North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2013 Workshop Presentations

The following are oral and poster presentations given at the NPAFC 3rd International Workshop, Migration and Survival Mechanisms of Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead in Ocean Ecosystems, April 25–26, 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, and shared with permission of the authors. These presentations are for educational purposes and do not reflect policy or the positions of the authors’ agencies. Presentations are listed in the order given at the Workshop; oral presentations first, then poster presentations.

Oral Presentations

Author (*Presenters)Title 
Regional Reviews
Vladimir I. Radchenko*, Olga S. Temnykh, and Alexander V. ZavolokinReview of studies on Asian juvenile Pacific salmon stocks, 2006–2012View
Marc Trudel* and Eric HertzRecent advances in marine juvenile Pacific salmon research in North AmericaView
Topic 1: Seasonal distribution and migration route/timing
Jim Murphy, Katie Howard*, Lisa Eisner, Alex Andrews, Bill Templin, Chuck Guthrie, Keith Cox, Ed FarleyLinking abundance, distribution, and size of juvenile Yukon River Chinook salmon to survival in the northern Bering SeaView
Terry D. Beacham*, Richard J. Beamish, John R. Candy, Strahan Tucker, Jamal H. Moss, and Marc TrudelStock-specific migration pathways and size of juvenile sockeye salmon in British Columbia waters and in the Gulf of AlaskaView
Brian Burke*, Jim Anderson, Antonio BaptistaEvidence for navigational sensory capabilities of yearling Chinook salmonView
Richard J. Beamish*, Ruston Sweeting, and Chrys NevilleLate ocean entry timing provides resilience to populations of Chinook and sockeye salmon in the Fraser RiverView
Topic 2: Hydrological characteristics, primary production, and prey resources
Bill Peterson and Brian Burke*Oceanographic and ecological indicators for salmon returns in the northern California CurrentView
Jason L. Hassrick*, William J. Sydeman, Jarrod A. Santora, Sean A. HayesCoastal association of juvenile Chinook salmon and krill in the northern California CurrentView
Elan Downey*, Alexandra Eaves, David Ewart, Shannon Anderson, John Duncan, and Sonja SaksidaAssessment and management of environmental and health factors affecting early marine survival of hatchery-reared coho salmon in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, CanadaView
Topic 3: Tophic linkages, growth rates, and predation rates
Strahan Tucker*, Mark Hipfner, John Candy, Collin Wallace, Terry Beacham, and Marc TrudelStock-specific predation of juvenile salmon by rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) in coastal British ColumbiaView
Eric Hertz*, Marc Trudel, Rana W. El-Sabaawi, Strahan Tucker, Terry D. Beacham, and Asit MazumderInterannual and spatial variability in the feeding ecology of juvenile Chinook salmon and effects on survival and growthView
Alexander Zavolokin*Feeding habits, consumption rates, and growth of juvenile salmon in relation to fluctuations of the forage base and salmon abundanceView
Topic 4: Ecological interactions among species and populations
Erica Jenkins*, Marc Trudel, Asit Mazumder, John F. Dower, and Rana El-SabaawiDensity-dependent trophic interactions between juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and juvenile chum salmon (O. keta) in coastal marine ecosystems of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska.View
Iris M. Kemp*, David A. Beauchamp, Ruston Sweeting, and Carol CooperPotential for competition among herring and juvenile salmon species in Puget Sound, WAView
Topic 5: Survival rate and survival mechanisms
Kristi M. Miller* and 13 co-authorsAre salmon smolts really healthier in years of good ocean productivity?View
Katherine W. Myers*, Nancy D. Davis, Robert V. Walker, and Margaret E. AtchesonPotential mechanisms of ocean mortality of juvenile salmon and steelhead due to ingestion of plastic marine debrisView
Michael J. Malick*, Randall M. Peterman, William T. Peterson, and Thomas C. WainwrightUsing Bayesian networks to link climate variability, ocean processes, and coho salmon marine survivalView
Mara S. Zimmerman*, Thomas Buehrens, and Josh WeinheimerEcological predictors of marine survival for Washington State coho salmonView
Leon D. Shaul*, Randy Ericksen, Kent Crabtree, and Judy LumBeyond the estuary: an extension of the nomad life history strategy in coho salmonView
David Welch*, Aswea Porter, Erin Rechisky, Wendell Challenger, and Scott HinchWhen is recruitment determined in the marine life history of salmon? – Current evidence from the POST arrayView
Gregor Passolt and James Anderson*A model linking ocean survival to smolt lengthView
Jessica A. Miller*, David Teel, Bill P. Peterson, and A. BaptistaAssessing the relative importance of local and regional processes on the survival of Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmonView
Jeff Rutter*Change in size: growth or predation? a model to quantify the error in apparent growthView
Ian G. Brosnan*Evaluating the influence of environmental factors on yearling Chinook salmon survival in the Columbia River plume (USA)View
James R. Irvine* and Scott A. AkenheadIs declining sockeye salmon survival the result of competition at sea and declining carrying capacity?View
Greg Ruggerone*, Bev Agler, Lorna Wilson, and Ed FarleySize-selective mortality of Bristol Bay sockeye smolts in relation to smolt characteristics, ocean conditions, and salmon productivityView
Workshop Wrap-up
William HeardWorkshop wrap-up commentsView

