North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
1553 (Rev.1) | Russia | Marked Salmon Production by the Hatcheries of Russia in 2014 | E. Akinicheva V. Volobuev E. Fomin | SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO | October 2014 |
1554 | USA | Annual Survey of Juvenile Salmon, Ecologically-Related Species, and Biophysical Factors in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2013 | J. Orsi E. Ferguson | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | December 2014 |
1555 | USA | Forecasting Pink Salmon Harvest in Southeast Alaska from Juvenile Salmon Abundance and Associated Biophysical Parameters: 2013 Returns and 2014 Forecast | A. Wertheimer J. Orsi E. Ferguson M. Sturdevant | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | December 2014 |
1556 | USA | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Survey Plan for 2015 | J. Orsi E. Ferguson E. Yasumiishi E. Farley R. Heintz | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | February 2015 |
1557 | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2015 | S. Urawa S. Sato T. Nagasawa | FRA, Sapporo | March 2015 |
1563 (Rev.1) | Japan | Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fishes in the North Pacific Ocean in 2015 | FRA, Yokohama | March 2015 | |
1564 | USA | Gulf of Alaska Assessment Survey Plan for 2015 | J. Moss W. Strasburger C.W. Debenham | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | March 2015 |
1565 (Rev.4) | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2014 | N. Klovach O. Temnykh V. Shevlyakov E. Golub A. Kanzeparova E. Shevlyakov A. Kaev V. Volobuev | VNIRO TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO | March 2015 |
1566 | Russia | Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2015 Salmon in Russia | E. Akinicheva J. Batyuk V. Volobuev E. Fomin | SakhNIRO MagadanNIRO | March 2015 |
1568 | USA | Releases of Otolith Marked Salmon from Alaska in 2014 | D. Oxman | ADFG | March 2015 |
1569 | USA | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2015 Salmon in Alaska | D. Oxman | ADFG | April 2015 |
1570 | USA | United States Cruise Plan for Northern Bering Sea Surface Trawl Surveys, August–September 2015 | K. Howard J. Murphy | ADFG ABL, AFSC, Juneau | April 2015 |
1571 (Rev.1) | Russia | Russian Bibliography of 2014 Publications Linked to the Current NPAFC Science Plan | A. Zavolokin O. Temnykh S. Naydenko M. Koval N. Klovach V. Volobuev A. Zhivoglyadov E. Golub V. Ostrovsky | TINRO-Center KamchatNIRO VNIRO MagadanNIRO SakhNIRO ChukotTINRO KhfTINRO | April 2015 |
1572 | Russia | Trawl Survey Plans for Pacific Salmon Marine Life Period Studies in the Far Eastern Seas in Summer and Fall 2015 by Russia | O. Temnykh A. Zavolokin | TINRO-Center | April 2015 |
1573 | USA | United States Cruise Plan for BASIS on the NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson, September–October 2015 | A. Andrews | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | March 2015 |
1574 | USA | United States National Research Plan 2015 | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | March 2015 | |
1575 | Canada | Bibliography of Sockeye, Pink, and Chum Salmon Marine Growth- and Size-at-Age Publications | A. Ogden J. Irvine | PBS | April 2015 |
1576 | USA | Short Review of Next Generation Sequencing Software used for Salmon Analyses – 2012–2014 | J. Guyon | ABL, AFSC, Juneau | April 2015 |
1577 (Rev.1) | Korea | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2014–2015 | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim D.H. Lee | FIRA | April 2015 |
1578 | Korea | Korean Research Plan for Salmon in 2015 | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim D.H. Lee | FIRA | April 2015 |
