutline of Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea, 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1969JapanOutline of Japanese groundfish fishery in the Northeastern Pacific, 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1970JapanInformation on halibut in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1971JapanRecovery data of tagged ground fishes in the Bering Sea and the Northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1972JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering Sea by Koyo Maru, 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1973JapanResearch plans for groundfish in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific, in 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1974JapanCondition of groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific OceanI. Ikeda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1981JapanPreliminary report of acoustic survey on pollock stock on the Aleutian Basin and adjacent waters in Summer of 1977K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1982U.S.Atka mackerel resource in the Northeastern Pacific OceanV.G. Wespestad and L.L. RonholtU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1977
1983U.S.Status of Bering Sea stocks of pacific cod, rock sole, flathead sole, and turbots in 1976R. Bakkala and K. WakabayashiU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1977
1984U.S.Status of pacific cod in the Gulf of AlaskaL.L. Ronholt and V.G. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1977
1985JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1977(June to August) and new recovery data up to September, 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1986JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1987JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters in 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1977
1988Canada & U.S.Detailed data on the incidence of halibut in Japanese and Soviet trawl catches in 1976S.H. Hoag and R. FrenchInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1977
1989Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean requested for INPFC (Document 1931)International Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1977
1991CanadaAdditional information regarding the Canadian reports on salmon and halibut stocks, supplementary time-series data (1975–76)October, 1977
1992Japan1977 survey of tanner crab in the eastern Bering Sea by scientific research vesselFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
1993JapanStatus of Japanese tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea and stock conditionFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
1994U.S.United States catches of shrimp, by INPFC area—1975H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
1995U.S.United States catches of shrimp, by INPFC area—1976H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
1996U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States pacific trawl fleet, 1975H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
1997U.S.Summary of vessel and gear specifications for the United States pacific trawl fleet, 1976H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
1998U.S.The catch of rockfish other than Pacific Ocean perch by Japan and the USSR in the Gulf of AlaskaR. French, J. Wall, and V. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
1999U.S.Status of Pacific Ocean perch stocks in the eastern Bering Sea and the Aleutian region through 1975L.L. Low, S.A. Mizroch, and R.J. Wolotira, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2000U.S.Description of the observer program of the foreign groundfish fishing fleets in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1977R. French, R. Nelson, Jr., J. Wall, and D. HennickU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2001U.S.Additions (1975 data) to tables of INPFC document 1549—Catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70D.D. Worlund and H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2002U.S.Status of the pacific herring fisheries and resource of the eastern Bering SeaV.G. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2003U.S.Status of the sablefish resource in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean through 1977L.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2004CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–76J.E. SmithFisheries Marine ServiceOctober, 1977
2005CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1976J. SmithFisheries Marine ServiceOctober, 1977
2007U.S.Fishery statistics of the U.S.S.R. for 1976 in the eastern Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific Ocean as provided to the U.S. by the U.S.S.RU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2009U.S.Status of Alaska pollock stocks in the Eastern Bering SeaL.L. Low, S.A. Mizroch, and M. AltonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2010U.S.Data on the incidence of tanner crab in the Japanese eastern Bering Sea trawl fishery in 1976 and comparison with data for 1973–75Robert FrenchU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2011JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea and Aleutian region, January–July, 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2012JapanCatch statistics of Japanese land-based dragnet fishery in the Bering Sea region, 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2013JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific region, January–July, 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2014JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific Ocean in 1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2015JapanCatch and number of vessel-days for mothership fishery, North Pacific trawl fishery, and North Pacific longline-gillnet fishery in 1973–1976Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2016U.S.Status of the yellowfin sole resource in the eastern Bering Sea through 1976K. Wakabayashi, R. Bakkala and L.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2017JapanSummary report on size composition of pollock surveyed by Japanese commercial vessels in the Bering Sea in September 1977H. YamaguchiFishery Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2018U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1976H. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2019U.S.Gulf of Alaska pollock—Its fisheries and resource potentialM. Alton, S. Hughes, and G. HirschhornU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2020U.S.Incidence of salmon in Japanese, Polish, and USSR trawl catches off California, Oregon, Washington, and southern British Columbia, 1976R. FrenchU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2021U.S.Monitoring migrations and abundance of salmon at sea—1977C.K. Harris, R.C. Cook, R.L. Burgner and D.E. RogersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2022U.S.Observations of Japanese tanner crab vessels during 1977A.J. Beardsley and J.H. BowermanU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2023U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1977J.E. ReevesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2024U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering SeaR.S. Otto, J.E. Reeves and J. BurnsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2027U.S.United States king and tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea, 1977J. LechnerAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1977
2028JapanCatch and effort on blackcod caught by Japanese longline fishery in Canadian waters, 1968–1976 fishing yearsT. SasakiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1977
2029JapanTime and area heterogeneity of gonad weight of sockeye salmon caught in the operating area of the Japanese mothership fisheryFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1977
2030JapanSockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka WALBAUM) in the northwestern area of the North Pacific. Part III Seasonal difference in gonad weight among different fish schoolsM. OsakoFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1977
2031JapanAn analysis on CPUE by 2° x 5° area of sockeye salmon caught by the Japanese mothership fisheryFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1977
2033U.S.Addendum to U.S. document, “statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1976”U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1977
2034JapanCatch of the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery by species, by month, and by area in numbers of fish, and cumulative quantity of gear used (in tans), 1972.Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2035JapanCatch of the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery by species, by month, and by area in numbers of fish, and cumulative quantity of gear used (in tans), 1973Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2036U.S.1977 western Alaskan recoveries of Pacific salmon released during Japanese highe seas tagging experimentsC.K. HarrisFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1977
2046Polish People’s RepublicPreliminary Polish catch statistics, northeast Pacific. 1977O. WrzesinskiPolish People’s RepublicNovember, 1977
2048JapanStatistics and biological data of the Japanese tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea in 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1978
2058KoreaFishery statistics of the Republic of Korea for 1977 in the eastern Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific OceanOffice of FisheriesAugust, 1978
2059JapanData records from Japanese salmon research vessels, 1977. I—Catch dataFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1978
2060JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1977. II—Oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1978
2061KoreaCatch and effort statistics by Korean fisheries in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific OceanAugust, 1978
2063U.S.Gulf of Alaska pollock—Fisheries and biological information, 1976–1977M. AltonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1978
2064U.S.Status of Pacific cod in the Gulf of AlaskaL.L. Ronholt and V.G. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1978
2065U.S.United States catches of shrimpH.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1978
2066U.S.Genetic variats of proteins in chum and chinook salmon from the Bering Sea and the Yukon and Kuskokwim: Report of analyses of 1976 collectionsF.M. UtterU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1978
2067U.S.Data from the observations of foreign fishing fleets off the coast of California, Oregon, and Washington 1977R. French, R. Nelson Jr., J. Wall and D. HennickU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1978
2068U.S.Additions (1976 data) to tables of INPFC document 1549—catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70D.D. Worlund and H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1978
2069CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–77J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceSeptember, 1978
2070CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1977A.N. YatesDepartment of Fisheries and the EnvironmentSeptember, 1978
2071U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R. salmon catch statistics for the northwest Pacific for 1975, 1976, and 1977VNIROSeptember, 1978
2072U.S.S.R.U.S.S.R. groundfish catches (m.t.) in the northeastern Pacific by INPFC area, 1975–77VNIROSeptember, 1978
2073JapanReport on the biological research of groundfish in the Bering Sea by Shunyo Maru, 1978K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2074JapanPreliminary survey report on blackcod and Pacific cod stocks by Hatsue maru No. 55 in the Gulf of Alaskan the summer of 1978T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2075JapanPreliminary report of multi-vessel trawl survey on bottomfishes in the eastern Berinf continental shelf in springtime, 1978H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2076JapanPreliminary report of acoustic survey and mid-water trawl on pollock stock on the Aleutian Basin and adjacent waters in summer of 1978K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2077JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the eastern Bering Sea in 1977 calendar yearK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2078JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific in 1977 calendar yearK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2079JapanBiomass estimates for groundfishes in the eastern Bering Sea: 1973–1977I. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2080JapanRecalculation of longline effort and stock assessment of blackcod in the North PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2081JapanCondition of groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and northeastern PacificI. Ikeda, K. Okada, H. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki, and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2082JapanResearch plans for groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific in 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2083JapanManuscript on the plan for Japanese allotment of Japan-U.S. joint trawl survey in the Bering Sea in 1979I. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2084JapanRelease and recovery data of tagged ground fishes in the Bering Sea and the northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2085JapanCatch and effort on blackcod caught by Japanese longline fishery in Canadian waters, Nov. 1976–Dec. 1977T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2086JapanOutline of Japanese Salmon investigations in the offshore waters in 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1978
2087CanadaTag returns from Canadian high seas taggings received from October 1, 1975 to September 15, 1978Fisheries and Marine ServiceSeptember, 1978
2088JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1978K. KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2089JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1978 (May to September) and new recovery data up to September, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2090JapanJapanese tanner crab fishery in the Bering Sea, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2091JapanTanner crab survey in the Bering Sea, by scientific research vessel, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2092JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea and Aleutian region January–July, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2093JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific region January–July, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2094JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific Ocean in 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2109U.S.Report of U.S. observations during the cruise of the Japanese research vessel Riasu Maru No. 2 in 1978W.B. DinnefordU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2110U.S.Report of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1978M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2111CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1977J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceOctober, 1978
2112JapanOceanographic survey in the Bering Sea, by crab research vessel in 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2113JapanTrend and status of the tanner crab resource and its utilization in the eastern Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2114U.S.Estimated catches of flounders by species in the Bering Sea—updated through 1976K. Wakabayashi and R. BakkalaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2115U.S.Trends in abundance of Pacific Ocean perch and other rockfish stocks in the Gulf of Alaska as indicated by trawl surveys in 1961 and 1973–76L. Ronholt and L.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2116U.S.Examination of biochemical genetic variation in yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) of the eastern Bering SeaS. Grant, R. Bakkala, and F. UtterU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2117U.S.Changes in flounder abundance in the Gulf of Alaska from 1961 to 1973–76L.L. RonholtU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2118U.S.Information on the sablefish resource in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific OceanL.L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2119U.S.Atka mackerel resource in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaV.G. Wespestad and L.L. RonholtU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2120U.S.Data from the observations of foreign fishing fleets in the Gulf of Alaska, 1977J. Wall, R. French, R. Nelson Jr., and D. HennickU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2122U.S.Report on observations aboard the Japanese research vessel Tomi Maru 52 during a Bering Sea (Aleutian Basin) pollock survey conducted in June–July, 1978E.P. NunnalleeU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2123U.S.Monitoring migrations and abundance of salmon at sea—1978C.K. Harris, R.C. Cook, R.L. Burgner, and D.E. RogersFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1978
2124U.S.Information on groundfish resources in the Bering Sea and Aleutian regionL. Low, R. Bakkala, H. Larkins, S. Mizroch, V. Wespestad, and J. AkadaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2125U.S.Status of the United States tanner and king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea 1978J. LechnerAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1978
2126U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1978R.S. Otto, A.K. Fukuyama, and T.M. ArmettaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2127U.S.Summary of observations of Japanese tanner crab fleets in the eastern Bering Sea, 1978R.J. Wolotira, Jr., and T. ArmettaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2128Japan & U.S.U.S.–Japan dall porpoise research programM. Tillman and K. TakagiOctober, 1978
2129Canada & U.S.Current status of the pacific halibutInternational Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1978
2131JapanTemporal and spatial variation of maturity of sockeye salmon in the northwestern area of the North PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2132JapanCatch of the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery by species, by month, and by area in numbers of fish, and cumulative quantity of gear used (in tans), 1977Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1978
2133U.S.Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1977H. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1978
2134U.S.Patterns of fishing effort and catch by the Japanese landbased driftnet salmon fisheryC.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1978
2136U.S.Origins of sockeye salmon in and around the area of the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery as determined by an evaluation of scale patterns with a discriminant functionS.L. Marshall and R.C. CookFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1978
2146JapanIncidental catch of porpoise by the land-based drfitnet salmon fishery from May to July 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1979
2147JapanIncidental catch of porpoise by the mothership salmon gillnetFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1979
2148JapanCatch of porpoise with drift gillnet by salmon research vessels in 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1979
2149JapanDistribution of porpoises entangled in salmon gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1972–77S. MachidoriFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1979
2150JapanPreliminary report on dall porpoise sighting by Japanese salmon research vessels in the North Pacific in 1978S. Ohsumi and K. TakagiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryMarch, 1979
2151U.S.Plan for 1979 Joint Japan-U.S. research on the North Pacific dall porpoiseU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1979
2152U.S.Progress report for U.S. research on the North Pacific dall porpoiseU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1979
2153U.S.Data record of marine mammal sightings reported by Platforms of Opportunity Project observers in 1978 (contains appendix table 21 which is a key to identification of species in the data record)National Marine Mammal LaboratoryMarch, 1979
2154INPFCReport of the scientific sub-committee of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsAd Hoc Committee on Marine MammalsMarch, 1979
2155JapanCatch statistics of Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1979
2156JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1978. I—catch data.Fisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1979
2157Polish People’s RepublicActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the northeast Pacific by INPFC statistical area, June–September 1978W. GdyniMorski Instytut RybackiJune, 1979
2167JapanResults of blackcod tagging experiments by Japan in the Bering Sea and northeastern PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2168JapanAllowable catch of blackcod by region and the performance of Japanese longline fisheryI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2169JapanRockfish biomass in the eastern Bering slope and Aleutian areaI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2170JapanCondition of groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and northeastern PacificK. Okada, H. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki, and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2171JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the eastern Bering Sea in 1978 calendar yearFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2172JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in the 1978 calendar yearFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2173Japan1979 research activities for groundfish stocks of the Japanese groundfish fishery and 1980 research plans in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2174JapanEstimation of vulnerability of trawl net by alternate tail attack methodI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2175JapanRelease-recovery-data analysis for estimating the rate of emigration and mixture of fish stocksI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2176JapanBiological characteristics and distribution of pelagic pollock stocks on the Aleutian BasinK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2179JapanStatus of tanner crab stock in the Bering Sea, based on the 1978 surveyK. Takeshita and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2180JapanTanner crab survey in the Bering Sea, by the scientific research vessel, Wakatake Maru, 1979 (Interim report, May-June cruise)K. Takeshita and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2181JapanJapanese tanner crab fishery in the Bering Sea, 1979 (Interim report)K. Takeshita and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2182JapanOutline of 1979 U.S.-Japan cooperative research and 1980 research plan for the Bering Sea crabsFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2183JapanTagging technique for tanner crab long-term tag (preliminary report)K. Takeshita and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2184JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1978. II—Oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1979
2191JapanCatch statistics of the Japanese landbased dragnet fishery in the Bering Sea, 1978 (January–December)Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1979
2192JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, January–July, 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1979
2193JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, January–July, 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1979
2194JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific in 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1979
2195JapanCatch and effort on blackcod caught by Japanese longline fishery in Canadian waters, Jan. 1978–Dec. 1978T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1979
2196INPFCA glossary of selected terms dealing with population dynamics and fisheries managementI. Ikeda, B.M. Leaman, and L.L. LowINPFC Working Group on TerminologyAugust, 1979
2197U.S.General production models on sablefish in the north PacificL.L. Low and V. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2198U.S.Observations of foreign fishing fleets off the coast of California, Oregon, and Washington, 1978R. French, R. Nelson, Jr., and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2199U.S.Additions (1977 data) to tables of INPFC Document 1549—Catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–70D.D. Worlund, M.L. Dahlberg, and H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2200U.S.Shrimp and groundfish catch statistics of the United States, 1961–1978H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2201INPFCItems of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific Ocean requested for INPFC (Document 2130)INPFCSeptember, 1979
2204JapanBiomass estimates for the pelagic pollock on the Aleutian Basin based on the echo sounder and mid-water trawl in 1978K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1979
2205CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1978A.N. YatesFisheries and Marine ServiceSeptember, 1979
2206CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–78J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceSeptember, 1979
2207CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1978J.E. SmithFisheries and Marine ServiceSeptember, 1979
2208CanadaA summary of sablefish tagging and exploratory trapping studies conducted during 1978 by the Pacific Biological StationR.J. Beamish, C. Houle, C. Wood, and R. ScarsbrookFisheries and Marine ServiceSeptember, 1979
2209CanadaThe use of sections of fin rays to determine the age of pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), and comments on the importance of the fin ray method for the determination of age of fishesR.J. BeamishDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1979
2210U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling on foreign fishing vessels in Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region, 1978R. Nelson Jr., R. French, and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2211U.S.Observations of foreign fishing fleets in the Gulf of Alaska, 1978J. Wall, R. French, and R. Nelson Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2212U.S.Condition of groundfish resources in the Gulf of AlaskaL.L. Low, M. Alton, V. Wespestad, and E. BrownU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2213U.S.Condition of groundfish resources in the Bering Sea and Aleutian areaR. Bakkala, L.L. Low, and V. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2214U.S.Preliminary report of the results of a bottom trawl survey of the Pacific Ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) resource off Washington and Oregon during March–April, 1979M.W. Wilkins, M.E. Fraidenburg, and T.A. DarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2215U.S.Results of NMFS trawl surveys of rockfish in the eastern Gulf of AlaskaL. RonholtU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1979
2216CanadaBiological observer coverage of foreign fisheries off Canada’s Pacific coast, 1978—Preliminary reportB.M. Leaman and D. DavenportFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1979
2217U.S.Annual report on dall porpoise—Salmon researchNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationSeptember, 1979
2219U.S.Summaries of provisional 1978 foreign groundfish catches in the northeast Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaR. French, R. Nelson Jr., and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2220U.S.Addendum to U.S. document 2133, “Statistics of United States groundfish (other than halibut) landings and effort—1977”H.A. GangmarkU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2221U.S.Genetic variants of proteins in chum and Chinook salmon from the Bering Sea: II Analyses of 1978 collections and additional data from asian populationsF.M. Utter, G.B. Milner, and D. TeelU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2222U.S.Origins of immature sockeye salmon in and around the area of the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery in 1974 and 1975 as determined by evaluation of scale patterns with a discriminant functionS.L. Marshall, R.C. Cook, C.K. Harris, and R.H. ConradFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1979
