North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
391 | USA | Research Plan for the United States Research Cruise in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean May, 1999 | R. Carlson | CSRS | Mar 1999 |
392 | USA | Research Plan for the United States Cruise in the Eastern Bering Sea July, 1999 | E. Farley | CSRS | Mar 1999 |
393 | USA | Surveys of Juvenile Sablefish in Alaskan Waters, 1995–1997 | T. Rutecki M. Sigler | NMFS | Mar 1999 |
394 | USA | On Using an Adaptive Approach to Minimize Thermal Mark Duplication and Using Strontium Marking as a Means to Increase the Variety of Marking Options | P. Hagen E. Volk | ADFG WDFW | Mar 1999 |
395 | USA | A Modeling Approach to Address the Underlying Structure and Constraints of Thermal Mark Codes and Code Notation | P. Hagen | ADFG | Mar 1999 |
396 | USA | Discrimination of Multi-Country Thermal Mark Codes by Augmentation of Coding Schemes or Marking Mechanisms | K. Munk | ADFG | Mar 1999 |
397 | Russia | On Using Criterion of “Number Sclerites for the First Summer Growth Zone” for Differentiation of Asian Chum Salmon Stocks | L. Zavarina S. Sinyakov | KNIRO | Mar 1999 |
398 | Russia | Correlation between Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha (Walbaum) Reproduction Level with Temperature Regime at the Period of Early Embryogenesis in the Utka River (West Kamchatka) | N. Markevich | KNIRO | Mar 1999 |
399 (Rev.1) | Russia | Plan of Research Cruise of Russian R/V RUBINOVIY in Open Waters of the Northwestern Pacific, April–May 1999 | State Comm. VNIRO TINRO KAMMAG, Ltd. | Feb 1999 | |
400 | Russia | Otolith Marks of Salmon Released in Magadan Region, Russia (1994–1997) | E. Akinitcheva A. Rogatnykh | Magadan Branch | Mar 1999 |
409 | USA | Research Plan for the United States Cruise in the Easter Bering Sea September, 1999 | E. Farley | NMFS | Sep 1999 |
410 | USA | Origins of Sockeye and Chum Salmon Seized from the Chinese Vessel Ying Fa | R. Wilmot C. Kondzela C. Guthrie A. Moles E. Martinson J. Helle | NMFS | Aug 1999 |
411 | USA | High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 1999 | K. Myers R. Walker A. Celewycz E. Farley | FRI NMFS | Oct 1999 |
412 (Rev.1) | USA | US Releases and Recoveries of Salmonid Data Storage Tags and Disk Tags in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1999 | R. Walker K. Myers N. Davis R. Carlson K. Friedland | FRI NMFS Univ. of Massachusetts | Sep 1999 |
413 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 1998 | FAJ | Oct 1999 | |
414 | Japan | Preliminary 1998 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | FAJ | Oct 1999 | |
415 | Japan | Ocean Condition and Pacific Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 1999 | M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya Y. Ishida T. Meguro Y. Kajiwara | FAJ FF-HU | Oct 1999 |
416 | Japan | Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in Japan, 1998, and 1999 Tag Releases and Recoveries of Fin-Clipped Salmon Collected by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean | M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa I. Ono K. Umeda M. Kawana R. Walker | FAJ | Oct 1999 |
417 | Japan | The 1999 Salmon Research Cruise of the Hokko Maru | M. Fukuwaka H. Kojima | FAJ HTU | Oct 1999 |
418 | Japan | High-seas Salmonid Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake Maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in the Summer of 1999 | M. Kawana K. Umeda G. Kawakami Y. Matsushita | FAJ JMFRRC FF-HU | Oct 1999 |
419 | Japan | The 1999 International Cooperative Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro Maru | H. Yamaguchi S. Takagi Y. Kamei T. Yoshida J. Kimura G. Anma H. Onishi R. Walker T. Shoji S. Urawa | FF-HU FRI HU FAJ | Sep 1999 |
420 | Japan | Stock Origin of Chum Salmon Caught in Offshore Waters of the Gulf of Alaska During the Summer of 1998 | S. Urawa M. Kawana G. Anma Y. Kamei T. Shoji M. Fukuwaka K. Munk K. Myers E. Farley | FAJ FF-HU ADFG FRI NMFS | Oct 1999 |
421 | Japan | Thermally-Marked Maturing Pink Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska in the Summer of 1998 | M. Kawana s. Urawa G. Anma Y. Kamei T. Shoji M. Fukuwaka K. Munk K. Myers E. Farley | FAJ FF-HU HU ADFG FRI NMFS | Oct 1999 |
