North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Below is a list of papers and reports related to the status of NPAFC-related anadromous stocks.
Year | Title | Author | Source |
2024 | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring Survey May–July 2022 | Strasburger et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2167 |
2024 | Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2024 | J. King | NPAFC Doc. 2160 |
2024 | Population Structure of Chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta in Korea inferred from microsatellite analysis | E.A. Kim and S.G. Kim | NPAFC Doc. 2157 |
2024 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2023–2024 | Choi et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2155 |
2024 | A Coastwide Chum Salmon Genetic Baseline for Western Alaska and High-Seas Genetic Stock Identification | Barclay et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2153 |
2024 | Summary of Alaska’s 2023 Pacific Salmon Escapement and Commercial Harvest | A. Munro | NPAFC Doc. 2152 |
2024 | Release of Marked Salmon from Russian Hatcheries in 2023 | Akinicheva et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2147 |
2024 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2023 | G. Schnaittacher | NPAFC Doc. 2146 |
2024 | Results of 2023 Salmon Research by T/V Oshoro maru | Sato et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2145 |
2024 | Report on Japanese Salmon Research Cruises in the North Pacific Ocean in 2023 | Sato et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2144 |
2024 | Preliminary 2023 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Y. Miyauchi and Y. Sotoyama | NPAFC Doc. 2140 |
2024 | Preliminary Statistics for 2023 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Y. Sotoyama and T. Morishita | NPAFC Doc. 2139 |
2024 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2023 | S. Sato | NPAFC Doc. 2138 |
2024 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production 2020–2023 | O’Brien et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2136 |
2023 | Preliminary Findings of the 2022 International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition | NPAFC IYS Working Group | NPAFC Doc. 2110 |
2023 | Summary of Alaska’s 2022 Pacific Salmon Escapement and Commercial Harvest | A. Munro | NPAFC Doc. 2104 |
2023 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2022 | G. Schnaittacher | NPAFC Doc. 2103 |
2023 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2022–2023 | Choi et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2098 |
2023 | Canadian Juvenile Salmon Surveys in 2023–2024 | C. Neville and J. King | NPAFC Doc. 2095 |
2023 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2022 | Kanzeparova et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2094 (Rev. 1) |
2023 | Results of 2022 Salmon Research by T/V Oshoro maru | Kojima et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2091 |
2023 | Report on Japanese Salmon Research Cruises in the North Pacific Ocean in 2022 | Sato et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2090 |
2023 | The Summer 2022 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru | Honda et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2088 |
2023 | Preliminary 2022 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Y. Miyauchi and Y. Sotoyama | NPAFC Doc. 2085 |
2023 | Preliminary Statistics for 2022 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Y. Sotoyama and T. Morishita | NPAFC Doc. 2084 |
2023 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2022 | S. Sato | NPAFC Doc. 2083 |
2023 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production 2019–2022 | Velez-Espino et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2079 |
2023 | Preliminary Findings of the International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition Onboard the R/V TINRO during March 2–20, 2022 | Somov et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2061 |
