North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

1998 (Documents 304–382)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
304 USA Research Plan for the United States Research Vessel Great Pacific in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean April–May, 1998 NMFS Jan 1998
305 USA Research Plan for the United States Research Vessel Miller Freeman in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean March–April, 1998 NMFS Jan 1998
306 USA Research Plan to Examine the Distribution of Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska and the North Pacific Ocean July–August 1998 R. Carlson NMFS Mar 1998
307 Canada USA A Proposal for an International Salmon Research Program Using Archival Tags D. Welch J. Helle J. Eveson DFO NMFS Mar 1998
308 Canada Russia CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska Salmon Survey, November–December, 1997 D. Welch J. Morris E. Wittke V. Smorodin DFO KNIRO Mar 1998
310 Canada Influence of the 1990 Ocean Climate Shift on British Columbia Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Coho (O. kisutch) Populations D. Welch B. Ward B. Smith J. Eveson DFO Sep 1998
316 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1998 J. Berger AFSC Sep 1998
317 Canada An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada C. Wallace D. Noakes D. Welch DFO Sep 1998
318 Canada General Circulation of the Atmosphere Over the North Pacific and its Relationship to the Aleutian Low J. King V. Ivanov V. Kurashov R. Beamish G. McFarlane DFO AARIDFO Sep 1998
319 Canada Natural Regulation of the Abundance of Coho and Other Species of Pacific Salmon According to the Critical Size and Critical Period Hypothesis R. Beamish C. Manhken DFO NMFS Sep 1998
320 Canada The Use of the Pacific Atmospheric Classification System as an Indicator of Future Long-Term Climate Impacts on the Early Life History of Salmon from the Fraser River G. McFarlane J. King R. Beamish V. Kurashov V. Ivanov DFO AARI Sep 1998
321 Canada Evidence of a New Regime Starting in 1996 and the Relation to Pacific Salmon Catches R. Beamsih J. King D. Noakes G. McFarlane R. Sweeting DFO Sep 1998
322 Canada Enhanced Salmon Production in British Columbia, Canada 1977–1997 DFO Sep 1998
323 Japan Stock Abundance and Fish Size of Pacific Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, 1998 Y. Ishida T. Azumaya Y. Ueno G. Anma T. Meguro H. Yamaguchi Y. Kajiwara S. Takagi Y. Kamei K. Sakaoka N. Davis R. Walker K. Myers FAJ FF-HU FRI Oct 1998
324 Japan Salmon Tagging Experiments and Recovery of Salmon Lacking Adipose Fin Collected by Japanese Salmon Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean, 1998 Y. Ueno Y. Ishida FAJ Oct 1998
325 Japan Outline of Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwestern Pacific during the Summer of 1998 K. Segawa FAJ Oct 1998
326 Japan USA Japan-US Cooperative High-seas Salmonid Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake Maru from June 9 to July 25, 1998 Y. Ueno N. Davis M. Sasaki I. Tokuhiro FAJ FRI JMFRRC Tokyo Univ. of Fisheries Oct 1998
327 Japan Stock Identification of Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, Based on Scale Character Analysis A. Nitta Y. Ueno Japan NUS Co. FAJ Oct 1998
328 Japan USA Chum Salmon Feeding Habits in Relation to Growth Reduction Y. Ishida N. Davis FAJ FRI Oct 1998
329 Japan Russia USA Japan-Russia-US Cooperative Survey on Overwintering Salmonids in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea Aboard the Kaiyo Maru, 3 February–2 March, 1998 Y. Ishida Y. Ueno A. Shiomoto T. Watanabe T. Azumaya M. Koval N. Davis FAJ KNIRO FRI Oct 1998
330 Japan The Long-Term Mean Spatial and Temporal Distribution of CPUE for Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and Chum Salmon (O. keta) in the North Pacific Ocean T. Azumaya Y. Ishida Y. Ueno FAJ Oct 1998
331 Japan Trophic Relations of Juvenile Salmon (Genus Oncorhynchus) in the Okhotsk Sea and Pacific Waters Off the Kuril Islands R. Tamura K. Shimazaki Y. Ueno FF-HU FAJ Oct 1998
332 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 1999/2000 Fiscal Year FAJ Oct 1998
333 Japan Data Record of Japanese Salmon Research Vessel in 1997: Catch Data and Oceanographic Data FAJ Oct 1998
334 Japan Preliminary 1997 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan FAJ Oct 1998
335 Japan Early Sea Mortality of Chum Salmon Juveniles in the Japan Sea Coast M. Fukuwaka T. Suzuki FAJ Oct 1998
336 Japan Genetic Stock Identification of Young Chum Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Adjacent Seas S. Urawa Y. Ueno Y. Ishida S. Takagi G. Winans N. Davis FAJ FF-HU NMFS FRI Oct 1998
337 Japan Abstracts of 1997/98 Japanese Research Results Related to the NPAFC Science Plan S. Urawa Y. Ishida FAJ FAJ Oct 1998
338 Japan Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 1997 FAJ Oct 1998
339 Japan Japanese Research Plan in 1999/2000 FAJ Oct 1998
341 USA Incidence of Thermally Marked Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon in the Coastal Waters of the Gulf of Alaska E. Farley K. Munk NMFS ADFG Oct 1998
343 USA Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Production: An Exploratory Analysis of the 1996 and 1997 Decline in Sockeye Salmon Returns E. Farley T. Quinn II NMFS UAF Oct 1998
