North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2012 (Documents 1367–1438)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
1367 USA Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Survey Plan for 2012 J. Orsi M. Sturdevant E. Fergusson W. Heard E. Farley NMFS, Auke Bay February 2012
1372 (Rev.1) USA Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2012 Salmon in Alaska D. Oxman NADFG, Juneau March 2012
1373 Canada Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2012–2013 M. Trudel C. Neville R. Sweeting DFO, Nanaimo March 2012
1374 Canada Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from Canada, Brood Year 2012 S. DiNovo D. O’Brien DFO, Nanaimo March 2012
1376 Russia Trawl Survey Plans for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Far Eastern Seas in Summer and Fall 2012 by Russia O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin A. Starovoytov A. Bugaev TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO March 2012
1377 Russia Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2012 Salmon in Russia E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev E. Fomin SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO March 2012
1379 Canada Canadian Research in 2012 Relevant to the NPAFC Salmon Science Plan for 2011–2015 J. Irvine M. Trudel A. Tompkins T. Beacham M. Saunders DFO, Nanaimo March 2012
1380 USA United States Cruise Plan for BASIS on R/V Oscar Dyson, August–October 2012 Auke Bay, Juneau March 2012
1381 USA United States Cruise Plan BASIS-North Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, August–October 2012 Auke Bay, Juneau March 2012
1382 USA United States Cruise Plan for The Gulf of Alaska Project, July–August 2012 Auke Bay, Juneau March 2012
1383 Japan Results of 2011 Salmon by the Oshoro maru M. Ohwada K. Sakaoka N. Hoshi T. Abe K. Imai S. Takagi HU, Hokodate March 2012
1384 Japan Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fish by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2011 S. Urawa T. Nagasawa FRA, Sapporo March 2012
1385 Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2012 S. Urawa T. Nagasawa FRA, Sapporo March 2012
1386 (Rev.1) Japan Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2012 FRA, Yokohama March 2012
1387 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Otolith marks for Brood Year 2012 Salmon in Japan T. Ohnuki Y. Okamoto S. Sato S. Urawa FRA, Sapporo March 2012
1389 Canada Microsatellite Identification of Sockeye Salmon Rearing in the Bering Sea 2011 T. Beacham J. Candy S. Sato S. Urawa DFO, Nanaimo FRA, Sapporo October 2012
1396 (Rev. 1) Secretariat Format and Codes Used in the INPFC/NPAFC High-Seas Salmonid Tag-Recovery Database (1956–Present) October 2012
1397 Russia Review of Some Results of Russian Population Studies of Pacific Salmon in 2010 and 2011 A. Bugaev N. Shpigalskaya O. Shaporev V. Savin A. Chistyakova U. Muravskaya O. Saravansky KamchatNIRO October 2012
1398 Russia Decreases in Abundance of Immature Pacific Salmon in the Western Bering Sea from 2002 to 2011: Link to Hydrological and Forage Conditions A. Zavolokin G. Khen TINRO-Center September 2012
1399 (Rev.1) Russia Was There a Re-distribution of the Pink Salmon Migratory Flow Between Different Areas of Sakhalin-Kuril Region in 2011? A. Kaev A. Koynov L. Romasenko SakhNIRO October 2012
1400 (Rev.1) Russia Marked Salmon Production by the Hatcheries of Russian in 2012 E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO October 2012
1401 Japan Japan Salmon Commercial Fisheries Catch Statistics for 2011 K. Sasaki T. Saito T. Nagasawa FRA, Sapporo September 2012
1402 Japan Preliminary 2011 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan K. Sasaki S. Takahashi FRA, Sapporo September 2012
1403 Canada Nonrandom Distribution of Canadian Sockeye Salmon Rearing in the Bering Sea and Coastal Gulf of Alaska T. Beacham J. Candy S. Tucker S. Sato S. Urawa J. Moss M. Trudel DFO, Nanaimo FRA, Sapporo Auke Bay, NMFS, NOAA October 2012
1404 Canada Concordant Distribution, Abundance and Growth of Juvenile Pink, Chum and Sockeye Salmon in Eastern Pacific Coastal Waters S. Tucker M. Thiess J. Morris A. Mazumder M. Trudel DFO, Nanaimo UVic September 2012
1405 USA Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2011 Season E. Volk R. Josephson ADFG, Juneau September 2012
1406 USA Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Alaska in 2011 D. Oxman ADFG, Juneau September 2012
1407 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2012 P. Nelson R. Narita NMFS, NOAA September 2012
1408 Korea Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2012 K.E. Hong J.K. Kim D.H. Kim FIRA September 2012
1409 Korea Recoveries of Coded Wire Tag for Chum Salmon in Korea in 2011 K.E. Hong J.K. Kim S.J. Lee FIRA September 2012
