North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2009 (Documents 1153–1208)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

1153USASoutheast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Survey Plan for 2009J. Orsi
M. Sturdevant
E. Fergusson
A. Wertheimer
B. Wing
W. Heard
NMFSJan 2009
1156USAUnited States Cruise Plan for BASIS, September 2009 NMFSMar 2009
1157JapanIncidental Catches of Anadromous Fish by Japanese Research Vessel in the North Pacific Ocean in 2008T. NagasawaFRAMar 2009
1158Japan2008 T/V Oshoro-maru Salmon Research CruisesK. Sakaoka
Y. Kamei
S. Takagi
Y. Kajiwara
J. Kimura
T. Meguro
HUMar 2009
1159JapanProposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2009M. Fukuwaka
K. Morita
T. Nagasawa
FRAMar 2009
1160JapanThe Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2009/2010 Fiscal Year FRAMar 2009
1161RussiaTrawl Survey Plans for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Far Eastern Seas in 2009 by Russia TINROMar 2009
1162 (Rev.1)United StatesProposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2009 Salmon in AlaskaR. Josephson
D. Oxman
ADFGMar 2009
1163 (Rev.1)JapanProposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2009 Salmon in JapanM. Takahashi
E. Suzuki
NSRCApr 2009
Plan for NPAFC Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) Phase II 2009–2013BASIS Working Group Apr 2009
1165CanadaProposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2009J. TillDFOApr 2009
1166CanadaCanadian Highseas Salmon Surveys in 2009–2010M. Trudel
J. Morris
M. Thiess
T. Zubkowski
Y. Jung
DFOApr 2009
1174USAIncidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1999–2009J. BergerNMFSSep 2009
1175KoreaKorean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2008K.B. Seong
J.H. Park
K.E. Hong
C.H. Lee
NFRDISep 2009
1176KoreaRecoveries of Coded Wire Tag for Chum Salmon in Korea in 2008K.B. SeongNFRDISep 2009
1177KoreaOtolith Thermal Mark for Brood Year 2008 and Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2009 chum Salmon in KoreaK.B. Seong
J.H. Park
K.E. Hong
S. Kang
NFRDISep 2009
1178KoreaKorean Research Plan for Salmon in 2009K.B. Seong
J.H. Park
K.E. Hong
C.H. Lee
NFRDISep 2009
1179USAHigh Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2009A. Celewycz
J. Berger
J. Cusick
N. Davis
M. Fukuwaka
P. Malecha
Oct 2009
1180USACalibration of Juvenile Salmon Catches using Paired Comparisons between Two Research Vessels Fishing Nordic 264 Surface Trawls in Southeastern Alaska, July 2008A. Wertheimer
J. Orsi
E. Fergusson
M. Sturdevant
NMFSOct 2009
1181USAAnnual Survey of Juvenile Salmon, Ecologically-Related Species, and Environmental Factors in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May-August 2008J. Orsi
E. Fergusson
M. Sturdevant
B. Wing
A. Wertheimer
W. Heard
NMFSSep 2009
1182CanadaCanadian Enhanced Salmonid Production during 1978–2008 (1977–2007 Brood Years)R. Cook
J. MacDonald
J. Irvine
DFOSep 2009
1183JapanJapan Salmon Commercial Fisheries Catch Statistics for 2008 FAJOct 2009
1184JapanPreliminary 2008 Salmon Enhancement Production in JapanM. Takahashi
K. Sasaki
FRAOct 2009
1185RussiaSpatial Distribution and Abundance of Pacific Salmon in Southern Okhotsk Sea during Autumn of 2008 (Results of 2008 Research Cruise of R/V Professor Kaganovsky)A. Efimkin
E. Kurenkova
V. Lipinsky
A. Lazhentsev
Y. Novikov
TINRONov 2009