Poster Presentations

Author (*Presenters)Title 
Topic 1: Seasonal distribution and migration route/timing
Nina Yu. Shpigalskaya, Uljana O. Muravskaya, Anna I. Kositsina, and Anton V. Klimov (presented by Maxim Koval*)Genetic identification of the Okhotsk Sea juvenile pink salmon mixed-stock aggregations in the course of the early marine period of lifeView
Charles M. Guthrie III, Scott Vulstek, Hanhvan Nguyen, James Murphy, William Templin, and Jeffrey R. Guyon*Genetic stock composition of juvenile Chinook salmon collected off the mouth of the Yukon River: Are these Yukon River fish?View
Reiichiro Nakamichi*, Hirohisa Kishino, and Shuichi KitadaA novel method to identify key factors of gene regulatory network behind salmonids reproductive behavior using directed graphical modelingView
Alexandra I. Chistyakova, Roman A. Shaporev, and Alexander V. Bugaev*Experience of the use of complex otolith method for identification stocks of juvenile pink and chum salmon in the offshore waters of the Okhotsk Sea during postcatadromous migrationView
Igor L. Izergin, Vladimir V. Volobuev*, Lev I. Izergin, Evgeny A. Fomin, and Sergey L. MarchenkoJuvenile salmon distribution in the coastal area of the Taui Bay of the Sea of OkhotskView
Nathan F. Putman*, Kenneth J. Lohmann, Emily M. Putman Thomas P. Quinn, A. Peter Klimley, & David L. G. NoakesEvidence for geomagnetic imprinting as a homing mechanism in Pacific salmonView
Chloe Bracis* and James J. AndersonOceanic distribution of Chinook salmon inferred from age-specific arrival timingView
Arnold J. Ammann*, David D. Huff, Sean A. Hayes, Jeffery A. Harding, R. Bruce MacFarlaneOcean habitat of juvenile Chinook salmon at the southern end of their rangeView
Topic 2: Hydrological characteristics, primary production, and prey resources
Jeanette Gann*, Lisa Eisner, and Seth DanielsonHow do oceanographic characteristics in the northern Bering Sea relate to juvenile salmon biomass?View
Wyatt Fournier*Summer energetic condition of juvenile sockeye salmon in the Gulf of AlaskaView
Tomoki Sato*, Kei Sasaki, Masaya Takahashi, and Toru NagasawaInterannual variations in prey resources during the early ocean life of juvenile chum salmon in four coastal areas around Hokkaido, northern JapanView
Ju Kyoung Kim*, O-Nam Kwon, and Kwan Eui HongCoastal feeding patterns based on a spatial distribution of released Korean chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, fingeringsView
Topic 3: Tophic linkages, growth rates, and predation rates
Richard D. Brodeur*, Suzan S. Pool, and Todd W. MillerPrey selectivity of juvenile salmon on neustonic mesozooplankton in the northern California CurrentView
Emily Fergusson*, Molly Sturdevant, Joe Orsi, Ron Heintz, and Ed Farley Jr.Juvenile salmon trophic relationships in Southeast Alaska for warm and cold yearsView
Mary E. Auburn* and Molly SturdevantDiet composition and feeding behavior of juvenile salmonids in the northern Bering Sea August–October, 2009–2011View
Anastasia Morozova (presented by Maxim Koval*)Feeding interactions of juvenile Pacific salmon and other fish species in the coastal epipelagic zone of KamchatkaView
Аnton V. Klimov, Аleksey P. Lozovoy, and Irina V. Zhiganova (presented by Maxim Koval*)Behavioral and biochemical adaptations of juvenile Pacific salmon in the period postcatadromous migration in the Okhotsk SeaView
Topic 4: Ecological interactions among species and populations
