North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The two-day workshop includes oral presentations and posters. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the NPAFC Technical Report Series.
April 25–26, 2013
Sheraton Princess
120 Kaiulani Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96815 USA
Tel: +1-808-922-5811
Fax: +1-808-931-4577
In recognition of the importance of understanding juvenile salmonid production in ocean environments, NPAFC has organized two previous workshops on the subject of juvenile salmonids in marine habitats. In 2000, the NPAFC organized a Workshop on Factors Affecting Production of Juvenile Salmon in Tokyo, Japan, and presentations were summarized in NPAFC Technical Report 2 and national review papers were published in NPAFC Bulletin No. 3. In 2006, the NPAFC convened the Second International Workshop on Factors Affecting Production of Juvenile Salmon in Sapporo, Japan. Presentations were summarized in NPAFC Technical Report 7. The previous workshops have suggested the initial period after juvenile salmon migrate to sea and the following first winter are the most critical phase with respect to ocean survival of anadromous populations. Observations have shown there is considerable inter-annual variation in abundance, growth, and survival rates of juvenile salmon in the ocean. These variations are related to climate-induced changes in habitats that operate at regional and local scales. These processes are monitored annually in the coastal and offshore waters of Asia and North America. Using long-term monitoring data, scientists have begun developing models to forecast commercial harvest. Study of the migration and survival mechanisms of juvenile salmon is a research component of the 2011–2015 Science Plan, Forecast of Pacific salmon production in the ocean ecosystems under changing climate (NPAFC Doc. 1255). During the seven years between the second juvenile salmonid workshop in 2006 and the upcoming workshop in 2013, significant new research results have become available, so researchers will have the opportunity to share and review current information on migration and survival mechanisms of juvenile salmon and steelhead in ocean ecosystems.
Presenters are encouraged to address one of the following workshop objectives within the framework of their selected topic session. Workshop objectives include the following:
The workshop includes the following topic sessions pertaining to juvenile salmon and steelhead in ocean ecosystems. Please identify the topic session for which the abstract is submitted.
1. Seasonal distribution and migration route/timing
2. Hydrological characteristics, primary production, and prey resources in marine habitats
3. Trophic linkages, growth rates, and predation rates
4. Ecological interactions among species and populations
5. Survival rate and survival mechanisms
6. Population size and carrying capacity
7. Survival and salmonid ecology during the first winter at sea
The workshop will be conducted in English. Sessions will comprise contributed presentations, which will be selected for oral or poster presentation. Oral presentations are 15 minutes followed by 3 minutes of discussion for a total of 18 minutes. Presenters will be held strictly to their time slots, so please plan the presentation accordingly. Posters will be available for viewing throughout the duration of the workshop.
November 16, 2012:
Mid-December, 2012:
Mid-January, 2013:
April 25–26, 2013:
Abstract submissions due
Announcement of abstract selection to authors
Meeting registration opens
Workshop and extended abstracts due
Workshop participants requiring a US Visa to enter the USA are responsible for obtaining the US Visa at the nearest US Embassy/Consulate to where they live.
Registration and hotel information will be available after January 7, 2013.
Oral and poster presenters are asked to submit an extended abstract that is due at the time of the workshop. The extended abstracts will be compiled into the workshop proceedings and issued as an NPAFC Technical Report after the workshop. The Technical Report will be available online at the NPAFC website.
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