1186RussiaTrawl Survey Results for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Western Bering Sea during Autumn Period of 2008 (Results of 2008 Research Survey by R/V TINRO)I. Glebov
E. Kurenkova
A. Slabinskii
S. Dudkov
TINRONov 2009
1187RussiaResults of Pacific Salmon Trawl Surveys by R/V TINRO and R/V Professor Kaganovskii during Summer of 2008 in the Upper Epipelagic Layer of Northwestern Pacific and Kuril Islands Coastal Waters of Okhotsk SeaI. Glebov
E. Kurenkova
A. Slabinskii
S. Dudkov
TINRONov 2009
1188RussiaComposition and Sturcture of Epipelagic Nekton Communities in the Central and Western Parts of Subarctic Frontal Zone in Winter and Spring of 2009 (Result of 2009 Research Cruise of R/V TINRO)A. Starovoytov
S. Naydenko
E. Kurenkova
M. Ocheretyany
N. Vanin
TINRONov 2009
1189RussiaMarked Salmon Production by the Hatcheries of Russia in 2009E. Akinicheva
V. Volobuev
MagadanNIRONov 2009
1190RussiaProposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2009 Salmon in RussiaE. Akinicheva
V. Volobuev
MagadanNIRONov 2009
1191JapanThe Summer 2009 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru: Exploration of the Northern Limit of Offshore Distribution and Annual Survey in the Bering SeaK. Morita
S. Sato
M. Kato
J. Yamamoto
Oct 2009
1192JapanOffshore Distributions of Anadromous Lamprey and Threespine SticklebackK. Morita
S. Morita
M. Fukuwaka
FRAOct 2009
1193JapanSalmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2009M. Fukuwaka
T. Kaga
M. Sakai
Y. Kamei
Oct 2009
1194JapanInternational Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the Summer of 2009T. Kaga
N. Davis
Oct 2009
1195 (Rev.1)JapanProposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2010M. Fukuwaka
K. Morita
FRAOct 2009
1196USAReleases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Alaska in 2008D. OxmanADFGOct 2009
1197 (Rev.1)Canada
Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in 2008–2009 and Tag Releases in 2009 from High-seas Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific OceanNPAFC Working Group on Salmon Tagging Oct 2009
1198USAAlaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2008 SeasonE. Volk
R. Josephson
ADFGSep 2009
1199 (Rev.1)Canada
Pacific Salmon Status and Abundance TrendsNPAFC Working Group on Stock Assessment Oct 2009
1200KoreaAnisakis simplex (Nematoda: Anisakidae) Larvae Infection in Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) from Namdae River, Korea in 2008E. Setyobudi
K.B. Seong
C.H. Lee
J.H. Kim
Oct 2009
1201RussiaResults of Trawl Count Surveys on Juvenile Salmon and Attendant Fish Species Along Southern Sakhalin Island (southwestern Sea of Okhotsk) Performed by RV Dmitry Peskov in July 2006–2008A.O. Shubin
M.V. Kovtun
I. Moukhametov
D.R. Faizulin
A.T. Tsoy
SakhNIRONov 2009
1202USAForecasting Pink Salmon Harvest in Southeast Alaska from Juvenile Salmon Abundance and Associated Environmental Parameters: 2008 Returns and 2009 ForecastA.C. Wertheimer
J.A. Orsi
E.A. Fergusson
M.V. Sturdevant
NMFSOct 2009
1205JapanReleases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Japan in the Fall of 2008 and Spring of 2009M. Takahashi
M. Iida
K. Kusumo
H. Ikka
Y. Katayama
K. Ohmoto
M. Fukuhara
T. Chiba
Y. Miyauchi
FRAOct 2009
1207SecretariatAbstracts of Scientific Documents Submitted to the Commission for the 2009 Annual Meeting  Oct 2009
1208JapanRapid Estimation of Lipid Content of Immature Chum and Pink Salmon in the Ocean with a Hand Held Microwave MeterT. Kaga
S. Sato
T. Nagasawa
M. Fukuwaka
T. Nomura
S. Urawa
FRAOct 2009