2023 | Preliminary Findings of the International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition Onboard the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada, February 1–March 7, 2022 | Weitkamp et al. | NPAFC Doc. 2060 |
2022 | Preliminary Findings of the International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition Onboard the F/V Northwest Explorer during April 3–17, 2022 | Murphy, J. Dimond, J. Price, E. Lerner, J. Sheridan, T. Baker, M. Graham, C. Farley, E. Saunders, M. | NPAFC Doc. 2054 |
2022 | Preliminary Summary of Information Collected During the Gillnet and Longline Survey Onboard the F/V Raw Spirit from February 25–March 25, 2022 as Part of the 2022 International Year of the Salmon | Neville, C. Beamish, R. Riddell, B. | NPAFC Doc. 2049 |
2022 | Preliminary Findings of the International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition Onboard the CCGS Sir John Franklin during February 19–March 21, 2022 | King, J. Freshwater, C. Tabata, A. Zubkowski, T. | NPAFC Doc. 2048 Rev. 1 |
2022 | Juvenile Salmon Migration Observations from the Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program in the Discovery Islands in British Columbia, Canada in 2021 | Johnson, B. Bachen, K. van der Stap, T. Hunt, B. | NPAFC Doc. 2038 |
2022 | Results of 2021 Salmon Research by T/V Oshoro maru | Kojima, Y. Sato, T. Imai, K. Hoshi, N. Ohwada, M. Oguma, K. Sawada, K. Kamei, Y. | NPAFC Doc. 2033 |
2022 | Report on Japanese Salmon Research Cruises in the North Pacific Ocean in 2021 | Sato, S. Sato, T. Ogura, Y. Fuji, T. Miyamoto, H. Suyama, S. | NPAFC Doc. 2032 |
2022 | The Summer 2021 Japanese Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru | Honda, K. Sato, T. Mizumoto, H. Yatsuya, M. Miyauchi, Y. Abe, T. Sato, S. | NPAFC Doc. 2030 |
2022 | Preliminary 2021 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Miyauchi, Y. Ohmoto, K. | NPAFC Doc. 2027 |
2022 | Preliminary Statistics for 2021 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Miyauchi, Y. Sotoyama, Y. | NPAFC Doc. 2026 |
2022 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2021 | Sato, S. | NPAFC Doc. 2025 |
2022 | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring Survey: Salmon Distribution, Abundance, Size, and Origin, 2020 | Murphy, J. Piston, A. Strasburger, W. Moss, J. Dimond, J. Heinl, S. Fergusson, E. Gray, A. | NPAFC Doc. 2023 |
2022 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2021 | Schnaittacher, G. | NPAFC Doc. 2022 |
2022 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2021–2022 | Choi, J.K. Lee, C.I. Kim, N.R. | NPAFC Doc. 2015 Rev. 1 |
2022 | Summary of Alaska’s 2021 Pacific Salmon Escapement and Commercial Harvest | A. Munro | NPAFC Doc. 2010 |
2022 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production 2018–2021 | Velez-Espino, A. Ramshaw, B. Parsley, J. Burnett, K. | NPAFC Doc. 2009 |
2022 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2021 | Kanzeparova, A. Naydenko, S. Shevlyakov, V. Lysenko, A. Bugaev, A. Kaev, A. Khovanskaya, L. Podorozhnyuk, E. Golub, E. | NPAFC Doc. 2003 |
2021 | Canada’s 2020 Report on Recent Pacific Salmon Abundance and Ecosystem Trends | Grant, S.C.H. MacDonald, B.L. Lewis, D. Wilson, N. Boldt, J.L. King, J. Ross, T. Perry, R.I. Patterson, D.A. Robinson, K.A. Selbie, D.T. Hannah, C.G. Velez-Espino, A. | NPAFC Doc. 1984 |
2021 | Summary of 2020 Alaska Pacific Salmon Escapement and Commercial Harvest | Munro, A.R. | NPAFC Doc. 1969 |
2021 | Report on Two Japanese Salmon Research Cruises by R/V Hokko maru in the North Pacific Ocean in 2020 | Sato, S. Sato, T. Fuji, T. Suyama, S. Fukuwaka, M. | NPAFC Doc. 1967 |
2021 | The Summer 2020 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru | Honda, K. Sato, T. Sugawara, F. Mamasaki, K. Suzuki, K. Sato, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1965 |
2021 | Preliminary 2020 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Miyauchi, Y. Kusumo, K. | NPAFC Doc. 1962 Rev. 1 |
2021 | Preliminary Statistics for 2020 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Miyauchi, Y. Saito, T. | NPAFC Doc. 1961 |
