North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

2014 (Documents 1499–1542)

The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)

ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.

NOTE: Click on document # to download.

Doc.# Origin Title Author Organization Date
1499 Japan Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2014 S. Urawa T. Nagasawa S. Sato FRA, Sapporo March 2014
1501 Russia Revision of Data on Pink Salmon Abundance in East Sakhalin and Kuril Islands A. Kaev N. Klovach SakhNIRO March 2014
1502 Russia Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2013 N. Klovach O. Temnykh V. Shevlyakov A. Bugaev A. Kaev V. Volobuev VNIRO TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO March 2014
1503 Japan Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2014 FRA March 2014
1504 Russia Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2014 Salmon in Russia E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev E. Fomin SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO March 2014
1505 Russia Trawl Survey Plans for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Far Eastern Seas in Summer and Fall 2014 by Russia O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin A. Starovoytov TINRO-Center April 2014
1506 Russia Russian Bibliography of 2013 Publications Linked to the Current NPAFC Science Plan A. Zavolokin O. Temnykh S. Naydenko M. Koval N. Klovach V. Volobuev A. Kaev A. Zhivoglyadov E. Golub V. Ostrovsky TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO VNIRO MagadanNIRO SakhNIRO ChutTINRO KhfTINRO April 2014
1507 Russia Spatial Distribution of Pink Salmon in the Subarctic Front Zone in Winter and Spring A. Figurkin S. Naydenko TINRO-Center April 2014
1508 USA Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Survey Plan for 2014 J. Orsi E. Fergusson E. Farley R. Heintz Auke Bay, Juneau March 2014
1509 USA Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2014 Salmon in Alaska D. Oxman ADFG, Juneau April 2014
1510 USA Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Alaska in 2013 D. Oxman ADFG, Juneau April 2014
1511 Canada Microsatellite Identification of Sockeye Salmon Rearing in the Bering Sea During 2009–2013 T. Beacham J. Candy S. Sato S. Urawa PBS FRA, Sapporo May 2014
1512 Secretariat Data Files from Data Storage Tags Placed on Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout by the High Seas Salmon Research Program, University of Washington April 2014
1513 Japan Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2013 S. Urawa T. Nagasawa FRA, Sapporo April 2014
1514 Japan Results of 2013 Salmon Research by the Oshoro maru M. Ohwada K. Sakaoka N. Hoshi T. Abe K. Imai S. Takagi HU March 2014
1515 Japan Preliminary Statistics for 2013 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan K. Sasaki T. Saito T. Nagasawa FRA, Sapporo April 2014
1516 Japan Preliminary 2013 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan A. Nakashima K. Sasaki FRA, Sapporo April 2014
1517 (Rev.1) Japan Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2014 Salmon in Japan Y. Tomida T. Ohnuki S. Urawa FRA, Sapporo April 2014
1518 Japan The Summer 2013 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru S. Sato T. Sato T. Ohkubo S. Nakamura M. Kagaya FRA, Sapporo HU FRA, Chitose April 2014
1519 Russia USA Genetic Variation Among Major Sockeye Salmon Populations in Kamchatka Peninsula Inferred from SNP and Microsatellite DNA Analyses A. Khrustaleva M. Limborg J. Seeb VNIRO UW April 2014
1520 Canada Bibliography of Publications on the Marine Ecology of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in North America, 2006–2014 E. Hertz M. Trudel UVic PBS March 2014
1521 USA Stock Composition Analysis of Juvenile Chum and Chinook Salmon Captured on the 2012 Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea Research Surveys C. Kondzela C. Guthrie C. Marvin J. Whittle H. Nguyen C. Ramsower J. Guyon Auke Bay, Juneau UAGC April 2014
1522 USA United States Cruise Plan for The Gulf of Alaska Project, July–August 2014 J. Moss Auke Bay, Juneau April 2014
1523 USA United States Cruise Plan for BASIS on the R/V Oscar Dyson, August–October 2014 E. Farley Auke Bay, Juneau April 2014
1524 Canada SALOSIS (Salmon Ocean Surveillance Information System) S. McKinnell M. Trudel SI PBS April 2014
1525 Korea Korean Chum Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2013–2014 K.E. Hong J.K. Kim D.H. Kim FIRA April 2014
1526 Korea Korean Research Plan for Salmon in 2014 K.E. Hong J.K. Kim H.Y. Song FIRA April 2014
1527 Korea Otolith Thermal Mark for Brood Year 2013 and Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2014 Chum Salmon in Korea K.E. Hong J.K. Kim S.M. Yoon FIRA April 2014
1528 USA High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2013 A. Celewycz E. Fergusson J. Moss J. Orsi Auke Bay, Juneau April 2014
1529 Canada Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2014–2015 M. Trudel C. Neville PBS April 2014
1530 USA United States Cruise Plan for Northern Bering Sea Surface Trawl Surveys, August–September 2014 K. Howard J. Murphy ADFG Auke Bay, Juneau April 2014
1531 Canada Canadian Commercial Catches and Escapements of Chinook and Coho Salmon Separated into Hatchery- and Wild-Origin Fish A. Ogden J. Irvine M. O’Brien N. Komick G. Brown A. Tompkins PBS April 2014
1532 Canada Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from Canada, Brood Year 2014 S. DiNovo W. Luedke DFO, Nanaimo April 2014
1533 USA Improvements to the Range-Wide Genetic Baseline for Chum Salmon Through the Western Alaska Salmon Stock Identification Program (WASSIP) and PacSNP Collaboration W. Templin C. Habich L. Seeb J. Seeb E. Volk ADFG UW April 2014
1534 Secretariat Abstracts of Scientific Documents Submitted to the Commission for the 2014 CSRS Meeting: Forecast of Pacific Salmon Production in the Ocean Ecosystems Under Changing Climate April 2014
1535 (Rev.1) Canada Japan Korea Russia USA Recoveries of High Seas Tags in 2012–2013 and Tag Releases in 2013 from High Seas Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean NPAFC Working Group on Salmon Tagging April 2014
1536 Japan Japanese Bibliography in 2012–2014 for NPAFC Science Plan S. Sato T. Nagasawa S. Urawa FRA, Sapporo April 2014
1542 USA Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf Of Alaska, 1990–2013 G. Schnaittacher R. Narita NMFS, Seattle May 2014