2223U.S.Monitoring migrations and abundance of salmon in offshore waters of the north Pacific Ocean—1979C.K. Harris, S.L. Marshall, R.C. Cook, R.H. Conrad, J.P. Graybill, and R.L. BurgnerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1979
2226JapanPreliminary report on blackcod and Pacific cod survey by Ryusho Maru No. 15 in the Aleutian region and the Gulf of Alaska in the summer of 1979T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2227JapanInterim report of the 1979 U.S.—Japan joint survey for the Bering Sea tanner crabs (Japan)K. Takeshita and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2228JapanPreliminary report on the Japan–U.S. joint groundfish surveys in the Bering Sea by Shotoku Maru No. 35 and Yakushi Maru No. 21 in 1979H. Yamaguchi and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2229U.S.Report of marine mammal research by U.S. scientists aboard Japanese salmon motherships and research vessels during 1979National Marine Mammal LaboratoryOctober, 1979
2230JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon, by sex, by 2° x 5° area and by ten-day period, 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2231JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in offshore waters in 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2232JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1979K. NasuFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2233JapanDistribution of immature sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), in the northwestern north Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaM. Osako and M. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2234JapanMasu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou found in the offshore waters in the northwestern north Pacific OceanS. Machidori, T. Okazaki, S. Ito, and J. OgasawaraFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2235JapanGenetic differences and possible origins of maturing and immature chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in autumn collections near the southern Kuril IslandsT. OkazakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2236JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1979 (May to August) and new recovery data up to september 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2237JapanSummary of salmon tagging conducted in the fishing area of Japanese landbased salmon fishery and adjacent watersFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2238JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2239U.S.Biochemical genetic variation in walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma: II. Analysis of pelagic collections of 1978 from the central and southern Bering Sea (abstract of report in progress)F. Utter, G. Milner, and D. TeelU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2240U.S.Evaluation of U.S. research vessel survey data for assessing conditions of demersal fishery resources of the eastern Bering SeaR. Bakkala, L. Low, and M. AltonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2241U.S.Design of the eastern Bering Sea trawl survey: Allocation of effort among strataD.M. EggersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2242JapanRelease and recovery data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and the northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2243JapanPostscript on ATA trawl experimentI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1979
2244<INPFCReport of the standing Committee on Biology and Research—1979Committee on Biology and ResearchOctober, 1979
2245U.S.Size at sexual maturity and incidence of partial clutches in female king crab (Paralithodes camtschatica and P. platypus) and tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi, C. opilio and C. bairdi x C. opilio) in the southern Bering Sea in 1975–1979R.A. MacIntosh, R.S. Otto, and A.K. FukuyamaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2246U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1979R.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2247U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1979R.S. Otto, A.K. Fukuyama, T.M. Armetta, R.A. MacIntosh, and I. McBrideU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2248U.S.Summary of observations of Japanese tanner crab fleets in the eastern Bering Sea, 1979R.J. Wolotira, Jr., T.M. Armetta, and G.L. AltermanU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2249U.S.Status of the United States tanner and king crab fishery in the eastern Bering Sea 1979M.F. EatonAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1979
2250U.S.Tag returns in 1979—United States high seas tagging (received through October 12, 1979)Fisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1979
2251U.S.A brief review of survey methodology with regard to groundfish stock assessmentB.M. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1979
2252U.S.An analysis of catch statistics from the Japanese mothership salmon fishery and the catch of salmon within the U.S. fishery conservation zone in 1978M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2253U.S.Report of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery and research vessel cruises during 1979M.L. Dahlberg and C.K. HarrisU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1979
2260U.S.U.S. proposed plan for 1980 cooperative Japan–U.S. research on dall’s porpoise in the North PacificU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceFebruary, 1980
2262Japan2×5 area and ten-days catch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1979 (revision)February, 1980
2263JapanIncidental catch of marine mammal by the landbased salmon gillnetFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1980
2264JapanIncidental catch of marine mammal by the mothership salmon gillnetFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1980
2265JapanData record of marine mammal sighting survey conducted by Japanese salmon research vessels, 1978 and 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1980
2266JapanProgress report on abundance survey of marine mammals, mainly dall porpoise, by Japanese salmon research vessels in the north Pacific in 1979S. Ohsumi and K. TakagiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryFebruary, 1980
2267U.S.Report on the distribution and preliminary analyses of abundance of dall’s porpoiseG.C. Boucher, L.C. Consiglieri, L.C and L.L. JonesNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1980
2268<U.S.Report on studies conducted aboard the dedicated vessel, Hoyo Maru #67 May–August 1979L.L. Jones, R. Beach, J. Coe, and W.A. WalkerNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1980
2269U.S.Progress report on life history studies of dall’s porpoise in the northwestern Pacific, 1978–1979L.L. Jones, T.C. Newby, T.W. Crawford, and S. TreacyNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1980
2270JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership and landbased fishereis, 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1980
2272JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership fishery (by catcher boat location), 1978Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1980
2273INPFCReport of the working group on joint surveys of the sub-committee on non-anadromous speciesWorking Group on Joint Surveys of the Sub-committee on Non-anadromous speciesMay, 1980
2282KoreaCatch and effort statistics by the Korean fishing vessels in the Gulf of AlaskaJuly, 1980
2283KoreaCatch and effort statistics by Korean fisheries in the Bering SeaJuly, 1980
2284KoreaBiological statistics by Korean fishing vessels in the Gulf of AlaskaJuly, 1980
2285KoreaBiological statistics by Korean fisheries in the Bering SeaJuly, 1980
2287Polish People’s RepublicActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the Gulf of Alaska (INPFC statistical areas) for November 1, 1978–October 31, 1979W. GdyniMorski Instytut RybackiAugust, 1980
2288Polish People’s RepublicActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the northeast Pacific (INPFC statistical areas) for June–October 1979W. GdyniMorski Instytut RybackiAugust, 1980
2289Polish People’s RepublicActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the Bering Sea (INPFC statistical areas) for March–November 1979W. GdyniMorski Instytut RybackiAugust, 1980
2297JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, January–July, 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2298JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, January–July, 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2299JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific in 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2300JapanCatch and effort on blackcod caught by Japanese longline fishery in Canadian waters, Jan. 1979–Dec. 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2301JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1979 January–December and 1980 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2302JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in 1979 January–December and 1980 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2303Japan1980 research activities on stocks concerning the Japanese groundfish fishery and research planned for 1981 in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2304JapanTrends in blackcod, Pacific cod and other groundfish stocks in the Gulf of Alaska based on the results of longline surveys in 1978 and 1979T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2305JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1979. I—Catch dataFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2306JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1979. II—Oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1980
2307JapanStock condition of tanner crab in the Bering Sea based on the 1978–79 Japanese fisheries statisticsK. Takeshita and H. FujitaFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2308JapanTanner crab survey in the Bering Sea by scientific research vessel, 1980 (Interim report, May–June cruise)K. Takeshita and H. FujitaFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2309JapanJapanese tanner crab fishery in the Bering Sea, 1980 (Interim report)K. Takeshita and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2310JapanOutline of 1980 U.S.-Japan cooperative research and 1981 research plan for Bering sea crabFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2312JapanCondition of groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificK. Okada, H. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki, and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2313JapanGroundfish complex management concept: a review on the groundfish complex management conceptI. IkedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2314JapanMating and egg laying in the tanner crabsK. Takeshita and S. MatsuuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2315JapanRelative growth of chela and sexual maturity in tanner crabH. Fujita and K. TakeshitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1980
2316JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in offshore waters in 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2317JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1980 (May to August) and new recovery data up to September 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2318JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions in the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1980K. NasuFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2319JapanRelative abundance of immature sockeye salmon in waters south of the Aleutian Islands during July and August 1972–80K. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2320Japan1980 CPUE distribution of Pacific salmon caught by research gillnets in the northwestern Pacific OceanS. MachidoriFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2323INPFCReport of the scientific sub-committee of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsOctober, 1980
2324CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–79J.E. SmithDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1980
2325CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1979J.E. SmithDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1980
2326CanadaA summary of sablefish tagging and biological studies conducted during 1979 by the Pacific Biological StationR.J. Beamish, C. Houle, and R. ScarsbrookDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1980
2327CanadaA preliminary evaluation of a method to determine the age of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbriaR.J. Beamish and D.E. ChiltonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1980
2328CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged offshore in the North Pacific Ocean by Japan and the United States in 1977, 1978, and 1979, and additional recoveries from earlier taggings by Canada, Japan, and the United StatesK.V. AroDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1980
2329CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1979T.H. ButlerDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1980
2330Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (Requested from Canada and the United States in Document 2240, Appendix 2)September, 1980
2332U.S.Observations of foreign and joint venture fishing fleets off the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California, 1979R. French, R. Nelson, Jr., and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2333U.S.Observations of foreign fishing fleets in the Gulf of Alaska, 1979J. Wall, R. French, and R. Nelson Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2334U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska in 1980L. Low, M. Alton, V. Wespestad, E. Brown, and K. EdwardsU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2335U.S.Examination of biochemical genetic variation in spawning populations of yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) of the eastern Bering SeaS. Grant, R. Bakkala, and D. TeelU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2336U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling on foreign fishing vessels in Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region, 1979R. Nelson Jr., R. French, and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2337U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1980R. Bakkala, V. Wespestad, L. Low, and J. TraynorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2338U.S.Statistics of United States catches and effort of groundfish species, shrimp and herring caught in the Bering Sea and N.E. Pacific—1978 (preliminary)S. MuraiU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1980
2339JapanRecovery data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2340Japan1980 Bering Sea crab survey data by R/V Wakatake maru (Second cruise, July–August)Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2341JapanOceanographic survey in the Bering Sea, by the crab research vessel in 1979 and 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2342U.S.Evaluation of the randomness of catch sampling procedures in the Japanese mothership salmon fisheryJ.T. Fujioka and M.L. DahlbergFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2343U.S.Proposal for changing INPFC conception—Monterey Boundary from 35°30’N to 36°00’NT. JowCalifornia Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1980
2344U.S.Catches of sockeye salmon of Bristol Bay origin, 1978 and 1979 and Chinook salmon of western Alaska origin by the Japanese mothership salmon fishery, 1956–1979M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2345U.S.Report of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1980M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2346U.S.The mixing proportion of Asian and Alaskan sockeye salmon in and around the landbased driftnet fishery area as determined by scale pattern recognitionR.C. Cook, R.H. Conrad, K.W. Myers, R.V. Walker, and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1980
2347U.S.Status of the Herring Resource in the eastern Bering SeaV.G. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2348U.S.Monitoring migrations and abundance of salmon at sea–1980C.K. Harris, R.H. Conrad, K.W. Myers, R.V. Walker, R.W. Tyler, and R.L. BurgnerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1980
2350JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon, by sex, by 2° x 5° area and by ten-day period, 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2351U.S.Summary of western Alaska Chinook salmon catch and escapement dataC.P. MeachamOctober, 1980
2352INPFCReport of the standing Committee on Biology and Research—1980Committee on Biology and ResearchOctober, 1980
2353JapanPreliminary report on the Japan–U.S. joint groundfish surveys in the Aleutian region by Hatsue Maru No. 62 in 1980H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2354JapanPreliminary report on U.S.–Japan longline survey for blackcod and Pacific cod by Fukuyoshi Maru No. 8 in the Aleutian region in the summer of 1980T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2355JapanPreliminary report on multi-vessel trawl survey on bottomfishes in the eastern Bering continental shelf in springtime, 1980H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2356JapanOceanographic surveys by Japanese research vessels in the Bering Sea, June–August 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2357JapanAn interim report on U.S.–Japan blackcod tagging experiments conducted in the Aleutian region and Gulf of Alaska in 1978 and 1979T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2358JapanPelagic pollock survey by means of hydroacoustic and mid-water trawl gears on the Aleutian Basin in 1979Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2361U.S.1980 U.S. research surveys and research plans for 1981 in the Bering SeaT. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2362U.S.1980 U.S. research surveys and research plans for 1981 in the northeastern Pacific OceanT. Dark, L. Ronholt, and G. SmithU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2363U.S.Regional variation in the size of sexual maturity of two species of tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi and C. opilio) in the eastern Bering Sea, and its use in defining management subareasD. SomertonCenter for Quantitative Sciences in Forestry, Fisheries, and WildlifeOctober, 1980
2364U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1980R.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2365U.S.Summary of observations of Japanese tanner crab fleets in the eastern Bering Sea, 1980R.J. Wolotira, Jr. and T.M. ArmettaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2366U.S.An evaluation of 1979 and 1980 comparative crab fishing experiments with the alternate tail attack (ATA) methodR.S. Otto and S.J. WilsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2367U.S.King and tanner crab research in the eastern Bering Sea, 1980R.S. Otto, R.A. MacIntosh, T.M. Armetta and S. WilsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1980
2368U.S.United States king and tanner crab fishery in the eastern Bering SeaM.F. EatonAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1980
2369U.S.Tag returns in 1980—United States high seas tagging (received through October 17, 1980)Fisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1980
2370JapanOutline of research on marine mammals including dall porpoises incidentally caught by salmon gillnets which was conducted in 1980 by JapanFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1980
2371U.S.Progress report on Dall’s porpoise research, 1980National Marine Mammal LaboratoryNovember, 1980
2378JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership and landbased fishereis, 1980Fishereis Agency of JapanFebruary, 1981
2379INPFCReport of the working group on joint surveys of the sub-committee on non-anadromous species, November 1980Sub-committee on Non-anadromous SpeciesFebruary, 1981
2380JapanIncidental catch of marine mammals by the mothership and landbased salmon gillnet fisheries of Japan by INPFC area, by 10-day period, in 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1981
2381JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels by 2°x 5° area and 10-day periods, 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1981
2383JapanAdditional information of tag recoveries in 1980 Japanese high sea salmon tagging (received during the period November 1980 to February 1981)Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1981
2384JapanThe regulations on the operations of the Japanese high seas salmon fisheries for the 1980 fishing season (provisional english translation)Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1981
2385INPFCReport of the ad hoc salmon research coordinating groupMarch, 1981
2386JapanReport on abundance survey of marine mammals, Mainly Dall’s porpoise, by Japanese salmon research vessels in the North Pacific in 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1981
2387U.S.Report on studies of the incidental take of marine mammals particularly Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, in the Japanese salmon fisheryU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1981
2388U.S.Estimation of the abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaG.C. BouchetU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1981
2390INPFCReport of the scientific sub-committee of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsAd Hoc Committee on Marine MammalsMarch, 1981
2391INPFCReport of the working group on joint surveys of the sub-committee on non-anadromous speciesS. ShizuokaSub-committee on Non-anadromous SpeciesMarch, 1981
2392U.S.Statistics of United States catches and effort of groundfish species, shrimp and herring caught in the Bering Sea and N.E. Pacific—1978 (preliminary)S. MuraiU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMay, 1981
2393INPFCReport of the May 1981 working group on sablefish of the sub-committee on non-anadromous speciesSub-committee on Non-anadromous SpeciesMay, 1981
2394JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1980. I—catch data.Fisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1981
2395JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1980. II—Oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1981
2396PolandActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the Gulf of Alaska (INPFC statistical areas) for 1979 November 1—1980 October 31R.W. GdyniMorski InstytutMay, 1981
2397PolandActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the northeast Pacific (INPFC statistical areas) 1980 June–OctoberR.W. GdyniMorski InstytutJune, 1981
2416JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, 1981 January—JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2417JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, 1981 January—JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2418JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery operating in the northeast Pacific in 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2419JapanSablefish catch and effort by the Japanese longline fishery in Canadian waters, 1980 January to DecemberS. ShizuokaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2420JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1980 January to December and 1981 January to JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2421JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific in 1980 January to December and 1981 January to JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2422JapanJapanese research in 1981 and research planned for 1982 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2423JapanReport on the multi-vessel trawl survey on pollock on the eastern Bering Sea continental shelf in 1980H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2424JapanPreliminary report on multi-vessel trawl survey on pollock on the eastern Bering Sea continental shelf in the spring of 1981H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2425JapanIncidental catch of Chinook salmon by Japanese groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian region in 1981 (January to March)K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2426JapanResults of experiments in 1981 (January to March) in modifying traditional trawl gear and techniques to reduce the incidental catch of Chinook salmon by Japanese groundfish fisheries in the Bering SeaK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2427JapanCondition of groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificK. Okada, H. Yamaguchi, T. Sasaki, and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2428JapanPreliminary report on U.S.–Japan longline survey for sablefish and Pacific cod by the Fukuyoshi Maru No. 8 in the Gulf of Alaska in the summerof 1980T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2429JapanChanges in relative population numbers and size composition of sablefish in the Aleutian region and the Gulf of Alaska from 1979 to 1981T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2430JapanPreliminary report on the Japan–U.S. joint groundfish surveys in the eastern Bering Sea by Ryoan Maru No. 31 in 1981K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2431JapanExperiments planned to reduce the incidental catch of Chinook salmon by modifying traditional trawl gear and techniques using a scientific research vesselFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2432JapanTanner crab survey in the Bering Sea by scientific research vessel, 1981H. Fujita and S. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2433JapanResearch plan for Bering Sea crab in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2434JapanEstimation of vulnerability of survey trawl net by tagging experimentsH. Fujita and K. TakeshitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2435JapanOceanographic survey in the Bering Sea by crab research vessel in 1981S. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2436JapanGrowth increment per molt in tanner crabH. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2437JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in offshore waters of the north Pacific Ocean in 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2438JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1981 (May to August) and recivery data up to 1981 AugustFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2439JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions in the northwestern Pacific during the summer of 1981K. KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2440JapanInformation on immature sockeye salmon in waters south of the Aleutian islands in 1981 JulyK. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2441CanadaSummary of Vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the British Columbia coast, 1964–80J.E. SmithDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1981
2442CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1980J.E. SmithDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1981
2443JapanCatch data, summarized by 2°x 5° area and by month, of steelhead trout caught by Japanese salmon research vessels, 1976–1980Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2444JapanPhotographic atlas of the scales and otoliths of coho salmon caught in the north Pacific OceanS. MachidoriFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2445 Rev. 1JapanDistribution of Pacific salmon, genus Oncorhynchus, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea in 1981S. MachidoriFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1981
2446Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (Requested from Canada and the United States in Document 2352, Appendix 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1981