2021 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fish by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2020 | Sato, S. Suzuki, K. | NPAFC Doc. 1960 |
2021 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2020–2021 | Choi, K.S. Lee, C.I. Kim, N.R. | NPAFC Doc. 1958 |
2021 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2020 | Marchenko, S.L. Bugaev, A.V. Kanzeparova, A.N. Khovanskaya, L.L. Lysenko, A.V. Golub, E.V. Kaev, A.M. Kozlova, T.V. | NPAFC Doc. 1952 Rev. 1 |
2021 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2020 | Schnaittacher, G.M. Narita, R.E. | NPAFC Doc. 1951 |
2021 | Juvenile Salmon Migration Observations from the Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program in the Discovery Islands in British Columbia, Canada in 2020 | Johnson, B. Gan, C.L. Hunt, B.P.V. | NPAFC Doc. 1943 |
2021 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2017–2020 | Velez-Espino, A. Ramshaw, B. Hamilton, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1941 |
2020 | Preliminary Findings of the Second Salmon Gulf of Alaska Expedition Onboard the R/V Pacific Legacy March 11–April 7, 2020 as part of the International Year of the Salmon | Somov, A. Blaine, T. Deeg, C.M. Esenkulova, S. Frost, T.J. Garcia, S. Grigorov, I.V. Hunt, B.P.V. Kanzeparova, A. LaForge, R.V. Lerner, J.E. Mahara, N. Nevelle, C.M Pakhomov, E.A. Biddell, B. Strasburger, W.W. Beamish, R.J. | NPAFC Doc. 1930 Rev. 1 |
2020 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2019–2020 | Kim, H.N. Lee, S. Lee, C.I. Kim, N.R. | NPAFC Doc. 1897 |
2020 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by U.S. Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2019 | Schnaittacher, G.M. Narita, R.E. | NPAFC Doc. 1891 |
2020 | The Summer 2019 Japanese Salmon Research Cruise of the R/V Hokko maru | Honda, K. Sato, T. Minowa, Y. Ohashi, R. Abe, T. Kuroda, M. Ueda, K. Suzuki, K. Sato, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1888 |
2020 | Preliminary 2019 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Fukuzawa, H. Gohda, Y | NPAFC Doc. 1885 Rev. 1 |
2020 | Preliminary Statistics for 2019 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Gohda, Y. Saito, T. | NPAFC Doc. 1884 |
2020 | Results of 2019 Salmon Research by the Oshoro maru | Sato, T. Sakaoka, K. Hoshi, N. Imai, K. Ohwada, M. Oguma, K. Sawada, K. Takagi, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1883 |
2020 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2019 | Sato, S. Suzuki, K. Urawa, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1882 |
2020 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2019 | Klovach, N.V. Temnykh, O.S. Shevlyakov, V.A. Naydenko, S.V. Lysenko, A.V. Bugaev, A.V. Kaev, A.M. Yamborko, A.V. Ostrovsky, V.I. Golub, E.V. | NPAFC Doc. 1876 Rev. 1 |
2019 | Summary of Preliminary Findings of the International Gulf of Alaska Expedition Onboard the R/V Professor Kaganovskiy During February 16–March 18, 2019 | Pakhomov, E. Deeg, C. Esenkulova, S. Foley, G. Hunt, B. Ivanov, A. Jung, H.K. Kantakov, G. Kanzeparova, A. Neville, C. Radchenko, V. Shurpa, I. Slabinsky, A. Somov, A. Urawa, S. Vazhova, A. Vishnu, P. Waters, C. Weitkamp, L. Zuev, M. Beamish, R. | NPAFC Doc. 1858 |
2019 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2018 | Schnaittacher, G.M. Narita, R.E. | NPAFC Doc. 1855 |
2019 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2017 and 2018 | Thiess, M.E. Bateman, J. Hamilton, S. Beere, M. | NPAFC Doc. 1837 |
2019 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catch, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2018 | Klovach, N.V. Temnykh O.S. Shevlyakov V.A. Lysenko A.V. Golub E.V. Burlak O.V. Bugaev, A. Kaev A.M. Golovanov I.S. Ostrovsky, V. | NPAFC Doc. 1836 |
2019 | Preliminary 2018 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Fukuzawa, H. Gohda, Y. | NPAFC Doc. 1822 |
2019 | Preliminary Statistics for 2018 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Gohda, Y. Saito, T. | NPAFC Doc. 1821 |
2019 | Results of 2018 Salmon Research by the Oshoro maru | Sato, T. Inagaki, Y. Sakaoka, K. Imai, K. Ohwada, M. Oguma, K. Sawada, K. Takagi, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1820 |
