North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
840 | Japan | Results of 2004 Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro maru | T. Meguro Y. Kajiwara S. Takagi Y. Kamei K. Sakaoka | HU | Mar 2005 |
841 (Rev.1) | Japan | Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2005/2006 Fiscal Year | FRA | May 2005 | |
842 | Japan | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2005 Salmon in Japan | M. Kawana S. Urawa S. Yoshimitsu | NSRC | Mar 2005 |
843 | Japan | Result of the Survey in the Bering Sea in 2004 | T. Azumaya T. Nomura N. Tanimata O. Sakai T. Onuma S. Sato | FRA NSRC HU | Mar 2005 |
844 | USA | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Cruise Plan for 2005 | W. Heard A. Wertheimer E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant J. Orsi B. Wing | NMFS | Mar 2005 |
845 | USA | United States National Cruise Plan for BASIS Research, August–October, 2005 | NMFS | Apr 2005 | |
846 | Russia | Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2005 Salmon in Russia | E. Akinicheva | MagadanNIRO | Apr 2005 |
847 (Rev.1) | USA | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2005 Salmon in Alaska | B. Agler D. Oxman R. Josephson | ADFG | Sep 2005 |
848 | Russia | Proposed Cruise Plans of TINRO-Center for BASIS Program Research on Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period in the Bering Sea in Summer Period of 2005 | O. Temnykh I. Glebov V. Sviridov | TINRO-Center | Apr 205 |
854 | Russia | Traumatism of Pacific Salmon by Predators in Driftnet Catches in the Russian Economic Zone in 2004 | A. Bugayev E. Shevlyakov | KamchatNIRO | May 2005 |
856 | Canada | Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2005 | J. Till | DFO | Jul 2005 |
857 | Canada Japan Korea Russia United States | Annual Report of the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS), 2004 | BASIS WG | Jul 2005 | |
864 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2005 | J. Berger | NMFS | Oct 2005 |
865 | Russia | Sea Lice Leopeophtheirus Salmonis (Caligidae) Infestation of Pacific Salmon Oncorhynchus on the Data from Driftnet Catches in the Russian Economic Zone in 2004 | A. Bugaev | KamchatNIRO | Oct 2005 |
866 | Russia | Scale Pattern Analysis Estimates of Age and Stock Composition of Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in R/V TINRO Trawl Catches in the Western Bering Sea and Northwestern Pacific Ocean in Summer–Autumn 2003 | A. Bugaev | KamchatNIRO | Oct 2005 |
868 | Canada | An Update on Catch Trends for Pacific Salmon in British Columbia Canada | J. Irvine L. Biagini M. Poon | DFO | Sep 2005 |
869 | Canada | Enhanced Salmonid Production in British Columbia, Canada during 1978–2004 (1977–2003 Brood Years) | S. Lehmann J. Irvine | DFO | Sep 2005 |
870 | USA | Thermal Mark Patterns Applied to Salmon from Alaska, Washington Treaty Tribes and Other Northwest States for Brood Year 2004 | B. Agler R. Josephson D. Oxman K. Van Kirk E. Volk J. Grimm | ADFG WDFW | Sep 2005 |
871 | USA | Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2004 | J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant B. Wing A. Wertheimer W. Heard | NFMS | Sep 2005 |
872 | Russia | Scale Pattern Analysis Estimates of Age and Stock Composition of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tschawytscha in R/V TINRO Trawl Catches in the Western Bering Sea and Northwestern Pacific Ocean in Summer–Autumn 2003 | A. Bugaev | KamchatNIRO | Sep 2005 |
873 | Canada | Sea Lice Counts on Pacific Salmon Caught in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru Using Gillnets and Long Line Gear in July 2005 | R. Beamish N. Ambers K. Hunter | DFO | Oct 2005 |
874 | Canada | A Comparison of Sea Lice on Individually Caught Adult Pacific Salmon in the Coastal Waters of British Columbia in August of 2004 and 2005 | R. Beamish N. Ambers K. Hunter C. Neville | DFO | Oct 2005 |
875 | Canada | Changing Trends in the Rearing Capacity of the Strait of Georgia Ecosystem for Juvenile Pacific Salmon | R. Beamish R. Sweeting C. Neville K. Lange | DFO | Oct 2005 |