1579 (Rev.1) | Korea | Otolith Thermal Mark for Brood Year 2014 and Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2015 Chum Salmon in Korea | K.E. Hong J.K. Kim S.M. Yoon | FIRA | April 2015 |
1580 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2014 | G. Schnaittacher R. Narita | NMFS, Seattle | April 2015 |
1581 | Japan | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2014 | S. Urawa T. Nagasawa | FRA, Sapporo | April 2015 |
1582 | Japan | Otolith Marked Salmon Released from Japan Between the Fall of 2013 and Spring of 2014 | Y. Tomida T. Ohnuki S. Urawa S. Toda Y. Goda K. Ohmoto M. Katou | FRA, Sapporo FRA, Nakashibetsu FRA, Miyagi FRA, Niigata | April 2015 |
1583 | Japan | The Summer 2014 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokku maru | S. Sato T. Sato K. Suzuki T. Nakamura A. Seitz | FRA, Sapporo HU UAF | April 2015 |
1584 | Japan | Results of 2014 Salmon Research by the Oshoro maru | N. Hoshi K. Sakaoka T. Abe M. Ohwada K. Imai S. Takagi | HU | April 2015 |
1585 | Japan | Preliminary Statistics for 2014 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Y. Hirabayashi T. Saito T. Nagasawa | FRA, Sapporo | April 2015 |
1586 | Japan | Preliminary 2014 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | A. Nakashima Y. Hirabayashi | FRA, Sapporo | April 2015 |
1587 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Otolith Marks for Brood Year 2015 Salmon in Japan | Y. Tomida T. Ohnuki S. Urawa | FRA, Sapporo | April 2015 |
1588 | USA | Pacific Salmon Escapement Estimation Methods and Data for Alaska | E. Volk A. Munro | ADFG | April 2015 |
1589 | Canada | Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2015–2016 | C. Neville M. Trudel | DFO | April 2015 |
1591 (Rev.2) | USA | High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2012–2014 | M. Masuda A. Celewycz E. Fergusson J. Moss J. Orsi V. Tuttle T. Holland | ABL, AFSC, Juneau NMFS, Seattle | April 2015 |
1592 (Rev.1) | Canada | Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from Canada, Brood Year 2015 | S. DiNovo W. Luedke | DFO | April 2015 |
1593 | Canada | SALOSIS Project: Associations Between Hydrographic Properties of the North Pacific Ocean and Salmon Catches on the High Seas Along 155°E, 175°E, and 145°W From 1988–2001 | S. McKinnell M. Trudel | SI DFO | April 2015 |
1594 | Canada/USA | Provisional Abundance Estimates of Adult Hatchery and Wild Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon by Region of the North Pacific, 1952–2010 | G. Ruggerone J. Irvine | NRC DFO | April 2015 |
1595 | Secretariat | Abstract of Scientific Documents Submitted to the Commission for the 2015 CSRS Meeting: Forecast of Pacific Salmon Production in the Ocean Ecosystems under Changing Climate | April 2015 | ||
1598 | Japan | Japanese Bibliography in 2014–2015 for NPAFC Science Plan | S. Sato T. Nagasawa S. Urawa | FRA | April 2015 |
1600 (Rev.1) | Canada Japan Korea Russia USA | Recoveries of High Seas Tags and Tag Releases from High Seas Research Vessel Surveys in 2014 North America, 2014–2015 | NPAFC Working Group on Salmon Tagging | April 2015 | |
1601 | Canada | Bibliography of Publications on the Marine Ecology of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in North America, 2014–2015 | E. Hertz M. Trudel | UVic DFO | April 2015 |
1602 | Canada Japan Korea Russia USA | Report of the International, Year of the Salmon Study, Group Scoping Workshop | NPAFC IYS Study Group | April 2015 | |
1603 | Canada | Seasonal Distribution of Juvenile Vancouver Island Chinook Salmon | S. Tucker T. Beacham M. Trudel | Uvic DFO | May 2015 |
1604 | Canada | Pacific Salmon Escapement Estimation Methods and Data for Canada | A. Tompkins B. Baxter | DFO | May 2015 |
1606 | Canada | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2013 and 2014 | A. Tompkins S. Hamilton J. Bateman | DFO | May 2015 |
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