2019 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2018 | Sato, S. Suzuki. K. Urawa, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1819 |
2018 | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, 1990–2017 | Schnaittacher, G.M. Narita, R.E. | NPAFC Doc. 1797 |
2018 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2016 and 2017 | Thiess, M.E. Bateman, J. Parsley, J. Hamilton, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1778 |
2018 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2017–2018 | Lee., D.H. Lee, C.I. Kim, N.R. | NPAFC Doc. 1773 |
2018 | Decreasing Area of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Distribution in the North Pacific in Summer 1982–2016 | Azumaya, T. Sato, E. Urawa, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1767 |
2018 | Preliminary 2017 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Fukuzawa, H. Hirabayashi, Y. | NPAFC Doc. 1762 |
2018 | Preliminary Statistics for 2017 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Hirabayashi, Y. Saito, T. | NPAFC Doc. 1761 |
2018 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2017 | Suzuki, K. Urawa, S. | NPAFC Doc. 1759 |
2018 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catch, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2017 | Klovach, N.V. Temnykh O.S. Shevlyakov V.A. Lysenko A.V. Golub E.V. Burlak O.V. Shevlyakov E.A. Kaev A.M. Golovanov I.S. | NPAFC Doc. 1749 |
2018 | Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2018 | FIRA | NPAFC Doc. 1742 |
2017 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2016 | Klovach, N.V. Temnykh O.S. Shevlyakov V.A. Golub E.V. Zolotukhin S.F. Shevlyakov E.A. Romasenko L.V. Volobuev V.V. | NPAFC Doc. 1724 |
2017 | Fraser River Sockeye: Abundance and Productivity Trends and Forecasts | Grant, S.C.H. B.L. MacDonald C.G.J. Michielsens | NPAFC Doc. 1722 |
2017 | Summary of Non-coastal Salmon Catch Data from the North Pacific Ocean | Irvine, J.R. | NPAFC Doc. 1716 Rev. 1 |
2017 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2015 and 2016 | Tompkins, A. P. Hall J. Bateman S. Hamilton | NPAFC Doc. 1714 |
2017 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2016–2017 | Hong, K.E. C.H. Lee D.H. Lee | NPAFC Doc. 1708 |
2017 | Preliminary 2016 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Fukuzawa, H. Y. Hirabayashi | NPAFC Doc. 1694 |
2017 | Preliminary Statistics for 2016 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Hirabayashi, Y. T. Saito | NPAFC Doc. 1693 |
2017 | Incidental Catches of Anadromous Fishes by Japanese Research Vessels in the North Pacific Ocean in 2016 | Suzuki, K. S. Urawa | NPAFC Doc. 1691 |
2017 | Results of 2016 Salmon Research in the Eastern Part of Okhotsk Sea by the R/V MRTK-316 | Klimov, A.V. V. G. Erokhin V. Bugaev | NPAFC Doc. 1689 |
2016 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2015 | Klovach, N. O. Temnykh V. Shevlyakov E. Golub A. Kanzeparova E. Shevlyakov L. Romasenko V. Volobuev | NPAFC Doc. 1624 |
2016 | Stock Estimates of Juvenile Chum Salmon Captured on the 2013 Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea Research Survey | Kondzela, C. J. Whittle C. Guthrie III J. Guyon | NPAFC Doc. 1633 |
2016 | Preliminary statistics for 2015 commercial salmon catches in Japan | Hirabayashi, Y. T. Saito T. Nagasawa | NPAFC Doc. 1636 |
2016 | Preliminary 2015 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Fukuzawa, H. Y. Hirabayashi | NPAFC Doc. 1637 |
2016 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2015–2016 | Hong, K.E. D.H. Lee J.K. Kim | NPAFC Doc. 1649 Rev. 3 |
2016 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2014 and 2015 with a Historical Overview of Recreational Steelhead Catches | Tompkins, A. S. Hamilton J. Bateman J. Irvine | NPAFC Doc. 1654 Rev. 1 |
2016 | Provisional Estimates of Numbers and Biomass for Natural-origin and Hatchery-origin Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon in the North Pacific, 1952–2015 | Irvine, J. G. Ruggerone | NPAFC Doc. 1660 |
