North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
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Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
51 | Canada | Proposed Canadian High Seas Salmon Research in the North Pacific Ocean, 1994 | DFO | ||
58 | USA | Alaska Fisheries Enhancement Program 1993 Annual Report | M. McNair J. Holland | ADFG | Oct 1994 |
59 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and Pacific Coast Areas, 1990/1994 | J. Berger L. Low | NMFS | Aug 1994 |
60 | USA | Estimates of Acceptable Biological Catch for 1995 for Groundfish Off the Pacific Coast of the United States | PFMC | Aug 1994 | |
61 | USA | Decreasing Size of North Pacifc Salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.) : Possible Causes and Consequences | B. Bigler J. Helle | Wards Cove Co. NMFS | Oct 1994 |
62 | USA | The Performance of Quantitative Scale Pattern Analysis in the Identification of Hatchery and Wild Steelhead | R. Bernard K. Myers | FRI | Sep 1994 |
63 | USA | Use of Historical Scale Characters to Apportion Chinook Salmon from Stocks of Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington | N. Davis | FRI | Sep 1994 |
64 | USA | Scale Growth and Life History Patterns in Pink Salmon in Periods of Low and High Abundance | K. Myers | FRI | Sep 1994 |
65 | USA | Tag Returns and Releases in 1994 – United States High Seas Salmon Tagging | K. Myers | FRI | Sep 1994 |
66 | USA | Summary of Cooperative US-Japan High Seas Salmonid Research Aboard the Japanese Research Vessel Oshoro Maru, 1994 | R. Walker K. Myers G. Anma S. Sasaki | FRI | Sep 1994 |
67 | USA | Salmonid Food Habits in Offshore Waters of the Gulf of Alaska, June–July, 1994 | R. Waker K. Myers | FRI | Sep 1994 |
68 | USA | Incidence of Coded-Wire Tagged Salmonids in Commercial and Research Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1993–1994 | M. Dahlberg | NMFS | Sep 1994 |
69 | USA | Indirect Evidence for Bioenergetic Control of Salmonid Spatial Distribtuions in the Central North Pacific | J. Murphy | NMFS | Sep 1994 |
70 | USA | Community Patterns of Epipelagic Fauna Across the North Pacific Subarctic Frontal Zone 170E–145W | S. Carlson S. Ignell | NMFS | Sep 1994 |
71 | USA | Zooplankton Composition and Spatial Pattern in the North Pacific Subarctic Frontal Zone, August 1991 | S. Ignell B. Wind B. Ebberts | NMFS | Sep 1994 |
72 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species, by Region, in 1993 | FAJ | Oct 1994 | |
73 | Japan | Preliminary Report of Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan (1993) | FAJ | Oct 1994 | |
74 | Japan | Summary of Japan-Russia Cooperative Juvenile Salmon Research Aboard the Research Vessel Wakashio Maru in 1993 | Y. Ueno I. Shimizu | FAJ | Oct 1994 |
75 | Japan | Summary of Japan-Russia-Canada Cooperative Juvenile Salmon Research Aboard the Research Vessel Kaiyo Maru in 1993 | Y. Ueno T. Azuma M. Ogura J. Seki I. Shimizu Y. Kawasaki T.Kono | FAJ | Oct 1994 |
76 | Japan | Data Records of Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in 1993, I-Catch Data, II-Oceanographic Data | FAJ | Sep 1994 | |
77 | Japan | A Method for Estimating Growth Pattern of Hatchery Reared Chum Salmon by Scale Analysis and Back-Calculation | M. Fukuwaka M. Kaeriyama | FAJ | Sep 1994 |
78 | Japan | Reports on the Research of Salmon Resources in the North Pacific Ocean in 1994 | NRIFSF FAJ | Sep 1994 | |
79 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1995 | FAJ | Sep 1994 | |