Moongeun Yoon*, Syuiti Abe, Ju Kyoung Kim, and Kwan Eui HongPopulation structuring of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, populations in Far East AsiaView
Semyon B. Baranov*The population of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta in the Anadyr River basin, ChukotkaView
Ellen C. Martinson*Early marine growth as an indicator for chum salmon productionView
Molly Sturdevant, Emily Fergusson, Joe Orsi*, Rich Brenner,  and Bill HeardAdult pink salmon predation on juvenile salmon and herring in marine waters of AlaskaView
Topic 5: Survival rate and survival mechanisms
Shigehiko Urawa*Control of the parasitic flagellate Ichthyobodo salmonis, a causative agent of marine mortalities of juvenile chum salmonView
Kei Sasaki*, Kyuji Watanabe, and Fumihisa Takahashi, Toshihiko SaitoCoastal residence of juvenile chum salmon and their adult returns to the Ishikari River, HokkaidoView
Wei Liu*, Bingjie Zhi, Peirong ZhanEffects of salinity on haematological biochemistry and structure of liver tissue in young chum salmon (Oncorhychus keta Walbaum)View
Maxim Koval* and Sergey GorinInfluence of the conditions in the Hairuzova and Belgolovaya estuaries (western Kamchatka) on total Pacific salmon abundanceView
Justin M. Leon and Megan V. McPhee*Freshwater growth and recruitment in two western Alaskan populations of Chinook salmonView
Randall M. Peterman* and Brigitte DornerImplications for research from the widespread decrease in productivity of sockeye salmon populations in western North AmericaView
William Heard*, Jerry Taylor, and Joe OrsiSurvival and early marine migration of enhanced age-0 sockeye salmon smolts raised in freshwater and seawater at Auke Creek, Southeast AlaskaView
Jeffrey R. Guyon* , Andrew Gray, Adrian Celewycz, Frank Thrower, Taylor Scott, William Heard, and John E. JoyceLong term ocean survival trends of Chinook salmon released at the Little Port Walter Marine Station in Southeast AlaskaView
Joe Orsi*, Molly Sturdevant, Emily Fergusson, Bill Heard, and Ed FarleyChinook salmon marine migration and production mechanisms in AlaskaView
Michael Kohan*, Joe Orsi, Franz Mueter and Phil Mundy, Megan V. McPhee,Variation in abundance and condition of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in response to marine factors in Southeast AlaskaView
Kevin D. Friedland*, Bruce R. Ward, David W. Welch, and Sean A. HayesThe effects of post-smolt growth and thermal regime on the marine survival of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Keogh River, BCView
Ruston Sweeting, C. Neville and R. Beamish (presented by Marc Trudel*)The complexity of Chinook salmonView
Topic 6: Survival and salmonid ecology during the first winter at sea
Ed Farley*, Alexander Starovoytov, Svetlana Naydenko, Ron Heintz, Marc Trudel, Charles Guthrie, Lisa Eisner, and Jeffrey R. GuyonImplications of a warming eastern Bering Sea for Bristol Bay sockeye salmonView
Milo Adkison*, Ryan Briscoe, Joshua Robins, Michael Malick, Alex Wertheimer, and S.G. TaylorMarine survival and interspecific interactions of coho salmon in Southeast AlaskaView
Joe Orsi*, Molly Sturdevant, Emily Fergusson, Steve Heinl, Scott Vulstek, Jacek Maselko, and John JoyceConnecting the “dots” among coastal ocean metrics and Pacific salmon production in Southeast Alaska, 1997–2012View
David G. Stormer and Francis Juanes*Overwintering ability of juvenile ocean-type Chinook salmon: effect of water temperature and food deprivation on growth, energetics, and survivalView