North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
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Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
244 | USA | Genetic stock Identification of Chum Salmon Harvested Incidentally in the 1994 and 1995 Bering Sea Trawl Fishery | R. Wilmot C. Kondzela C. Guthrie M. Masuda | NMFS | Dec 1996 |
246 | USA | Incidence of Thermally Marked Chum Salmon in the 1994–1996 Bearing Sea Pollack B-Season Trawl Fishery | S. Ignell C. Guthrie III J. Helle K. Munk | NMFS ADFG | Mar 1997 |
253 | USA | The 1997 International Cooperative Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro Maru | K. Myers K. Aydin G. Anma H. Ueda M. Kaeriyama T. Norgard T. Sands | FRI FF-HU FAJ IOS UAJ | Sep 1997 |
254 | USA | Survey of Salmon in the North Pacific and Southern Bering Sea—Cape St. Elias to Attu Island July–August 1997 | H. Carlson E. Farley R. Haight K. Myers D. Welch | NFMS FRI DFO | Sep 1997 |
255 | USA | Tag Returns in 1997 – International High-Seas Salmon Tagging | K. Myers N. Davis R. Walker M. Kaeriyama A. Dekshtein | FRI FAJ KNIRO | Sep 1997 |
256 (Rev.2) | Canada Japan Russia USA | Ocean Salmon Survey Methods, 1995–1997 | D. Mackas Y. Ueno V. Karpenko N. Davis | IOS FAJ KNIRO FRI | Sep 1997 |
257 | Japan | Preliminary Report of Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan 1996 | NSCC | Oct 1997 | |
258 | Japan | Has Climate Change Affected the Survival of the Hokkaido Chum Salmon Population Since the 1970s? | M. Kaeriyama | FAJ | |
259 | Japan | Genetic Stock Identification of Chum Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea During the Winter and Summer of 1996 | S. Urawa Y. Ishida Y. Ueno S. Takagi G. Winans N. Davis | FAJ FF-HU NMFS FRI | Oct 1997 |
260 | Japan | Spatial Distribution of Juvenile Chum Salmon in the Japan Sea Coastal Water | M. Fukuwaka T. Suzuki | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
261 | USA | Preliminary 1996 Commercial Salmon Harvest Statistics for Alaska | H. Geiger B. Frenette D. Hart | ADFG | Sep 1997 |
262 | USA | Alaska Fisheries Enhancement 1996 Annual Report Summary | M. McNair | ADFG | Sep 1997 |
263 | Japan | Relative Abundance and Fish Size of Pacific Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, 1997 | Y. Ishida S. Ito G. Anma T. Meguro S. Yamaguchi Y. Kajiwara | FAJ FF-HU | Oct 1997 |
264 | Japan | Salmon Tagging Experiments and Recovery of Salmon Lacking Adipose Fin Collected by Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean, 1997 | S. Ito Y. Ishida | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
265 | Japan | Outline of Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwestern Pacific During the Summer of 1997 | K. Segawa | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
266 | Japan USA | Japan-US Cooperative High Seas Salmonid Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru from June 11 to July 25, 1997 | K. Nagasawa N. Davis Y. Uwano | FAJ FRI Tohoku Univ. | Sep 1997 |
267 | Japan | Distribution and Biological Characteristics of Juvenile Salmon in the Sea of Okhotsk in the Early Summer of 1997 | Y. Ueno | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
268 | Japan | Distribution, Biological Characteristics and Abundance Estimation of Asian Juvenile Salmon in the Okhotsk Sea in the Autumn of 1996 | Y. Ueno J. Sakai | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
269 | Japan | An Acoustic Survey of Salmon Juveniles in the Okhotsk Sea During the Autumn of 1996 | J. Sakai Y. Ueno | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
270 | Japan | Distribution, Migration, and Abundance Estimation of Asian Juvenile Salmon | Y. Ueno | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
271 | Japan | Winter Distribution and Migration of Pacific Salmon | Y. Ueno Y. Ishida K. Nagasawa T. Watanabe | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
272 | Japan | Vertical Movement of Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, in the Western North Pacific Ocean as Determined by a Depth-Recording Archival Tag | Y. Ishida A. Yano M. Ban M. Ogura | FAJ | Oct 1997 |
273 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1998/99 Fiscal Year | FAJ | Oct 1997 | |
274 | Japan | Data Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessel in 1996 I-Catch Data, II-Oceanographic Data | FAJ | Oct 1997 | |
275 | USA | Diets of Juvenile Salmon Off Southeastern Alaska, October–November 1995 | M. Sturdevant S. Ignell J. Morris | NMFS DFO | Sep 1997 |
276 | USA | Incidence of Coded-Wire Tagged Salmonids in Commercial and Research Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1996–1997 | M. Dahlberg S. Fowler F. Thrower | NMFS | Sep 1997 |
277 | USA | Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 1997 | J. Orsi J. Murphy A. Brase | NMFS | Sep 1997 |
279 | USA | US Research Results, 1992–1997: Abstract for the NPAFC Science Plan Review | M. Dahlberg S. Ignell K. Myers W. Patton | NMFS FRI | Oct 1997 |
280 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1997 | J. Berger | NMFS | Oct 1997 |
282 | Canada | An Unusual Ocean Climate in the Gulf of Alaska During the Spring of 1997 and Its Effect on Coastal Migration of Fraser River Sockeye | S. McKinnell | DFO | Oct 1997 |
283 (Rev.1) | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches in Russia in 1996 | FDRF | Sep 1997 | |
284 | USA | Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Gulf of Alaska | NMFS | Oct 1997 | |
285 | USA | Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Groundfish Resources of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Regions | NMFS | Oct 1997 | |
286 | Japan | A Summary of Research Results by Japan Related to the NPAFC Science Plan, from 1992 to 1997 | FAJ | Oct 1997 | |
287 | Canada | CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska Salmon Survey, March 1997 | D. Welch J. Morris H. Carlson E. Farley VanHardenberg E. Carmack A. Munchow | DFO NMFS Rutgers Univ. | Oct 1997 |
288 | Canada | CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska Salmon Survey, October 1996 | J. Morris D. Welch VanHardenberg E. Carmack A. Munchow | DFO Rutgers Univ. | Oct 1997 |
289 (Rev.1) | Canada Russia | A Comparison of the Aleutian Low Pressure Index and the Atmospheric Circulation Index as Indices of Pacific Salmon Abundance Trends | R. Beamish G. McFarlane D. Nokes M. Folkes V. Ivanov V. Kurashov | DFO FDRF | Oct 1997 |
290 | Canada | An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada | D. Welch D. Noakes J. Wallace | DFO | Oct 1997 |
291 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 1996 | FAJ | Oct 1997 | |
293 | Russia | Russian Research on Pacific Salmon in 1997 | V. Shuntov I. Volvenko A. Starovoitov K. Gorbatenko | TINRO | Oct 1997 |
294 | Russia | Research Report of Russia 1993–1997 | TINRO KNIRO | Oct 1997 |
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