2447U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling on foreign fishing vessels in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region, 1980R. Nelson, Jr., R. French, and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2448CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1980S.F. HeadDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1981
2449CanadaIncidental catch of Pacific salmon in British Columbia coastal midwater trawl fisheries, 1977–1980B.E. RiddellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1981
2450JapanRecovery data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1981
2451JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon, by sex, by 2° x 5° area and by ten-day period, 1980Far Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1981
2453U.S.Report of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1981M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2454U.S.Catch and effort of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery and estimated interceptions of western Alaska salmon in 1980M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2455U.S.The mixing proportion of Asian and Alaskan sockeye salmon in and around the landbased driftnet fishery area, 1972–1976R.C. Cook, K.W. Myers, R.V. Walker, and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1981
2456U.S.The continent of origin of coho salmon in the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery area in 1979K.W. Myers, R.C. Cook, R.V. Walker, and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1981
2457U.S.Observations of foreign fishing fleets in the Gulf of Alaska, 1980J. Wall, R. French, and R. Nelson Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2458U.S.Observations of foreign and joint venture fishing fleets off the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California, 1980R. French, R. Nelson, Jr., and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2459U.S.Progress report on 1981 research on Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken in Japanese salmon gillnet fisheryL.L. Jones and G.C. BouchetNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryOctober, 1981
2460U.S.Statistics of United States catches and effort of groundfish species, shrimp and herring caught in the Bering Sea and N.E. Pacific—1979 (Preliminary)R.E. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2461U.S.Condition of sablefish and pollock in the Gulf of Alaska in 1981J. Balsiger and M. AltonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2462U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1981R. Bakkala, V. Wespestad, T. Sample, R. Narita, R. Nelson. D. Ito, M. Alton, L. Low, J. Wall, and R. FrenchU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2463U.S.1981 U.S. research surveys and research plans for 1982 in the eastern Bering SeaT. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2465U.S.Information on rockfish from NMFS groundfish survey in the Aleutian islands—summer 1980L. RonholtU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2466U.S.Information on differences in groundfish catch estimates made by observers and those reported by vesselsR. French and J. HortonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2467JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and the northeastern Pacific in 1980Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1981
2468U.S.Report of incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the north Pacific Ocean during June and July 1980–1981M.L. DahlbergOctober, 1981
2469U.S.United States king, tanner and Korean hair crab in the eastern Bering Sea 1980M.F. EatonAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1981
2471U.S.Tag returns in 1981—United States high seas salmon taggingFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1981
2472JapanThe newest information on the abundance and size composition of sablefish in the Gulf of Alaska in 1981, based on the result of Japan–U.S. joint longline survey in 1981 (Preliminary)T. SasakiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1981
2473JapanComprehensive report of Japanese research from 1978 to 1980 on the incidental taking of marine mammals in the salmon gillnet operationsO. SanoFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1981
2474JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1981
2475JapanBiological information on Chinook salmon in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1981
2476JapanChanges in recent years in operations of Japan’s offshore salmon fisheriesFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1981
2477JapanOutline of research on marine mammals including Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by salmon gillnet which was conducted in 1981 by JapanO. SanoFishereis Agency of JapanOctober, 1981
2478INPFCReport of the standing Committee on Biology and Research—1981Committee on Biology and ResearchOctober, 1981
2480U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king, tanner and Korean hair crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1981R.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2481U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1981R.S. Otto, R.A. MacIntosh, T.M. Armetta, W.S. Meyers, and K.L. StahlU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1981
2488INPFCReport of the working group on joint surveys of the subcommittee on non-anadromous speciesSub-committee on Non-anadromous SpeciesFebruary, 1982
2489JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese Mothership and landbased fisheries, 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1982
2490JapanAdditional information of tag recoveries in 1981—Japanese high seas salmon tagging (received during the period of September 1981 to February 1982)Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2491JapanCatch of steelhead trout in 1981 by the landbased salmon gillnet fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2492JapanPreliminary report on the continental origin of the steelhead trout populations distributing in the North Pacific Ocean—the result of analysis by gene frequency dataT. OkazakiFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2493INPFCReport of the ad hoc salmon research coordinating groupAd Hoc Salmon Research Coordinating GroupMarch, 1982
2494JapanGear experiment in order to prevent incidental take of Dall’s porpoises conducted in 1981Northern Sea Salmon Mothership Council and Federation of Japan Salmon Fisheries Cooperative Association for the Development of Techniques to Prevent Incidental Take of Dall’s PorpoisesMarch, 1982
2495JapanCatch statistics of marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels by 1° x 1° area and 10-day periods, 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2496JapanIncidental catch of marine mammals by the mothership salmon gillnetFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2497JapanIncidental catch of marine mammals by the landbased salmon gillnetFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2498JapanSquid drift gillnet fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2499JapanMarlin and others drift gillnet fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2500JapanResearch report on pomfret (Brama japonica) in the North Pacific OceanS. Machidori and T. SatohMarch, 1982
2501JapanReport on abundance survey of marine mammals, mainly Dall Porpoise, by Japanese salmon research vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 1981M. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1982
2502JapanComparison of Japanese and U.S. data on sighting of marine mammals jointly conducted on the Japanese salmon research vesselFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryMarch, 1982
2503U.S.Estimation of the abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): A summary of survey efforts, 1978–1981.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1982
2505U.S.U.S. research on the incidental take of marine mammals by Japanese salmon mothership fishery: 1982 progress reportL.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1982
2506INPFCReport of the scientific sub-committee of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsAd Hoc Committee on Marine MammalsMarch, 1982
2526JapanData records from salmon research vessels 1981. I—catch data. II—Oceanographic data.Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2527JapanBiological information on immature sockeye salmon in waters south of the Aleutian Islands, 1972 to 1981K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2528JapanRelative abundance of immature sockeye salmon in south of Aleutian Islands waters in June and July, 1982K. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2529JapanThe data of CPUE and ocean age composition, summarized by 2° x 5° area and by month, of steelhead trout caught by Japanese salmon research vessels, 1972–1981T. OkazakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2530JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2531JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging Experiments in 1982 (May to August) and recovery data up to August, 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2532JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2533JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon, by sex, by 2° x 5° area, by then-day period, 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2534JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1982K. KitaniFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2535JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1981 January–December and 1982 January–JulyK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2536JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific in 1981 January–December and 1982 January–JulyK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2537JapanJapanese research in 1982 and research planned for 1983 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea and northeast PacificK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2538JapanCondition of Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rockfish, thornyheads, and squid stocks in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. OkadaFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2539JapanCondition of the pollock stock in the Eastern Bering Sea in 1982H. YamaguchiFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2540JapanCondition of flounder stocks in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2541JapanCondition of sablefish stocks in the North PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2542JapanCondition of pollock, pacific cod, pacific ocean perch, rockfishes, and flatfish stocks in the Gulf of AlaskaK. OkadaFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2543JapanPreliminary report on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey for sablefish and Pacific cod by Anyo maru No. 22 in the Aleutian region and the Gulf of Alaska in the summer of 1981T. Sasaki, D. Rodman, M. Onoda and J. RosapepeFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2544JapanPreliminary report on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey for sablefish and Pacific cod by Ryusho maru No. 15 in the Aleutian region, eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska in the summer of 1982 (A prompt report on sablefish and Pcaific cod in the Aleutian region)T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2545JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, 1982 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2546JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, 1982 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2547JapanSablefish catch and effort by the Japanese longline fishery in Canadian Waters, 1981 January to DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2548JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific in 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2549JapanTanner crab survey in the Bering Sea by the scientific research vessel, 1982H. Fujita and S. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2550JapanOceanographic survey in the Bering Sea by the crab research vessel in 1982S. Kawasaki and H. FujitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2552JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2553JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2554U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint venture fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region, 1981R. Nelson, Jr., J. Wall and J. BergerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1982
2555U.S.Observations of foreign fishing fleets in the Gulf of Alaska, 1981J. Wall, R. Nelson Jr., and J. BergerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1982
2556U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling on foreign and joint venture fisheries off the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California, 1981J. Berger, R. Nelson Jr. and J. WallU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1982
2557U.S.Preliminary information on the 1982 joint-venture fisheriesJ. Wall and R. Nelson Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1982
2558U.S.Yield loss of western Alaska Chinook salmon resulting from the large Japanese mothership catch of 1980R.L. MajorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1982
2559U.S.Occurance of British Columbia and southeastern Alaska sockeye salmon in and near the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery area, 1972–1976C.M. Knudsen and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1982
2560U.S.The continent of origin of coho salmon in the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery area in 1980R.V. Walker and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1982
2561U.S.Chinook salmon scale pattern studiesK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1982
2562CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970–81J.E. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1982
2563CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1981J.E. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1982
2564JapanData from the Japanese trawl survey for king and tanner crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1980 and 1981Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2565Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (requested from Canada and the United States in Document 2478, Appendix 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1982
2566CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1981S.F. HeadDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1982
2567CanadaIncidental catch of salmon in foreign and co-operative hake fisheries along the Canadian Pacific coast in 1981B. RiddellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1982
2568CanadaHigh seas salmon tag recovery and coded-wire tag recovery by a foreign vessel in Canadian waters, 1982B. RiddellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1982
2569U.S.Summary of Unites States high seas salmon tagging operations in 1982C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1982
2572JapanIncidental catch for prohibited species on Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1981 January–DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2573JapanPreliminary report of Japan–U.S. joint survey on selective trawls in the Bering Sea in the summer of 1982H. KonoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1982
2574U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1982R. Bakkala and L. LowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2575U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska in 1982J. BalsigerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2576U.S.1982 U.S. research surveys and research plans for 1983 in the Eastern Bering SeaT. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2577U.S.Statistics of United States catches and effort of groundfish species, shrimp and herring caught in the Bering Sea and N.E. Pacific—1980 (Preliminary)R.E. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2578U.S.Interceptions of North American sockeye salmon by the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery, 1972–1981C.K. Harris and W.G. MeyerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1982
2579U.S.Surface temperatures and salmon distribution relative to the Japanese driftnet fishery for flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami)R.L. Burgner, R.W. Mercer and R.L. MajorOctober, 1982
2580U.S.Tag returns in 1982 United States high seas salmon taggingC.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1982
2581U.S.Report of incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during 1980–1982M.L. DahlbergOctober, 1982
2582U.S.Evaluation of method of estimating mean fish weight in the Japanese mothership salmon fisheryJ.T. FujiokaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2583U.S.Report of U.S. Observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1982M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2584INPFCReport of the standing committee on biology and research—1982October, 1982
2585JapanOutline of research on marine mammals including Dall porpoise incidentally taken by salmon gillnet which was conducted in 1982 by JapanM. KatoFishereis Agency of JapanOctober, 1982
2586INPFCResponses to request for clarification of status of steelhead with respect to the conventionOctober, 1982
2589U.S.United States king, tanner and Korean hair crab in the eastern Bering Sea, 1981M.F. EatonAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1982
2590U.S.Aspects of the life history of the blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus) in AlaskaD.A. Somerton and R.A. MacIntoshOctober, 1982
2591U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1982R.S. Otto, R.A. MacIntosh, T.M. Armetta, and W.S. MeyersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2592U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king, tanner and Korean hair crabs collected in the Eastern Bering Sea during 1982R.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2593U.S.Tanner crab tag development and tagging experiments 1978–1982J. McBrideU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2594U.S.Progress report on 1982 field research on Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken in the Japanese salmon gillnet fisheryL.L. Jones and L. ActorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1982
2598INPFCReport of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsAd Hoc Committee on Marine MammalsOctober, 1982
2606INPFCReport of the working group on joint surveysWorking Group on Joint SurveysJanuary, 1983
2607JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1983
2608JapanReport on abundance survey of marine mammals, mainly Dall’s porpoise, by Japanese salmon research vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 1982M. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1983
2609JapanIncidental catch of marine mammals by the mothership salmon gillnet fishery in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1983
2610JapanIncidental catch of marine mammal by the landbased salmon gillnet in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1983
2611JapanVertebral counts of Phocoenoides dalliN. MiyazakiFebruary, 1983
2612JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels by 2°x 5° area and 10-day periods, 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1983
2613U.S.Investigations of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): responses to a survey vesselG.C. Bouchet, H.W. Braham, and L.M. TsunodaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceFebruary, 1983
2614U.S.Proposed research plan for U.S. research on Dall’s porpoise in 1983National Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1983
2615U.S.Progress report on research conducted in 1982 on Dall’s porpoise taken incidently in the Japanese salmon mothership fisheryL.L. JonesNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1983
2616U.S.Estimation of the abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): Progress report on survey efforts , 1978–1982G.C. Bouchet and D.E. WithrowNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1983
2617JapanStudy of Dall porpoise’s echolocating pulses and specification of the sound generatorsY. HatakeyamaNational Research Institute of Fisheries EngineeringFebruary, 1983
2618JapanBehaviour and segragation of the Dalls porpoise in the northwestern North Pacific observed in the Hoyomaru No. 12 cruiseT. KasuyaUniversity of TokyoFebruary, 1983
2619JapanThe 1982 testing of fishing gears to prevent the incidental take of Dall porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)J. Kumagai, A. Takayama, H. Oba, S. Hirokawa, and T. MaedaNorthern Sea Salmon Mothership CouncilFebruary, 1983
2620INPFCReport of the scientific sub-committee of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsAd Hoc Committee on Marine MammalsMarch, 1983
2621JapanAdditional information on tag recoveries in 1981 and 1982 Japanese high seas salmon tagging (received during the period of October 1982 to February 1983)Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1983
2622JapanCatch of steelhead trout by the landbased salmon gillnet fishery, 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1983
2623U.S.U.S. observations of the Japanese motherhip salmon fishery during 1983M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1983
2624U.S.Recoveries of salmonids tagged offshore in the North Pacific Ocean by Japan and the United States in 1980, 1981, and 1982, and additional recoveries from earlier taggings by Canada, Japan, and the United StatesW.G. MeyerFisheries Research InstituteMarch, 1983
2625U.S.Observations on externally scarred and marred Chinook and coho salmon in the 1982 southeast Alaska commercial troll fisheryM. Seibel, A. Davis, J. Kelly, L. Talley, and P. SkannesAlaska Department of Fish and GameMarch, 1983
2626INPFCReport of the ad hoc salmon research coordinating group—1983Ad Hoc Salmon Research Coordinating GroupMarch, 1983
2627U.S.Statistics of United States catches and effort of groundfish species, shrimp and herring caught in the Bering Sea and N.E. Pacific—1980 (revised)R.E. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceApril, 1983
2636INPFCList of material and data exchanges 1982/83April, 1983
2637JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1982. I—catch data. II—Oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1983
2638INPFCReport of the working group on joint surveys of the subcommittee on non-anadromous speciesSub-committee on Non-anadromous SpeciesAugust, 1983
2642CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1982J.A. BoutillierDepartment of Fisheries and OceansAugust, 1983
2650JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, 1983 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2651JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, 1983 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2652JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2653JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1983K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2654JapanIncidental catch for prohibited species on Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1982 January–DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2655JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1982 January–December and 1983 January–JulyK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2656JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in 1982 January–December and 1983 January–JulyK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2657JapanJapanese research in 1983 and research planned for 1984 groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea/Aleutians and northeast PacificK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2658JapanCondition of pollock stock in the Eastern Bering SeaH. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2659JapanCondition of flounder stocks in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2660JapanCondition of Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rockfish, thornyheads, and squid stocks in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2661JapanCondition of sablefish stocks in recent years in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian region and Gulf of Alaska based on the results of field surveysT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2662JapanRelative abundance and size structure of sablefish in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian region and Gulf of Alaska based on the results of Japan–U.S. joint longline survey from 1979 to 1982T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2663JapanCondition of pollock, pacific cod, pacific ocean perch, rockfishes, and flatfish stocks in the Gulf of AlaskaH. Yamaguchi and K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2664JapanPreliminary report on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Ryusho maru No. 15 in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian region and Gulf of Alaska, 1982T. Sasaki, D. Rodman, and K. FunatoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2665JapanPreliminary report of multi-vessel trawl survey for pollock on the eastern Bering Sea flat in spring, 1983H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2666JapanBiological characteristics of pelagic pollock in the Aleutian Basin in January/March, 1983K. Okada and K. NakayamaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2667JapanWater movement on the Aleutian Basin in winter, 1983K. KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2668JapanData from the Japanese trawl survey for king, tanner and Korean hair crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea in 1982H. Fujita and S. KawasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2669JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1983 and recovery data up to August, 1983J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2670JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1983K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2671JapanAbundance and biological information of immature sockeye salmon in waters south of Aleutian Islands in July, 1983K. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2672JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1983K. KitaniFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2673JapanDaily changes in CPUE of salmon gillnets in the North PacificY. Ishida and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2674JapanDifferences in area of distribution between salmon and flying squidK. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2675JapanAn analysis of scale pattern of Japanese hatchery-reared chum salmon in the North Pacific OceanY. Ishida, S. Ito, and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2676JapanReport on the feasibility survey of driftnet gillnet for pomfret and drift gillnet for flying squid resources in the North Pacific Ocean in 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2677JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering SeaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2678CanadaSummary of results of the Canadian sablefish tagging programR.J. Beamish and G.A. McFarlaneDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2679CanadaOverview of the fishery and management strategy for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) off the west coast of CanadaG.A. McFarlane and R.J. BeamishDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2680CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977–83S.J. WestrheimDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2681CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore tuna fishery, 1952–1982K.S. KetchenDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2682CanadaBiomass estimation of rockfish stocks off the west coast Queen Charlotte Islands during 1978 and 1979B.M. Leaman and D.A. NagtegaalDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2683CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific Coast, 1970–82J.E. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2684CanadaReconstruction of stock history and development of rehabilitation strategies for Pacific Ocean perch in Queen Charlotte Sound, CanadaC.P. Archibald, D. Fournier, and B.M. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2685CanadaUse of oxytetracycline and other methods to validate a method of age determination for sablefishR.J. Beamish, G.A. McFarlane, and D.E. ChiltonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2686CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1982J.E. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2687CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1983 in the northeast PacificA. Cass and G.A. McFarlaneDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2688JapanPreliminary report of Japan–U.S. joint survey on selective trawls in the Bering Sea in the summer of 1983H. KonoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1983
