North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Workshop 2019 Guidelines

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Workshop Navigation Menu
2019 Workshop Schedule Program & Abstracts

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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presenters and Extended Abstracts

  • Please download and follow instructions contained in the Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presenters and Extended Abstracts for important information for workshop presenters (both oral and poster presenters). This document contains details on the following:
  1. General information for oral and poster presenters
  2. Information for oral presenters
  3. Information for poster presenters
  4. Style guide for extended abstracts

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  • All presenters (oral and poster) are required to register for the workshop. Seating in the Colonel Lindbergh Ballroom (The Embassy Suite by Hilton Portland Downtown) is limited and early registration is strongly encouraged. After February 26, 2019, registration is available online on the workshop registration webpage.
  • Duration of contributed oral presentations is 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions/discussion for a total duration of 15 minutes.
  • Duration of invited keynote oral presentations of three topic sessions is 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions/discussion for a total duration of 25 minutes.
  • Maximum allocated size for the poster is square: 110 cm (44 inches) by 110 cm (44 inches).
  • Poster presenters should be standing by their posters during their allocated afternoon poster sessions to answer questions and engage their viewers. Please refer to the final schedule for the time slot of the poster presentations.
  • All presenters (oral and poster) will be asked at the workshop for permission to place their oral or poster presentation as a PDF on the workshop webpage.
  • All presenters (oral and poster) are expected to submit extended abstracts of their presentations for publication in a NPAFC Technical Report, which is available online only. Deadline for submission of extended abstracts is by June 30, 2019.