2015 | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2014 | Klovach, N. O. Temnykh V. Shevlyakov E. Golub A. Kanzeparova E. Shevlyakov A. Kaev V. Volobuev | NPAFC Doc. 1565 Rev. 4 |
2015 | Korean Salmon Catch Statistics and Hatchery Releases in 2014–2015 | Hong, K.E. J.K. Kim D.H. Lee | NPAFC Doc. 1577 Rev. 1 |
2015 | Preliminary Statistics for 2014 Commercial Salmon Catches in Japan | Hirabayashi, Y. T. Saito T. Nagasawa | NPAFC Doc. 1585 |
2015 | Preliminary 2014 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | Nakashima, A. Y. Hirabayashi | NPAFC Doc. 1586 |
2015 | Pacific Salmon Escapement Estimation Methods and Data for Alaska | Volk, E. A. Munro | NPAFC Doc. 1588 |
2015 | Provisional Abundance Estimates of Adult Hatchery and Wild Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon by Region of the North Pacific, 1952–2010 | Ruggerone, G. J. Irvine | NPAFC Doc. 1594 |
2015 | Pacific Salmon Escapement Estimation Methods and Data for Canada | Tompkins, A. B. Baxter | NPAFC Doc. 1604 |
2015 | Canadian Salmon Catch and Enhanced Salmon Production in 2013 and 2014 | Tompkins, A. S. Hamilton J. Bateman | NPAFC Doc. 1606 |
2015 | Biological Monitoring of Key Salmon Populations: Japanese Chum Salmon | Saito, T. | NPAFC Newsletter 37:11–19 |
2014 | Revision of Data on Pink Salmon Abundance in East Sakhalin and Kuril Islands | Kaev, A.M. N.V. Klovach | NPAFC Doc. 1501 |
2014 | Canadian Commercial Catches and Escapements of Chinook and Coho Salmon Separated into Hatchery- and Wild-Origin Fish | Ogden, A.D. J.R. Irvine M. O’Brien N. Komick G. Brown A. Tompkins | NPAFC Doc. 1531 |
2014 | Biological Monitoring of Key Salmon Populations: Southeast Alaska Pink Salmon | Orsi, J. A. Piston E. Fergusson J. Joyce | NPAFC Newsletter 36:13–19 |
2014 | Biological Monitoring of Key Salmon Populations: Technological Improvements in Escapement Estimation in British Columbia | Tompkins, A. K. Benner S. Decker I. Winther C. McConnell J. Till | NPAFC Newsletter 36:20–25 |
2014 | Biological Monitoring of a Key Salmon Population: Ozernaya River Sockeye Salmon of West Kamchatka | Koval, M. E. Lepskaya V. Dubynin E. Shevlyakov | NPAFC Newsletter 35:15–20 |
2014 | Japanese Wild Salmon Research: Toward a Reconciliation Between Hatchery and Wild Salmon Management | Morita, K. | NPAFC Newsletter 35:4–14 |
2014 | Limit Reference Points for Pacific Salmon Fisheries | Portley, N. H.J. Geiger | North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:401–410. doi: 10.1080/02755947.2014.882453 |
2013 | Structure of Spawning Stocks of Four Pacific Salmon Species of the Olutorsky Bay (Bering Sea, Northeast Kamchatka) | Klovach, N. A. Elnikov A. Gritsenko | NPAFC Doc. 1488 |
2013 | The Population of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Anadyr River Basin, Chukotka AO, Russia | Baranov, S.B. | NPAFC Technical Report 9:146–149 |
2013 | A Brief on Korean Chum Salmon: Past and Future | Park, Y. K.E. Hong | NPAFC Newsletter 33:14–16 |
2013 | Structure of Sockeye Salmon Stocks in Bolshaya River Basin (Western Kamchatka) in 1986–2012 | Zaporozhets, O.M. G.V. Zaporozhets | Collection of scientific papers “Conservation of Biodiversity of Kamchatka and Coastal Waters”: 107–116. (in Russian with English abstract) |
2013 | Stock Dynamics and Biological Parameters of Pacific Salmons in the Bolshaya River (West Kamchatka) | Zaporozhets, O.M. G.V. Zaporozhets Zh.Kh. Zorbidi | Izvestiya TINRO 174: 38–68 (in Russian with English abstracts) |
2013 | Understanding Smolt Survival Trends in Sockeye Salmon | Irvine, J. R. S. A. Akenhead | Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 5: 303–328. doi:10.1080/19425120.2013.831002 |
2013 | Historical and Current Hatchery Programs and Management of Chum Salmon in Hokkaido, Northern Japan | Miyakoshi, Y. M. Nagata S. Kitada M. Kaeriyama | Reviews in Fisheries Science 21 (3–4): 469–479. doi:10.1080/10641262.2013.836446 |
2013 | Estimation of the Proportion of Wild Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta in Japanese Hatchery Rivers | Morita, K. S. Takahashi K. Ohkuma T. Nagasawa | Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 79 (2): 206–213 |