344 USA Survey of Salmon in the Southeastern Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska and Northeastern Pacific Ocean April–May, 1998 R. Carlson E. Farley K. Myers E. Martinson J. Pohl N. Weemes NMFS FRI TAG-Data Flow/Alaska Inc. Oct 1998
345 USA Survey of Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Alaska–Dixon Entrance to Unimak Pass July–August, 1998 R. Carlson E. Farley E. Martinson C. Kondzela NMFS Oct 1998
346 USA Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May-August 1998 J. Orsi J. Murphy D. Mortensen NMFS Sep 1998
347 USA Tag Returns in 1998 – International High Seas Salmon Tagging K. Myers N. Davis R. Walker M. Fukuwaka FRI FAJ Oct 1998
348 Canada Estimating the Relative Abundance of Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Strait of Georgia Using Trawls R. Beamish D. McCaughran J. King R. Sweeting G. McFarlane DFO Sep 1998
349 Japan USA The 1998 International Cooperative Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro Maru R. Walker K. Aydin G. Anma H. Yamaguchi Y. Kamei T. Shoji M. Kaeriyama S. Urawa FRI FF-HU FAJ Sep 1998
350 USA Thermal Habitat of Migrating Salmonids in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as Recorded by Temperature Data Tags in 1998 R. Walker K. Myers N. Davis K. Aydin R. Carlson K. Friedland G. Boehilert S. Urawa Y. Ueno G. Anma FRI NMFS Univ. of MASS FAJ FF-HU Oct 1998
351 USA Incidence of Coded-Wire-Tagged Salmonids in Commercial Catches in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1997–1998 K. Myers R. Walker A. Celewycz E. Farley FRI NMFS Oct 1998
352 USA The Time of Annulus Formation in Chinook Salmon Caught in Washington Coastal Waters S. Hyun K. Myers J. Sneva FRI WDFW Oct 1998
355 Canada Canadian Research Result 1993–1998: Report on the Canadian Workplans D. Noakes C. Wallace DFO Nov 1998
356 USA Sampling Methods Used on US Ocean Salmon Research Vessels, 1997–1998 N. Davis FRI Oct 1998
358 Canada Thermal Marks on Chinook and Chum Salmon Released from BC Hatcheries for Brood Years 1992–1998 N. Hargreaves W. Hoyseth S. McKinnell DFO Oct 1998
359 USA Estimates of Salmon Harvests and Hatchery Releases in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho, 1993–1997 A. Didier PSMFC Oct 1998
360 USA Preliminary 1999 Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) and Optimum Yield (OY) Recommendations for the Pacific Coast GroundFish Fishery J. Glock PFMC Oct 1998
361 USA NPAFC Sockeye Scale Aging Test K. Myers FRI Oct 1998
362 USA US Research Results, 1997–1998: Abstracts for the NPAFC Science Plan Review K. Myers S. Hyuen FRI Oct 1998
363 USA Diel Feeding Habits and Estimates of Prey Consumption of Sockeye, Chum, and Pink Salmon in the Bering Sea in 1997 N. Davis K. Aydin Y. Ishida FRI FAJ Oct 1998
364 USA Scale Growth Studies From 1982–97 Collections of Chum and Sockeye Salmon Scales in the Gulf of Alaska R. Walker FRI Oct 1998
365 Russia Feeding of Pacific Salmon During Anadromous Migrations in the Kamchatkan Waters M. Koval V. Karpenko KNIRO Oct 1998
366 USA 1997 Alaskan Salmon Hatchery Releases M. McNair ADFG Sep 1998
367 USA Thermal Marking of Otoliths: The “RBr” Coding Structure of Thermal Marks K. Munk H. Geiger ADFG Oct 1998
368 USA Otolith Thermal Mark Release and Mass-Processing History in Alaska (USA), 1988–1998 H. Geiger K. Munk ADFG Oct 1998
369 USA Preliminary Commercial Salmon Catch Statistics for the 1997 Season in Alaska H. Geiger ADFG Oct 1998
370 USA The Use of Agreement Measures and Latent Class Models to Assess the Reliability of Thermally-Marked Otolith Classifications J. Blick P. Hagen ADFG Oct 1998
371 USA Discrimination of Thermally-Marked Otoliths From Unmarked Specimens By Machine Learning of Texture Characteristics S. Hickinbotham P. Hagen E. Hancock J. Austin Univ. of York ADFG Oct 1998
372 USA Otolith Marking of Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound Hatcheries, 1997 T. Joyce D. Evans ADFG Oct 1998
373 Russia STR Katunio Eastern Sea of Okhotsk Survey, September–October 1997 V. Erohkin M. Shisterov A. Tarakanov KNIRO Far East State Univ. Oct 1998
374 USA The Application of Bar Code Symbology as Applied to Thermal Marking Programs in Washington State E. Volk P. Hagen WDFW Oct 1998
375 Russia The Precision and Accuracy of Genetic Baseline Data Sets for Pink, Chum and Sockeye Salmon Stock Identification in Pacific Ocean Mixed-Fisheries Catches N. Varnavskaya KNIRO Nov 1998
376 Russia The Genetic Estimations of Stock Composition in Chum Catches in the Russian 200-Miles Zone of the Northern Pacific Ocean in 1997 N. Varnavskaya KNIRO Nov 1998
377 Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches in Russia in 1997 TINRO Nov 1998
378 Russia Chinook and Coho Salmon Feeding Habits in the Far Eastern Seas in the Course of Yearly Migration Cycle I. Glebov TINRO Nov 1998
379 Russia Mass Marking of Salmon and Identification of Hatchery Fish in Mixed Stocks E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh B. Safronenkov MagadanNIRO Oct 1998
380 Russia Seasonal Dynamics of Pacific Salmon Migration in the Southern Kuril Waters of the Pacific Ocean A. Kaev A. Shershnev SakhNIRO Nov 1998
381 Russia Russian Research Plan in 1999/2000 FDRF Oct 1998
382 Russia Research Report of Russia (List of Publications 1997–1998) KNIRO Oct 1998