North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
304 | USA | Research Plan for the United States Research Vessel Great Pacific in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean April–May, 1998 | NMFS | Jan 1998 | |
305 | USA | Research Plan for the United States Research Vessel Miller Freeman in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean March–April, 1998 | NMFS | Jan 1998 | |
306 | USA | Research Plan to Examine the Distribution of Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska and the North Pacific Ocean July–August 1998 | R. Carlson | NMFS | Mar 1998 |
307 | Canada USA | A Proposal for an International Salmon Research Program Using Archival Tags | D. Welch J. Helle J. Eveson | DFO NMFS | Mar 1998 |
308 | Canada Russia | CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska Salmon Survey, November–December, 1997 | D. Welch J. Morris E. Wittke V. Smorodin | DFO KNIRO | Mar 1998 |
310 | Canada | Influence of the 1990 Ocean Climate Shift on British Columbia Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Coho (O. kisutch) Populations | D. Welch B. Ward B. Smith J. Eveson | DFO | Sep 1998 |
316 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1998 | J. Berger | AFSC | Sep 1998 |
317 | Canada | An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada | C. Wallace D. Noakes D. Welch | DFO | Sep 1998 |
318 | Canada | General Circulation of the Atmosphere Over the North Pacific and its Relationship to the Aleutian Low | J. King V. Ivanov V. Kurashov R. Beamish G. McFarlane | DFO AARIDFO | Sep 1998 |
319 | Canada | Natural Regulation of the Abundance of Coho and Other Species of Pacific Salmon According to the Critical Size and Critical Period Hypothesis | R. Beamish C. Manhken | DFO NMFS | Sep 1998 |
320 | Canada | The Use of the Pacific Atmospheric Classification System as an Indicator of Future Long-Term Climate Impacts on the Early Life History of Salmon from the Fraser River | G. McFarlane J. King R. Beamish V. Kurashov V. Ivanov | DFO AARI | Sep 1998 |
321 | Canada | Evidence of a New Regime Starting in 1996 and the Relation to Pacific Salmon Catches | R. Beamsih J. King D. Noakes G. McFarlane R. Sweeting | DFO | Sep 1998 |
322 | Canada | Enhanced Salmon Production in British Columbia, Canada 1977–1997 | DFO | Sep 1998 | |
323 | Japan | Stock Abundance and Fish Size of Pacific Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, 1998 | Y. Ishida T. Azumaya Y. Ueno G. Anma T. Meguro H. Yamaguchi Y. Kajiwara S. Takagi Y. Kamei K. Sakaoka N. Davis R. Walker K. Myers | FAJ FF-HU FRI | Oct 1998 |
324 | Japan | Salmon Tagging Experiments and Recovery of Salmon Lacking Adipose Fin Collected by Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean, 1998 | Y. Ueno Y. Ishida | FAJ | Oct 1998 |
325 | Japan | Outline of Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwestern Pacific during the Summer of 1998 | K. Segawa | FAJ | Oct 1998 |
326 | Japan USA | Japan-US Cooperative High-seas Salmonid Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake Maru from June 9 to July 25, 1998 | Y. Ueno N. Davis M. Sasaki I. Tokuhiro | FAJ FRI JMFRRC Tokyo Univ. of Fisheries | Oct 1998 |
327 | Japan | Stock Identification of Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, Based on Scale Character Analysis | A. Nitta Y. Ueno | Japan NUS Co. FAJ | Oct 1998 |
328 | Japan USA | Chum Salmon Feeding Habits in Relation to Growth Reduction | Y. Ishida N. Davis | FAJ FRI | Oct 1998 |
329 | Japan Russia USA | Japan-Russia-US Cooperative Survey on Overwintering Salmonids in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea Aboard the Kaiyo Maru, 3 February–2 March, 1998 | Y. Ishida Y. Ueno A. Shiomoto T. Watanabe T. Azumaya M. Koval N. Davis | FAJ KNIRO FRI | Oct 1998 |
