North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
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Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
4 | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plan of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1993 | FAJ | Apr 1994 | |
6 | USA | Suggested Work Plan for the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics | NMFS | Jun 1993 | |
7 | USA | Species Ecologically Related to North Pacific Salmonids | NMFS | Jun 1993 | |
8 (Rev.1) | Canada | A Canadian View on Anadromous Fisheries Science Activities in the North Pacific | DFO | Jun 1993 | |
9 | Canada | Canadian Proposal Concerning the Interim Workplan for the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics of NPAFC | DFO | Jun 1993 | |
15 | USA | Caloric Content of Oceanic Zooplankton and Fishes for Studies of Salmonid Food Habits and Their Ecologically Related Species | N. Davis | FRI | Sep 1993 |
16 | Japan | Reports on the Research of Salmon Resources in the North Pacific Ocean in 1992 | FAJ | Sep 1993 | |
17 | Japan | Reports on the Research of Salmon Resources in the North Pacifc Ocean in 1993 | FAJ | Sep 1993 | |
18 | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1994 | FAJ | Oct 1993 | |
19 | USA | Proposed Format for Reporting Salmonid Catch, Escapement, and Wild and Artificial Production of Anadromous Juvenile Salmonids | NMFS | Sep 1993 | |
20 | USA | Proposed Format for Requesting Salmonid Data and Exchanging Biological Samples Among Parties of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission | NMFS | Sep 1993 | |
21 | USA | Summary of Cooperative US-Japan High Seas Salmonid Research Aboard the Japanese Research Vessel Oshoro Maru, 1993 | R. Walker | FRI | Sep 1993 |
22 | USA | Tag Returns in 1993 – United States High Seas Salmon Tagging | K. Myers | FRI | Sep 1993 |
23 | USA | Results of the 1993 NMFS Bering Sea Crab Survey Executive Summary | B. Stevens R. Otto | NMFS | Sep 1993 |
24 | USA | Preliminary Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the 1994 Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fishery | NPMFC | Sep 1993 | |
25 | USA | Preliminary Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Region as Projected for 1994 | NPFMC | Sep 1993 | |
27 | USA | Incidental Catch of Salmon by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Region, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1993 | L. Low J. Berger | NMFS | Oct 1993 |
28 | Japan | Japan’s View on Conception of Salmon Research for the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics | FAJ | Sep 1993 | |
29 | Japan | Trends in Catch and Average Size of Pacific Salmon in Canada, with a Report on 1992 Escapement Levels | D. Welch D. Noakes | DFO | Oct 1993 |
30 | Canada | Canadian High Seas Salmon Research 1992 | D. Welch J. Morris | DFO | Oct 1993 |
31 | Canada | Upper Thermal Limits on Oceanic Distribution of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus, spp.) in the Spring | D. Welch A. Chigirinsky Y. Ishida | DFO | Oct 1993 |
32 | Japan | Data Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in 1992, I-Catch Data, II-Oceanographic Data | FAJ | Jun 1993 | |
33 | USA | Preliminary Estimate of Salmon Catches and Artificial Production of Juvenile Salmonids in Alaska in 1992 | H. Geiger | ADFG | Oct 1993 |
34 | USA | Incidence of Coded-Wire Tagged Salmonids in Commercial and Research Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1992–1993 | M. Dahlberg S. Fowler N. Maloney R. Heintz | NMFS | Oct 1993 |
35 | Canada | A Preliminary Assessment of Canadian Enhanced Salmon Production 1974–1990 | E. Perry C. Cross | DFO | Oct 1993 |
37 | Canada | Pacific Salmon Trade of Selected Asian Countries | R. Steinbock | DFO | Oct 1993 |
38 (Rev.1) | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species, by Region, in 1992 | FAJ | Oct 1993 | |
39 | Japan | Japan’s View Concerning How to Deal with Ecologically Related Species | FAJ | Oct 1993 | |
40 | Japan | Preliminary Report of Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan (1992) | FAJ | Oct 1993 | |
41 | Russia | Catch Data and Salmon Enhancement Production in Russia | TINRO | Nov 1993 | |
42 | Russia | Report on 1992 Survey Conducted by Russian Research Vessel Professor Levanidov and Proposed Cruise Plans for 1994 | TINRO | Nov 1993 |
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