2689CanadaSalmonid by-catch during exploratory squid fishing off British Columbia, summer 1983N. SloanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1983
2690JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon, by sex, by 2° x 5° area, by then-day period, 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2691JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentaly in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1982Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2692JapanOutline of 1983 research on marine mammals, especially Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheryJ. Ito, M. Kato and S. OdateFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2693U.S.Summary of U.S.–U.S.S.R. cooperative high seas salmonid tagging operations in 1983C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2694U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint-venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1982R. Nelson, Jr., J. Wall, and J. BergerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2695Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (requested from Canada and the United States in document 2584, Appendix 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1983
2696U.S.Condition of groudfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska region as assessed in 1983G. Stauffer (editor) and M. Alton, E. Brown, R. Deriso, L. Ronholt, C. Rose, H. Shippen, and H. ZengerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2697U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1983R.G. Bakkala and L.L. Low (editors) and D.H. Ito, T.M. Sample, R.E. Narita, L.L. Ronholt, J.J. Traynor, and V.G. WespestadU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2698U.S.Report of incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during 1982–1983A.C. Wertheimer and M.L. DahlbergOctober, 1983
2699U.S.Results of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1983M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2700U.S.Yield loss of western Alaska Chinook salmon resulting from the foreign groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1979R.L. MajorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2701U.S.Statistics of United States catches and effort of groundfish species, shrimp and herring caught in the Bering Sea and N.E. Pacific—1981–83R.E. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2702U.S.1983 U.S. research surveys and research plans for 1984 in the eastern Bering SeaT. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2703U.S.Progress report for 1983 field research on Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken in the Japanese salmon gillnet fisheryL.L. Jones and L. ActorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2704U.S.Tag returns in 1983—United States high seas salmon taggingC.K. Harris and K.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2705U.S.The continent of origin of coho salmon in the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery area in 1981R.V. Walker and N.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2706U.S.Surface temperatures and salmon distribution relative to the Japanese driftnet fishery for flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami)R.L. Burgner and W.G. MeyerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2707U.S.Interceptions of North American and Bristol Bay sockeye salmon by the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery, 1972–1981W.G. Meyer and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2708JapanPreliminary report on the Japan–U.S. cooperative groundfish surveys in the Aleutian region by Daito maru No. 38 in 1983K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2709JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2711JapanAdditional information on tag recoveries in 1983 Japanese high seas salmon tagging (received during the period of September 19 to October 20, 1983)J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2712JapanChronological change of fishing effort, abundance of Chinook salmon in the Bering Sea and corresponding coastal catchJ. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2713U.S.Determination of stock origins of Chinook salmon incidentally caught in foreign trawls in the Alaska FCZK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2714U.S.Origins of Chinook salmon in the area of the Japanese mothership and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1980C.M. Knudsen, C.K. Harris and N.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1983
2715CanadaObservations on the fate of experimentally induced scars and marks on Chinook salmon: an interim reportG.R. Bell and J. BagshawDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1983
2716U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1983R.S. Otto, R.A. MacIntosh, K.L. Stahl-Johnson, and S.J. WilsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2717U.S.Data from the U.S. trawl survey for king, tanner and Korean hair crabs collected in the eastern Bering Sea during 1983R.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2718U.S.United States king, tanner and Korean hair crab in the eastern Bering Sea, 1982M.F. EatonAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1983
2719U.S.An analysis of the catch, fishing effort and catch per unit effort of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery in the Bering Sea north of 56°N latitude 1964–82M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1983
2720JapanCatch data of steelhead trout caught by Japanese research vessels by location, type of gear, and mesh size, 1972–1982Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2722INPFCReport of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsOctober, 1983
2723JapanComprehensive report on researches of marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, relating to Japanese salmon driftnet fisheries, 1978–1982S. Odate, J. Ito, and M. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1983
2731JapanBiological genetic study on population structure in Dall’s Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli). I. Population study based on the analysis of the allelic variations of enzymesK. Numachi and E. ShimuraFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2733JapanAnalyses of clicks of Dall’s porpoise (Truei type)Y. HatakeyamaFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2734Japan1983 experiments in capturing and behaviour observation for Dall’s porpoise on the coast of Hokkaido in the Sea of OkhotskH. TaketomiFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2735JapanAcoustic studies on Dall’s porpoise in the Bering SeaY. HatakeyamaFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2736JapanEffective range of sound generatorsY. HatakeyamaFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2737JapanOutline of the research on marine mammals by the Hoyo Maru No. 12 in 1983H. Ogi and Y. FujiseFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2738U.S.Progress report on studies of the incidental take of marine mammals particularly Dall’s Porpoise by the Japanese salmon fisheries, 1978–1983L.L. Jones, G.C. Bouchet, D.W. Rice, and A.A. WolmanNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryFebruary, 1984
2739JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2740U.S.Summary tables of salmonid tag recovery data from high seas tagging experiments by Canada, Japan, and the United States, reported to the INPFC through 20 October 1983W.G. MeyerFisheries Research InstituteFebruary, 1984
2742JapanProposed cruise plan of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2743JapanSupplementary records and a list of errata for catch data of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1972–1982Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2744JapanAdditional information on tag recoveries in 1983 Japanese high seas salmon tagging (received during the period of 21 October 1983 to 10 February , 1984)J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2745JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentaly in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2746JapanCatch of steelhead trout by the landbased salmon gillnet fishery (number of steelhead trout taken by landbased driftnet salmon fishery in 1983)Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2747U.S.Plans for U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery within the U.S. FCZ during 1984M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceFebruary, 1984
2748JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels by 2° x 5° areas and 10-day periods, 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2749JapanComparison of Dall’s porpoise life history parameters between harpoon and gillnet samplesT. Kasuya and S. ShiragaFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2750JapanA biological study on Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by landbased salmon drift gillnet fishery, 1981 and 1982N. MiyazakiFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2751JapanOn reflection loss of gillnet and maximum detectable range for Dall’s porpoiseY. HatakeyamaFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2752JapanAbundance estimation of Dall’s porpoise in the North Pacific Ocean (1983)M. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1984
2753JapanReport of the ad hoc salmon research coordinating group—1984March, 1984
2754JapanNumber of marine mammals taken incidentally by Japanese mothership gillnet and land-based driftnet salmon fisheries in 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1984
2755JapanThe 1983 testing of fishing gears to prevent the incidental take of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)J. Kumagai, A. Takayama, H. Oba, S. Hirokawa, T. Maeda, N. Mori and M. NaritaMarch, 1984
2756U.S.Investigations of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): responses to survey vessels: progress reportG.C. Bouchet, D.E. Withrow, and M.E. GoebelU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1984
2757U.S.Estimation of the abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): report of 1983 survey effortsG.C. Bouchet and D.E. WithrowU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1984
2758JapanReport on the study by U.S. amd Japanese marine mammal observers on board of catcherboats for mothership salmon fisheryJ. Kumagai, A. Takayama, N. Mori, T. Maeda, H. Ohba, and M. NaritaNorthern Sea Salmon Mothership Council and Federation of Japan Salmon Fisheries Cooperative AssociationMarch, 1984
2760INPFCCorrection to Doc. 2617—Study of Dall’s porpoise’s echolocating pulses and specification of the sound generators.Yoshimi HatakeyamaMarch, 1984
2778JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, 1984 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2779JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, 1984 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2780JapanVessel and gear specification of Japanese fishery in the north Pacific in 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2781JapanIncidental catch for prohibited species on Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1983 January–DecemberJapan Deep Sea Trawlers Association, Hokuten Trawlers Association and North Pacific Longline–gillnet AssociationFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2782JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1983 January–December and 1984 January–JulyK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2783JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in 1983 January–December and 1984 January–JulyK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2784JapanJapnaese research in 1984 and research planned for 1985 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea/Aleutians and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2785JapanCondition of flounder stocks in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2786JapanCondition of pacific cod stock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2787JapanCondition of Pacific ocean perch, rockfishes, thornyheads, and squid stocks in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands regionK. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2788JapanCondition of sablefish stocks in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian region, and Gulf of Alaska in 1983T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2789JapanCondition of pollock, pacific cod, pacific ocean perch, rockfishes, and flatfish stocks in the Gulf of AlaskaH. Yamaguchi, K. Teshima, and K. OkadaFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2790JapanPreliminary report of multi-vessel trawl survey for pollock on the eastern Bering Sea flat in spring, 1984H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2791JapanPreliminary report on the Japan-U.S. cooperative groundfish survey in the Bering Sea by Fukushin maru No. 5 in 1984H. YamaguchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2792JapanA prompt report on Japan-U.S. joint longline survey by Anyo maru No. 21 in 1983T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2793JapanReport of Japan-U.S. joint survey on selective trawls in the Bering Sea in the winter of 1983K. MoriFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2794JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2795JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1984S. MatsumuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2796JapanFurther analysis of scale patterns of Japanese hatchery-reared chum salmon in the north Pacific OceanY. Ishida, S. Ito, and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2797JapanAn estimation for sampling efficiencies of salmon gillnetsY. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2798JapanAge determination of masu salmonM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2799JapanAbundance and biological information of immature sockeye salmon in waters south of Aleutian Islands in July, 1984K. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2800JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1984 and recovery data up to August, 1984J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2801JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1984K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2802JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1984K. TakagiFishereis Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2803JapanPreliminary examination related to scale pattern analysis coho salmonM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2804JapanPreliminary report on the Japan-U.S. cooperative demersal trawl survey in the Gulf of Alaska by Daikichi maru No. 37 in 1984K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2805JapanCondition of pollock stock in the eastern Bering SeaH. Yamaguchi and K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2806JapanSurvey on the feasibility of using surface gillnets for pomfret and drift gillnets for flying squid resources in the north Pacific Ocean in 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1984
2807PolandActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the northeast Pacific by INPFC statistical area, 1984 June to NovemberMorski Instytut Rybacki W GdyniSeptember, 1984
2808CanadaThe status of the chum salmon fishery and stocks of British ColumbiaT.D. BeachamDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2809CanadaTrends in size of British Columbia salmon in 1975–1982W.E. RickerDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2810CanadaA review of British Columbia Chinook salmon stocks and their coastal fisheries: 1970 to 1984P.J. Starr and K.R. PitreDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2811CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific Coast, 1970–83J.E. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2812CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1983J.E. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2813CanadaIncidental catch of halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepsis) by domestic trawlers in Queen Charlotte sound and Hectate Strait, in 1981 and 1982R.D. StanleyDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2814CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1983S.F. HeadDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2815CanadaProgress report on Canadian experiments on validating age-determination methods for groundfish speciesS.J. WestrheimDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2816CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977–84S.J. WestrheimDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2817CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1984 in the northeast PacificA.J. CassDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2818CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore tuna fishery, 1952–1983K.S. Ketchen and C.C. WoodDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2819CanadaA review of British Columbia sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) stocks and their coastal fisheries: 1970 to 1984M.A. Henderson, A.T. Charles, and P.J. StarrDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2820CanadaProblems in ageing pacific salmon from their scales and need for development of Objective criteriaH.T. BiltonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2821CanadaSummary of 1984 herring stock assessmentM. Stocker, V. Haist, and J. SchweigertDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2822CanadaPreliminary report on identification of continent of origin of ocean–caught steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri, using naturally occurring parasite “tags”L. MargolisDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2823CanadaObservations on the fate of experimentally induced scars and marks on adult Chinook salmonG.R. Bell and J. BagshawDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1984
2824U.S.Plan for U.S. research on Dall’s porpoise in 1984L.L. JonesNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryOctober, 1984
2825JapanOutline of 1984 research on marine mammals, especially Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2826CanadaAdditional information on the validity of the ageing technique for sablefish developed by Beamish and Chilton (1982)G.A. McFarlane, R.J. Beamish, and R.L. DemoryFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2827U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska region as assessed in 1984R.L. MajorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2828U.S.Time–Location traces of sablefish tag recoveries released by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service and the Fisheries Agency of Japan, 1972–83J.T. Fujioka and M.F. SiglerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2829U.S.Results of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1984M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2830U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1984R.G. Bakkala and L.L. Low (editors) and D.H. Ito, R.E. Narita, V.G. Wespestad, D. Kimura, L.L. Ronholt, and J.J. TraynorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2831Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (Requested from Canada and the United States in Document 2710, Appendix 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1984
2832JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2° x 5° area, and by ten-day period, 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2833JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1983. I—Catch data. II—Oceanographic data.Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2834JapanErrata in regard to “Data record from Japanese salmon research vessels in 1983”Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2835CanadaGroundfish stock assessments off the west coast of Canada in 1984 and recommended total allowable catches for 1985A.V. Tyler and G.A. McFarlane (editors)Fisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1984
2836U.S.Origins of chum salmon in the Unimak Island and Shumagin Islands fisheries during June 1983 determined by scale patterns analysisR.H. ConradAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1984
2837 (Rev. 2)U.S.Origins of chinook salmon in the area of the Japanese mothership and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1975 – 1981K.W. Myers, D.E. Rogers, C.K. Harris, C.M. Knudsen, R.V. Walker, and N.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1984
2838U.S.Tag returns in 1984 — United States high seas salmon taggingC.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1984
2839U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.-U.S.cooperative high seas salmon tagging operation in 1984C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1984
2840U.S.Errata for 1983 INPFC Doc. 2689–Report of incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during 1982-1983A.C. Wertheimer and M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2841 (Rev. 1)U.S.Report of incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during 1983-1984A.C. Wertheimer and M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2842 (Rev. 1)U.S.Progress report for the 1984 field research on Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese salmon mothership gillnet fisheryL.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2843U.S.United States research surveys conducted in 1984 and surveys planned for 1985 in the eastern Bering SeaT.M. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2844U.S.Preliminary results of the 1984 eastern Bering Sea crab survey and the current status of crab stocksR.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2845U.S.Observations on externally scarred and marked chinook and coho salmon in the 1982 southeastern Alaska commercial troll fishery. Informational Leaflet No. 240M. Seibel, A. Davis, J. Kelly, L. Talley and P. SkannesAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1984
2846JapanRecovery informationfor tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2847U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint-venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1983J. Berger, J. Wall, and R. Nelson, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2848JapanCatch and effort statistics of the Japanese squid drift gillnet fishery in the Nort Pacific in 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1984
2849U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1984R.S. Otto, B.G. Stevens, R.A. MacIntosh, K.L. Stahl-Johnson, and S.J. WilsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1984
2858 (Rev. 1)JapanMeasurement of directivity of supersonic wave reflection from elements of salmon gillnetsY. Hatakeyama and K. IshiiFisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1985
2859 (Rev. 1)JapanAcoustic studies on Dall’s porpoise on the high seasH. Taketomi, Y. Hatakeyama, E. HasegawaFisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1985
2860 (Rev. 1)JapanFeeding trial and acoustic studies of Dall’s porpoise captured aliveY. Hatakeyama and H. ShimizuFisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1985
2862JapanReport of the survey by the dedicated vessel Hoyo maru No. 53 in 1984N. Miyazaki and Y. FujiseFisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1985
2863 (Rev. 1)JapanEstimation of Dall’s porpoise abundance in the North Pacific using sighting data of Japanese Salmon research vessels in 1984M. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1985
2864JapanNumber of marine mammals taken incidentally by Japanese mothership gillnet and land-based driftnet salmon fisheries in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1985
2865U.S.Plans for U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery within the U.S. FCZ during 1985M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceFebruary, 1985
2866JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1985
2867JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon researchvessels, 1984.Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1985
2868JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased driftnet salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and 10-day period in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1985
2869JapanProposed cruise plan of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1985
2872JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1985
2873JapanThe 1984 testing of fishing gears to prevent the incidental take of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)H. Ogiwara, K. Kataoka, H. Oba, T. Maeda, S. Takechi, and M. NaritaNorthern Sea Salmon Mothership Council, Marine Mammal Project Team and Federation of Japan Salmon Fisheries AssociationMarch, 1985
2874U.S.Response of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) to survey vessels in both offshore and nearshore waters: results of 1984 research.D.E. Withrow, G.C. Bouchet, and L.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1985
2875U.S.Biological studies on Dall’s porpoise: progress reportL.L. Jones, D.W. Rice, and M.E. GoshoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1985
2876U.S.Proposed plan for U.S. research on Dall’s porpoise for 1985L.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1985
2877U.S.Estimation of the abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli): report of 1984 survey efforts and re-evaluation of previous survey effortsG.C. Bouchet and A.G. HainesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1985
2878U.S. & JapanVariability of readers and method of preparation in Dall’s porpoise age determinationL.L. Jones, M. Gosho, T. Kasuya, and N. MiyazakiMarch, 1985
2879INPFCReport of the scientific sub-committee of the ad hoc committee on marine mammalsMarch, 1985
2893JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2894JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in offshore waters of the north Pacific Ocean in 1985K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2895JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1985 and recovery data up to 1985 AugustJ. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2896JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1985K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2897JapanAbundance and biological information of immature sockeye salmon in waters south of the Aleutian Islands in 1985 JulyK. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2898JapanStock identification of Chinook salmon in offshore waters in 1974 based on scale pattern analysisJ. Ito, Y. Ishidsa, and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2899JapanScale pattern analysis of coho salmon in the northwest North Pacific Ocean by materials obtained in 1975M. Kato and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2900JapanEstimation of catch efficiency of salmon gillnetY. Ishida, S. Kawasaki, and Y. HattoriFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2901JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in 1984 January-December and 1985 January-JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2902JapanReport of pollock survey by commercial vessels in the eastern Bering Sea, August-September 1984K. Teshima and K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2903JapanPreliminary Report on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Ryusho maru No. 15 in 1984T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2904JapanPreliminary report on 1985 Japan–U.S. cooperative Bering Sea groundfish survey by Daikichi maru No. 32K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2905JapanOutline of the Japanese squid driftnet fisheryFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2906JapanStock assessment of pollock in the eastern Bering Sea in 1985T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2907JapanStock assessment of flounders in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region (1985)K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2908JapanStock assessment of Pacific cod in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and the Gulf of Alaska in 1985K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2909JapanStock assessment of Pacific ocean perch, rockfishes, thornyheads, and squids in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1985K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2910JapanStock assessment of sablefish in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and Gulf of Alaska in 1984T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2911JapanStock assessment of pollock, Pacific ocean perch, rockfishes, and flatfishes in the Gulf of Alaska in 1985K. OkadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2912JapanJapanese research in 1985 and research planned for 1986 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and northeast PacificFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2913U.S.Racial trends in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) scale patternsK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1985
