North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2018 Workshop Presentations

The following are oral and poster presentations given at the First NPAFC-IYS Workshop on Pacific Salmon Production in a Changing Climate, May 26–27, 2018 in Khabarovsk, Russia, and shared with permission of the authors. These presentations are for educational purposes and do not reflect policy or the positions of the authors’ agencies. Presentations are listed in the order given at the Workshop by topic session with oral presentations first, then poster presentations.

Author (*Presenters) Title
Topic 1: Status of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout
Keynote-1 James R. Irvine*, Andrew R. Munro, William Templin, Mary Thiess, and Sue Grant Overview of status of Pacific salmon populations in the eastern North Pacific View
Oral-1 Toshihiko Saito*, and Yasuyuki Miyakoshi Current status of chum and pink salmon: what is reducing adult returns in Japan? TBA
Oral-2 Chung Il Lee*, Hyun Je Park, Hae Kun Jung, Ju Kyoung Kim, and Do Hyun Lee Current return of chum salmon with latitude and marine environment in eastern coast of Korea View
Oral-3 Nataliya Klovach*, Olga Temnykh, Valeriy Shevlyakov, Evgeniy Shevlyakov, Alexander Bugaev, Vladimir Ostrovskiy, Alexander Kaev, and Vladimir Volobuev Current stock assessment of Pacific salmon in the Far East of Russia View
Oral-4 Alexander M. Kaev* Decline of abundance of pink salmon in Sakhalin-Kuril region as a result of the extreme environmental factors View
Oral-5 Sergei Zolotukhin*, and Albina Kanzeparova What formed the Pacific salmon biomass in Amur River Basin in 2000–2010s? View
Oral-6 Shunpei Sato*, Ayumi Nakashima, Kazuyuki Yamaya, and Shigehiko Urawa Geographical stock origins of juvenile chum salmon migrating along the Pacific Ocean coast of Hokkaido, Japan, during early summer View
Oral-7 Kentaro Honda*, Tatsuya Kawakami, Kotaro Shirai, Takashi Kitagawa, and Toshihiko Saito Growth rate characteristics during early marine life and sea-entry conditions of juvenile chum salmon originating from two rivers along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Japan View
Oral-8 Maksim Koval*, Sergey Gorin, Alexander Vasilenko, and Anton Klimov Biology of juvenile ozernovskaya sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (the Ozernaya River, basin of the Kurilskoye Lake) during downstream migration and early marine period of life View
Oral-9 Sue C.H. Grant*, Bronwyn L. MacDonald, Gottfried Pestal, Michael Barrus, James R. Irvine, and Kim Hyatt An introduction to Fisheries & Canada’s new State of the Salmon Program View
Poster-1 Yasuyuki Miyakoshi*, Hayato Saneyoshi, and Yousuke Koshino Environmental factors affecting the survival of juveniles and recent returns of chum salmon in the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido View
Poster-2 Olga Temnykh* and Albina Kanzeparova Interannual dynamics of pink and chum salmon juvenile abundance and their average body sizes in the Sea of Okhotsk and western Bering Sea during 1998–2017 View
Topic 2: Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout in a Changing North Pacific
Keynote-2 Andrey Krovnin*, Boris Kotenev, and Nataliya Klovach Present state and future of Far East salmon stocks under changing climate View
Oral-10 Terry D. Beacham*, H. Andres Araujo, Strahan Tucker, and Marc Trudel Validity of inferring size-selective mortality and a critical size limit in Pacific salmon from scale circulus spacing View
Oral-11 Ed Farley*, Ellen Yasumiishi, Jamal Moss, Andrew Gray, and Jim Murphy Is there a critical size and period for Pacific salmon? View
Oral-12 Ed Farley*, Kristin Cieciel, Wess Strasburger, and Jeanette Gann Pink salmon as “sentinels” for Arctic change View
Oral-13 Chrys M. Neville, Richard J. Beamish*, and Jackie R. King What can be learned with the return of coho fishing to the Strait of Georgia? TBA
Oral-14 Brendan Connors, Michael Malick, Gregory T. Ruggerone, Pete Rand, Milo Adkison, James R. Irvine*, Rob Campbell, and Kristen Gorman Unravelling how climate and competition shape sockeye salmon dynamics across the Northeast Pacific Ocean View
Oral-15 Alexander V. Bugaev, Oleg B. Tepnin, and Vladimir I. Radchenko* Climate change and Pacific salmon productivity on the Russian Far East View
Oral-16 Ekaterina Lepskaya*, Tatyana Mogilnikova, Sergey Shubkin, and Oleg Tepnin Pacific salmon (catch, spawning migrations, production) and toxic «tide» events in the seas of Russian Far East: new risks? View
Oral-17 Karen Dunmall*, Colin Garroway, Robert Bajno, Nick Decovich, William Templin, Margaret Docker, and James Reist An evidence for historic and modern post-glacial colonizations of chum salmon at the northern range edge View
Oral-18 Masahide Kaeriyama* The global warming effect for migration route of Japanese chum salmon View
Poster-3 Hayato Saneyoshi*, Yousuke Koshino, Hokuto Shirakawa, Naru Koshida, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, and Kazushi Miyashita Migration and homing behavior of chum salmon tagged in the Okhotsk Sea, eastern Hokkaido View
Poster-4 Suam Kim*, Sukyung Kang, Ju Kyoung Kim, Hwahyun Lee, and Minkyoung Bang Environmental variability and chum salmon production at the northwestern Pacific Ocean View
Poster-5 Alexander V. Bugaev* and Vladimir I. Radchenko An evaluation of the influence of stock abundance and global temperature anomaly on Pacific salmon body weight in the North Pacific Ocean View
Poster-6 Chung Il Lee*, Hyun Je Park, Jong-Won Park, Seong-Ik Hong, Tae Hee Park, Hae Kun Jung, Joo Myun Park, and Do Hyun Lee Return of chum salmon and water quality and ecology in the rivers connected with the eastern coast of Korea View
Poster-7 Sukyung Kang, Ju Kyoung Kim*, and Cheul Ho Lee Using thermally-marked otoliths and coded wired tags for the management of Korean chum salmon NA
Topic 3: New Technologies, Management and Integrated Information Systems
Keynote-3 Richard J. Beamish* It is time to cooperate internationally to optimize hatchery and wild production of Pacific salmon View
Oral-19 Andrew Gray, Jim Murphy, Jordan Watson, and Emily Fergusson (Ed Farley*) The use of marine ecosystem metrics for preseason forecasts of salmon harvest View
Oral-20 Brittany Jenewein*, Mike Hawkshaw, and Marla Maxwell A model to estimate the exposure of Interior Fraser River steelhead to marine and in-river fisheries View
Oral-21 Miwa Yatsuya*, Kei Sasaki, Yuichi Shimizu, Katsuhiko Ohta, Kodai Yamane, Yuichiro Yamada, Shunsuke Moriyama, Yoshitomo Nagakura, and Hideki Nikaido Effects of duration of net-pen acclimation and timing of river stocking on early growth and adult return of chum salmon along the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan View
Oral-22 James R. Irvine* and Scott Akenhead Preliminary findings from IYS survey of Fisheries and Oceans Canada salmon staff to identify collaborative opportunities View
Oral-23 Oleg Ivanov and Aleksandr Zavolokin* Increasing outreach: non-salmon species in the Subarctic North Pacific View
Poster-8 Masaya Iida* Homing ability of Japanese chum salmon that discriminate their natal river system and natal tributary, as revealed by otolith mass marking View
Panel Discussion
Mark Saunders* Research priorities and international cooperation for the IYS initiative View