North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2010 (Documents 1217–1289)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
1217 Russia Trawl Survey Plans for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Far Eastern Seas in 2010 by Russia O. Temnykh A. Starovoytov A. Zavolokin TINRO-Center March 2010
1218 (Rev.1) Korea Korean Research Plan for Salmon in 2011–2015 K.B. Seong NFRDI March 2010
1219 (Rev.1) Canada Canada’s Pacific Salmon Science Plan 2010–2015 M. Saunders DFO, Nanaimo March 2010
1220 (Rev.1) Korea Korean Research Plan for Salmon in 2010 K.B. Seong K.E. Hong HU March 2010
1221 Korea Review of 2006–2010 Korean Research M. Fukuwaka, K. Morita, T. Nagasawa NFRDI March 2010
1224 USA Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Survey Plan for 2010 J. Orsi M. Sturdevant E. Fergusson B. Wing W. Heard NMFS, Auke Bay April 2010
1226 Japan Results of 2009 Salmon Research Cruises of the Oshoro maru N. Hoshi K. Sakaoka T. Abe Y. Kamei S. Takagi HU February 2010
1227 Japan Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fish by Japanese Research Vessel in the North Pacific Ocean in 2009 M. Fukuwaka FRA, Kushiro April 2010
1228 (Rev.2) Japan The Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2010/2011 Fiscal Year FRA, Yokohama April 2010
1231 Russia Russian Pacific Salmon Research Program for 2010–2014 Period V. Shuntov TINRO-Center May 2010
1232 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2010 Salmon in Japan M. Takahashi T. Sakagami FRA, Sapporo April 2010
1233 USA United States Cruise Plan for GOAIERP on the F/V Northwest Explorer, July 2–24, 2010 NMFS, Auke Bay March 2010
1234 USA United States Cruise Plan for BASIS on the R/V Oscar Dyson, August–September 2010 NMFS, Auke Bay March 2010
1235 USA United States Cruise Plan for BASIS on the F/V Epic Explorer, September 2010 NMFS, Auke Bay March 2010
1236 (Rev.1) USA Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2010 Salmon in Alaska D. Oxman R. Josephson ADFG, Juneau April 2010
1237 Japan Japanese Salmon Research Under the NPAFC Science Plan 2006–2010: A Review and Future Issues T. Nagasawa M. Fukuwaka T. Saito S. Sato FRA, Sapporo FRA, Kushiro April 2010
1238 Russia Russian Salmon Research under the NPAFC Science Plan 2006–2010: A Review and Future Issues O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin M. Koval TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO May 2010
1239 Canada Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2010–2011 M. Trudel R. Sweeting R. Beamish DFO, Nanaimo May 2010
1240 USA NPAFC Science Plan 2006–2010: A US Review E. Farley NMFS, Auke Bay May 2010
1241 Canada Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2010 J. Till DFO, Nanaimo May 2010
1242 Russia Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2010 Salmon in Russia E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev MagadanNIRO May 2010
1250 Korea Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2009–2010 K.B. Seong K.E. Hong NFRDI September 2010
1251 Korea Recoveries of Coded Wire Tag for Chum Salmon in Korea in 2009 K.B. Seong NFRDI September 2010
1252 Korea Korean Research Plan for Salmon in 2011 K.B. Seong NFRDI September 2010
1253 Korea Otolith Thermal Mark for Brood Year 2009 and Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2010 Chum Salmon in Korea K.B. Seong K.E. Hong NFRDI September 2010
1254 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2010 J. Berger NMFS, Seattle September 2010
1255 Canada Korea Japan Russia USA 2011–2015 Science Plan NPAFC CSRS September 2010
1256 Canada Development of the POST Acoustic Tracking Network and Database J. Thar G.L. Kristianson POST September 2010
1257 Korea Anisakis simplex (Nematode : Anisakidae) L3 larvae infection in Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) from Namdae River, South Korea in 2009 E. Setyobudi K.B. Seong J.H. Kim KNU NFRDI September 2010
1258 Canada Canadian Enhanced Salmonid Production During 1978–2009 (1977–2008 Brood Years) J. Sandher R. Cook J.R. Irvine DFO, Vancouver DFO, Nanaimo September 2010
1259 Japan Japan Salmon Commercial Fisheries Catch Statistics for 2009 FAJ October 2010
1260 Japan Preliminary 2009 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan M. Takahashi K. Sasaki FRA, Sapporo October 2010
1261 (Rev.1) Japan Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Japan in the Fall of 2009 and Spring of 2010 M. Takahashi M. Iida K. Kusumo H. Ikka Y. Katayama Y. Hirabayashi M. Fukuhara T. Chiba Y. Miyauchi FRA, Sapporo FRA, Kitami FRA, Shibetsu-gun FRA, Obihiro FRA, Nakaagwa-gun FRA, Chitose FRA, Nikai-gun FRA, Miyako FRA, Niigata October 2010
1262 Japan Total Lipid Contents and RNA/DNA ratios of Sockeye, Chum and Pink Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea during the Summer of 2009 T. Kaga S. Sato FRA, Sapporo October 2010
