North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2002 (Documents 587–652)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
587 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2002 Salmon in Japan M. Kawana S. Urawa H. Adachi NSRC Oct 2002
588 Japan Japanese Research Plan in 2002–2005 FAJ Mar 2002
589 (Rev.1) Japan Japanese Research Plan in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska during the Summer of 2002 for BASIS T. Azumaya S. Urawa M. Fukuwaka FRA NSRC FRJ May 2002
590 Japan Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2002/2003 Fiscal Year FRA Mar 2002
591 USA Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Cruise Plan 2002 W. Heard E. Fergusson D. Mortensen J. Orsi M. Sturdevant A. Wertheimer B. Wing NMFS Mar 2002
592 Secretariat Report of the Research Planning and Coordinating Meeting Mar 2002
598 USA Origins of Salmon Seized from the F/V Petropavlovsk C. Kondzela S. Hawkins C. Guthrie III R. Wilmot NMFS May 2002
599 Secretariat Report of the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) Working Group Meeting May 2002
606 Russia Results of 2001 Salmon Research Cruise of the STR Polyarnyk A. Dekshteyn V. Davydenko V. Docenko V. Karmanov E. Vasilyeva KamchatNIRO Mar 2002
607 Russia Results of Marine Research on the RMS Moskam-alfa in 2001 A. Bugaev R. Shaporev KamchatNIRO May 2002
608 USA Releases and Recoveries of U.S. Salmonid Data Storage Tags, and Recoveries of High Seas Tags in North America, 2002 R. Walker N. Davis K. Myers UW Sep 2002
609 Russia Results of 2001 Salmon Research Cruise of the RTM Dalokean V. Volobuev E. Mikodina E. Akinicheva MagadanNIRO Aug 2002
610 USA High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2002 K. Myers A. Celewycz E. Farley UW NMFS Sep 2002
612 Japan Preliminary 2001 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan NSRC Oct 2002
613 Japan Releases of Thermally Marked Salmon from Japan in 2002 (Text only) (Table 1 is available in hardcopy at the Secretariat) M. Kawana S. Urawa H. Adachi NSRC Oct 2002
614 Japan Fluctuations in Return Rates for Hatchery-Reared Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Relation to Coastal Ocean Environment in Japan T. Saito NSRC Oct 2002
615 Japan Total Lipid Contents in the White Muscle, Liver, and Gonand of Chum Salmon Caught in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska in Summer 2001 T. Nomura M. Fukuwaka N. Davis M. Kawana NSRC FRA UW NSRC Oct 2002
616 Japan Genetic Differentiation among Pacific Rim Populations of Chum Salmon Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation S. Abe S. Sato H. Kojima J. Ando H. Ando R. Wilmot L. Seeb V. Efremov L. Leclair W. Buchholz D. Jin S. Urawa M. Kaeriyama A. Urano HU HTU NMFS ADFG RAS WDFW FWS KNU NSRC Oct 2002
617 Japan DNA Microarray for Rapid Detection of Mitochondrial DNA Haplotypes of Chum Salmon S. Moriya S. Abe S. Urawa O. Suzuki A. Urano NI HU NSRC Oct 2002
618 Japan Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 2001 FAJ Oct 2002
619 Japan Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2002 M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya FRA Oct 2002
620 Japan Thermohaline Structures in the Bering Sea Basin in Summer 2002 A. Kusaka T. Azumaya FRA Oct 2002
621 Japan Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in Japan in 2001, and Tag Releases and Recoveries of Fin-Clipped Salmon from Japanese Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean in the Summer of 2002 M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa K. Hirasawa H. Tanaka N. Davis R. Walker FRA NSRC KU UW Oct 2002
622 Japan International Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the Summer of 2002 H. Tanaka N. Davis T. Onuma M. Yamada Y. Yamamoto S. Tsuchiya KU UW HU JMFRRC Oct 2002
623 Japan Zooplankton Biomass along Transect at 165°E in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean: Results in 1999–2000 S. Morita O. Yamamura FRA Aug 2002
624 Japan Zooplankton Biomass along a Transect at 180°E in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean: Results in 1999-2001 S. Morita O. Yamamura FRA Oct 2002