330 | Japan | The Long-Term Mean Spatial and Temporal Distribution of CPUE for Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and Chum Salmon (O. keta) in the North Pacific Ocean | T. Azumaya Y. Ishida Y. Ueno | FAJ | Oct 1998 |
331 | Japan | Trophic Relations of Juvenile Salmon (Genus Oncorhynchus) in the Okhotsk Sea and Pacific Waters Off the Kuril Islands | R. Tamura K. Shimazaki Y. Ueno | FF-HU FAJ | Oct 1998 |
332 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1999/2000 Fiscal Year | FAJ | Oct 1998 | |
333 | Japan | Data Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessel in 1997: Catch Data and Oceanographic Data | FAJ | Oct 1998 | |
334 | Japan | Preliminary 1997 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | FAJ | Oct 1998 | |
335 | Japan | Early Sea Mortality of Chum Salmon Juveniles in the Japan Sea Coast | M. Fukuwaka T. Suzuki | FAJ | Oct 1998 |
336 | Japan | Genetic Stock Identification of Young Chum Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Adjacent Seas | S. Urawa Y. Ueno Y. Ishida S. Takagi G. Winans N. Davis | FAJ FF-HU NMFS FRI | Oct 1998 |
337 | Japan | Abstracts of 1997/98 Japanese Research Results Related to the NPAFC Science Plan | S. Urawa Y. Ishida | FAJ FAJ | Oct 1998 |
338 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 1997 | FAJ | Oct 1998 | |
339 | Japan | Japanese Research Plan in 1999/2000 | FAJ | Oct 1998 | |
341 | USA | Incidence of Thermally Marked Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon in the Coastal Waters of the Gulf of Alaska | E. Farley K. Munk | NMFS ADFG | Oct 1998 |
343 | USA | Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Production: An Exploratory Analysis of the 1996 and 1997 Decline in Sockeye Salmon Returns | E. Farley T. Quinn II | NMFS UAF | Oct 1998 |
344 | USA | Survey of Salmon in the Southeastern Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska and Northeastern Pacific Ocean April–May, 1998 | R. Carlson E. Farley K. Myers E. Martinson J. Pohl N. Weemes | NMFS FRI TAG-Data Flow/Alaska Inc. | Oct 1998 |
345 | USA | Survey of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Alaska–Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass July–August, 1998 | R. Carlson E. Farley E. Martinson C. Kondzela | NMFS | Oct 1998 |
346 | USA | Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May-August 1998 | J. Orsi J. Murphy D. Mortensen | NMFS | Sep 1998 |
347 | USA | Tag Returns in 1998 – International High Seas Salmon Tagging | K. Myers N. Davis R. Walker M. Fukuwaka | FRI FAJ | Oct 1998 |
348 | Canada | Estimating the Relative Abundance of Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Strait of Georgia Using Trawls | R. Beamish D. McCaughran J. King R. Sweeting G. McFarlane | DFO | Sep 1998 |
349 | Japan USA | The 1998 International Cooperative Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro Maru | R. Walker K. Aydin G. Anma H. Yamaguchi Y. Kamei T. Shoji M. Kaeriyama S. Urawa | FRI FF-HU FAJ | Sep 1998 |
350 | USA | Thermal Habitat of Migrating Salmonids in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as Recorded by Temperature Data Tags in 1998 | R. Walker K. Myers N. Davis K. Aydin R. Carlson K. Friedland G. Boehilert S. Urawa Y. Ueno G. Anma | FRI NMFS Univ. of MASS FAJ FF-HU | Oct 1998 |
351 | USA | Incidence of Coded-Wire-Tagged Salmonids in Commercial Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1997–1998 | K. Myers R. Walker A. Celewycz E. Farley | FRI NMFS | Oct 1998 |
352 | USA | The Time of Annulus Formation in Chinook Salmon Caught in Washington Coastal Waters | S. Hyun K. Myers J. Sneva | FRI WDFW | Oct 1998 |
355 | Canada | Canadian Research Result 1993–1998: Report on the Canadian Workplans | D. Noakes C. Wallace | DFO | Nov 1998 |