2013 | Distinguishing Benchmarks of Biological Status from Management Reference Points: A Case Study on Pacific Salmon in Canada | Holt, C.S. J.R. Irvine | Environmental Conservation 40:345–355. doi:10.1017/S0376892913000209 |
2012 | Decreases in Abundance of Immature Pacific Salmon in the Western Bering Sea from 2002 to 2011: Link to Hydrological and Forage Conditions | Zavolokin, A. G.V. Khen | NPAFC Doc. 1398 |
2012 | Interannual Variability in Size and Age Structure of Russian Chum Salmon Stocks | Temnykh, O.S. A.V. Zavolokin L.O. Zavarina V.V. Volobuev S.L. Marchenko S.F. Zolotuhin N.F. Kaplanova E.V. Podorozhnyuk A.A. Goryainov, A.V. Lysenko A.M. Kaev Yu.I. Ignat’ev E.V. Denisenko Yu.N. Kokhlov O.A. Rassadnikov | NPAFC Doc. 1413 Rev. 1 |
2012 | Canadian Enhanced Salmonid Production During 1978–2011 (1977–2010 Brood Years) | Sandher, J. C. Lynch D. Willis R. Cook J.R. Irvine | NPAFC Doc. 1420 |
2012 | Pacific Salmon Status and Abundance Trends—2012 Update | Irvine, J.R A. Tompkins T. Saito K.B. Seong J.K. Kim N. Klovach H. Bartlett E. Volk | NPAFC Doc. 1422 Rev. 2 |
2012 | Estimating Winter Mortality in Juvenile Marble River Chinook Salmon | Trudel, M. K.R. Middleton S. Tucker M.E. Thiess J.F.T. Morris J.R. Candy A. Mazumder T.D. Beacham | NPAFC Doc. 1426 |
2012 | Relating Spatial and Temporal Scales of Climate and Ocean Variability to Survival of Pacific Northwest Chinook Salmon: a Summary | Velez-Espino, L.A. R. Sharma A.C. Wertheimer N. Mantua R.C. Francis | NPAFC Doc. 1427 |
2012 | Salmon Assessment in British Columbia and Yukon | Tomkins, A. K. Komick M. Thiess | NPAFC Doc. 1431 |
2012 | Observations and Speculations on the Reasons for Recent Increases in Pink Salmon Production | Beamish, R.J. | NPAFC Technical Report 8:1–8 |
2012 | Why Are Pink and Chum Salmon at Such High Abundance Levels in the Gulf of Alaska? | Heard, W.R. A.C. Wertheimer | NPAFC Technical Report 8:9–12 |
2012 | Temporal Patterns for Odd- and Even-Year Pink Salmon Conservation Units in British Columbia and Puget Sound (Washington State) | Irvine, J.R. C. Michielsens B. White P. Van Will M. O’Brien | NPAFC Technical Report 8:13 |
2012 | Abundance Dynamics of Pink Salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, as a Structured Process Determined by Many Factors | Radchenko, V.I. | NPAFC Technical Report 8:14–18 |
2012 | Production Trends of Pink Salmon in the Sakhalin-Kuril Region from the Viewpoint of Run Timing | Kaev, A.M. | NPAFC Technical Report 8:21–25 |
2012 | Trends of Сhum and Pink Salmon Production in Chukotka | Khokhlov, Y.N. | NPAFC Technical Report 8:26–27 |
2012 | Recent Patterns in Return Rate of Chum Salmon to Different Regions of Hokkaido | Miyakoshi, Y. M. Nagata | NPAFC Technical Report 8:29–31 |
2012 | An Assessment of the State of Chum Salmon Stocks From the East and West Coasts of Kamchatka | Zavarina, L.O. | NPAFC Technical Report 8:35 |
2012 | Cyclic Fluctuations in Chum Salmon Abundance along the Pacific Coast of Hokkaido, Japan | Saito, T. K. Watanabe K. Sasaki S. Kogarumai S.H. Morita | NPAFC Technical Report 8:36–37 |
2012 | Natural Reproduction of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) on the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido, Japan | Iida, M. T. Kato H. Tokuda | NPAFC Technical Report 8:38–40 |
2012 | Distribution and Abundance of Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Nemuro Bay, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan | Kasugai, K. M. Torao H. Kakizaki H. Adachi H. Shinhama Y. Ogasawara S. Kawahara T. Arauchi M. Nagata | NPAFC Technical Report 8:58–61 |
2012 | Forecast and Production Dynamics of the Pink Salmon of Kamchatka | Shevlyakov, E.A. M.V. Koval | NPAFC Technical Report 8:121–125 |
2012 | An Overview of Salmon Enhancement and the Need to Manage and Monitor Natural Spawning in Hokkaido, Japan | Nagata, M. Y. Miyakoshi H. Urabe M. Fujiwara Y. Sasaki K. Kasugai M. Torao D. Ando M. Kaeriyama | Environmental Biology of Fishes 94 (1):311–323 |