625 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2003/2004 Fiscal Year M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya FRA Oct 2002
626 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–2002 J. Berger NMFS Oct 2002
627 Russia On Peculiarities of the Palana River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Abundance (North-West Kamchatka) V. Bugayev KamchatNIRO Sep 2002
628 Russia On Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Abundance Influence on Asian Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Abundance V. Bugayev KamchatNIRO Sep 2002
629 USA Development of a Comprehensive Allozyme Baseline for Pacific Rim Chum Salmon C. Kondzela P. Crane S. Urawa J. Burger N. Varnavskaya V. Efremov X. Luan W. Templin K. Hayashizaki R. Wilmot L. Seeb NMFS ADFG NSRC KamchatNIRO RAS CAFS SFS-KU NMFS Sep 2002
630 USA Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–September 2001 J. Orsi E. Fergusson W. Heard D. Mortensen M. Sturdevant A. Wertheimer B. Wing NMFS Sep 2002
631 USA Diel Feeding of Juvenile Pink, Chum, and Coho Salmon in Icy Strati, Southeastern Alaska, May–September 2001 M. Sturdevant E. Fergusson J. Orsi A. Wertheimer NMFS Sep 2002
632 USA Chinook Salmon Data Storage Tag Studies in Southeast Alaska, 2002 J. Murphy W. Heard NMFS Aug 2002
633 Canada Recent Returns of Pink Salmon to the Fraser River Indicate the Importance of Relating Stock Recruitment on a Regime Scale R. Beamish DFO Sep 2002
634 USA Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics, and Sport Fishery Catch Statistics for 2001 Season D. Eggers ADFG Oct 2002
635 Canada Results of the July Survey in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia Indicate that 2002 may be a Year of Cool Temperatures and Reduced Productivity for Juvenile Pacific Salmon R. Sweeting R. Beamish DFO Oct 2002
637 USA Thermal Mark Patterns Applied to Salmon from Alaska, Washington, Treaty Tribes and Other Northwest States for Brood Year 2001 B. Agler D. Oxman P. Hagen E. Volk J. Grimm ADFG NMFS WDFW Oct 2002
638 USA Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2002 Salmon in Alaska B. Agler D. Oxman R. Josephson ADFG Oct 2002
639 USA Estimates of Salmon Harvests and Hatchery Releases in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho, 1993–2001 D. Colpo PSMFC Sep 2002
641 Canada Enhanced Salmon Production in British Columbia, Canada 1977–2000 Brood Years DFO Oct 2002
642 Canada British Columbia’s Commercial Salmon Industry D. Noakes R. Beamish R. Gregory DFO BC Packers Sep 2002
643 Canada An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada L. Bijsterveld L. Nagy DFO Oct 2002
644 Russia Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Pacific Salmon in Southern Okhotsk Sea in Fall 2001 (Results of 2001 Salmon Cruise of R/V TINRO) O. Temnykh I. Melnikov TINRO-Center Oct 2002
645 Russia Methods and Technique of the Trawl Sampling Used during the Research Cruise of R/V TINRO Salmon Survey in the Bering Sea in 2002 O. Temnykh I. Volvenko E. Osipov TINRO-Center Oct 2002
646 Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement, Outmigrants Number, and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2001 TINRO-Center Oct 2002
648 Russia The Influence of Climate Changes and Sockeye Escapement on State of Ecosystem in the Kuril Lake (South Kamchatka) L. Milovskaya KamchatNIRO Sep 2002
649 USA Proposed Internet Accessible Website for the Otolith Mark Database of the NPAFC Working Group on Salmon Marking B. Agler P. Hagen ADFG NMFS Oct 2002
650 Russia Thermal and Dry Marks on Salmon Released for Brood Year 2001 in Russia E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh MagadanNIRO Oct 2002
651 Russia Proposed Thermal and Dry Marks for Brood Year 2002 Salmon in Russia E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh MagadanNIRO Oct 2002
652 Canada Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2002 J. Till DFO Oct 2002
653 (Rev.1) Canada Japan Russia USA A Provisional Report on the 2002 Salmon Season Working Group on Stock Assessment May 2003