North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
587 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2002 Salmon in Japan | M. Kawana S. Urawa H. Adachi | NSRC | Oct 2002 |
588 | Japan | Japanese Research Plan in 2002–2005 | FAJ | Mar 2002 | |
589 (Rev.1) | Japan | Japanese Research Plan in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska during the Summer of 2002 for BASIS | T. Azumaya S. Urawa M. Fukuwaka | FRA NSRC FRJ | May 2002 |
590 | Japan | Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2002/2003 Fiscal Year | FRA | Mar 2002 | |
591 | USA | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Cruise Plan 2002 | W. Heard E. Fergusson D. Mortensen J. Orsi M. Sturdevant A. Wertheimer B. Wing | NMFS | Mar 2002 |
592 | Secretariat | Report of the Research Planning and Coordinating Meeting | Mar 2002 | ||
598 | USA | Origins of Salmon Seized from the F/V Petropavlovsk | C. Kondzela S. Hawkins C. Guthrie III R. Wilmot | NMFS | May 2002 |
599 | Secretariat | Report of the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) Working Group Meeting | May 2002 | ||
606 | Russia | Results of 2001 Salmon Research Cruise of the STR Polyarnyk | A. Dekshteyn V. Davydenko V. Docenko V. Karmanov E. Vasilyeva | KamchatNIRO | Mar 2002 |
607 | Russia | Results of Marine Research on the RMS Moskam-alfa in 2001 | A. Bugaev R. Shaporev | KamchatNIRO | May 2002 |
608 | USA | Releases and Recoveries of U.S. Salmonid Data Storage Tags, and Recoveries of High Seas Tags in North America, 2002 | R. Walker N. Davis K. Myers | UW | Sep 2002 |
609 | Russia | Results of 2001 Salmon Research Cruise of the RTM Dalokean | V. Volobuev E. Mikodina E. Akinicheva | MagadanNIRO | Aug 2002 |
610 | USA | High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2002 | K. Myers A. Celewycz E. Farley | UW NMFS | Sep 2002 |
612 | Japan | Preliminary 2001 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | NSRC | Oct 2002 | |
613 | Japan | Releases of Thermally Marked Salmon from Japan in 2002 (Text only) (Table 1 is available in hardcopy at the Secretariat) | M. Kawana S. Urawa H. Adachi | NSRC | Oct 2002 |
614 | Japan | Fluctuations in Return Rates for Hatchery-Reared Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Relation to Coastal Ocean Environment in Japan | T. Saito | NSRC | Oct 2002 |
615 | Japan | Total Lipid Contents in the White Muscle, Liver, and Gonand of Chum Salmon Caught in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska in Summer 2001 | T. Nomura M. Fukuwaka N. Davis M. Kawana | NSRC FRA UW NSRC | Oct 2002 |
616 | Japan | Genetic Differentiation among Pacific Rim Populations of Chum Salmon Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation | S. Abe S. Sato H. Kojima J. Ando H. Ando R. Wilmot L. Seeb V. Efremov L. Leclair W. Buchholz D. Jin S. Urawa M. Kaeriyama A. Urano | HU HTU NMFS ADFG RAS WDFW FWS KNU NSRC | Oct 2002 |
617 | Japan | DNA Microarray for Rapid Detection of Mitochondrial DNA Haplotypes of Chum Salmon | S. Moriya S. Abe S. Urawa O. Suzuki A. Urano | NI HU NSRC | Oct 2002 |
618 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 2001 | FAJ | Oct 2002 | |
619 | Japan | Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2002 | M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya | FRA | Oct 2002 |
620 | Japan | Thermohaline Structures in the Bering Sea Basin in Summer 2002 | A. Kusaka T. Azumaya | FRA | Oct 2002 |
621 | Japan | Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in Japan in 2001, and Tag Releases and Recoveries of Fin-Clipped Salmon from Japanese Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean in the Summer of 2002 | M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa K. Hirasawa H. Tanaka N. Davis R. Walker | FRA NSRC KU UW | Oct 2002 |
622 | Japan | International Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the Summer of 2002 | H. Tanaka N. Davis T. Onuma M. Yamada Y. Yamamoto S. Tsuchiya | KU UW HU JMFRRC | Oct 2002 |
623 | Japan | Zooplankton Biomass along Transect at 165°E in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean: Results in 1999–2000 | S. Morita O. Yamamura | FRA | Aug 2002 |
624 | Japan | Zooplankton Biomass along a Transect at 180°E in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean: Results in 1999-2001 | S. Morita O. Yamamura | FRA | Oct 2002 |