80 | Japan | Scientific Research on Salmon Resources Should be Promoted by the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission | FAJ | Sep 1994 | |
81 | Japan | A Japanese Research Plan for Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean | FAJ | Sep 1994 | |
82 | Japan | Request of Chum Salmon Scale Sample for Stock Identification | NRIFSF FAJ | Sep 1994 | |
83 | USA | A Review of the 1993 Commercial Salmon Fisheries in Alaska | H. Geiger E. Simpson | ADFG | Sep 1994 |
84 | USA | Status Report of Genetic Stock Identification of Pacific Rim Chum Salmon | L. Seeb | ADFG | Sep 1994 |
86 | USA | Preliminary Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Gulf of Alaska as Projected for 1995 | Sep 1994 | ||
87 | USA | Preliminary Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands as Projected for 1995 | Sep 1994 | ||
88 | USA | Evaluation of US Observer Biological Data and Scale Samples from Chum Salmon in the Bycatch of the 1993 Pollock B-Season Fishery in the Bering Sea | K. Myers R. Walker N. Davis | FRI | Sep 1994 |
89 | USA | Request for Salmon Scale Samples and Associated Data | FRI | Sep 1994 | |
90 | Canada | Use of Otolith Microstructure to Identify Hatchery-Reared and Wild Pacific Salmon | Z. Zhang R. Beamish | DFO | Sep 1994 |
91 | Canada | Delayed High Seas Migration by Chum Salmon | R. Beamish Z. Zhang C. Neville | DFO | Sep 1994 |
92 | Canada | Age-Specific Effects of Sockeye Abundance on Adult Body Size of Selected British Columbia Sockeye Stocks | S. McKinnell | DFO | Sep 1994 |
93 | Canada | A Preliminary Assessment of Canadian Enhanced Salmon Production 1977–92 | C. Cross A. Kling S. Lehmann | DFO | Sep 1994 |
94 | Canada | Variations in Marine Growth Rates of Selected Stocks of British Columbia Pink and Sockeye Salmon Stocks | D. Welch | DFO | Sep 1994 |
95 | Canada | Possible Approaches for Co-operative Pacific Salmon Research | D. Welch J. Morris | DFO | Oct 1994 |
96 | Canada | An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada, with a Report on 1993 Escapement Levels | D. Welch R. Beamish | DFO | Oct 1994 |
97 | Canada | Evidence for Density-Dependent Marine Growth in British Columbia Pink Salmon Populations | D. Welch | DFO | Oct 1994 |
99 | USA Russia | Proposed Research Plan for Cooperative Russian-US Salmonid Research Cruise Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean, April–August, 1995 | FRI KNIRO NMFS | Sep 1994 | |
103 | Russia | Statistics of Russian Catches of Pacific Salmon 1993 | TINRO | Oct 1994 | |
104 (Rev.1) | Russia | Marine Life and Fishery of Masu Salmon | V. Tsiger | TINRO | Oct 1994 |
105 (Rev.1) | Russia | Asiatic Pink Salmon: Commercial Catch in Current Century | A. Chigirinsky | TINRO | Oct 1994 |
106 (Rev.1) | Russia | Driftnet Salmon Fisheries in the Bering Sea in 1992 | V. Volobuev S. Putivkin | TINRO | Oct 1994 |
107 (Rev.1) | Russia | Interannual Changes in Anadromous Migrations of Salmons in Waters of the Sakhalin-Kuril Region | V. Shuntov V. Lapko A. Balanov A. Startsev | TINRO | Oct 1994 |
108 (Rev.1) | Russia | Interannual Changes in Anadromous Migrations of Salmons in the Western Bering Sea and Adjacent Pacific Waters | V. Shuntov V. Lapko A. Balanov A. Startsev | TINRO | Oct 1994 |
109 (Rev.1) | Russia | Spatial Ecologo-Morphologic Differentiation of Pink Salmon in the Sea of Okhotsk During Anadromous Migrations | O. Temnykh | TINRO | Mar 1995 |
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