North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
1367 | USA | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Survey Plan for 2012 | J. Orsi M. Sturdevant E. Fergusson W. Heard E. Farley | NMFS, Auke Bay | February 2012 |
1372 (Rev.1) | USA | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2012 Salmon in Alaska | D. Oxman | NADFG, Juneau | March 2012 |
1373 | Canada | Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2012–2013 | M. Trudel C. Neville R. Sweeting | DFO, Nanaimo | March 2012 |
1374 | Canada | Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from Canada, Brood Year 2012 | S. DiNovo D. O’Brien | DFO, Nanaimo | March 2012 |
1376 | Russia | Trawl Survey Plans for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Far Eastern Seas in Summer and Fall 2012 by Russia | O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin A. Starovoytov A. Bugaev | TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO | March 2012 |
1377 | Russia | Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2012 Salmon in Russia | E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev E. Fomin | SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO | March 2012 |
1379 | Canada | Canadian Research in 2012 Relevant to the NPAFC Salmon Science Plan for 2011–2015 | J. Irvine M. Trudel A. Tompkins T. Beacham M. Saunders | DFO, Nanaimo | March 2012 |
1380 | USA | United States Cruise Plan for BASIS on R/V Oscar Dyson, August–October 2012 | Auke Bay, Juneau | March 2012 | |
1381 | USA | United States Cruise Plan BASIS-North Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, August–October 2012 | Auke Bay, Juneau | March 2012 | |
1382 | USA | United States Cruise Plan for The Gulf of Alaska Project, July–August 2012 | Auke Bay, Juneau | March 2012 | |
1383 | Japan | Results of 2011 Salmon by the Oshoro maru | M. Ohwada K. Sakaoka N. Hoshi T. Abe K. Imai S. Takagi | HU, Hokodate | March 2012 |
1384 | Japan | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fish by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2011 | S. Urawa T. Nagasawa | FRA, Sapporo | March 2012 |
1385 | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2012 | S. Urawa T. Nagasawa | FRA, Sapporo | March 2012 |
1386 (Rev.1) | Japan | Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2012 | FRA, Yokohama | March 2012 | |
1387 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Otolith marks for Brood Year 2012 Salmon in Japan | T. Ohnuki Y. Okamoto S. Sato S. Urawa | FRA, Sapporo | March 2012 |
1389 | Canada | Microsatellite Identification of Sockeye Salmon Rearing in the Bering Sea 2011 | T. Beacham J. Candy S. Sato S. Urawa | DFO, Nanaimo FRA, Sapporo | October 2012 |
1396 (Rev. 1) | Secretariat | Format and Codes Used in the INPFC/NPAFC High-Seas Salmonid Tag-Recovery Database (1956–Present) | October 2012 | ||
1397 | Russia | Review of Some Results of Russian Population Studies of Pacific Salmon in 2010 and 2011 | A. Bugaev N. Shpigalskaya O. Shaporev V. Savin A. Chistyakova U. Muravskaya O. Saravansky | KamchatNIRO | October 2012 |
1398 | Russia | Decreases in Abundance of Immature Pacific Salmon in the Western Bering Sea from 2002 to 2011: Link to Hydrological and Forage Conditions | A. Zavolokin G. Khen | TINRO-Center | September 2012 |
1399 (Rev.1) | Russia | Was There a Re-distribution of the Pink Salmon Migratory Flow Between Different Areas of Sakhalin-Kuril Region in 2011? | A. Kaev A. Koynov L. Romasenko | SakhNIRO | October 2012 |
1400 (Rev.1) | Russia | Marked Salmon Production by the Hatcheries of Russian in 2012 | E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev | SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO | October 2012 |
1401 | Japan | Japan Salmon Commercial Fisheries Catch Statistics for 2011 | K. Sasaki T. Saito T. Nagasawa | FRA, Sapporo | September 2012 |
1402 | Japan | Preliminary 2011 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | K. Sasaki S. Takahashi | FRA, Sapporo | September 2012 |
1403 | Canada | Nonrandom Distribution of Canadian Sockeye Salmon Rearing in the Bering Sea and Coastal Gulf of Alaska | T. Beacham J. Candy S. Tucker S. Sato S. Urawa J. Moss M. Trudel | DFO, Nanaimo FRA, Sapporo Auke Bay, NMFS, NOAA | October 2012 |
1404 | Canada | Concordant Distribution, Abundance and Growth of Juvenile Pink, Chum and Sockeye Salmon in Eastern Pacific Coastal Waters | S. Tucker M. Thiess J. Morris A. Mazumder M. Trudel | DFO, Nanaimo UVic | September 2012 |
1405 | USA | Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2011 Season | E. Volk R. Josephson | ADFG, Juneau | September 2012 |
1406 | USA | Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Alaska in 2011 | D. Oxman | ADFG, Juneau | September 2012 |
1407 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2012 | P. Nelson R. Narita | NMFS, NOAA | September 2012 |
1408 | Korea | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2012 | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim D.H. Kim | FIRA | September 2012 |
1409 | Korea | Recoveries of Coded Wire Tag for Chum Salmon in Korea in 2011 | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim S.J. Lee | FIRA | September 2012 |
