North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2000 (Documents 461–511)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
461 Japan Releases of Thermally Marked Salmon from Japan in 1999 and 2000 with a Thermal Mark Plan for 2000 Brood Year Stocks S. Urawa M. Kawana T. Ishiguro FAJ Mar 2000
462 USA Survey Plan for the United States in the Eastern Bering Sea during July and August–September, 2000 E. Farley NMFS Mar 2000
463 (Rev.1) USA Thermal Mark Patterns Applied to Salmon from Alaska, Washington and Oregon for Brood Year 1999 and Some Proposed Marks for Brood Year 2000 P. Hagen H. Geiger E. Volk J. Grimm ADFG WDFW Mar 2000
471 USA Origins of Salmon Seized from the F/V Arctic Wind R. Wilmot C. Kondzela C. Guthrie A. Moles J. Pella M. Masuda NMFS Sep 2000
472 USA Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases and Commercial Catch Statistics for the 1999 Season M. McNair H. Geiger NMFS Sep 2000
473 Canada An Abrupt Increase in the Early Marine Abundance of Juvenile Salmon in the Strait of Georgia R. Beamish K. Poier R. Sweeting C. Neville DFO Sep 2000
475 USA Releases and Recoveries of US Salmonid Data Storage Tags, and Recoveries of High Seas Tags in North America, 2000 R. Walker N. Davis K. Myers M. Fukuwaka FRI FAJ Sep 2000
476 USA High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2000 K. Myers A. Celewycz E. Farley FRI NMFS Oct 2000
477 USA Estimates of Salmon Harvests and Hatchery Releases in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho A. Didier PSMFC Oct 2000
478 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–2000 J. Berger NMFS Oct 2000
479 Japan Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 1999 FAJ Oct 2000
480 Japan Preliminary 1999 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan FAJ Oct 2000
481 Japan Ocean Condition and Pacific Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2000 M. Fukuwaka Y. Ishida FAJ Nov 2000
482 Japan Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in Japan 1999, and Tag Releases and Recoveries of Fin-Clipped Salmon from Japanese Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean in 2000 M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa I. Ono H. Tanaka N. Davis R. Walker FAJ NIPR FRI Nov 2000
483 Japan Results of 2000 Salmon Research Cruise of the Shoyo Maru T. Kinoshita M. Sakai FAJ Oct 2000
484 Japan International Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake Maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Se during the Summer of 2000 S. Urawa K. Yamaya N. Davis H. Tanaka S. Tsuchiya FAJ FRI NIPR JMFRRC Oct 2000
485 Japan The 2000 International Cooperative Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro Maru H. Yamaguchi Y. Kajiwara S. Takgi K. Sakaoka J. Kimura R. Walker M. Kawana HU FRI FAJ Sep 2000
486 Japan Results of the 2000 Salmon Research Cruise of the Hokusei Maru T. Meguro Y. Kamei N. Kobayashi T. Yoshida O. Kimura HU Oct 2000
487 Japan Genetic Differentiation in Japanese Chum Salmon Inferred from Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Control Region A. Abe S. Sato J. Ando H. Ando S. Urawa A. Urano HU FAJ Oct 2000
488 Japan Releases of Thermally Marked Salmon from Japan in 2000 M. Kawana S. Urawa T. Ishiguro FAJ Oct 2000
489 Japan Recoveries of Thermally Marked Pink Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska in the Summers of 1998 and 1999 M. Kawana S. Urawa G. Anma S. Takagi Y. Kamei T. Shoji M. Fukuwaka K. Munk P. Hagen E. Farley FAJ HU ADFG NMFS Oct 2000
490 Japan Adults Returning and Ages at Return of Chum Salmon Around Northern Japan K. Watanabe FAJ Oct 2000
491 Japan Japanese Salmon Research Under the NPAFC Science Plan: A Review and Future Issues S. Urawa Y. Ishida M. Fukuwaka FAJ Oct 2000
492 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2001/2002 Fiscal Year FAJ Oct 2000
493 Japan Japanese Proposal for Publication Policy, Joint Projects, and Response to the PICES Proposals FAJ Oct 2000
494 Canada A Summary of Genetic Stock Identification Research Conducted at the Pacific Biological Station, Canada D. Noakes T. Beacham DFO Sep 2000
495 Canada An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada S. Bates L. Nagy L. Bisterveld DFO Sep 2000
496 Canada Enhanced Salmon Production in British Columbia, Canada 1977–1999 DFO Sep 2000
497 USA Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–October, 1999 J. Orsi V. Sturdevant J. Murphy D. Mortensen B. Wing B. Krauss NMFS Oct 2000
498 USA Gulf of Alaska Coastal Research on Juvenile Salmon, August 2000 E. Farley NMFS Oct 2000
499 USA Eastern Bering Sea (Bristol Bay) Coastal Research on Juvenile Salmon, August 2000 E. Farley NMFS Oct 2000
502 PICES List of Papers Presented at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), October 20–28, 2000 in Hakodate, Japan PICES Oct 2000
503 Russia A New Epoch for Salmon Stocks in the North-Western Pacific O. Gritsenko N. Klovatch L. Urusova VNIRO KNIRO Nov 2000
504 Russia Statistics on Chum Salmon Reproduction in the Tym River, Sakhalin F. Rukhlov A. Kovtun SakhNIRO Nov 2000
505 Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement, Outmigrants, Number, and Enhancement Production in Russia in 1999 TINRO Oct 2000
506 Russia Problems in Estimation of Fish Abundance by Trawl Sampling I. Volvenko TINRO Oct 2000
507 Russia Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Russia for Brood Years 1994–1999 E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh Magadan Branch Oct 2000
508 Russia Distribution and some Biological Characteristics of Mikizha (Parasalmo mykiss) in May–August 1996–2000 in the Kuril Islands Waters of Pacific Ocean and the Waters of Okhotsk Sea S. Kovalenko A. Shubin SakhNIRO Nov 2000
509 Canada Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2000 J. Till T. Perry DFO Oct 2000
511 Canada Japan Russia USA A Provisional Report on the 2000 Salmon Season T. Perry M. Fukuwaka E. Hasegawa O. Gritsenko V. Radchenko H. Geiger DFO FAJ VNIRO TINRO ADFG Nov 2000