1263 Japan Salmon Demand Trends by the Variations of Expenditure Elasticity I. Shimizu FRA, Yokohama October 2010
1264 Japan Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2010 M. Fukuwaka T. Ishihara M. Sakai Y. Kamei FRA, Kushiro FRA, Sapporo FRA, Yokohama HU October 2010
1265 Japan International Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the Summer of 2010 T. Ishihara J. Seki T. Koide M. Fukuwaka FRA, Sapporo FRA, Kushiro October 2010
1266 Japan Vertical Distribution of Pacific Salmon in the Central Bering Sea in Summer 2007 K. Morita FRA, Kushiro October 2010
1267 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2011 M. Fukuwaka FRA, Kushiro October 2010
1268 (Rev.1) Canada Korea Japan Russia USA 2009 Reported Recoveries of High-Seas Tags and Tag Releases in 2010 from High-Seas Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean NPAFC WGST October 2010
1269 Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2009 TINRO-Center October 2010
1270 Russia The Peculiarities of Pre-spawning Migration of Pink Salmon in the Western Bering Sea and Northwestern Pacific Ocean in 2009 E. Kurenkova A. Khoruzhiy A. Zavolokin TINRO-Center October 2010
1271 Russia Origin and Distribution of Local Stocks of Immature Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus Keta in the Western Bering Sea During the Summer and Fall of 2004 and 2006 A. Bugaev E. Zavolokina A. Zavolokin L. Zavarina I. Kireev A. Shubin Y. Ignatyev S. Zolotukhin N. Kaplanova M. Volobuev KamachatNIRO TINRO-Center SakhNIRO Khabarovsk MagadanNIRO October 2010
1272 (Rev.1) Russia Result of Research Survey by R/V TINRO in Winter-Spring 2010 in Subarctic Frontal Zone S. Naydenko A. Efimkin K. Karyakin A. Balanov N. Kuznetsova A. Figurkin R. Ovsyanikov S. Ponomarev A. Klimov I. Spirin A. Kojevnikov TINRO-Center October 2010
1273 Russia Marked Salmon Production by the Hatcheries of Russia in 2010 E. Akinicheva V. Volobev SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO October 2010
1274 Russia Studies in Genetics Structure of Pacific Salmon Populations in the Russian Far East With Use of Microsatellite Markers JL. Zhivotovsky VIGG, RAS October 2010
1275 USA Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2009 Season E. Volk R. Josephson ADFG, Juneau October 2010
1276 USA Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Alaska in 2009 D. Oxman R. Josephson ADFG, Juneau September 2010
1277 USA Calibration of Juvenile Salmon Catches Using Paired Comparisons Between Two Research Vessels Fishing Nordic 264 Surface Trawls in Southeast Alaska, July 2009 A. Wertheimer J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant NMFS, Auke Bay September 2010
1278 USA Forecasting Pink Salmon Harvest in Southeast Alaska from Juvenile Salmon Abundance and Associated Environmental Parameters: 2009 Harvest and 2010 Forecast A. Wertheimer J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant NMFS, Auke Bay October 2010
1279 USA High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2010 A. Celewycz L. Thompson J. Cusick M. Fukuwaka J. Murphy NMFS, Auke Bay NMFS, Seattle FRA, Kushiro October 2010
1280 USA Annual Survey of Juvenile Salmon, Ecologically-Related Species, and Environmental Factors in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2009 J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant B. Wing W. Heard NMFS, Auke Bay October 2010
1282 Canada A Late Ocean Entry Life History Strategy Improves the Marine Survival of Chinook Salmon in the Strait of Georgia R. Beamish R. Sweeting T. Beacham K. Lange C. Neville DFO, Nanaimo October 2010
1283 Canada Late Ocean Entry of Sea-Type Sockeye Salmon from the Harrison River in the Fraser River Drainage Results in Improved Productivity R. Beamish K. Lange C. Neville R. Sweeting T. Beacham D. Preikshot DFO, Nanaimo October 2010
1284 Canada Competitive Interactions Between Pink Salmon and Other Juvenile Pacific Salmon in the Strait of Georgia R. Beamish R. Sweeting C. Neville K. Lange DFO, Nanaimo October 2010
1285 Canada Changes in the Diet Composition of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon in the Strait of Georgia from the 1960s to the Present D. Preikshot R. Beamish R. Sweeting DFO, Nanaimo October 2010
1286 Canada The Use of Acoustic Tags to Monitor the Movement and Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Strait of Georgia C. Neville R. Beamish C. Chittenden DFO, Nanaimo October 2010
1288 USA Genetic Stock Identification of Chum Salmon from the 2006 and 2007 Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey W. McCraney C. Kondzela J. Murphy J. Guyon NMFS, Auke Bay NOAA October 2010
1289 Secretariat Abstracts of Scientific Documents Submitted to the Commission for the 2010 Annual Meeting October 2010