2914U.S.Errata to Doc. 2837, Rev. 2—Origins of Chinook salmon in the area of the Japanese mothership and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1975–1981September, 1985
2915CanadaA test on the accuracy of ageing of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of known age from their scalesH.T. BiltonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2916CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore fishery, 1952–1984C.C. WoodFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2917CanadaPreliminary results of age validation studies for rock sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata) in Hecate Strait (Charlotte Area)J. FargoFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2918CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977–85S.J. WestrheimFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2919CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1985 in the northeast PacificA. CassFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2920CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970–84J.E. LeamanFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2921CanadaSummary of 1985 herring stock assessmentM. Stocker, V. Haist, and J. SchweigertFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2922CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1984J.E. LeamanFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2923 (Rev. 1)JapanStock identification of chum salmon based on scale pattern analysis by discriminant functionY. Ishida, S. Ito, and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2924JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1985K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2925JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1984 January–December and 1985 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2927JapanPreliminary report of Japan–U.S. joint survey on selective trawls in the Bering Sea in the winter of 1984K. MoriFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2928JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2° x 5° area, and by ten-day period, 1984K. MoriFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2929JapanSteelhead trout in the North Pacific OceanT. OkazakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2937JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, 1985 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2938JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, 1985 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2939JapanVessel and gear specification of Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2940JapanIncidental catch for prohibited species on Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1985
2941CanadaGroundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1985 and recommended yield options for 1986A.V. Tyler, R.P Foucher, and J. Fargo (editors)Fisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2942CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1984J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2943CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1984J. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2944CanadaContinent of origin of steelhead, Salmo gairdneri, taken in the North Pacific Ocean in 1984, as determined by naturally occurring parasite “tags”L. MargolisFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2945CanadaRecoveries of coded-wire tagged steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri, in the central and western North Pacific Ocean in 1984 and recoveries of other fin-clipped or maxillary-clipped steelhead in 1983 and 1984 by Japanese research vesselsL. MargolisFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1985
2946U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1985 (Preliminary report)R.G. Bakkala and L.L. Low (editors), and D.H. Ito, S.A. McDevitt, D.K. Kimura, L.L. Ronholt, V.G. Wespestad, G.E. Walters, A.M. Shimada, G.G. Thompson, M.S. Alton, and J.J. TraynorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1985
2947U.S.United States research surveys conducted in 1985 and surveys planned for 1986 in the eastern Bering SeaG.E. WaltersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1985
2948Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (requested from Canada and the United States in Doc. 2851, App. 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1985
2949JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1985Fishereis Agency of JapanOctober, 1985
2950 (Rev. 1)JapanReport on the fishing survey on flying squid by drift gillnetters, Oumi maru and Kanki maru No. 58 in the North Pacific in 1984M. Murata and C. ShinguFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1985
2951JapanOutline of 1985 research on marine mammals, especially Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1985
2952U.S.Tag returns in 1985—United States high seas salmon taggingFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1985
2953U.S.Variation in salmon scale characters due to body area sampledC.M. Knudsen and N.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1985
2954U.S.Steelhead age determination techniquesN.D. Davis and J.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1985
2956U.S.Food and feeding of steelhead trout in epipelagic waters of the North Pacific OceanJ.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1985
2957 (Rev. 1)U.S.Surface temperatures and distribution and distribution of steelhead trout (Salmo spp.) relative to the boundaries of the Japanese drift gillnet fishery for flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami)R.V. Walker and R.L. BurgnerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1985
2958U.S.Preliminary results of the 1985 eastern Bering Sea crab survey and the current status of crab stocksB.G. StevensU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2959U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint-venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1984J. Berger, J. Wall, and R. Nelson, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2960Polish People’s RepublicPolish statistics on discards by INPFC areas in 1984Morski InstytutR.W. GdyniSeptember, 1985
2961U.S.Progress report on the 1985 field research on Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese salmon mothership gillnet fisheryL.L. Jones and J.M. BreiwickU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2962 (Rev. 1)U.S.Results and analysis of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1985M.L. Dahlberg and M.C. MurphyU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2963U.S.Results of 1985 research on the high-seas squid driftnet fisheries of the North Pacific OceanS.E. IgnellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2964U.S.An analysis of the distribution of fishing effort and catch per unit effort in the Japanese landbased driftnet fishery, 1978-84S.E. Ignell and M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2965 (Rev. 1)U.S.Report of the Incidence of coded-wire-tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during 1984–85M.L. Dahlberg and S. FowlerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2966U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1985B.G. StevensU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2967U.S.Abundance of central Alaskan chinook salmonD.E. RogersFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1985
2968U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska region as assessed in 1985 (Preliminary Report)R.L. MajorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1985
2969JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1985
2986U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.–U.S. cooperative high seas salmonid tagging operations in 1985: Addendum including data for the fourth and last cruiseC.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteJanuary, 1986
2987 (Rev. 1)U.S.Plans for U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery within the U.S. EEZ during 1986M.L. Dahlberg and M.C. MurphyU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceFebruary, 1986
2988JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1986
2989JapanExperiments to develop technology that would prevent the incidental catch of Dall’s porpoiseY. HatakeyamaNational Research Institute of Fisheries EngineeringFebruary, 1986
2990JapanExperiment on recognition of salmon gillnet by porpoisesY. Hatakeyama, K. Ishii, H. Shimizu, Y. Maeda, H. Soeda, and T. ShimamuraFebruary, 1986
2991JapanBasic studies on recognition of gear materials by porpoiseH. Soeda, T. Shimamura, Y. Hatakeyama, and K. IshiiFebruary, 1986
2992JapanTest of new type sound generatorsY. HatakeyamaNational Research Institute of Fisheries EngineeringFebruary, 1986
2993JapanOutline of sighting survey for marine mammals by Japanese salmon research vessels in 1985 and estimation of Dall’s porpoise abundance in the Pacific OceanM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1986
2994JapanComparison of abundance estimation of Dall’s porpoises by sighting surveys between salmon research vessels and a vessel dedicated for Dall’s porpoiseM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1986
2995JapanAcoustic study on Dall’s porpoise in the Sea of Okhotsk off HokkaidoK. Ishii, Y. Hatakeyama, H. Taketomi, H. Soeda, and T. ShimamuraMarch, 1986
2996JapanSeasonal and geographical features of incidental take of Dall’s porpoise by salmon gillnet and examination of take rate by fishing areaJ. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
2997JapanOutline of the research by the dedicated vessel Hoyo maru No. 12 in 1985H. Ogi, H.Tanaka, T. Kuramochi, and Y. YamamotoMarch, 1986
2998JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased driftnet salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and 10-day period in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
2999JapanDistribution and migration of Salmo gairdneri and Salmo mykiss in the North Pacific based on allelic variations of enzymesT. OkazakiMarch, 1986
3000JapanProposed cruise plan of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
3001JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
3004JapanReport on biological studies of Dall’s porpoise taken by the dedicated vessel Hoyo maru No.12 cruise in 1985M. YoshiokaFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
3005JapanSegregation of Dall’s porpoise in the Bering Sea and western North Pacific by color type and reproductive statusT. Kasuya and H. OgiMarch, 1986
3006JapanNumber of marine mammals taken incidentally by Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
3007JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
3008U.S.Monofilament gillnet acoustic studyE.A. PenceUniversity of WashingtonMarch, 1986
3009U.S.Estimation of the abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli by shipboard sighting surveysG.C. Bouchet, R.C. Ferrero, and B.J. TurnockU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1986
3010U.S.Report of working group on age determination of Dall’s porpoise, held 15-18 July 1985 in Seattle, WashingtonM. Gosho, L. Jones, A. Wolman, T. Kasuya, and N. MiyazakiMarch, 1986
3011U.S.Electrophoretic variability in the Dall’s porpoise Phocoenoides dalli in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering SeaG.A. Winans and L.L. JonesMarch, 1986
3012U.S.Distribution and movement patterns of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) in the western North Pacific Ocean during June and July 1981–1984R.C. Ferrero and L.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1986
3013U.S.Geographic variation of Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, in the eastern North Pacific, Bering Sea, and southern fisheries conservation zone of the western North Pacific OceanW.A. Walker and E.S. HackerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1986
3014U.S.Proposed plan for U.S. research on Dall’s porpoise for 1986L.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1986
3015JapanThe 1985 testing of fishing gears to prevent the incidental take of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)H. Ogiwara, K. Kataoka, H. Oba, T. Maeda, T. Sugiyama, and M. NaritaNorthern Sea Salmon Mothership Council, Marine Mammal Project Team and Federation of Japan Salmon Fisheries AssociationMarch, 1986
3016JapanA biological study on Dall’s porpoises incidentally taken by landbased salmon drift gillnet fishery, 1981–1985N. MiyazakiNational Science MuseumMarch, 1986
3017JapanMorphological study on skull of Dall’s porpoises in the northwestern North PacificN. Miyazaki and M. AmanoMarch, 1986
3018JapanThe number of Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1986
3024JapanThe Japanese proposal for an intensified research programFisheries Agency of JapanApril, 1986
3026U.S.The effect of altering proportions of Asian Chinook stocks on regional scale pattern analysisK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteApril, 1986
3032JapanReport of the survey on reducing incidental catches of species with low quota in the North Pacific in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1986
3043 (Rev. 1)JapanStock assessment of rockfishes, thornyheads, and flounders in the Gulf of Alaska in 1986K. Wakabayashi and K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1986
3044JapanStock assessment of turbots in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1986K. Wakabayashi and K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1986
3045 (Rev. 1)JapanStock assessment of small-sized flounders in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1986K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1986
3048JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1986
3049JapanReport on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Anyo maru No. 21 in the easetern Bering Sea, Aleutian Region and Gulf of Alaska, 1983T. Sasaki and H. MizogoshiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3050 (Rev. 1)JapanPreliminary report on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Fukuyoshi maru No. 8 in 1985T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3051 (Rev. 1)JapanPreliminary report on Japan–U.S. cooperative groundfish surveys in the Aleutian region by Ginryu maru No. 5 in 1986K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3052JapanReport on the flying squid fishing survey by the drift gillnetter Kanki maru No. 58 in the North Pacific in 1985M. MurataFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3053JapanStock assessment of Pacific cod in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and the Gulf of Alaska in 1986K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3054JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1985 January–December and 1986 January–JulyK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3055JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in 1985 January–December and 1986 January–JulyK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3056JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1986K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3057 (Rev. 1)JapanAnalysis of pink salmon homing migration by tagging dataK. Hiramatsu and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3058 (Rev. 1)JapanStock assessment of sablefish in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and Gulf of Alaska in 1986T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3059JapanAbundance of biological information on immature sockeye salmon in waters south of the Aleutian Islands in 1986 JulyK. Takagi and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3060JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1986 and recovery data up to 1986 AugustJ. Ito and M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3061 (Rev. 1)JapanStock assessment of rockfishes and thornyheads in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1986K. Mito and K. WakabayashiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3062JapanData report on abundance indices of flatfishes, rockfishes, shortspine thornyhead, and grenadiers based on the results from Japan–U.S. joint longline surveys, 1979–1985T. Sasaki and K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3063 (Rev. 1)JapanJapanese research in 1986 and research planned for 1987 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and northeastern PacificFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3064 (Rev. 1)JapanStock assessment of pollock in the eastern Bering Sea in 1986T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3065 (Rev. 1)JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1986K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3066JapanScale pattern analysis of coho salmon in the northwest North Pacific Ocean using materials obtained by salmon research vessels in 1976M. Kato and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3067 (Rev. 1)JapanFurther analysis of stock identification of Chinook salmon in offshore waters in 1974J. Ito, Y. Ishida, and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3068 (Rev. 1)JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1986K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3076JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2° x 5° area, and by ten-day period, 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1986
3077JapanPreliminary catch records in the Bering Sea, 1986 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3078JapanPreliminary catch records in the northeast Pacific, 1986 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3080Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (requested from Canada and the United States in Doc. 2974, App. 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1986
3081U.S.Tag returns in 1986—United States high seas salmon taggingFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1986
3082U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.–U.S. cooperative high seas salmonid tagging operations in 1986G.A. Kautsky and C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1986
3083U.S.United States research surveys conducted in 1986 and surveys planned for 1987 in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsA.M. Shimada and G.E. WaltersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1986
3084U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1986B.G. Stevens, R.A. MacIntosh, and K. Stahl-JohnsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1986
3085U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1986 (Preliminary report)R.G. Bakkala and J.W. Balsiger (editors), and D.H. Ito, S.A. McDevitt, L.L. Ronholt, G.G. Thompson, G.E. Walters, D.K. Kimura, V.G. Wespestad, M.S. Alton, J.J. Traynor, K.L. Halliday, and A.M. ShimadaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1986
3086Canada & U.S.Japanese ocean salmon research synopsis of observations aboard Shin Riasu maru 11 June to 20 July 1986J.T. Light and R. LeBrasseurOctober, 1986
3087CanadaData record: flying squid driftnet and oceanographic cruise by W.E. Ricker, August-September 1986F.R. BernardFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3088CanadaAdipose clipped fish returns in 1986—Japanese port sampling programFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3089CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977–86S.J. WestrheimFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3090CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1986 in the northeast PacificA. CassFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3091CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific Coast, 1970–85J.E. LeamanFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3092CanadaSummary of 1986 Herring stock assessmentV. Haist and J. SchweigertFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3093CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore fisheries, 1952–1985C.C. WoodFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3094CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1985J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3095CanadaAn inventory of biological samples taken in the British Columbia groundfish fishery during 1984B.L. Hamer, N.L. Venables, F.R. Crabbe, and J.B. LucasFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3096CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1985J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3097CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1985J.E. LeamanFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3098CanadaGroundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1986 and recommended yield options for 1987A.V. Tyler and M.W. Saunders (editors)Fisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1986
3099JapanOutline of 1986 research on marine mammals, particularly Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3100JapanIncidental catch of prohibited species in Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1985 January–DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3101JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the northeast Pacific in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3102JapanA review of the experiments for developing selective trawl gears and methods: 1981 through 1985K. MoriFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3103JapanPreliminary report of Japan–U.S. joint survey on reducing incidental catches of low quota species in the North Pacific in 1986T. InadaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3104 (Rev. 1)U.S.Progress report on 1986 research on Dall’s porpoiseL.L. Jones and J.M. BreiwickU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3105U.S.Use of dorsal fin measurements in the identification of hatchery steelhead in high seas catchesJ.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1986
3106U.S.Distribution and relative abundance of summer and winter steelhead in the North Pacific Ocean in 1983 and 1984J.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1986
3107U.S.Catches of North American sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) by the Japanese high seas salmon fisheries, 1972–84C.K. HarrisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1986
3108U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint-venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1985J. Berger, J. Wall, and R. Nelson, Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3109U.S.Condition of groundfish resources in the Gulf of Alaska region as assessed in 1986R.L. MajorU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3110JapanRevised Doc. 2848—Catch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid drift gillnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1983Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3111JapanRevised Doc. 2969—Catch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid drift gillnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1984Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3112JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3113JapanReport on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Ryusho maru No. 15 in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian region and Gulf of Alaska, 1984T. Sasaki and T. IwamiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3114U.S.Results of 1986 cooperative research on the distribution of marine debris in the North Pacific OceanS.E. Ignell and M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3115U.S.An analysis of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1986M.L. Dahlberg and M.C. MurphyU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3116U.S.Distribution and density of plastic particulates in the North Pacific Ocean in 1986R.H. Day, D.M. Clausen, and S.E. IgnellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3117U.S.Incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in 1985–1986M.L. Dahlberg, F.P. Thrower, and S. FowlerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1986
3118JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3119JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1986
3120U.S.Summary of western Alaska chinook salmon catch data, escapement data, and status of stocksD.M. EggersAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1986
3132 (Rev. 1)JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1987
3133JapanCapture of Dall’s porpoise and its acoustic studiesY. Hatakeyama, K. Ishii, H. Soeda, T. Shimamura, S. Sakakibara, and H. ShimizuFebruary, 1987
3134JapanObservation of bottlenose dolphin’s behavior to salmon gillnetY. Hatakeyama and K. IshiiNational Research Institute of Fisheries EngineeringFebruary, 1987
3135JapanTest of sound generatorY. HatakeyamaNational Research Institute of Fisheries EngineeringFebruary, 1987
3136JapanOutline of sighting survey for marine mammals by Japanese salmon research vessels in 1986 and estimation of Dall’s porpoise abundance in the Pacific OceanM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1987
3137JapanReport on investigation for avoidance of Dall’s porpoises’ entaglement in salmon gillnets by the Kuromori maru No. 38 in 1986E. Hasegawa, Y. Yoshikawa, and K. IshiiFebruary, 1987
3138INPFCReport of the Scale Pattern Working Group, Seattle, 1987 February 25 to 27February, 1987
3139U.S.Plans for U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery within the U.S. EEZ during 1987M.L. Dahlberg and M.C. MurphyFebruary, 1987
3140JapanProposed cruise plan of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3141JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3142JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased driftnet salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and ten-day period in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3143U.S.Observation of the co-occurance of squid and salmonids in the central North Pacific Ocean during the summer of 1986M.L. Dahlberg and M.F. SiglerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1987
3144 (Rev. 1)Japan and U.S.Agreed plans between U.S. and Japan for U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery within the U.S. FCZ during 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3145JapanThe 1986 testing of fishing gears to prevent the incidental take of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)H. Ogiwara, H. Ohba, T. Sugiyama, M. Narita, K. Kataoka, T. Maeda, and K. SnowMarch, 1987
3146JapanBiological study on Dall’s porpoises incidentally taken by the salmon drift gillnet in the landbased fishery area, 1981–1986N. MiyazakiNational Science MuseumMarch, 1987
3147JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3148JapanDistribution of Dall’s porpoises off JapanT. Miyashita and T. KasuyaFisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3149JapanNumber of marine mammals taken incidentally by Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3150JapanThe number of Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1985Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1987
