North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

1993 (Documents 4–42)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

4JapanProposed Cruise Plan of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1993 FAJApr 1994
6USASuggested Work Plan for the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics NMFSJun 1993
7USASpecies Ecologically Related to North Pacific Salmonids NMFSJun 1993
8 (Rev.1)CanadaA Canadian View on Anadromous Fisheries Science Activities in the North Pacific DFOJun 1993
9CanadaCanadian Proposal Concerning the Interim Workplan for the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics of NPAFC DFOJun 1993
15USACaloric Content of Oceanic Zooplankton and Fishes for Studies of Salmonid Food Habits and Their Ecologically Related SpeciesN. DavisFRISep 1993
16JapanReports on the Research of Salmon Resources in the North Pacific Ocean in 1992 FAJSep 1993
17JapanReports on the Research of Salmon Resources in the North Pacifc Ocean in 1993 FAJSep 1993
18JapanProposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1994 FAJOct 1993
19USAProposed Format for Reporting Salmonid Catch, Escapement, and Wild and Artificial Production of Anadromous Juvenile Salmonids NMFSSep 1993
20USAProposed Format for Requesting Salmonid Data and Exchanging Biological Samples Among Parties of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission NMFSSep 1993
21USASummary of Cooperative US-Japan High Seas Salmonid Research Aboard the Japanese Research Vessel Oshoro Maru, 1993R. WalkerFRISep 1993
22USATag Returns in 1993 – United States High Seas Salmon TaggingK. MyersFRISep 1993
23USAResults of the 1993 NMFS Bering Sea Crab Survey Executive SummaryB. Stevens
R. Otto
NMFSSep 1993
24USAPreliminary Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the 1994 Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fishery NPMFCSep 1993
25USAPreliminary Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Region as Projected for 1994 NPFMCSep 1993
27USAIncidental Catch of Salmon by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Region, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1993L. Low
J. Berger
NMFSOct 1993
28JapanJapan’s View on Conception of Salmon Research for the Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics FAJSep 1993
29JapanTrends in Catch and Average Size of Pacific Salmon in Canada, with a Report on 1992 Escapement LevelsD. Welch
D. Noakes
DFOOct 1993
30CanadaCanadian High Seas Salmon Research 1992D. Welch
J. Morris
DFOOct 1993
31CanadaUpper Thermal Limits on Oceanic Distribution of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus, spp.) in the SpringD. Welch
A. Chigirinsky
Y. Ishida
DFOOct 1993
32JapanData Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in 1992, I-Catch Data, II-Oceanographic Data FAJJun 1993
33USAPreliminary Estimate of Salmon Catches and Artificial Production of Juvenile Salmonids in Alaska in 1992H. GeigerADFGOct 1993
34USAIncidence of Coded-Wire Tagged Salmonids in Commercial and Research Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1992–1993M. Dahlberg
S. Fowler
N. Maloney
R. Heintz
NMFSOct 1993
35CanadaA Preliminary Assessment of Canadian Enhanced Salmon Production 1974–1990E. Perry
C. Cross
DFOOct 1993
37CanadaPacific Salmon Trade of Selected Asian CountriesR. SteinbockDFOOct 1993
38 (Rev.1)JapanSalmon Catch by Species, by Region, in 1992 FAJOct 1993
39JapanJapan’s View Concerning How to Deal with Ecologically Related Species FAJOct 1993
40JapanPreliminary Report of Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan (1992) FAJOct 1993
41RussiaCatch Data and Salmon Enhancement Production in Russia TINRONov 1993
42RussiaReport on 1992 Survey Conducted by Russian Research Vessel Professor Levanidov and Proposed Cruise Plans for 1994 TINRONov 1993