North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
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Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
119 | USA | Ocean Carrying Capacity Program: An Implementation Plan for the Gulf of Alaska | NMFS | Mar 1995 | |
120 | Japan | Salmon Research Plan in the North Pacific Ocean by the Fisheries Agency of Japan | FAJ | Mar 1995 | |
122 | Russia | Pacific Salmon in the Bering Sea | V. Radchenko A. Chigirinsky | TINRO | Apr 1995 |
123 | Russia | New Data About Immature Masu Sealife in Okhotsk Sea | V. Lapko A. Startsev | TINRO | Apr 1995 |
124 (Rev.1) | Russia | Feeding of Chinook and Coho Salmon in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean | A. Volkov V. Chuchukalo A. Efimkin | TINRO | Apr 1995 |
125 (Rev.1) | Russia | Feeding and Daily Rations of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) During the Summer Period | V. Chuchukalo A. Volkov A. Efimkin N. Kuznetsova | TINRO | Apr 1995 |
129 | USA | Alaska Fisheries Enhancement Program 1994 Annual Report | M. McNair | ADFG | Oct 1995 |
130 (Rev.1) | USA | Preliminary 1994 Commercial Salmon Harvest Statistics for Alaska | H. Geiger E. Simpson | ADFG | Sep 1995 |
131 | USA | Salmon Escapement Estimation in Alaska | H. Geiger | ADFG | Oct 1995 |
132 | USA | Preliminary Results on the Origin of Chum Salmon Harvested Incidentally in the 1994 Bering Sea Trawl Fishery Determined by Genetic Stock Identification | R. Wilmot C. Kondzela C. Guthrie M. Masuda | NMFS | Oct 1995 |
135 | Japan | Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean in 1995 | Y. Ishida S. Ito | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
136 | Japan | Salmon Tagging Experiments and Recovery of Salmon Lacking Adipose Fin Collected by Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean, 1995 | S. Ito Y. Ishida | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
137 | Japan | Outline of Oceanographics Conditions in the Northwestern Pacific During the Summer of 1995 | K. Kawasaki | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
138 | Japan | Summary of Japan-Russia Cooperative Juvenile Salmon Research Aboard the Research Vessel Wakashio maru in 1995 | Y. Ueno I. Shimizu | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
139 | Japan | Latitudinal Variations in Distribution and Abundance of Plankton and Salmonids in the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in Early Summer | K. Nagasawa A. Shiomoto K. Tadokoro Y. Ishida | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
140 | Japan | Density Dependent Growth of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Bering Sea and Western North Pacific | Y. Ishida S. Ito K. Murai | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
141 | Japan | Annual Changes in the Population Size of the Salmon Louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae) on Offshore Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and Relationship to Host Abundance | K. Nagasawa Y. Ishida K. Tadokoro | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
142 | Japan | Do Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) Steal Bait from Surface Longlines at Sea? | K. Nagasawa K. Tadokoro | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
143 | Japan | Growth and Nutritional Aspects of Juvenile Chum and Pink Salmon Migrating in the Okhotsk Sea and the Northwest Pacific Ocean | T. Azuma | FAJ | Nov 1995 |
144 | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1996/97 Fiscal Year | FAJ | Oct 1995 | |
145 | Japan | Data Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessel in 1994; I-Catch Data; II-Oceanographic Data | FAJ | Oct 1995 | |
146 | Japan | Variation in Reproductive Characters of Hatchery-Released Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, Returning to the Lake Shikotsu and the Bibi River of Central Hokkaido, Japan | M. Kaeriyama S. Urawa M. Fukuwaka | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
