Topic 1. Current status of salmon and their environments
Moderators: Jim Irvine, Michael Schmidt, and Ju Kyoung Kim
Time series of regional salmon production and biological and physical characteristics of key salmon populations and their ocean habitat provide broad scale perspectives necessary to examine the underpinnings of ocean salmon production and marine ecosystem conditions. The purpose of this session is to understand and report: (1) the present status of Pacific salmon and their habitats, and (2) the factors influencing biological traits such as seasonal migration, distribution, abundance, growth, and survival.
1-1. Biological traits of key salmon populations
There is a continuing need to maintain and improve monitoring of spawning escapement, catch, smolt production, demographics, and other biological information for potential use in the forecasting of salmon return strength or ocean survival. Long-term time series are particularly valuable in understanding linkages between climate and Pacific salmon production.
(Keywords: key populations, spawning escapement, catch, body size, fecundity, smolt production, and other biological/habitat traits)
1-2. Migration and distribution
Anadromous salmon migrate in the ocean to maximize their growth and survival. Their seasonal migration and distribution are stock specific, and fundamental migration routes may be genetically fixed. Increasing information on seasonal ocean migration and distribution of key salmon populations contributes to: planning effective ocean monitoring surveys, better climate modelling and forecasting, better management to avoid incidental salmon bycatch, and efficient enforcement activities to protect salmon in the ocean.
(Keywords: seasonal migration model, migration mechanism, migration capacity, physical condition, bycatch, and others)
1-3. Growth and survival
Variation in the early marine survival of Pacific salmon has been hypothesized to have a major role in determining the numbers of adults that return to spawn. However, there has been limited evidence to support this hypothesis. We need to understand the causes of mortality at each stage of the salmon life cycle and evaluate whether any particular life history period is critical. With the potential of limited food resources in the ocean, it is important to understand the implications of habitat use by Pacific salmon populations at various levels of abundance, the productive capacity of habitats for each life stage, and the potential implications of density dependent effects.
(Keywords: ocean entry, critical period, feeding, growth, density dependence, fish health, predators, prey organisms, SST, ocean habitat conditions, and others)
Topic 2. Salmon in changing ocean conditions
Moderators: Ed Farley, Ric Brodeur, and Svetlana Naydenko
Climate change may result in significant variability in the carrying capacity and usable habitat (distribution) of salmon in the ocean, potentially leading to expanded use of the Arctic Ocean, at least seasonally. An improved understanding of linkages between environmental changes and salmon production will help to anticipate the economic consequences of these changes. The objectives of this session are to: (1) understand and quantify the effects of environmental variability and anthropogenic factors affecting salmon distribution and abundance, and (2) project future changes with efficient models.
2-1. Linkage between salmon production, climate and ocean changes
In recent years, there have been increases in the abundance as well as shifts in the distribution of salmon in northern regions, but some decreases at the southern edges of distribution along the Asian and North American continents. This sub-session aims to examine how geographical shifts in salmon distribution and abundance are related to climate-induced changes in habitat/environments operating at regional and local scales.
(Keywords: climate impact, marine survival mechanism, mismatch, carrying capacity, linkage between salmon, climate and ocean changes, and others)
2-2. Modeling the future for salmon
Reliable forecasting of salmon distribution, abundance and survival is important for sustainable resource management and for projecting future variations in production due to changing climate. Modelers are encouraged to develop statistical models as well as ecosystem models coupled with biophysical models to estimate the impact of climate change on salmon populations, and to create future scenarios for salmon distribution and abundance.
(Keywords: short-term and long-term forecast models, energy budget models, biophysical models, salmon runs, shift of distribution and abundance, and others)
Topic 3. New technologies/integrated information systems for salmon research and management
Moderators: Brian Wells, Mark Saunders, and Shigehiko Urawa
With recent advancements in technology and analytical methods, new tools are available to better study and manage salmon. The IYS aims to further advance in the development of new and emerging technologies and analytical methods that are immediately available for salmon research and management. In addition, the IYS seeks to create open-access information systems for salmon research and management, and to develop management systems for the sustainable conservation of salmon in a changing climate.
3-1. New technologies
Novel stock and fish identification methods including molecular analyses, genomics, environmental DNA (eDNA), hatchery mass marking, intelligent tags, and remote sensing, continue to be developed, and these tools are integral to the formulation of effective models predicting the distribution and abundance of salmon populations.
(Keywords: genomics, environmental DNA, molecular identification, mass marking, intelligent tags, salmon observation systems, remote sensing, microchemistry, and others)
3-2. Integrated information and management systems
The IYS seeks to develop integrated information/management systems using new and existing data sets to increase the resiliency of salmon and people in a changing world, and support research and management as well as public understanding the role of salmon in ocean ecosystems. For the sustainable conservation of uncertain salmon populations, we need to develop the integrated management systems including the ecosystem-based management, the management strategy of harvest and escapements, the conservation of genetic units and diversity, the restoration and protection of habitat, the control of diseases and pollutions, and the renovation of enhancement/hatchery technologies.
(Keywords: integrated information system, ecosystem-based management, management strategy of harvest and escapements, genetic conservation, habitat restoration and protection, control of diseases and pollutions, renovation of enhancement/hatchery technologies, and others)