625 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2003/2004 Fiscal Year | M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya | FRA | Oct 2002 |
626 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–2002 | J. Berger | NMFS | Oct 2002 |
627 | Russia | On Peculiarities of the Palana River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Abundance (North-West Kamchatka) | V. Bugayev | KamchatNIRO | Sep 2002 |
628 | Russia | On Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Abundance Influence on Asian Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Abundance | V. Bugayev | KamchatNIRO | Sep 2002 |
629 | USA | Development of a Comprehensive Allozyme Baseline for Pacific Rim Chum Salmon | C. Kondzela P. Crane S. Urawa J. Burger N. Varnavskaya V. Efremov X. Luan W. Templin K. Hayashizaki R. Wilmot L. Seeb | NMFS ADFG NSRC KamchatNIRO RAS CAFS SFS-KU NMFS | Sep 2002 |
630 | USA | Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–September 2001 | J. Orsi E. Fergusson W. Heard D. Mortensen M. Sturdevant A. Wertheimer B. Wing | NMFS | Sep 2002 |
631 | USA | Diel Feeding of Juvenile Pink, Chum, and Coho Salmon in Icy Strati, Southeastern Alaska, May–September 2001 | M. Sturdevant E. Fergusson J. Orsi A. Wertheimer | NMFS | Sep 2002 |
632 | USA | Chinook Salmon Data Storage Tag Studies in Southeast Alaska, 2002 | J. Murphy W. Heard | NMFS | Aug 2002 |
633 | Canada | Recent Returns of Pink Salmon to the Fraser River Indicate the Importance of Relating Stock Recruitment on a Regime Scale | R. Beamish | DFO | Sep 2002 |
634 | USA | Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics, and Sport Fishery Catch Statistics for 2001 Season | D. Eggers | ADFG | Oct 2002 |
635 | Canada | Results of the July Survey in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia Indicate that 2002 may be a Year of Cool Temperatures and Reduced Productivity for Juvenile Pacific Salmon | R. Sweeting R. Beamish | DFO | Oct 2002 |
637 | USA | Thermal Mark Patterns Applied to Salmon from Alaska, Washington, Treaty Tribes and Other Northwest States for Brood Year 2001 | B. Agler D. Oxman P. Hagen E. Volk J. Grimm | ADFG NMFS WDFW | Oct 2002 |
638 | USA | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2002 Salmon in Alaska | B. Agler D. Oxman R. Josephson | ADFG | Oct 2002 |
639 | USA | Estimates of Salmon Harvests and Hatchery Releases in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho, 1993–2001 | D. Colpo | PSMFC | Sep 2002 |
641 | Canada | Enhanced Salmon Production in British Columbia, Canada 1977–2000 Brood Years | DFO | Oct 2002 | |
642 | Canada | British Columbia’s Commercial Salmon Industry | D. Noakes R. Beamish R. Gregory | DFO BC Packers | Sep 2002 |
643 | Canada | An Update on Trends in Catch of Pacific Salmon in Canada | L. Bijsterveld L. Nagy | DFO | Oct 2002 |
644 | Russia | Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Pacific Salmon in Southern Okhotsk Sea in Fall 2001 (Results of 2001 Salmon Cruise of R/V TINRO) | O. Temnykh I. Melnikov | TINRO-Center | Oct 2002 |
645 | Russia | Methods and Technique of the Trawl Sampling Used during the Research Cruise of R/V TINRO Salmon Survey in the Bering Sea in 2002 | O. Temnykh I. Volvenko E. Osipov | TINRO-Center | Oct 2002 |
646 | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement, Outmigrants Number, and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2001 | TINRO-Center | Oct 2002 | |
648 | Russia | The Influence of Climate Changes and Sockeye Escapement on State of Ecosystem in the Kuril Lake (South Kamchatka) | L. Milovskaya | KamchatNIRO | Sep 2002 |
649 | USA | Proposed Internet Accessible Website for the Otolith Mark Database of the NPAFC Working Group on Salmon Marking | B. Agler P. Hagen | ADFG NMFS | Oct 2002 |
650 | Russia | Thermal and Dry Marks on Salmon Released for Brood Year 2001 in Russia | E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh | MagadanNIRO | Oct 2002 |
651 | Russia | Proposed Thermal and Dry Marks for Brood Year 2002 Salmon in Russia | E. Akinicheva A. Rogatnykh | MagadanNIRO | Oct 2002 |
652 | Canada | Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2002 | J. Till | DFO | Oct 2002 |
653 (Rev.1) | Canada Japan Russia USA | A Provisional Report on the 2002 Salmon Season | Working Group on Stock Assessment | May 2003 |
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