876 | Russia | Food Habits and Trophic Position of Pacific Salmon in the Bering Sea Epipelagic Communities in Autumn 2000–2004 | S. Naydenko A. Efimkin A. Volkov N. Kuznetsova N. Kosenok | TINRO-Center | Sep 2005 |
877 | Russia | Knowledge Base and Catalogue of Salmon Abundance of the Northwestern Part of the Pacific Ocean | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2005 |
878 | Russia | Knowledge Base and Catalogue of Salmon Abundance of the Western Part of the Bering Sea | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2005 |
879 | Russia | GIS and Atlas of Salmon Spatial-Temporal Distribution in the Northwestern Part of the Pacific Ocean | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2005 |
880 | Russia | GIS and Atlas of Salmon Spatial-Temporal Distribution in the Western Part of the Bering Sea | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2005 |
881 (Rev.1) | Russia | Information on Pacific Salmon Tagging Activities during TINRO-Center Research Survey for BASIS Program in the Western Bering Sea during Summer–Autumn Period of 2004 | I. Glebov V. Sviridov A. Starovoytov | TINRO-Center | Sep 2005 |
882 (Rev.1) | Korea | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2005 Salmon in Korea | C. Lee S. Kang K. Seong C. Lee | NFRDI | Sep 2005 |
883 | Korea | Releases and Recoveries of Coded Wire Tag for Chum Salmon in Korea | NFRDI | Sep 2005 | |
884 | Korea | Korean Chum Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2004 and 2005 | NFRDI | Sep 2005 | |
885 | Korea | Preliminary Studies on Metazoan Parasites of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Korea | J. Kim C. Lee C. Lee | KNU NFRDI | Sep 2005 |
886 | Korea | A Method to Induce Final Maturation and Ovulation in Freshwater-Adapted Female Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta | W. Park C. Lee C. Lee D. Kim J. Kim Y. Sohn | KNU NFRDI | Sep 2005 |
887 | USA | Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics, and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2004 Season | D. Eggers | ADFG | Oct 2005 |
888 | Japan | Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2005 | T. Nagasawa M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya | FRA | Oct 2005 |
889 | Japan | Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in Japan in 2004, and Tag Releases and Recoveries of Fin-Clipped Salmon from Japanese Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean in Summer of 2005 | M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa S. Yoshimitsu N. Davis R. Walker | FRA NSRC UW | Oct 2005 |
890 | Japan | International Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the Summer of 2005 | M. Fukuwaka N. Davis N. Ambers R. Yamashita M. Bando Y. Hirama K. Honma | FRA UW DFO HU NSRC | Oct 2005 |
891 | Japan | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fish by Japanese Research Vessel in the North Pacific Ocean in 2004 | FRA | Oct 2005 | |
892 (Rev.2) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2006/2007 Fiscal year | T. Nagawawa M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya | FRA | Oct 2005 |
893 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 2004 | FAJ | Oct 2005 | |
894 | Japan | Preliminary 2004 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | M. Ezure Y. Hirabayashi | NSRC | Oct 2005 |
895 | Japan | Otolith-Marked Salmon Released from Japan in the Fall of 2004 and Spring of 2005 | M. Kawana S. Urawa S. Yoshimitsu | NSRC | Oct 2005 |
896 | Japan | Stock-Specific Ocean Distribution of Immature Chum Salmon in the Summer and Early Fall of 2003: Estimates by Allozyme Analysis | S. Urawa M. Kawana T. Azumaya P. Crane L. Seeb | NSRC FRA FWS ADFG | Oct 2005 |
897 | Japan | Present Status of Mitochondrial DNA Baseline for Stock Identification of Chum Salmon | S. Sato M. Yoon S. Abe S. Urawa | NSRC HU | Oct 2005 |
898 | Japan | Genetic Variation among Chum Salmon Populations in the Pacific Rim Inferred from the Mitochondrial and Microsatellite DNA Analyses | M. Yoon S. Sato J. Seeb R. Wilmot S. Urawa A. Urano S. Abe | HU NSRC ADFG NMFS HU | Oct 2005 |