2012 | State of the Physical Biological, and Selected Fishery Resources of Pacific Canadian Marine Ecosystems in 2011 | Irvine, J.R. W.R. Crawford | DFO Canadian Scientific Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2012/072 |
2012 | Results of Estimation of Juvenile Chum Salmon Abundance in the Southern Okhotsk Sea in Fall 2012 | Maznikova, O.A. | Bulletin of Pacific Salmon Studies in the Russian Far East 7: 225–227 (in Russian) |
2012 | Studies of Stock Abundance of Salmonids in 1995–2011. Collection of scientific articles | Bugaev, V.F. | Studies of Aquatic Biological Resources of Kamchatka and Northwest Pacific Ocean 25:5–36 (in Russian with English abstract) |
2012 | Wild and Hatchery Reproduction of Pink and Chum Salmon and their Catches in the Sakhalin-Kuril Region, Russia | Kaev, A.M. | Environmental Biology of Fishes 94:207–218 |
2012 | Dynamics of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Stocks in Kunashir | Romasenko, L.V. | Izvestiya TINRO 168:42–58 (in Russian with English abstract) |
2012 | A Widespread Decrease in Productivity of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Populations in Western North America | Romasenko, L.V. | Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69(8), 1255–1260. doi:10.1139/f2012-063 |
2012 | Global Assessment of Extinction Risk to Populations of Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka | Rand, P.S. M. Goslin M.R., Gross J.R. Irvine X. Augerot A. McHugh V.F. Bugaev | PLoS ONE 7(4):e34065. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034065 |
2011 | Temporal Patterns in Productivity of North American Sockeye and Chinook Salmon | Tompkins, A. G. Brown M. Thiess | NPAFC Doc. 1356 |
2011 | Stock Abundance and Cooperative International Governance of Pacific Salmon | Ogata, Y. H. Kurokura N. Davis | Poster presented at Japanese Society of Fish. Sci., Sep 2011 |
2011 | North Pacific Salmon Hatchery Releases, 1993–2009 | Ogata, Y. | NPAFC Newsletter 30:6–9 |
2011 | Regional Differences in Climate Factors Controlling Chum and Pink Salmon Abundance | Fukuwaka, M. T Kaga T. Azumaya | ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr033 |
2011 | Pacific Salmon Abundance Trends and Climate Change | Irvine, J.R. M. Fukuwaka | ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.093/icesjms/fsq199 |
2011 | State of Physical, Biological, and Selected Fishery Resources of Pacific Canadian Marine Ecosystems in 2010 | Crawford, W.R. J.R. Irvine | DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2011/054 |
2011 | Evaluation of Uncertainty in Fraser Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) Wild Salmon Policy Status Using Abundance and Trends in Abundance Metrics | Grant, S.C.H. B.L. MacDonald T.E. Cone C.A. Holt A. Cass E.J. Porszt J.M.B. Hume L.B. Pon | DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2011/087 |
2011 | Evaluating Benchmarks of Population Status for Pacific Salmon | Holt, C.A. M.J. Bradford | North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:363–378 |
2011 | Pacific Salmon of the Continental Sea Coast Area of the Sea of Okhotsk (Biology, Population Structure, Number Dynamics, Commercial Fishing) | Volobuev, V.V. S.L. Marchenko | North-Eastern Scientific Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science 303 p. (in Russian) |
2011 | Biological Structure and Trends of Changing Stock Abundance of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Bolshaya-Vorovskaya River System, West Kamchatka | Zavarina, L.О. | Studies of Aquatic Biological Resources of Kamchatka and Northwest Pacific Ocean 23:5–17 (in Russian with English abstract) |
2010 | Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2010 | Fukuwaka, M. T. Ishihara M. Sakai Y. Kamei | NPAFC Doc. 1264 |
2010 | Magnitude and Trends in Abundance of Hatchery and Wild Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, and Sockeye Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean | Ruggerone, G.T. R.M. Peterman B. Dorner K.W. Myers | Marine & Coastal Fisheries 2:306–328 |