3152U.S.Geographic variation of the parasite Crassicauda (Nematoda) and Phyllobothrium (Cestoda) in Phocoenoides dalli in the northern North Pacific and Bering SeaW.A. WalkerSanta Barbara Museum of Natural HistoryMarch, 1987
3153U.S.Historic population levels of Dall’s porpoise in the North PacificJ.M. BreiwickNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryMarch, 1987
3154U.S.Analysis of experiments to assess movement of Dall’s porpoise in relation to survey vessels and population estimates corrected for movement and visibility bias for the North Pacific OceanB.J. TurnockU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1987
3155U.S.Progress report on the age structure, growth and age at sexual maturity of Dall’s porpoiseM.E. Gosho and L.L. JonesNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryMarch, 1987
3156U.S.Comprehensive report on the incidental take, biology and status of Dall’s porpoiseL.L. JonesNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryMarch, 1987
3157U.S.U.S. research on Dall’s porpoise, 1987L.L. JonesNational Marine Mammal LaboratoryMarch, 1987
3158JapanResults of the Transpacific Dall’s porpoise research cruise by the Hoyo maru No. 12 in 1986M. Yoshioka, M. Ogura, and C. ShikanoMarch, 1987
3160JapanData records from salmon research vessels 1986. I-Catch data. II—Oceanographic data.Fisheries Agency of JapanJune, 1987
3176JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeast Pacific in 1986 January–December and 1987 January–JulyT. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3177JapanPreliminary report on the Japan–U.S. cooperative groundfish survey in the Gulf of Alaska by Taisei maru No. 35 in 1987K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3178JapanStock assessment of small-sized flounders in the eastern Bering Sea in 1987T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3179JapanStock assessment of small-sized flounders in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1987K. Wakabayashi and T. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSetember, 1987
3180JapanStock assessment of turbots in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1987K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3181JapanStock assessment of Pacific cod in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region and the Gulf of Alaska in 1987K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3182JapanStock assessment of sablefish in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and Gulf of Alaska in 1987T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3183JapanStock assessment of rockfishes and thornyheads in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1987K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3184JapanStock assessment of rockfishes and shortspine thornyhead in the Gulf of Alaska in 1987K. Wakabayashi and K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptemebr, 1987
3185JapanJapanese research in 1987 and research plan for 1988 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and northeastern PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3186JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1987K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3187JapanComprehensive report on researches of marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, relating to Japanese salmon driftnet fisheries, 1984–1986K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3188JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1986 January–December and 1987 January–JulyT. Sasaki and T. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3189JapanPast progress and present condition of the Japanese pollock fishery in the Aleutian BasinT. Sasaki and T. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3190JapanEstimation of distribution of the marine debris based on the 1986 sighting surveyS. Mio and S. TakehamaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3191JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1987K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3192JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1987 and recovery data up to August, 1987M. Ogura and J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3193JapanAbundance and biological information of immature sockeye salmon in waters south of Aleutian Islands in July, 1987S. Ito and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3194JapanDifferences in area of distribution between salmon and flying squid based on data collected by Japanese salmon research vessels, 1983–1986M. Ogura and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3195JapanHorizontal distribution of salmonids caught by longline operation and falling factors of bait from the hookT. Azuma, K. Hiramatsu and M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3196JapanPreliminary report on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Fukuyoshi maru No. 8 in 1986T. Yoshimura and T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3197JapanEstimation of groundfish biomasses in the Aleutian Islands waters based on Japanese trawl survey in 1986K. Wakabayashi and K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3198JapanReport on fishing survey on flying squid by the drift gillnetters Shoyo maru, Kuromori maru No. 38, and Kanki maru No. 58 in the North Pacific in 1986M. MurataFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3199JapanPreliminary report on the use of parasites as biological tags for the stock identification of ocean-caught chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytsccha.K. Nagasawa and S. UrawaSeptember, 1987
3200JapanSummary report on Japanese salmon investigations in 1987K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3201JapanOutline of 1987 research on marine mammals, particularly Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesM. Kato and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3202JapanData report of abundance indices of flatfishes, rockfishes, shortspine thornyhead and grenadiers based on the results from Japan-U.S. joint longline surveys, 1979-1986T. Sasaki and K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3203JapanPreliminary catch record in the Bering Sea, 1987 January–JulyFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3204JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3205JapanIncidental catch of prohibited species in Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1986 January–DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1987
3206CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore fisheries, 1952–1986C.C. WoodFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3207CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977–87W. ShawFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3208CanadaStock identification of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) using biological markersC.C. Wood and G.T. OliverFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3209CanadaGroundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1987 and recommended yield options for 1988J. Fargo, M. Saunders, and A.V. TylerFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3210CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1986J.E. Leaman and R.D. StanleyFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3211CanadaBiochemical genetic survey and stock identification of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in British ColumbiaT.D. Beacham, A.P. Gould, R.E. Withler, C.B. Murray, and L.W. BarnerFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3212CanadaOcean salmon studies in the Pacific Subarctic boundary areaR. LeBrasseur, B. Riddell and T. GjernesFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3213CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1986J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3214CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1986J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3215 (Rev. 1)CanadaIncidence of lost or discarded drift nets recovered in Canadian waters during 1986, and preliminary observations for 1987N.B. HargreavesFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3216CanadaSummary of 1987 herring stock assessmentV. Haist and J. SchweigertFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3217CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970–86J.E. LeamanFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3218CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1987 in the Northeast PacificL.J. RichardsFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3219JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid drifnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3220CanadaSalmonid catches and related observations aboard the Japanese research vessel “Hokko Maru”, 1–22 June 1987N.B. HargreavesFisheries and Oceans CanadaOctober, 1987
3227JapanCluster analysis of Chinook salmon stocks by scale charactersY. Ishida, M. Ogura, and J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3228Canada & U.S.Items of information on the halibut fishery in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean (requested from Canada and the United States in Doc. 3121, App. 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1987
3229 (Rev. 1)U.S.United States crab research in the eastern Bering Sea during 1987B.G. Stevens, R.A. MacIntosh, and R.S. OttoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3230U.S.Tag returns in 1987—United States high seas salmon taggingFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1987
3231U.S.United States research conducted in 1987 amd surveys planned for 1988 in the eastern Bering SeaT.M. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3232U.S.Coastwide abundance of North American steelhead troutJ.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1987
3233U.S.Examination of an image analysis system for collection of scale pattern dataR.V. WalkerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1987
3234U.S.Distributional overlap of salmonids and flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) in the western and central north Pacific Ocean, as indicated by analysis of Japanese salmon research vessel catches and incidental catches, 1972–85C.K. Harris and G.N. KautskyFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1987
3235U.S.Variable selection and performance of variable subsets in scale pattern analysisN.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1987
3236U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1986J. Berger, R. Nelson, Jr., J. Wall, H. Weikart, and B. MaierU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3237U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1987R.G. Bakkala, D.H. Ito, G.G. Thompson, U.G. Wespestad, S.A. McDevitt, D.K. Kimura, G.F. Walters, J.J. Traynor, L.L. Ronholt, K.L. Halliday, and M.S. AltonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3238U.S.Results of an analysis of U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery during 1987M.L. Dahlberg and M.C. MurphyU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3239U.S.Incidence of coded-wire-tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in 1986–1987M.L. Dahlberg, F.P. Thrower, and S. FowlerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3240JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2°x5° area, and by ten-day period, 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3241JapanMeasurement of scale characters of chum and pink salmon by Optical Pattern Recognition SystemJ. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3242JapanRelease data of tagged groundfishes in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1986Fiseries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3243JapanReport on Japan–U.S. joint longline survey by Fukuyoshi maru No. 8 in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Region and Gulf of Alaska, 1985T. Sasaki and J. FukuiFar Seas Fisheries Research LaboratoryOctober, 1987
3244U.S.Research report on 1987 research on Dall’s porpoiseL.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3245U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska region as assessed in 1987R.L. Major and T.K. WilderbuerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3246JapanSighting survey on marine debris in the mid-western Pacific from 1977 through 1986N. Yagi and M. NomuraFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3247JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1987
3248U.S.A.Resolution resulting from the North Pacific Rim Fishermen’s Conference on Marine Debris, Kailua-Kona, HawaiiConference Steering CommitteeOctober, 1987
3250U.S.Anomalous oceanographic conditions in the central North Pacific Ocean, 1986–87S. IgnellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3251U.S.Proposed methods for observing and recording the occurrence of floating marine debrisS. Ignell and J. SegerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1987
3261JapanObservation of Harbor porpoise’s behaviour to salmon gillnetY. Hatakeyama, K. Ishii, H. Soeda, T. Shimamura, and T. TobayamaFebruary, 1988
3262JapanAcoustic surveys on Commerson’s DolphinY. Hatakeyama, K. Ishii, H. Soeda, and T. ShimamuraFebruary, 1988
3263JapanOutline of sighting survey for marine mammals by Japanese salmon research vessels in 1987 and estimation of Dall’s porpoise abundance in the North Pacific OceanM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1988
3264JapanTest of sound generatorY. HatakeyamaNational Research Institute of Fisheries EngineeringFebruary, 1988
3265JapanAllozyme variation in Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) in the eastern and central North PacificS. Wada, E. Shimura, and K. NumachiFebruary, 1988
3266JapanNumber of marine mammals taken incidentally by Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1988
3267JapanThe 1987 testing of fishing gears to prevent the incidental take of Dall’s Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)K. Snow, T. Ozaki, H. Ohba, T. Maeda, T. Sugiyama, and M. NaritaNorthern Sea Salmon Mothership Council, Marine Mammal Project Team and Federation of Japan Salmon Fisheries AssociationFebruary, 1988
3268 (Rev. 1)U.S.Plans for U.S. observations of the Japanese mothership salmon fishery within the U.S. EEZ during 1988M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1988
3269JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1988
3270JapanThe number of Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1988
3271JapanReport of the second transpacific research cruise on Dall’s porpoise by the Hoyo maru No. 12 in 1987M. YoshiokaInstitute of Cetacean ResearchMarch, 1988
3272JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1988
3273JapanProposed cruise plans of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1988
3274JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased driftnet salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and 10-day period in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1988
3275JapanProposed plans for port sampling survey in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1988
3276JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1988
3278JapanIdentity of four dalli-type Dall’s porpoise stocks in the northern North Pacific and Bering SeaM. Yoshioka and T. KasuyaMarch, 1988
3279U.S.Distribution and incidental take of marine mammals in the area of the high seas squid driftnet fisheryL.L. JonesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1988
3280U.S.Report on the biology of male Dall’s porpoise in the western North Pacific and Bering SeaL.L. Jones, M.E. Gosho, D.W. Rice, A. Wolman, M.M. Muto, and William A. WalkerMarch, 1988
3281U.S.Estimation of the effect of responsive movement and missed animals from independent observer experiments for Dall’s porpoise on the Hokusei maru and the Miller Freeman cruisesB.J. TurncockU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1988
3282U.S.Trends in abundance of Dall’s porpoiseB.J. TurncockU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceMarch, 1988
3284U.S.Statistical methodology for estimating composition of high seas salmonid mixtures using scale analysisR.B. MillarFisheries Research InstituteMay, 1988
3295JapanData records from Japanese salmon research vessels in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1988
3297U.S.U.S./Japan cooperative high seas salmon research in 1988: synopsis of research aboard Shinriasu maru, 1 June to 22 JulyJ.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1988
3298U.S.High seas distribution of North American steelhead as evidenced by recoveries of marked or tagged fishJ.T. Light, S. Fowler, and M.L. DahlbergFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1988
3299U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.-U.S. cooperative high seas salmonid tagging operation in 1988R.V. Walker, D.J. Grosse, and G.A. KautskyFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1988
3300U.S.Tag returns in 1988-United States high seas salmon taggingFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1988
3301U.S.Increasing efficiency in coho salmon scale samplingC.M. KnudsenWashington Department of FisheriesSeptember, 1988
3302JapanA distinctive feature of length composition at age of pollock in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Basin, and Aleutian Islands regionT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3303JapanStock assessment of Pacific cod and sablefish in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and Gulf of Alaska in 1988T. Sasaki and K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3304JapanOutline of the acoustic/midwater trawl survey for pelagic pollock in the international waters of the Bering Sea in the summer of 1987T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3305JapanJapanese research in 1988 and research plan for 1989 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Isalnds region and northeastern PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3306JapanAbundance and biological information of immature sockeye salmon in waters south of Aleutian Islands in July, 1988S. Ito and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3307JapanStock assessment of rockfishes and thornyheads in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1988K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3308JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1988Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3309JapanSynopsis of biological information on the pelagic pollock in the Aleutian BasinT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3310JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1988 and recovery data up to August, 1988M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3311JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions of the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1988K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3312JapanPreliminary report on Japan-U.S. joint longline survey by Anyo maru No. 22 in 1987T. Yoshimura and T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3313JapanScale pattern analysis of 1981 chum salmon by maximum likelihood methodY. Ishida, S. Ito, and K. TakagiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3314JapanData report on abundance indices of flatfishes, rockfishes, shortspine thornyhead, and grenadiers based on the results from Japan-U.S. joint longline surveys, 1979-1987T. Sasaki and K. TeshimaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3315JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1987 January-DecemberT. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3316JapanScale pattern analysis of 1975 coho salmon by maximum likelihood methodM. Kato and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3317JapanOutline of 1988 research on marine mammals, particularly on Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3318JapanStock assessment of turbots in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1988K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3319JapanOutline of salmon gillnet survey at different time zones in the Bering Sea during the summer of 1987 and 1988T. AzumaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3320JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific in 1987, January-DecemberT. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3321JapanOn the flying behaviour of neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartrami observed in the central and northeastern North PacificM. MurataFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3322JapanIncidental catch of prohibited species in Japanese groundfish fisheries in the North Pacific, 1987 January to DecemberM. MurataFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3323JapanReport on Japan-U.S. joint longline survey by Fukuyoshi maru No. 8 in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Region and Gulf of Alaska, 1986T. Sasaki and Y. TakedaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3324JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3325JapanDistribution and density of marine debris in the North Pacific based on sighting survey in 1987S. Mio and S. TakehamaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3326CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific Coast, 1970-1987K.L. RutherfordFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3327CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977-1988W. ShawFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3328CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1988 in the northeast PacificL.J. RichardsFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3329CanadaExperimental flying squid fishery off British Columbia, 1987G.S. Jamieson and G.D. HeritageFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3330CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1987K.L. RutherfordFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3331CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1987J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3332CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1987J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3333CanadaSummary of the 1988 herring stock assessmentV. Haist and J. SchweigertFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3334CanadaGroundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1988 and recommended yield options for 1989J. Fargo and A.V. Tyler (Editors)Fisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3335CanadaLost or discarded driftnets found in Canadian waters in 1988N.B. Hargreaves and E.W. CarterFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3336CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore fishery, 1952-1987C.C. WoodFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3337 (Rev. 1)CanadaCanadian mid-ocean salmon studies, W.E. Ricker, 1 June-12 July, 1988R.J. LeBrasseur, N.B. Hargreaves, and T. GjernesFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3338CanadaJapanese high seas salmon research; observations made aboard the Kanki maru No. 3, June 4-July 6, 1988D.W. WelchFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3339CanadaGroundfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1987 and recommended yield options in 1988J. Fargo, M.W. Saunders, and A.V. TylersFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3340CanadaExperimental flying squid off British Columbia, 1985 and 1986G.S. Jamieson and G.D. HeritageFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1988
3341JapanPort sampling for recoveries of coded-wire tagged salmonid in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3342JapanOutline of 1988 survey on the behaviour of drifting nets and entanglement of marine organismsS. Mio, K. Yoshida, S. Matsumara, M. Kato, Y. Watanabe, and K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3343JapanStock assessment of pollock in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands in 1988K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1988
3344U.S.Status of West Coast groundfish stocks–preliminary documents presented to the Pacific Fisheries Management CouncilR. Methot, A.B. Hollowed, M. Dorn, J. Hightower, W.H. Lenarz, and J. TagartU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3345U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1988 compiled by Loh-Lee LowR.G. Bakkala, D.H. Ito, D.K. Kimura, S.A. McDevitt, L.L. Ronholt, G.E. Thompson, J.J. Traynor, G.E. Walters, V.G. Wespestad, and T.K. WilderbuerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3346U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska in 1988 (Preliminary Report)E.S. Brown, D.M. Clausen, P.K. Dawson, J.J. Fujioka, J. Heifetz, R.L. Major, B.A. Megrey, E.P. Nunnallee, L.L. Ronholt, M.F. Sigler, T.K. Wilderbuer, N.J. Williamson, and H.H. Zenger Jr.U.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3347U.S.United States research surveys conducted in 1988 and surveys planned for 1989 in the eastern Bering SeaT.M. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3348U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint-venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering SeaJ. Berger and H. WeikartU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3349U.S.Catch and effort statistics of United States domestic and joint-venture fisheries in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific Ocean. 1982-1987 (Preliminary)R. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3350U.S.Status of stocks of commercially important crab species in the eastern Bering Sea in 1988B.G. Stevens, R.A. MacIntosh, and K.L. Stahl-JohnsonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3351U.S.Incidence of coded-wire-tagged salmonids in catches of foreign commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in 1987-1988M.L. Dahlberg, S. Fowler, F.P. Thrower, and R. HeintzU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3352U.S.Zonal variability in salmonid catch rates from research vessel operations within the north Pacific squid driftnet fishery areaS.E. IgnellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1988
3353U.S.Items of information on the Pacific Halibut Fishery in the Bering Sea and the Northeast Pacific Ocean (requested from Canada and the United States in Doc. 3252, Appendix 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionSeptember, 1988
3354JapanCurrently used Japanese methods for sighting survey on floating objects in the ocean areaS. Takehama and S. MioFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3355JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3356JapanDevelopment and preliminary calculation of ecosystem model for the eastern Bering SeaY. Kishimito, Y. Iwata, K. Mito, and S. TanakaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3357JapanReport on the fishing survey on flying squid by Shoyo maru, Kanki maru No. 58 and Hokuho maru in the North Pacific in 1987M. Murata, Y. Nakamura, and H. SaitoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3358JapanDifferences in areas of distribution between flying squid and salmon during summer and autumn in the North PacificM. Murata, Y. Nakamura, and J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3359JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2°x5° area, and ten-day period, 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3360JapanPrevalence of two species of Myxoholus (Protozoa: Myxozoa) in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, collected from the North Pacific Ocean and the northwest coast of North America in 1987, with special reference to the stock identification of ocean-caught Chinook salmon by parasitesS. Urawa and K. NagasawaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3361JapanCatch statistics of Japanese groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea, 1987 January to DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3362JapanSize composition of samples collected by Japanese groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea 1987 January to DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3363JapanCatch statistics of Japanese groundfish fisheries in the northeast Pacific, 1987 January to DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3364JapanCatch statistics of halibut caught or discarded by Japanese groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea, 1987 January to DecemberFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1988