1410 | Korea | Monitoring of Fish Pathogenic Viruses from Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Korea | C.H. Jeon R. Suebsing K.E. Hong M.J. Oh J.H. Kim | K(G)NU FIRA CNU | September 2012 |
1411 | Korea | Korea Research Plan for Salmon in 2013 | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim K.Y. Park | FIRA | September 2012 |
1412 | Korea | Otolith Thermal Mark for Brood Year 2011 and Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2012 Chum Salmon in Korea | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim K.S. Kim T.Y. Kim | FIRA | September 2012 |
1413 (Rev.1) | Russia | Interannual Variability in Size and Age Structure of Russian Chum Salmon Stocks | O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin L. Zavarina V. Volobuev S. Marchenko S. Zolotuhin N. Kaplanova E. Podorozhnyuk A. Goryainov A. Lysenko A. Kaev Y. Ignat’ev E. Denisenko Y. Khoklov O. Rassadnikov | TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO MagadanNIRO KhfTINRO SakhNIRO ChukotTINRO | September 2012 |
1414 (Rev.1) | USA | Forecasting Pink Salmon Harvest in Southeast Alaska from Juvenile Salmon Abundance and Associated Biophysical Parameters: 2011 Returns and 2012 Forecast | A. Wertheimer J. Orsi A. Fergusson J. Moss V. Tuttle | NOAA, NMFS, Auke Bay, Juneau | September 2012 |
1415 | USA | High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2012 | A. Celewycz E. Fergusson J. Moss V. Tuttle | NOAA, NMFS, NFSC, Auke Bay, Juneau | October 2012 |
1416 | USA | Effects of Aggregating Coastwide Genetic Baseline for Improved Mixture Resolution of High-seas Caught Salmon | J. Guyon | NMFS Auke Bay, Juneau | October 2012 |
1417 | Japan | Japanese Bibliography in 2011–2012 for NPAFC Science Plan | S. Sato T. Nagasawa S. Urawa | FRA, Sapporo | September 2012 |
1418 | Japan | Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Japan in Fall of 2011 and Spring of 2012 | Y. Okamoto T. Ohnuki S. Sato N. Watanabe Y. Miyauchi T. Arauchi M. Iida S. Urawa | FRA, Sapporo FRA, Shibetsu-gun FRA, Chitose FRA, Miyako FRA, Niigata | September 2012 |
1419 | Japan | The Summer 2012 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru | S. Sato T. Sato K. Ohmoto F. Takahashi | FRA, Sapporo FRA, Shibetsu-cho | September 2012 |
1420 | Canada | Canadian Enhanced Salmonid Production During 1978-2011 (1977–2010 Brood Years) | J. Sandher C. Lynch D. Willis R. Cook J. Irvine | DFO, Vancouver DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1421 | USA | United States Bibliography in 2011–2012 for NPAFC Science Plan | NMFS, Auke Bay, Juneau | September 2012 | |
1422 (Rev.2) | Canada Japan Korea Russia USA | Pacific Salmon Status and Abundance Trends – 2012 Update | NPAFC WGSA | September 2012 | |
1423 | Canada | An Early Marine Life History Strategy for Fraser River Sockeye Salmon | R. Beamish C. Neville R. Sweeting | DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1424 | Canada | Exceptionally Poor Survival of Chinook Salmon Entering the Strait of Georgia in 2007 is Consistent with the Synchronous Poor Survival of Other Pacific Salmon and Pacific Herring | R. Beamish R. Sweeting | DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1425 | Canada | A Proposal to Establish an International Year of the Salmon | R. Beamish | DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1426 | Canada | Estimating Winter Mortality in Juvenile Marble River Chinook Salmon | M. Trudel K. Middleton S. Tucker M. Thiess J. Morris J. Candy A. Mazumder T. Beacham | DFO, Nanaimo UVic | September 2012 |
1427 | Canada | Relating Spatial and Temporal Scales of Climate and Ocean Variability to Survival of Pacific Northwest Chinook: A Summary | L. Vélez-Espino R. Sharma A. Wertheimer N. Mantua R. Francis | DFO, Nanaimo CRITFC FTS UW | September 2012 |
1428 (Rev.1) | USA | Annual Survey of Juvenile Salmon, Ecologically-related Species, and Biophysical Factors in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2011 | J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant W. Heard E. Farley | NMFS, Auke Bay, Juneau | September 2012 |
1429 | Canada | Temporal Growth Patterns of Big Qualicum River Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the North Pacific Ocean | G. Oka J. Irvine C. Holt M. Trudel S. Tucker D. Gillespie L. Fitzpatrick | DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1430 (Rev.1) | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2011 | TINRO-Center VNIRO | September 2012 | |
1431 | Canada | Salmon Assessment and Monitoring in British Columbia and Yukon | A. Tompkins N. Komick M. Thiess | DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1432 | Canada | Canadian Bibliography of 2010–2012 Publications Linked to the Current NPAFC Science Plan | J. Irvine T. Beacham M. Trudel A. Tompkins M. Saunders | DFO, Nanaimo | September 2012 |
1434 | Secretariat | Abstracts of Scientific Documents Submitted to the Commission for the 2012 Annual Meeting: Forecast of Pacific Salmon Production in the Ocean Ecosystems under Changing Climate | October 2012 | ||
1438 | Canada Japan Korea Russia USA | Recoveries of High-seas Tags in 2011 and Tag Releases in 2012 from High-seas Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean | NPAFC WGST | October 2012 |
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