North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Yuki Minegishi, Tatsuya Kawakami, and Jun Aoyama
Abstract Excerpt:
An intensive hatchery-based stock enhancement program has been implemented since the late 1970s and has been generally believed to sustain the Japanese chum salmon stock (Kaeriyama 1999; Nogawa 2010). On the Sanriku Coast (the Pacific side of northern Japan’s mainland) the stock enhancement program has been intensively implemented in almost all major rivers and has resulted in the drastic increase of adult fish returning to this area. The Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami occurring in 2011, however, severely damaged almost all the hatcheries on the coast (Ogawa and Shimizu 2012). In some rivers, stock enhancement programs involving adult catch and mass releases of juveniles have been suspended since the disaster. Therefore, it can be expected that wild chum salmon populations may exist on the Sanriku Coast.
*This is the first paragraph of an extended abstract. Download the full abstract below.
Minegishi, Y., T. Kawakami, and J. Aoyama. 2021. Wild population and natural spawning of chum salmon in the Kozuchi River on the Sanriku Coast, Japan. N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Tech. Rep. 17: 174–175.
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