422 | Japan | Easternmost Record for Ocean Distribution of Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) | K. Ohkuma S. Urawa Y. Ueno N. Davis | FAJ FRI | Oct 1999 |
423 | Japan | Variations in Lipid Content of High-Seas Chum and Pink Salmon | T. Nomura R. Carlson S. Urawa H. Mayama M. Fukuwaka Y. Ueno Y. Ishida | FAJ NMFS | Oct 1999 |
424 | Japan | Relation between Juvenile Survival and Adult Return in Japanese Chum Salmon Around Hokkaido | K. Watanabe | FAJ | Oct 1999 |
425 | Japan | Homing Behavior of Chum Salmon Determined by an Archival Tag | K. Wada Y. Ueno | Japan NUS Co. FAJ | Oct 1999 |
426 | Japan | Changes in Abundance and Biological Character of Pacific Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean from 1972 to 1998 | Y. Ishida T. Azumaya | FAJ | Oct 1999 |
427 | Japan | Abstracts of 1998/99 Japanese Research Results Related to the NPAFC Science Plan | S. Urawa Y. Ishida | FAJ | Oct 1999 |
428 | Japan | Japanese Research Plan in 2000/2001 | FAJ | Oct 1999 | |
429 (Rev.2) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2000/2001 Fiscal Year | FAJ | Oct 1999 | |
431 | Canada | An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada | C. Wallace D. Noakes D. Welch | DFO | Sep 1999 |
432 | Russia | Interannual Variability of Pacific Salmon Distribution in the Southern Okhotsk Sea During Summer of 1998 and 1999 | I. Melnikov A. Starovoitov E. Ilyinsky I. Glebov | TINRO | Nov 1999 |
433 (Rev.1) | Russia | Pacific Salmon Distribution in the Southern Okhotsk Sea during Autumn of 1998 and Pink Salmon Catch Forecast for 1999 Fishery Season | I. Melnikov V. Radchenko A. Starovoitov | TINRO | Nov 1999 |
434 | Canada | Linkages Between a Composite Pacific Climate-Ocean Index and Fluctuations in British Columbia and Other Fish Populations | G. McFarlane J. King R. Beamish | DFO | Oct 1999 |
435 | Canada | Comparison of Duties of Ocean Age 0 Hatchery and Wild Chinook Salmon | C. Neville R. Beamish | DFO | Sep 1999 |
436 | Canada | Patterns in the Recapture Rates Among Release Locations of Coded-Wire Tagged Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Strait of Georgia | R. Beamish R. Sweeting | DFO | Oct 1999 |
437 (Rev.1) | USA | Estimates of Salmon Harvests in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho, 1993–1998 | A. Didier | PSMFC | Oct 1999 |
438 | USA | Preliminary Commercial Catch Statistics for the 1998 Alaska Salmon Season | H. Geiger | ADFG | Sep 1999 |
439 | USA | 1998 Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases | M. McNair | ADFG | Sep 1999 |
440 | USA | Comprehensive Allozyme Database Discriminates Chinook Salmon Around the Pacific Rim | D. Teel P. Crane C. Guthrie A. Marshall D. Van Doornik W. Templin N. Varnavskya L. Seeb | NMFS ADFG WDFW NMFS KNIRO | Oct 1999 |
442 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–1999 | J. Berger | NMFS | Oct 1999 |
444 | Canada | Enhanced Salmon Production in British Columbia, Canada 1977–1998 | DFO | Oct 1999 | |
445 | USA | Releases of Thermally Marked Salmon from Alaska and Washington in 1999 | P. Hagen H. Geiger E. Volk J. Grimm | ADFG WDFW | Oct 1999 |
446 | USA | Incidence of Thermally Marked Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon in the Coastal Waters of the Gulf of Alaska, 1998 | E. Farley K. Munk P. Hagen | NMFS ADFG | Oct 1999 |
447 | USA | An Ocean Carrying Capacity (OCC) Strategic Plan for Eastern Bering Sea (Bristol Bay) Coastal Research on Bristol Bay Salmon | NMFS | Oct 1999 | |
448 | USA | Eastern Bering Sea (Bristol Bay) Coastal Research on Bristol Bay Juvenile Salmon, July and September 1999 | E. Farley J. Murphy R. Haight C. Guthrie C. Baier M. Adkison V. Radchenko F. Satterfield | NMFS UAF TINRO | Oct 1999 |
449 | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches in Russia in 1998 | TINRO | Oct 1999 | |
450 | USA | Survey of Salmon in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, May 1999 | H. Carlson J. Murphy C. Kondzela K. Myers T. Nomura | NMFS FRI NSRC | Oct 1999 |
452 (Rev.1) | Canada Japan Russia USA | A Preliminary Look at Pacific Salmon Catches in 1999 | D. Noakes S. Urawa V. Radchenko H. Geiger | DFO FAJ TINRO ADFG | Oct 1999 |
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