147 | Japan | Marine Mortality of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Caused by the Parasitic Flagellate Ichtyobodo necator | S. Urawa | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
148 | Japan | Relationship Between Scale Growth and Somatic Growth in Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) | M. Fukuwaka M. Kaeriyama | FAJ | Oct 1995 |
149 (Rev.1) | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species, by Region, in 1994 | FAJ | Oct 1995 | |
150 | Japan | Preliminary Report of Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan, 1994 | FAJ | Oct 1995 | |
151 (Rev.1) | USA | Summary of Ocean and Major Inland Salmon Harvest Data for Washington, Oregon and California | J. Coon | PFMC | Oct 1995 |
152 | USA | Migrations, Abundance, and Origins of Salmonids in Offshore Waters of the North Pacific – 1995 | K. Myers R. Walker N. Davis W. Patton K. Aydin E. Pikitch R. Burgner | FRI | Oct 1995 |
153 | USA | Incidence of Code-Wire Tagged Salmonids in Commercial and Research Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1994–1995 | M. Dahlberg S. Fowler N. Maloney R. Heintz | NMFS | Oct 1995 |
154 | USA | An Estimate of Total 1992 Hatchery Releases of Juvenile Salmon, by Country, into Waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Adjacent Seas | W. Heard | NMFS | Oct 1995 |
155 | Secretariat | List of Material and Data Exchanges 1994/1995 | Oct 1995 | ||
156 | Canada | Stock Interactions in Sockeye Salmon in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean | S. McKinnell | DFO | Oct 1995 |
157 | Canada USA | Recoveries of Farmed Atlantic Salmon in the Northeastern Pacific | S. McKinnell A. Thomson E. Black B. Wing C. Guthrie III J. Koerner J. Helle | DFO Min. of AFF NMFS ADFG NMFS | Oct 1995 |
158 | Russia Canada | Influence of the Marine Abundance of Pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and Sockeye Salmon (O. nerka) on Growth of Ozernaya River Sockeye | V. Bugaev D. Welch M. Selifonov L. Grachev | KNIRO DFO | Nov 1995 |
159 | Canada | Summary of Salmon DNA Stock Identification Work at the Pacific Biological Station | T. Beacham | DFO | Nov 1995 |
160 | Canada USA | Results of the Canadian High Seas Research Cruise to the Eastern North Pacific Ocean, March 23–April 11, 1995 | D. Welch H. Carlson | DFO NMFS | Oct 1995 |
161 | Canada | Coastal Shifts in Salmon Carrying Capacity | R. Beamish C. Neville | DFO | Oct 1995 |
162 (Rev.1) | Canada | An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada | D. Welch D. Noakes C. Wallace | DFO | Oct 1995 |
163 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1995 | J. Berger R. Narita | NMFS | Oct 1995 |
164 (Rev.1) | USA | Summary Report on the Status of Groundfish Resources off the Coast of California-Oregon-Washington in 1995 | R. Methot | NMFS | Oct 1995 |
165 | USA | Mixed Stock Analysis of Pacific Rim Chum Salmon in the 1993 and 1994 South Alaska Peninsula June Fisheries Using Allozyme and Mitochondrial DNA Data | L. Seeb P. Crane | ADFG | Oct 1995 |
166 | USA | Summary Report on the Status of Groundfish Resources of the Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands in 1995 | NMFS | Nov 1995 | |
167 | USA | Summary Report on the Status of Groundfish Resources of the Gulf of Alaska in 1995 | NMFS | Nov 1995 | |
168 | Russia | Estimates of Ocean Mortality of Northeast Kamchatka Pink Salmon | V. Karpenko | KNIRO | Oct 1995 |
169 | Russia | Some Abnormalities in Salmon Noted During Their Marine Period of Life | V. Shershneva | KNIRO | Oct 1995 |
170 (Rev.1) | Russia | Russian Statistical Data on Commercial Catches, Escapement, Average Weight of Pacific Salmon in 1994 | V. Radchenko | TINRO | Oct 1995 |
171 | Russia | Expeditional Report on the Programme of Research Scientific Expeditional Work on Investigation of Salmons Stock Localization in the Pacific Ocean in April–June 1995 | A. Dekshtain M. Koval | KNIRO | Nov 1995 |
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