1410 Korea Monitoring of Fish Pathogenic Viruses from Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Korea C.H. Jeon R. Suebsing K.E. Hong M.J. Oh J.H. Kim K(G)NU FIRA CNU September 2012
1411 Korea Korea Research Plan for Salmon in 2013 K.E. Hong J.K. Kim K.Y. Park FIRA September 2012
1412 Korea Otolith Thermal Mark for Brood Year 2011 and Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2012 Chum Salmon in Korea K.E. Hong J.K. Kim K.S. Kim T.Y. Kim FIRA September 2012
1413 (Rev.1) Russia Interannual Variability in Size and Age Structure of Russian Chum Salmon Stocks O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin L. Zavarina V. Volobuev S. Marchenko S. Zolotuhin N. Kaplanova E. Podorozhnyuk A. Goryainov A. Lysenko A. Kaev Y. Ignat’ev E. Denisenko Y. Khoklov O. Rassadnikov TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO MagadanNIRO KhfTINRO SakhNIRO ChukotTINRO September 2012
1414 (Rev.1) USA Forecasting Pink Salmon Harvest in Southeast Alaska from Juvenile Salmon Abundance and Associated Biophysical Parameters: 2011 Returns and 2012 Forecast A. Wertheimer J. Orsi A. Fergusson J. Moss V. Tuttle NOAA, NMFS, Auke Bay, Juneau September 2012
1415 USA High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2012 A. Celewycz E. Fergusson J. Moss V. Tuttle NOAA, NMFS, NFSC, Auke Bay, Juneau October 2012
1416 USA Effects of Aggregating Coastwide Genetic Baseline for Improved Mixture Resolution of High-seas Caught Salmon J. Guyon NMFS Auke Bay, Juneau October 2012
1417 Japan Japanese Bibliography in 2011–2012 for NPAFC Science Plan S. Sato T. Nagasawa S. Urawa FRA, Sapporo September 2012
1418 Japan Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Japan in Fall of 2011 and Spring of 2012 Y. Okamoto T. Ohnuki S. Sato N. Watanabe Y. Miyauchi T. Arauchi M. Iida S. Urawa FRA, Sapporo FRA, Shibetsu-gun FRA, Chitose FRA, Miyako FRA, Niigata September 2012
1419 Japan The Summer 2012 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru S. Sato T. Sato K. Ohmoto F. Takahashi FRA, Sapporo FRA, Shibetsu-cho September 2012
1420 Canada Canadian Enhanced Salmonid Production During 1978-2011 (1977–2010 Brood Years) J. Sandher C. Lynch D. Willis R. Cook J. Irvine DFO, Vancouver DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1421 USA United States Bibliography in 2011–2012 for NPAFC Science Plan NMFS, Auke Bay, Juneau September 2012
1422 (Rev.2) Canada Japan Korea Russia USA Pacific Salmon Status and Abundance Trends – 2012 Update NPAFC WGSA September 2012
1423 Canada An Early Marine Life History Strategy for Fraser River Sockeye Salmon R. Beamish C. Neville R. Sweeting DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1424 Canada Exceptionally Poor Survival of Chinook Salmon Entering the Strait of Georgia in 2007 is Consistent with the Synchronous Poor Survival of Other Pacific Salmon and Pacific Herring R. Beamish R. Sweeting DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1425 Canada A Proposal to Establish an International Year of the Salmon R. Beamish DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1426 Canada Estimating Winter Mortality in Juvenile Marble River Chinook Salmon M. Trudel K. Middleton S. Tucker M. Thiess J. Morris J. Candy A. Mazumder T. Beacham DFO, Nanaimo UVic September 2012
1427 Canada Relating Spatial and Temporal Scales of Climate and Ocean Variability to Survival of Pacific Northwest Chinook: A Summary L. Vélez-Espino R. Sharma A. Wertheimer N. Mantua R. Francis DFO, Nanaimo CRITFC FTS UW September 2012
1428 (Rev.1) USA Annual Survey of Juvenile Salmon, Ecologically-related Species, and Biophysical Factors in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2011 J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant W. Heard E. Farley NMFS, Auke Bay, Juneau September 2012
1429 Canada Temporal Growth Patterns of Big Qualicum River Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the North Pacific Ocean G. Oka J. Irvine C. Holt M. Trudel S. Tucker D. Gillespie L. Fitzpatrick DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1430 (Rev.1) Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2011 TINRO-Center VNIRO September 2012
1431 Canada Salmon Assessment and Monitoring in British Columbia and Yukon A. Tompkins N. Komick M. Thiess DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1432 Canada Canadian Bibliography of 2010–2012 Publications Linked to the Current NPAFC Science Plan J. Irvine T. Beacham M. Trudel A. Tompkins M. Saunders DFO, Nanaimo September 2012
1434 Secretariat Abstracts of Scientific Documents Submitted to the Commission for the 2012 Annual Meeting: Forecast of Pacific Salmon Production in the Ocean Ecosystems under Changing Climate October 2012
1438 Canada Japan Korea Russia USA Recoveries of High-seas Tags in 2011 and Tag Releases in 2012 from High-seas Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean NPAFC WGST October 2012