899 | Japan | Seasonal Changes in the Total Lipid Content of Immature Chum Salmon in the Bering Sea During the Summer and Fall of 2002–2004 | T. Nomura S. Urawa M. Kawana S. Sato T. Azumaya M. Fukuwaka K. Hida A. Nakajima T. Tojima N. Davis | NSRC FRA UW | Oct 2005 |
900 | Canada | Summary of Chum Salmon Stock Identification Research Conducted by the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Pacific Biological Station | T. Beacham K. Le M. Wetklo | DFO | Oct 2005 |
901 | Russia | Cruise Report of the 2004 R/V TINRO BASIS Survey in the Western Bering Sea, September–October | I. Glebov O. Temnykh V. Sviridov A. Starovoytov | TINRO-Center | Sep 2005 |
902 | Russia | Results of Trawl Counting Juvenile Salmon and Attendant Fish Species Along the Southern Sakhalin and Southern Kuril Islands (Southern Okhotsk Sea) in June–July 2004 at the Research Vessel Dmitry Peskov | A. Shubin L. Koryakovtsev D. Stominok V. Chastikov O. Kusailo | SakhNIRO | Feb 2005 |
903 | Canada | Report on the 2004–05 Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (Post) Project-Objectives, Goals, & Initial Results | D. Welch G. Kristianson P. Tsang | POST | Oct 2005 |
904 | USA | Releases and Recoveries of US and NPRB Salmonid Data Storage Tags, and Recoveries of High Seas Tags in North America and Russia, 2005 | R. Walker N. Davis K. Myers J. Helle M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa V. Karpenko A. Dekshtein S. Zolotukhin S. Kovalenko | UW NMFS FRA NSRC KamchatNIRO TINRO-Centre SakhNIRO | Oct 2005 |
905 | USA | High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2005 | K. Myers N. Davis A. Celewycz E. Farley J. Morris M. Trudel M. Fukuwaka S. Kovalenko A. Shubin | UW NMFS DFO FRA SakhNIRO | Oct 2005 |
906 | USA | Simulations of the Odd-Year Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Genetic Baseline to Determine Accuracy and Precision of Stock Composition Estimates, and Mixture Analysis of Juveniles from the Bering Sea | S. Hawkins R. Wilmot | NMFS | Oct 2005 |
907 | USA | SNPs Provide an Easily-Standardized Baseline for NPAFC Studies of Chum Salmon | L. Seeb W. Templin C. Smith C. Elfstrom S. Urawa R. Wilmot S. Abe J. Seeb | ADFG NSRC NMFS HU | Oct 2005 |
908 | USA | SNPs provide High-Throughput Resolution for Migratory Studies of Chinook Salmon | W. Templin C. Smith J. Seeb L. Seeb | ADFG | Oct 2005 |
909 (Rev.1) | USA | Washington, Oregon, and California Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics, and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2004 Season | H. Bartlett | WDFW | Oct 2005 |
910 | Korea | Genetic Variations and differences Among the Chum Salmons from Korea and Several Countries Determined by Mitochondrial DNA Analysis | J. Park C. Lee S. Kang K. Seong | NFRDI | Oct 2005 |
911 | Korea | Genetic Stock Identification and Gene Flow Estimation Among the Chum Salmon Populations in the North Pacific Using the Nucleotide Variations in mtDNA, COIII-ND3-ND4L Region | Y. Lee G. Kang W. Jung G. Kim C. Kim K. Seong S. Kang J. Seeb P. Beerli Y. Won S. Kim | KORDI NFRDI ADFG FSU IWU PNU | Oct 2005 |
912 | Korea | Korean Research Plan for Chum Salmon in 2006 | C. Lee S. Kang K. Seong C. Lee | NFRDI | Oct 2005 |
913 | Russia | A Case Study of Two Genetic Markers for Inter-Laboratory Collaboration: SNPs Provide Transportability without Standardization | D. Zelenina A. Khrustaleva A. Volkov C. Habicht C. Smith J. Seeb | VNIRO ADFG | Oct 2005 |
914 | USA | Eastern Bering (BASIS) Coastal Research (August–October 2004) on Juvenile Salmon | E. Farley J. Murphy L. Eisner A. Middleton J. Pohl J. Moss K. Cieciel O. Ivanov N. Kuznetsova H. George | NMFS PSMFC TINRO-Center YRDFA | Oct 2005 |
918 (Rev.1) | Russia | Russian Pacific Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial fishery Catch Statistics, and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2004 Season | TINRO-Center | Oct 2005 | |
919 | Russia | The Otolith Marks Used for Marking of Salmons Released in 2005 from Russia | E. Akinicheva | MagadanNIRO | Oct 2005 |
921 | Canada Japan Korea Russia USA | North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Science Plan 2006–2010 | Oct 2005 |
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