North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Technical Report 23

Table of Contents

Developing Projects to Support Management Decisions for Pacific Salmon in a Changing Climate

Vivitskaia Tulloch, Kathryn Berry, Lara Erikson, Jacques White, Sonia Batten, Robert Day, Mark Saunders, Robin Brown, and Ed Farley

Abstract Excerpt:
Climate change is significantly impacting the world’s oceans and marine resources. The North Pacific region is experiencing increased sea surface temperatures and extreme events such as marine heatwaves (e.g., Di Lorenzo and Mantua 2016; Amaya et al. 2023). Declines in fish production have been seen across the North Pacific, with many of these declines linked to environmental change (e.g., Gomes et al. 2024; Langan et al. 2024). Climate-driven changes in ocean environments are also likely driving shifts in species distributions (e.g., Pinsky et al. 2020; Levine et al. 2023), requiring reconsideration of current management practices. While climate prediction and projection capabilities are advancing, there are knowledge gaps related to how climate change is impacting North Pacific Ocean fisheries due to challenges associated with monitoring open ocean areas. Uncertainty in future impacts, and in the models used to predict impacts, presents significant challenges to managing North Pacific marine ecosystems and the species therein (e.g., Bograd et al. 2019; MacDonald and Grant 2023).

*This is the first paragraph of an extended abstract. Download the full abstract below.



Tulloch, V., K. Berry, L. Erikson, J. White, S. Batten, R. Day, M. Saunders, R. Brown, and E. Farley.  2025.  Developing projects to support management decisions for Pacific salmon in a changing climate.  N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Tech. Rep. 23: 53–57.