2010 | Abundance of Adult Hatchery and Wild Salmon by Region of the North Pacific | Ruggerone, G.T. R.M. Peterman B. Dorner K.W. Myers N.J. Mantua | University of Washington Technical Report |
2010 | Early Marine Survival of Coho Salmon in the Strait of Georgia Declines to Very Low Levels | Beamish, R.J. R.M. Sweeting K.L. Lange D.J. Noakes D. Preikshot C.M. Neville | Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 2:424-439 |
2010 | State of Physical, Biological, and Selected Fishery Resources of Pacific Canadian Marine Ecosystems in 2009 | Crawford, W.R. J.R. Irvine | DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2010/053 |
2009 | Historical Biomass of Pink, Chum, and Sockeye Salmon in North Pacific Ocean | Eggers, D.M. | Pacific Salmon: Ecology and Management of Western Alaska’s Populations; AFS Symp 70 |
2009 | Pacific Salmon Status and Abundance Trends | Irvine, J.R. M. Fukuwaka T. Kaga J.H. Park K.B. Seong S. Kang V. Karpenko N. Klovach H. Bartlett E. Volk | NPAFC Doc. 1199 Rev. 1 |
2009 | Trends in Run Size and Carrying Capacity of Pacific Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean | Kaeriyama, M. H. Seo H. Kudo | NPAFC Bulletin 5:293–302 |
2009 | Distribution and CPUE Trends in Pacific Salmon, Especially Sockeye Salmon in the Bering Sea and Adjacent Waters from 1972 to the mid 2000s | Nagasawa, T. T. Azumaya | NPAFC Bulletin 5:1–13 |
2009 | Climate, Growth and Population Dynamics of Yukon River Chinook Salmon | Ruggerone, G.T. J.L. Nielsen B.A. Agler | NPAFC Bulletin 5:279–285 |
2007 | Trends in Abundance and Biological Characteristics for North Pacific Sockeye Salmon | Eggers, D.M. J.R. Irvine | NPAFC Bulletin 4:53–75 |
2007 | Trends in Abundance and Biological Characteristics of Chum Salmon | Fukuwaka, M. T. Azumaya T. Nagasawa A.N. Starovoytov J.H. Helle T. Saito E. Hasegawa | NPAFC Bulletin 4:35–43 |
2007 | Chinook Salmon—Trends in Abundance and Biological Characteristics | Heard, W.R. E. Shevlyakov O.V. Zikunova R.E. McNicol | NPAFC Bulletin 4:77–91 |
2007 | Salmon as Status Indicators for North Pacific Ecosystems | Irvine, J.R. B.E. Riddell | NPAFC Bulletin 4:285–287 |
2007 | Possible Causes and Effects of Shifts in Trends of Abundance in Pink Salmon of Southern Sakhalin and Iturup Islands | Kaev, A.M. A.A. Antonov V.M. Chupakhin V.A. Rudnev | NPAFC Bulletin 4:23–33 |
2007 | Trends in Abundance and Biological Characteristics of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the North Pacific Ocean | Radchenko, V.I. O.S. Temnykh V.V. Lapko | NPAFC Bulletin 4:7–21 |
2007 | Trends in Abundance and Size of Coho Salmon in the Pacific Rim | Shaul, L. L. Weitkamp K. Simpson J. Sawada | NPAFC Bulletin 4:93–104 |
2007 | Trends in Abundance and Feeding of Chum Salmon in the Western Bering Sea | Starovoytov, A.N. | NPAFC Bulletin 4:45–51 |
2006 | NPAFC-PICES Joint Symposium “The Status of Pacific Salmon and their Role in North Pacific Marine Ecosystems” | Beamish, R. | PICES Press: Volume 14:1 |
2003 | Catch Trends and Status of North Pacific Salmon | Eggers, D.M. J.R. Irvine M. Fukuwaka V.I. Karpenko | NPAFC Doc. 723 Rev. 3 |
2003 | Present State of Asian Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) | Radchenko, V.I. I.I. Glebov | NPAFC Bulletin 2:145–154 |
2003 | A Provisional Report on the 2003 Salmon Season | Working Group on Stock Assessment | NPAFC Doc. 738 Rev. 1 |
1998 | History and Status of Pacific Salmon in British Columbia | Henderson, M.A. C.C. Graham | NPAFC Bulletin 1:13-22 |
1998 | Historical Trends of Salmon Fisheries and Stock Conditions in Japan | Hiroi, O. | NPAFC Bulletin 1:23–27 |
1998 | Trends in the Status of Pacific Populations in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho | Kope, R. T. Wainwright | NPAFC Bulletin 1:1–12 |
1998 | A Historical Perspective on Salmonid Production from Pacific Rim Hatcheries | Mahnken, C. G. Ruggerone W. Waknitz T. Flagg | NPAFC Bulletin 1:38–53 |
1998 | Historical Trends of Salmon Fisheries and Stock Conditions in Russia | Radchenko, V.I. | NPAFC Bulletin 1:28–37 |
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