3375JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased driftnet fisheries, 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1989
3376JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels, 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1989
3377JapanProposed cruise plans of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1989
3378JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased driftnet salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and 10-day period in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1989
3379JapanProposed plans for port sampling survey in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1989
3381U.S.A comparison for estimated and reported catch of steelhead by Japanese High Seas Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1981-1986Fisheries Agency of JapanMarch, 1989
3382JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1989
3394U.S.Parasite tag identifications of U.S. Pacific Northwest origin steelhead trout caught in the North Pacific Ocean, 1984-1987T.J. DaltonFisheries Research InstituteAugust, 1989
3395U.S.Tag returns in 1989 – United States High seas salmon taggingK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1989
3396U.S.The magnitude of artificial production of steelhead trout along the Pacific coast of North AmericaJ.T. LightFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1989
3397U.S.Ocean distribution and migration of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, formerly Salmo gairdneri)J.T. Light, C.K. Harris, and R.L. BurgnerFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1989
3398U.S.U.S. Japan cooperative High Seas salmonid research in 1989: Summary of research aboard the Japanese research vessel Shin Riasu maru 1 June to 20 JulyN.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1989
3399U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.-U.S. cooperative High Seas salmonid tagging operations in 1989R.V. Walker. S. Leopold, and L. HaagaFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1989
3400CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1988J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3401CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1988J.D. FultonFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3402CanadaSummary of 1989 herring stock assessmentV. Haist and J.F. SchweigertFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3403CanadaSummary of lost or discarded driftnets reported on the coast of British Columbia in 1989N.B. Hargreaves and E.W. CarterFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3404CanadaCanadian aerial observations of the North Pacific driftnet fleetS. McKinnellFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3405 (Rev. 1)CanadaCanadian North Pacific pelagic study, ARCTIC HARVESTER, July 12-August 22, 1989S. McKinnell, W. Shaw, and S.WhiteakerFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3406CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1989 in the northeast PacificL.J. RichardsFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3407CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970-88K.L. RutherfordFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3408CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1988K.L. RutherfordFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3409CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977-89M.W. SaundersFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3410CanadaBiological advice on management of British Columbia groundfish for 1990A.V. TylerFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3411CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore fishery, 1952-88C.C. WoodFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3412CanadaSalmonids tagged and released in the central North Pacific Ocean during a Canadian research vessel cruise, 1 June-12 July, 1988, and subsequent recoveries of tagged fishN.B. Hargreaves, R.J. LeBrasseur, and T. GjernesFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3413CanadaRecoveries of coded-wire tagged and fin- and maxillary- marked salmonids in Canadian research and experimental fishing operations in the eastern North Pacific Ocean during 1985-1988, and coded-wire tagged steelhead trout in port sampling of salmonid catches from the Japanese landbased salmon fishery, 1987 and 1988L. Margolis, E. McDonald, and N.B. HargreavesFisheries and Oceans CanadaSeptember, 1989
3414CanadaCanadian Technical Report and Aquatic Sciences No. 1646September, 1989
3416U.S.Stock assessment and fishery evaluation document for groundfish resources in the Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands region as projected for 1990.R.G. Bakkala, D.H. Ito, D.K. Kimura, S.A. McDevitt, G.G. Thompson, G.E. Walters, V.G. Wespestad and T.K. WilderbuerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1989
3417U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of Foreign and Joint venture fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1988J.D. Berger and H.G. WeikartU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1989
3418U.S.Condition of groundfish resources of the Gulf of Alaska in 1989Compiled by T.K. WilderbuerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1989
3419JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the north Pacific Ocean in 1989S. Ito and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3420JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1989 and recovery data up to August 1989M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3421JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions in the northwest Pacific during the summer of 1989September, 1989
3422JapanForecasting salmon returns to coastal area by driftnet test fishery in offshore watersY. Ishida, M. Ogura, and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3423JapanStock identification of 1985 offshore coho salmon by scale pattern analysisM. Kato and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3424JapanCluster analysis of chum salmon stocks based on scale patternY. Ishida, S. Ito, Y. Murase, Y. Morinaga, and S. UeyanagiSeptember, 1989
3425JapanDaily patterns of swimming in sockeye and chum salmonT. AzumaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3426JapanDaily patterns of feeding in sockeye and chum salmonT. AzumaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3427JapanEffect of use of barbless hooks on longline operation for High Seas salmon taggingM. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3428JapanOutline of biotelemetry study for salmon by Shin riasu maru, 1989M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3429JapanEstimate of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) of Japanese origin caught in the U.S. June Fishery conducted in the Shumagin/Unimak watersA. TakeiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3430 (Rev. 1)JapanOutline of 1989 research on marine mammals, particularly on Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesM. KatoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3431JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1988 January-DecemberT. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3432JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific in 1988, January-DecemberT. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3433JapanPreliminary report on Japan-U.S. joint longline survey by the Tomi maru No. 88 in 1988T. Yoshimura and T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3434JapanReport on Japan-U.S.S.R joint longline survey by the Fukuyoshi maru No. 26 in 1989T. Sasaki and K. FuziiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3435JapanOutline of the supplemental acoustic/midwater trawl survey for pelagic pollock in the Aleutian Basin and trawl survey on the continental slope area of the eastern Bering Sea in 1988T. Sasaki and K. AkimotoSeptember, 1989
3436JapanStock assessment of walleye pollock in the Bering Sea in 1989K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3437JapanStock assessment of Pacific cod and sablefish in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region and Gulf of Alaska in 1989T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3438JapanJapanese research in 1989 and research plan for 1990 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and northeastern PacificT. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3439JapanBiological information on pelagic pollock in the Aleutian Basin during the summer of 1988T. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3440 (Rev. 1)JapanReport on the fishing survey on flying squid by the Shoyo maru No. 3, Hoyo maru No. 78 and Hokuho maru in the North Pacific in 1988M. Murata, Y. Nakamura, and H. SaitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3441JapanOutline of Japanese flying squid investigations by Japanese scientific vessels in the north Pacific in 1989S. Hayase, A. Yatsu, and J. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3442JapanCruise report of flying squid survey by the Shoyo maru in 1989S. Kawasaki, J. Ito, and K. YamamakaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3443JapanCruise report of flying squid spawning survey by Hokuho maru in April-May, 1989S. HayaseFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3444JapanCruise report of flying squid survey by the Wakatori maru in July/August, 1989A. YatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3445JapanThe distribution of salmonids and flying squid around the new northern boundaries of the Japanese squid gillnet fisheryJ. Ito and M. MurataFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3446JapanResults of marine mammal sighting surveys in the mid-latitudinal North Pacific in August-September 1988T. MiyashitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3447JapanDistribution and density of marine debris in the North Pacific based on sighting survey in 1988K. Nasu and K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3448 (Rev. 1)JapanOutline of the 1989 survey on the behaviour of drifting nets and the entanglement of marine organismsK. Nasu, S. Matsumura, N. Baba, and T. DomonFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3449 (Rev. 1)JapanResults of 1988 survey on behaviour of the drifting nets and entanglement of organismsS. Mio, K. Yoshida, S. Matsumara, M. Kato, Y. Watanabe, and K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3450U.S.Status of the Pacific Whiting Resource in 1989 and Recommendations to Management in 1990M. Donn, and R. MethotFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1989
3451JapanThe number of Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1987Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3452JapanAges and maturity date of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2°x5° area, and by ten-day period, 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3453JapanOcean distribution of Asian and North American Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) ddetermined by the tag parasites, Myxobolus arcticus and M. neurobius (Protozoa: Myxozoa)S. Urawa and K. NagasawaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3454JapanStock identification by maximum likelihood method: derivation of variance estimatorK. Hiramatsu and H. KishinoOctober, 1989
3455JapanProposed cruise plans of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3456JapanReport on port sampling to recover coded wire tagged fish in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3457JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3458JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3461U.S.Stock composition of sockeye and chum salmon in the 1987 South Peninsula, Alaska, June fishery based on completed tag dataD. Eggers, K. Rowell, and B. BarrettAlaska Department of Fish and GameOctober, 1989
3462U.S.Preliminary report on genetic diversity of Southern Southeast Alaska chum salmon populationsC.M. Kondzela, C.M. Guthrie III, R.B. Wilson, H.R. Carlson, and A.J. GharrettU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3463U.S.Status of stocks of commercially important crab species in the eastern Bering Sea in 1989R.A. MacIntoshU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3464U.S.Summary of cooperative U.S.-Japanese acoustic/midwater trawl surveys of walleye pollock in the central and eastern Bering Sea during January and February, 1989E.P. NunnalleeU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3465U.S.United States research surveys conducted in 1989 and surveys planned for 1990 in the eastern Bering SeaT.M. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3466U.S.Catch and effort statistics of United States domestic and joint-venture fisheries in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific Ocean, 1987 (Preliminary)R. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3467U.S.Population abundance of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) in the western North Pacific Ocean, 1979-1988B.J. TurnockU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3468U.S.Trends in abundance of Dall’s porpoise, 1978-1988B.J. TurnockU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3469Canada & U.S.Information on the Pacific halibut fishery and resource in the Bering Sea and the Northeast Pacific Ocean, 1988 (requested from Canada and the United States in Doc. 3365, Appendix 2)International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1989
3470JapanReport on Japan-U.S. joint longline survey by Anyo maru No. 22 in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Region and Gulf of Alaska, 1987T. Sasaki and Y. TakedaFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3471JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3472U.S.Incidence of coded-wire-tagged salmonids in catches of commercial and research vessels operating in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in 1988-1989M.L. Dahlberg, S. Fowler, N. Maloney, and R. HeintzU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3473U.S.Annual variability in salmonid incidence and near-surface ocean temperatures in the central North Pacific Ocean, 1978-1988S.E. IgnellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1989
3476 (Rev. 1)JapanSummary of observation for Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3477JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3478JapanCatch statistics of other species for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3479JapanEffort (number of tans) statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1989
3500JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1989. I—Catch Data. II—Oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1990
3501U.S.Tag returns in 1990—United States high seas salmon taggingK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1990
3502U.S.Known ocean ranges of stocks of Pacific salmon and steelhead as shown by tagging experiments, 1956–1989K.W. Myers, R.W. Walker, and S. FowlerSeptember, 1990
3503U.S.Preliminary stock assessment and fishery evaluation document for the 1991 Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands groundfish resourcesNorth Pacific Fishery Management CouncilSeptember, 1990
3504U.S.Preliminary stock assessment and fishery evaluation document for the 1991 Gulf of Alaska groundfish resourcesNorth Pacific Fishery Management CouncilSeptember, 1990
3505U.S.U.S. groundfish research surveys conducted in 1990 and surveys planned for 1991 in the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific West CoastE. Brown and E. HaynesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1990
3506U.S.U.S. research surveys conducted in 1990 and surveys planned for 1991 in the Eastern Bering SeaT. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1990
3507U.S.Results of the echo integration-midwater trawl survey of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea in winter 1989T. HonkalehtoU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1990
3508U.S.U.S.-Japan cooperative high seas salmonid research in 1990: summary of research aboard the Japanese research vessel Hokuho maru, 4 June to 19 JulyN.D. DavisFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1990
3509U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.-U.S. cooperative high seas salmonid tagging operations in 1990R.V. Walker, S. Leopold, and L. HaagaFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1990
3510U.S.Tags released during U.S.S.R. high seas salmonid tagging operations in 1987 and during the final legs of the U.S.S.R.-U.S. cooperative cruises in 1988 and 1989.R.V. Walker and K.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1990
3511JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1990Y. Ishida and S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3512JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1990 and recovery data up to August, 1990M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3513JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions in the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1990K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3514JapanOutline of biotelemetry study for salmon by Shin riasu maru, 1990M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3515 (Rev. 1)JapanOutline of 1990 research on marine mammals, particularly on Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesY. Ueno and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3516JapanStock identification of chum salmon collected in 1986Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3517JapanChanges in the criteria for tagging fish for Japanese salmon tagging, 1989 and 1990M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3518JapanPreliminary analysis of salmon catches at different depth layers of gillnet near the surface on the northwest Pacific OceanT. AzumaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3519JapanA baseline of the prevalences of brain myxosporean parasites for the stock identification of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tschawytscha in high seas fisheriesS. Urawa, Y. Ishida, M. Kato, and K. NagasawaSeptember, 1990
3520JapanProposed cruise plans of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific Ocean, 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3521JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, by 2°x5° area, and by ten-day period, 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3522JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1989, January–DecemberA. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3523JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the northeastern Pacific in 1989, January–DecemberA. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3524JapanSummary of the Japanese pollock fishery in the international waters of the Bering Sea, 1986–1989T. Yoshimura and T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3525JapanReport of acoustic survey on pelagic pollock stocks in the Aleutian Basin conducted in summer of 1988Y. Takao, M. Furusawa, N. Williamson, K. Sawada, Y. Miyanohara, T. Yoshimura, and T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3526JapanPreliminary report of biological informations obtained from 1989 summer pollock stock research in the Bering Sea by the Seiju maru No. 28T. Yoshimura, K. Mito, and and A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3527JapanPreliminary report on pelagic pollock survey by the Kaiyo maru in the international waters of the Bering Sea in January–February, 1990T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3528JapanReport on Japan-U.S.S.R. joint longline survey by the Ebisu maru No. 88 in 1989T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3529JapanAttempt to estimate the fishing efficiency of midwater trawls for pelagic pollock in the Aleutian BasinK. Mito, T. Yoshimura and Y. TakaoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3530JapanJapanese research in 1990 and research plan for 1991 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and northeastern PacificK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3531JapanStock assessment of walleye pollock in the Bering Sea in 1990K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3532JapanDifferences in the weight and composition of stomach content of pollock between areas in the Bering SeaK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3533JapanEstimate of daily ration of pollock in the Bering SeaK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3534JapanEstimate of consumption of pollock by Pacific cod in the eastern Bering SeaK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3535JapanPreliminary report of birth date estimation of juvenile walleye pollock, collected in the eastern Bering Sea – estimation from light microscope observationA. Nishimura, T. Yoshimura, and K. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3536JapanDifference in the composition of elements in pollock otoliths between areasH. Nakano and M. TakahashiSeptember, 1990
3537JapanOutline of flying squid investigations by Japanese scientific research vessels in the North Pacific in 1990S. Hayase, A. Yatsu, and H. ShimadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3538JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Shoyo maru in June to August in 1989H. Shimada, S. Kawasaki, and K. YamanakaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3539JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Kanki maru No. 3 in September/October, 1989A. Yatsu, S. Hayase, J. Ito, and T. DomonFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3540JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Kanki maru No. 3 in April/May, 1990S. Hayase and T. DomonFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3541JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Hokuho maru in April/May, 1990S. Kubota and S. HayaseFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3542 (Rev. 1)JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Wakatori maru in June/July, 1990A. YatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3543JapanAn experiment using subsurface drift gillnet for flying squidY. Inoue and T. WatanabeFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3544JapanData records from squid research vessels 1984–1989. I—Catch data by gillnets and jigging. II—Oceanographic dataH. ShimadaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3545JapanDistribution and density of marine debris in the North Pacific based on sighting survey in 1989K. Nasu and K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3546JapanResults of the 1989 Survey on behaviour of the drifting nets and entanglement of marine organismsK. Nasu, K. Hiramatsu, and T. DomonFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3547JapanPreliminary report of 1990 survey on behaviour of the drifting nets and entanglement of marine organismsK. Nasu, S. Matsumura, N. Baba, and T. DomonFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1990
3548CanadaClassification of U.S.S.R. chum salmon to their continent of origin on the basis of their scale charactersH.T. Bilton and S.M. McKinnellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3549CanadaYet another study on the use of chum scale patterns for identifying continent/region of originS.M. McKinnellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3550CanadaOrigin of chum salmon in a sample from confiscated Taiwanese catches as determined from scale pattern analysesH.T. Bilton and S.M. McKinnellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3551CanadaUpper thermal limits on the late spring distribution of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Northeast PacificD.W. Welch, T.W. Gjernes, O.A. Rassadnikov and O. KorolovSeptember, 1990
3552CanadaPreliminary estimates of the incidence of slash marks on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) caught in commercial fisheries in British Columbia in 1990M. Henderson, S.M. McKinnell, and L. MargolisDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3553CanadaSummer assemblages of seabirds in the eastern region of the high seas squid driftnet fisheryG.W. Kaiser, S.M. McKinnell, G.E.J. Smith, and M. ForceDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3554CanadaCanadian aerial observations of the North Pacific driftnet fleetT. GjernesDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3555 (Rev. 1)CanadaPreliminary results of the 1990 Canadian experimental jig fishery for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami)W. Shaw and G.S. JamiesonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3556CanadaSummary of marine debris sightings during Canadian high seas research surveys, 1989–1990W. ShawDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3557CanadaBiological advice on management of British Columbia groundfish for 1991A.V. Tyler (ed.)Department of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3558CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970–1989K.L. RutherfordDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3559CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries, 1977–1990M.W. SaundersDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3560 (Rev. 1)CanadaThe 1990 pelagic research cruise of the W.E. RickerS.M. McKinnell, W. Shaw, and J. LadellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3561CanadaA preliminary examination of the parasite fauna of yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidusD.L. Lee, D.J. Whitaker, and R.D. StanleyDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3562CanadaCanadaian field researchstudies for 1990 in the northeast PacificL.J. RichardsDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3563CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989K.L. RutherfordDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3564CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989J.D. FultonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3565CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1989J.D. FultonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3566CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore fishery: 1945–1989D.M. WareDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3567CanadaSummary of 1990 hering stock assessmentV. Haist and J.F. SchweigertDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3568CanadaPreliminary report on experimental harvest programs for two stocks of Pacific Ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) off British ColumbiaB.M. Leaman and R.D. StanleyDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3569CanadaRecruitment patterns in Pacific cod in Hecate Strait, British ColumbiaA.V. Tyler and W.R. CrawfordDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3570CanadaW.E. Ricker hydroacoustic cruise to study rockfish behavior off northern Vancouver Island, March 14–23, 1990B.M. Leaman, R. Kieser, R.D. Stanley, and P. WithlerDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3571 (Rev. 1)CanadaPotential use of helminth parasites in stock identification of flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, in North Pacific watersS.M. Bower, L. MargolisDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3572CanadaGroundfish stock assessments for the west coast of Canada in 1989 and recommended yield options for 1990. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1732A.V. Tyler, J. Fargo (eds.)Department of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3573 (Rev. 1)CanadaHistorical commercial salmon fishing operations within or near the Japanese neon flying squid fishery boundaryS.M. McKinnellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1990
3575JapanThe number of Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1988Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3576JapanOutline of the non-traditional landbased fishery in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3577U.S.A synthesis of the food habits and feeding ecology of salmonids in marine waters of the north PacificR.D. BrodeurFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1990