356 | USA | Sampling Methods Used on US Ocean Salmon Research Vessels, 1997–1998 | N. Davis | FRI | Oct 1998 |
358 | Canada | Thermal Marks on Chinook and Chum Salmon Released from BC Hatcheries for Brood Years 1992–1998 | N. Hargreaves W. Hoyseth S. McKinnell | DFO | Oct 1998 |
359 | USA | Estimates of Salmon Harvests and Hatchery Releases in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho, 1993–1997 | A. Didier | PSMFC | Oct 1998 |
360 | USA | Preliminary 1999 Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) and Optimum Yield (OY) Recommendations for the Pacific Coast GroundFish Fishery | J. Glock | PFMC | Oct 1998 |
361 | USA | NPAFC Sockeye Scale Aging Test | K. Myers | FRI | Oct 1998 |
362 | USA | US Research Results, 1997–1998: Abstracts for the NPAFC Science Plan Review | K. Myers S. Hyuen | FRI | Oct 1998 |
363 | USA | Diel Feeding Habits and Estimates of Prey Consumption of Sockeye, Chum, and Pink Salmon in the Bering Sea in 1997 | N. Davis K. Aydin Y. Ishida | FRI FAJ | Oct 1998 |
364 | USA | Scale Growth Studies From 1982–97 Collections of Chum and Sockeye Salmon Scales in the Gulf of Alaska | R. Walker | FRI | Oct 1998 |
365 | Russia | Feeding of Pacific Salmon During Anadromous Migrations in the Kamchatkan Waters | M. Koval V. Karpenko | KNIRO | Oct 1998 |
366 | USA | 1997 Alaskan Salmon Hatchery Releases | M. McNair | ADFG | Sep 1998 |
367 | USA | Thermal Marking of Otoliths: The “RBr” Coding Structure of Thermal Marks | K. Munk H. Geiger | ADFG | Oct 1998 |
368 | USA | Otolith Thermal Mark Release and Mass-Processing History in Alaska (USA), 1988–1998 | H. Geiger K. Munk | ADFG | Oct 1998 |
369 | USA | Preliminary Commercial Salmon Catch Statistics for the 1997 Season in Alaska | H. Geiger | ADFG | Oct 1998 |
370 | USA | The Use of Agreement Measures and Latent Class Models to Assess the Reliability of Thermally-Marked Otolith Classifications | J. Blick P. Hagen | ADFG | Oct 1998 |
371 | USA | Discrimination of Thermally-Marked Otoliths From Unmarked Specimens By Machine Learning of Texture Characteristics | S. Hickinbotham P. Hagen E. Hancock J. Austin | Univ. of York ADFG | Oct 1998 |
372 | USA | Otolith Marking of Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound Hatcheries, 1997 | T. Joyce D. Evans | ADFG | Oct 1998 |
373 | Russia | STR Katunio Eastern Sea of Okhotsk Survey, September–October 1997 | V. Erohkin M. Shisterov A. Tarakanov | KNIRO Far East State Univ. | Oct 1998 |
374 | USA | The Application of Bar Code Symbology as Applied to Thermal Marking Programs in Washington State | E. Volk P. Hagen | WDFW | Oct 1998 |
375 | Russia | The Precision and Accuracy of Genetic Baseline Data Sets for Pink, Chum and Sockeye Salmon Stock Identification in Pacific Ocean Mixed-Fisheries Catches | N. Varnavskaya | KNIRO | Nov 1998 |
376 | Russia | The Genetic Estimations of Stock Composition in Chum Catches in the Russian 200-Miles Zone of the Northern Pacific Ocean in 1997 | N. Varnavskaya | KNIRO | Nov 1998 |
377 | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches in Russia in 1997 | TINRO | Nov 1998 | |
378 | Russia | Chinook and Coho Salmon Feeding Habits in the Far Eastern Seas in the Course of Yearly Migration Cycle | I. Glebov | TINRO | Nov 1998 |
379 | Russia | Mass Marking of Salmon and Identification of Hatchery Fish in Mixed Stocks | E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh B. Safronenkov | MagadanNIRO | Oct 1998 |
380 | Russia | Seasonal Dynamics of Pacific Salmon Migration in the Southern Kuril Waters of the Pacific Ocean | A. Kaev A. Shershnev | SakhNIRO | Nov 1998 |
381 | Russia | Russian Research Plan in 1999/2000 | FDRF | Oct 1998 | |
382 | Russia | Research Report of Russia (List of Publications 1997–1998) | KNIRO | Oct 1998 |
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