North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

1997 (Documents 244–294)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
244 USA Genetic stock Identification of Chum Salmon Harvested Incidentally in the 1994 and 1995 Bering Sea Trawl Fishery R. Wilmot C. Kondzela C. Guthrie M. Masuda NMFS Dec 1996
246 USA Incidence of Thermally Marked Chum Salmon in the 1994–1996 Bearing Sea Pollack B-Season Trawl Fishery S. Ignell C. Guthrie III J. Helle K. Munk NMFS ADFG Mar 1997
253 USA The 1997 International Cooperative Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro Maru K. Myers K. Aydin G. Anma H. Ueda M. Kaeriyama T. Norgard T. Sands FRI FF-HU FAJ IOS UAJ Sep 1997
254 USA Survey of Salmon in the North Pacific and Southern Bering Sea—Cape St. Elias to Attu Island July–August 1997 H. Carlson E. Farley R. Haight K. Myers D. Welch NFMS FRI DFO Sep 1997
255 USA Tag Returns in 1997 – International High-Seas Salmon Tagging K. Myers N. Davis R. Walker M. Kaeriyama A. Dekshtein FRI FAJ KNIRO Sep 1997
256 (Rev.2) Canada Japan Russia USA Ocean Salmon Survey Methods, 1995–1997 D. Mackas Y. Ueno V. Karpenko N. Davis IOS FAJ KNIRO FRI Sep 1997
257 Japan Preliminary Report of Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan 1996 NSCC Oct 1997
258 Japan Has Climate Change Affected the Survival of the Hokkaido Chum Salmon Population Since the 1970s? M. Kaeriyama FAJ
259 Japan Genetic Stock Identification of Chum Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea During the Winter and Summer of 1996 S. Urawa Y. Ishida Y. Ueno S. Takagi G. Winans N. Davis FAJ FF-HU NMFS FRI Oct 1997
260 Japan Spatial Distribution of Juvenile Chum Salmon in the Japan Sea Coastal Water M. Fukuwaka T. Suzuki FAJ Oct 1997
261 USA Preliminary 1996 Commercial Salmon Harvest Statistics for Alaska H. Geiger B. Frenette D. Hart ADFG Sep 1997
262 USA Alaska Fisheries Enhancement 1996 Annual Report Summary M. McNair ADFG Sep 1997
263 Japan Relative Abundance and Fish Size of Pacific Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, 1997 Y. Ishida S. Ito G. Anma T. Meguro S. Yamaguchi Y. Kajiwara FAJ FF-HU Oct 1997
264 Japan Salmon Tagging Experiments and Recovery of Salmon Lacking Adipose Fin Collected by Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean, 1997 S. Ito Y. Ishida FAJ Oct 1997
265 Japan Outline of Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwestern Pacific During the Summer of 1997 K. Segawa FAJ Oct 1997
266 Japan USA Japan-US Cooperative High Seas Salmonid Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru from June 11 to July 25, 1997 K. Nagasawa N. Davis Y. Uwano FAJ FRI Tohoku Univ. Sep 1997
267 Japan Distribution and Biological Characteristics of Juvenile Salmon in the Sea of Okhotsk in the Early Summer of 1997 Y. Ueno FAJ Oct 1997
268 Japan Distribution, Biological Characteristics and Abundance Estimation of Asian Juvenile Salmon in the Okhotsk Sea in the Autumn of 1996 Y. Ueno J. Sakai FAJ Oct 1997
269 Japan An Acoustic Survey of Salmon Juveniles in the Okhotsk Sea During the Autumn of 1996 J. Sakai Y. Ueno FAJ Oct 1997
270 Japan Distribution, Migration, and Abundance Estimation of Asian Juvenile Salmon Y. Ueno FAJ Oct 1997
271 Japan Winter Distribution and Migration of Pacific Salmon Y. Ueno Y. Ishida K. Nagasawa T. Watanabe FAJ Oct 1997
272 Japan Vertical Movement of Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, in the Western North Pacific Ocean as Determined by a Depth-Recording Archival Tag Y. Ishida A. Yano M. Ban M. Ogura FAJ Oct 1997
273 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1998/99 Fiscal Year FAJ Oct 1997
274 Japan Data Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessel in 1996 I-Catch Data, II-Oceanographic Data FAJ Oct 1997
275 USA Diets of Juvenile Salmon Off Southeastern Alaska, October–November 1995 M. Sturdevant S. Ignell J. Morris NMFS DFO Sep 1997
276 USA Incidence of Coded-Wire Tagged Salmonids in Commercial and Research Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1996–1997 M. Dahlberg S. Fowler F. Thrower NMFS Sep 1997
277 USA Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 1997 J. Orsi J. Murphy A. Brase NMFS Sep 1997
279 USA US Research Results, 1992–1997: Abstract for the NPAFC Science Plan Review M. Dahlberg S. Ignell K. Myers W. Patton NMFS FRI Oct 1997
280 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1997 J. Berger NMFS Oct 1997
282 Canada An Unusual Ocean Climate in the Gulf of Alaska During the Spring of 1997 and Its Effect on Coastal Migration of Fraser River Sockeye S. McKinnell DFO Oct 1997
283 (Rev.1) Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches in Russia in 1996 FDRF Sep 1997
284 USA Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Gulf of Alaska NMFS Oct 1997
285 USA Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Regions NMFS Oct 1997
286 Japan A Summary of Research Results by Japan Related to the NPAFC Science Plan, from 1992 to 1997 FAJ Oct 1997
287 Canada CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska Salmon Survey, March 1997 D. Welch J. Morris H. Carlson E. Farley VanHardenberg E. Carmack A. Munchow DFO NMFS Rutgers Univ. Oct 1997
288 Canada CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska Salmon Survey, October 1996 J. Morris D. Welch VanHardenberg E. Carmack A. Munchow DFO Rutgers Univ. Oct 1997
289 (Rev.1) Canada Russia A Comparison of the Aleutian Low Pressure Index and the Atmospheric Circulation Index as Indices of Pacific Salmon Abundance Trends R. Beamish G. McFarlane D. Nokes M. Folkes V. Ivanov V. Kurashov DFO FDRF Oct 1997
290 Canada An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada D. Welch D. Noakes J. Wallace DFO Oct 1997
291 Japan Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 1996 FAJ Oct 1997
293 Russia Russian Research on Pacific Salmon in 1997 V. Shuntov I. Volvenko A. Starovoitov K. Gorbatenko TINRO Oct 1997
294 Russia Research Report of Russia 1993–1997 TINRO KNIRO Oct 1997