3578JapanPreliminary report of acoustic/midwater trawl survey on pelagic pollock stocks in the Aleutian Basin conducted in winter of 1988/89K. Sawada, K. Teshima, Y. Takao, M. Furusawa, Y. Miyanohara, and T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3579JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese mothership gillnet and landbased fisheries, 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3580JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and ten-day period in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3581JapanPreliminary report on Japanese fishing experiments using sub-surface gillnets for flying squid in the north Pacific in 1990S. HayaseFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3582CanadaReport on Driftnet Salmon Marketing by non-INPFC countries, 1988–1989A.J. Sarna and M. TomlinsonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1990
3584U.S.Origins of coho salmon in the area of the Japanese land-based driftnet fishery in 1986 and 1987R.V. WalkerFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1990
3585Canada, Japan, and U.S.Final report of squid and by-catch observations in the Japanese driftnet fishery for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) June–December, 1989 observer programOctober, 1990
3586U.S.Preliminary estimates of acceptable biological catch in 1991 as recommended by the groundfish management team of the Pacific Fishery Management CouncilR. MethotU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3587U.S.Information on the Pacific halibut fishery and resource in the Bering Sea and the Northeast Pacific Ocean, 1989International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1990
3588U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of foreign and joint venture fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1989M. Guttormsen, R. Narita, J. BergerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3589U.S.Catch and effort statistics of United States domestic and joint-venture fisheries in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific ocean 1988 and 1989 (preliminary)R.E. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3590U.S.1990 Status of eastern Bering Sea crab stocksB.G. Stevens and R.A. MacIntoshU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3591 (Rev. 1)JapanReport on port sampling to detect coded wire tagged fish in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3592Canada, Japan, and U.S.July–August 1989 observer program data summary of squid and salmon observations in the Japanese squid driftnet fishery for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami)October, 1990
3593 (Rev. 1)U.S.U.S. observations of the Japanese non-traditional landbased driftnet salmon fishery in 1990M.L. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3594U.S.Incidence of code-wire tagged salmonids in commericial and research catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1989–1990M.L. Dahlberg, S. Fowler, N. Maloney, and R. HeintzU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3595U.S.Origins of chinook salmon in the area of the Japanese mothership and landbased driftnet salmon fisheries in 1985 and 1986N. DavisFisheries Research InstituteOctober, 1990
3596U.S.Preliminary results of a U.S./Japan cooperative research project examining the harvest of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami with jigsM.E. Wilkins and J. JuneOctober, 1990
3597JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3598JapanA review of the Japanese squid driftnet fisheryA. YatsuFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3599JapanThe number of Dall’s porpoise incidentally taken by the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3600JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1990
3601U.S.Diagnostic indices of oceanographic and atmospheric conditions in the central north Pacific OceanS. IgnellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1990
3604U.S.Genetic stock identification of chum salmon: new data for 16 populations in AsiaG. Winans, P. Aebersold, S. Urawa, and V. MarkovtsevOctober, 1990
3614JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese non-traditional landbased and traditional landbased fisheries, 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanFebruary, 1991
3615U.S.A sampling design for detecting differences in catch rates between surface and subsurface driftnets in the North Pacific squid driftnet fisheryL.J. SimonU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceFebruary, 1991
3628U.S.U.S. groundfish research surveys conducted in 1991 and surveys planned for 1992 in the Gulf of Alaska and the U.S. Pacific west coastM. Martin, M. Wilkins, and E. HaynesU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceSeptember, 1991
3629JapanOutline of the non-traditional landbased fishery in 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3631JapanReport on port sampling to detect coded wire tagged fish in 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3632JapanOutline of Japanese salmon investigations in the offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean in 1991S. Ito and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3633JapanRelease data for Japanese salmon tagging experiments in 1991 and recovery data up to August, 1991M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3634JapanOutline of oceanographic conditions in the Northwest Pacific during the summer of 1991K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3635JapanOutline of biotelemetry study of salmon by the Shin Riasu maru, 1991M. OguraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3636JapanOutline of 1991 research on marine mammals, particularly on Dall’s porpoise relating to salmon gillnet fisheriesY. Ueno and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3637JapanPreliminary estimates of the incidence of slash marks on salmonids caught by Japanese salmon research vessels in the North Pacific ocean and Bering Sea in 1991Y. Ishida, K. Tadokoro, and K. NagasawaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3638JapanSummary of the high seas salmon research cruise by the Hokko maru in 1991T. AzumaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3639JapanSummary of research aboard the research vessel Wakashio maru, 13 July to 4 August 1991 (U.S.S.R.–Japan Cooperative Salmon Research in 1991)Y. Ueno, I. Shimizu, A. Shubin, and V. TsigerTINROSeptember, 1991
3640JapanDistribution of Asian and North American chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytsha) in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea between 1988 and 1990 estimated by tag parasitesS. Urawa and K. NagasawaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3641JapanOccurrence of salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis on longline-caught salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in the summer of 1991K. Nagasawa, Y. Ishida, and K. TadokoroFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3642JapanOutline of the Japanese groundfish fishery in the Bering Sea in 1990, January–DecemberA. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3643JapanSummary of the Japanese pollock fishery in the international waters of the Bering Sea, (1986–1990)A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3644JapanReport of acoustic survey on pelagic pollock stocks in the Aleutian Basin conducted in summer of 1988 (revised)A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3645JapanReport of biological research during the survey of pollock in the Bering Sea in summer 1989T. Yoshimura, K. Mito, and and A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3646JapanPreliminary report of biological information obtained from 1990 summer pollock stock research in the Bering Sea by Daian maru No. 128A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1991
3647JapanReport on Japan-U.S.S.R. joint longline survey by the Koei maru No. 10 in 1990T. SasakiFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1991
3648JapanJapanese research in 1991 and research plan for 1992 on groundfish stocks in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands region, and northeastern pacificK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3649JapanSize relationship between predator and prey in cannibalism of walleye pollock in the eastern Bering SeaK. MitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3650JapanEstimation of the hatching date of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas), collected in the Eastern Bering Sea in 1989A. Nishimura, K. Mito, and T. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1991
3651JapanMicrostructural observation of otoliths of walleye pollock collected in the Aleutian Basin, with special reference to the annual ring structureA. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanJuly, 1991
3652JapanDiscrimination of morphological differences of walleye pollock between areas in the Bering SeaA. Nitta and A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3653JapanEffects of freezing and defrosting methods on length and weight of pollock and revision of length-weight relationships (data of 1988 summer, 1988–89 winter, and 1990 winter)T. YoshimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3654JapanAge composition and growth of walleye pollock in the Aleutian Basin in summer, 1978 and 1979K. Mito and A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3655JapanResults of data collection on Japanese fishing vessels by scientific observer in the international waters of the Bering Sea in 1990K. Mito and A. NishimuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3656JapanStudy of flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) behaviour by ultrasonic telemetry—I.K. Yoshida, T. Koido, N. Baba, and M. KiyotaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3657JapanBiological information of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) taken incidentally by high seas squid driftnet fisheries in 1989 and 1990N. Baba and M. KiyotaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3658JapanInvestigations of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in the North Pacific, 1988N. Baba, M. Kiyota, and K. YoshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3659JapanRelationship between whisker color and age of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) collected in the western North Pacific and Okhotsk SeaN. Baba, M. Kiyota, and K. YoshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3660JapanResults of heavy metal analysis of sea surface water, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus)S. Miyahara, N. Baba, M. Kiyota, and K. YoshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3661JapanOutline of flying squid investigations conducted by scientific vessels of the Fisheries Agency of Japan in the North Pacific in 1991S. Hayase, A. Yatsu, H. Tanaka, H. Shimada, and Y. NakamuraFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3662JapanCrusie report of the flying squid survey by the Shoyo maru from June to September, 1990A. Yatsu, S. Kawasaki, and K. YamanakaFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3663JapanCruise report of flying squid survey by the Wakatori maru in June/July, 1991S. Hayase and A. YatsuFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3664JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Shoyo maru in June to August, 1991—Tracking seabird and flying squid using the biotelemetry systemH. Tanaka, Y. Nakamura, and K. YamanakaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3665JapanCruise report of the flying squid survey by the Kaiun maru in July/September, 1991A. Yatsu, S. Hayase, and K. KagaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3666JapanOutline of ecological study of flying squid by Hokko maru in 1991Y. Nakamura and K. SaitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3667JapanDistribution and density of marine debris in the North Pacific based on sighting surveys in 1990K. Nasu and K. HiramatsuFisheries Agency of JapanAugust, 1991
3668JapanGeographical difference of walleye pollock caught from three Bering Sea areas from standpoint of metal and amino acid contents of otolithsH. Nakano, M. Takahashi, and K. KikuchiFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3669Japan & U.S.Cooperative Japan-U.S. high seas salmonid research in 1991: Summary of research aboard the Japanese research vessel Wakatake maru, 4 June to 23 JulyY. Ishida, N. Davis, and K. TadokoroOctober, 1991
3670JapanProposed cruise plans of Japanese research vessels for salmon and marine mammals in the North Pacific ocean, 1992Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3671JapanAge and maturity data of sockeye and coho salmon by sex, 2°x5° area, and by ten-day period in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3672JapanData record of fishes and squids caught incidentally in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3673JapanCatch statistics of salmon and marine mammals caught in gillnets of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1988, 1989, and 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3674JapanData record of salmonids snout samples with missing adipose fin, steelhead trout with missing adipose fin released with disc tag, and steelhead trout kidney samples collected by Japanese salmon research in 1991S. ItoFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3675JapanNumber of steelhead trout taken by Japanese landbased salmon fishery by 2°x5° area and ten-day period in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3676 (Rev. 1)JapanReport of incidental take of all marine mammals collected by Japanese observers in the non-traditional landbased fishery in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3677JapanData records of Japanese salmon research vessels in 1990, I—catch data, II—oceanographic dataFisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3678CanadaSummary of 1991 herring stock assessmentV. Haist and J.F. SchweigertSeptember, 1991
3679CanadaBiological advice on management of British Columbia groundfish for 1992B.M. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3680CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1991 in the Northeast PacificL.J. RichardsDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3681CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990K.L. RutherfordDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3682CanadaSummary of vessel size in the Canadian trawl fleet on the Pacific coast, 1970–90K. RutherfordDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3683CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheriesM.W. SaundersDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3684CanadaResults of the 1991 Canada–Japan experimental squid jig fishery off British ColumbiaW. ShawDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3685CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990C.G. WallaceDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3686CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific coast in 1990C.G. WallaceDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3687CanadaCatch statistics for the Canadian albacore tuna fishery: 1945–1990D.M. Ware and K.L. YamanakaDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3688CanadaOrigins of chum salmon taken in the Japanese large scale pelagic squid driftnet fishery during 1990S.M. McKinnellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3689CanadaRecoveries of salmon tagged and released in the central North Pacific Ocean during a Canadian research vessel cruise, May 22–July 1, 1990S.M. McKinnell and W. ShawDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3690CanadaPreliminary results from the 1991 joint USSR–Canadian research cruise to the North-west Pacific OceanJ.F.T. Morris, D.W. Welch, and O.A. RassadnikovDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3691CanadaOn some sampling characteristics of high seas gillnet surveys for salmonD.W. Welch and Y. IshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3692CanadaEvidence for attacks by the bathy-pelagic fish Anotopterus pharao (Mystophiformes) on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)D.W. Welch, L. Margolis, M. Henderson, and S. McKinnellDepartment of Fisheries and OceansSeptember, 1991
3693U.S.Origins of chinook salmon in the Japanese traditional landbased driftnet salmon fishery in 1990 based on scale pattern analysisN.D. DavisU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3694U.S.Biological information on Pacific salmon and steelhead in observer samples from the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in 1990K.W. Myers and R.L. BernardU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3695U.S.Scale pattern estimates of origin of sockeye salmon in 1990 port samples of the Japanese traditional landbased driftnet salmon fisheryK.W. MyersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3696U.S.Tag returns in 1991—United States high seas salmon taggingK.W. MyersU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3697U.S.Age composition of salmon and steelhead in 1990 port samples of the Japanese traditional landbased driftnet salmon fisheryK.W. Myers and W.B. CampbellU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3698U.S.Parasite tag identifications of U.S. Pacific Northwest origin steelhead caught in the North Pacific Ocean in 1990K.W. Myers, W.B. Campbell, and R.L. BurgnerOctober, 1991
3699U.S.Scale pattern estimates of origin of coho salmon taken in the Japanese traditional landbased driftnet salmon fishery in 1990R.V. WalkerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOcotber, 1991
3700U.S.Estimates of origin of coho salmon caught in the Japanese high seas squid driftnet fishery in 1990R.V. WalkerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3701U.S.Research vessel salmonid CPUE in relation to the Northern Boundary of the squid driftnet fisheryR.V. WalkerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3702U.S.Summary of U.S.S.R.-U.S. cooperative high seas salmonid tagging operations in 1991R.V. Walker, M.B. Ward, K.W. Myers, and S. LeopoldU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3703U.S.Catch and effort statistics of U.S. domestic and joint venture fisheries in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific Ocean (preliminary), 1990R.E. NaritaU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3704U.S.Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region as projected for 1992NPFMCOctober, 1991
3705U.S.Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the 1992 Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheryNPFMCOctober, 1991
3706JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3707JapanRecovery information for tagged groundfish in the Bering Sea and Northeast Pacific in 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3708JapanVessel and gear specifications of the Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1989Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3709JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3710JapanReport on Japan-U.S. joint longline survey by Tomi maru No. 88 in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Region and Gulf of Alaska, 1988T. Sasaki and K. YanoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3711 (Rev. 1)JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese Squid Driftnet Fishery in the North Pacific in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1991
3712U.S.Summary of U.S. observer sampling of joint venture fisheries in the Northeast Pacific ocean and eastern Bering SeaM. Guttormsen, R. Narita, and J. BergerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3713U.S.An experimental design to detect differences of by-catch rates in surface and subsurface driftnets in North Pacific squid driftnet fisheriesL. Simon and B. LindsayOctober, 1991
3714Canada & U.S.Information on the Pacific halibut fishery and resource in the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific Ocean, 1990International Pacific Halibut CommissionOctober, 1991
3715U.S.Preliminary report on U.S. observer sampling of domestic fisheries in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea, 1990M. Guttormsen, R. Narita, and J. BergerU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3716JapanData record from flying squid research vessels in the North Pacific conducted by Japan in 1990Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3717U.S.United States research surveys conducted in 1991 and surveys planned for 1992 in the Bering SeaT.M. SampleU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3718 (Rev. 1)U.S.U.S. observations of the Japanese non-traditional landbased driftnet salmon fishery in 1991M. DahlbergU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3719U.S.Food habits of northern right whale dolphin, Pacific white-sided dolphin, and northern fur seal caught in high seas driftnet fishereis of the North Pacific Ocean, 1990W. WalkerNatural History Museum, L.A. CountyOctober, 1991
3720U.S.Preliminary analyses of northern right whale dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) age and reproductive parameters from the Japanese squid driftnet fishery, June-November, 1990R.C. Ferrero, M. Gosho, and W.A. WalkerOctober, 1991
3721Canada, Japan, and U.S.Final report of 1990 observations of the Japanese high seas squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific OceanFisheries Agency of Japan, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, and U.S. Fisheried and Wildlife ServiceOctober, 1991
3722CanadaThe illegal harvest and marketing of North American origin Pacific salmon. Summary of 1990 laundered salmon tradeR. Steinbock and J. JamiesonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1991
3723U.S.Incidental and illegal catches of salmonids in North Pacific driftnet fisheriesJ. Pella, R. Rumbaugh, L. Simon, M. Dahlberg, S. Pennoyer and M. RoseU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3724Canada, Japan, and U.S.Incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in the 1991 Japanese squid driftnet fisheryS. McKinnell, M. Dahlberg, Y. IshidaOctober, 1991
3725U.S.Incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in commercial and research catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1990–1991M. Dahlberg, S. Fowler, N. Maloney, and R. HeintzU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1991
3737JapanSalmon catch statistics for Japanese non-traditional and traditional landbased salmon fisheries, 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanJanuary, 1992
3739PolandActivities of the Polish fishing fleet in the Northeast Pacific by INPFC statistical areaInstytut Rybacki w GdyniMay, 1992
3740JapanCatch statistics of the Japanese non-traditional landbased fishery by 1°x1° INPFC area, by species in kilograms, by 1-day, and by cumulative quantity of gear used (in tans), 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanOctober, 1991
3750Japan/Canada/USFinal reports of observations of the Japanese high seas large-mesh driftnet fishery in the North Pacific Ocean, 1990–1991Joint Report of Fisheries Agency of Japan, DFO, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSeptember, 1992
3751Japan/Canada/USFinal report 1991 observations of the Japanese high seas squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific OceanJoint Report of Fisheries Agency of Japan, DFO, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceSeptember, 1992
3752U.S.Review of groundfish research, assessments, and management by the Alaska Fisheries Science CentreM. Wilkins, T. Wilderbuer, and D. ClausenAlaska Fisheries Science CentreAugust, 1992
3753JapanData records from salmon research vessels, 1991. I—Catch Data II—Oceanographic DataFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3754JapanReports on the research of salmon resources in the North Pacific Ocean in 1992Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3755JapanResearch plan for salmon resources by Japan in the North Pacific Ocean in 1993Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3756JapanOutline of flying squid resource investigations conducted by research vessels of the Fisheries Agency of Japan in the North Pacific in 1992S. Hayase, A. Yatsu, H. Tanaka, Y. Nakamura, and K. SaitoFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3757JapanCatch and effort statistics for the Japanese squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific in 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3758JapanOutline of a jigging survey as an alternative fishing technology to the squid driftnet by Japanese research vessels in the high seas of the North Pacific during May–August, 1992Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3759JapanDistribution of northern fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus, in the central North Pacific from April to May during 1988–1991N. Baba, M. Kiyota, and K. YoshidaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3760JapanOutline of Japanese Bering Sea groundfish fisheries in 1991 and related research activityFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3761JapanOutline of Japanese whale sighting cruises in the North Pacific in 1992 and plans for 1993H. Kato and T. MiyashitaFisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3762CanadaPreliminary results from the Canadian high seas salmon research cruise to the eastern North Pacific Ocean , February 27–March 25, 1992J.F.T. Morris and D.W. WelchDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3763CanadaPreliminary results from the Canadian high seas research cruise to the eastern North Pacific Ocean, July 5–23, 1992J.F.T. Morris, D.W. Welch, and W. ShawDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3764JapanVessel and gear specification of the Japanese fishery operated in the North Pacific in 1991Fisheries Agency of JapanSeptember, 1992
3767U.S.Tag returns in 1992 United States high seas salmon taggingK.W. MyersFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1992
3768U.S.Tags released during the final legs of the USSR–US cooperative cruises in 1990 and 1991R.V. WalkerFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1992
3769U.S.Estimates of origin of coho salmon caught in Asian high seas squid driftnet fisheries in 1991 and in an illegal Taiwanese salmon driftnet fishery in 1989R.V. WalkerFisheries Research InstituteSeptember, 1992
3770U.S.Marine bird voucher specimens from driftnet observer programs in 1990–1991P. Gould, G. Shugart, and C. WoodSeptember, 1992
3771U.S.Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region as projected for 1993NPFMCSeptember, 1992
3772U.S.Appendices to the status of the Pacific Coast groundfish fishery through 1992 and recommended acceptable biological catches for 1993PMFCSeptember, 1992
3773CanadaA summary of catch statistics for the Canadian groundfish fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1991K.L. RutherfordDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3774CanadaCatch statistics for the 1991 Canadian albacore tuna fisheryK.L. YamanakaDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3775CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian shrimp fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1991C.G. WallaceDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3776CanadaCanadian field research studies for 1992 in the Northeast PacificL.J. RichardsDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3777CanadaCatch and effort statistics of the Canadian crab fishery on the Pacific Coast in 1991C.G. WallaceOctober, 1992
3778U.S.Stock assessment and fishery and fishery evaluation report for the 1993 Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheryNPFMCOctober, 1992
3779U.S.Preliminary summary of marine debris observed on U.S. fishing vessels in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1992H. WeikartU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1992
3780U.S.Incidence of coded-wire tagged salmonids in commercial and research catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1991-1992M. Dahlberg, S. Fowler, N. Maloney, and R. HeintzU.S. National Marine Fisheries ServiceOctober, 1992
3781CanadaBiological advice on management of British Columbia groundfish for 1993B.M. LeamanDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1992
3782CanadaCanadian regulations on non-domestic fisheries 1977–1992M.W. SaundersDepartment of Fisheries and OceansOctober, 1922