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Workshop Navigation Menu |
2019 Workshop | Schedule | Guidelines |
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Program & Abstracts
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1551732821478{border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-right: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;padding-left: 0px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Printable Program and Abstracts
(subject to change without notice)[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Some of the abstracts have been edited for clarity. Please Contact the NPAFC Secretariat (secretariat@npafc.org) if you have questions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Tentative Program |
Oral Presentations (Colonel Lindbergh)
Welcoming and Opening Remarks Vladimir I. Radchenko and Ed Farley |
Introduction of the IYS Mark Saunders |
Topic 1. Current status of salmon and their environments |
Keynote Presentation (1): Status of Salmon in a Changing Environment: A Perspective from Alaska Andrew R. Munro*, Richard E. Brenner, and William D. Templin |
Keynote Presentation (2): Changes in Stability and Productivity of Pacific Salmon Populations Cameron Freshwater*, Sean Anderson, Kendra Holt, Ann-Marie Huang, and Carrie Holt |
Keynote Presentation (3): Unprecedented Far East Salmon Catches in 2018: What Should We Expect in Future? Andrey Krovnin* and Nataliya Klovach |
Evidence of Declining Age of Maturation in Chinook Stocks from Southeast Alaska to Oregon, Possible Causes and Implications under Climate Change Projections Gayle Brown*, Mary Thiess, and Chuck Parken |
Characterizing Juvenile Chinook Salmon Residency and Early Growth in the Lower Fraser River Estuary Lia Chalifour*, David Scott, Misty MacDuffee, John Dower, and Julia Baum |
Linking Freshwater Environmental Factors to Up-river Migration Timing of Fraser River Chinook Salmon Kaitlyn Dionne*, Chuck Parken, and Brittany Jenewein |
Temporal Forms of Pink Salmon in Sakhalin-Kuril Region and their Abundance Dynamics Alexander M. Kaev* |
Current Status of Chum Salmon Populations in the Rivers with and without Hatchery Stock Enhancement on the Sanriku Coast, Japan Yuki Minegishi*, Tatsuya Kawakami, and Jun Aoyama |
Variation in Out-migration Timing and Estuary Reliance of “ocean-type” Chinook Salmon in the Fraser River Estuary, BC David Scott*, Lia Chalifour, Misty MacDuffee, and Julia Baum |
A New Interpretation of the Early Marine Residence of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Strait of Georgia Richard J. Beamish* and Chrys M. Neville |
Status and Trends of Eel River Chinook Salmon in Northwestern California–Signs of Resilience Patrick Higgins* |
Early Marine Migration and Survival Patterns of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Onchorhynchus nerka) Smolts through a Complex Archipelago Corridor Stephen D. Johnston*, Scott G. Hinch, Andrew G. Lotto, Nathan B. Furey, Christine F. Stevenson, Brian J. Hendriks, Brian P.V. Hunt, David W. Welch, Erin L. Rechinsky, and Aswea D. Porter |
Salmon Passage and Reintroduction Above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams on the Upper Columbia River Keith Kutchins* and John Sirois |
What Can We Learn About Marine Distribution of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon from Fraser Sockeye Caught in Alaska? Pasan Samarasin*, Stephen J Latham, Charles M Guthrie III, and H Andres Araujo |
A Model of Smolt-to-adult Survival in Terms of Salmon Growth Through the Size Distribution of Gape-limited Predators James J. Anderson* |
Indigenous Community Partnerships Towards Foundational Understanding of Wild Salmon Survival on British Columbia’s Central Coast William I. Atlas*, William G. Housty, and Jonathan W. Moore |
The PDO, The Blob and Juvenile Coho Salmon Growth in the Northern California Current 2000–2017 Brian Beckman*, Cheryl Morgan, and Meredith Journey |
Recent Changes in the Available Ichthyoplankton Prey Biomass in the Northern California Current (NCC) and How These Changes are Reflected in the Trophic Habits of Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon and Their Survival to Return as Adults Elizabeth A. Daly*, Toby D. Auth, and Richard D. Brodeur |
Growth and Harvest Forecast Models for Southeast Alaska Pink Salmon James M. Murphy*, Emily A. Fergusson, Andrew Piston, and Andrew Gray |
Regional and Seasonal Variation in Adult Chinook Salmon Diets in British Columbia Will Duguid*, Jessica Qualley, Katie Innes, Micah Quindazzi, and Francis Juanes |
May 19, 2019 (Sunday) |
Empirical Model Predicting Recruitment of Chilko Lake Sockeye Salmon from Oceanographic and Biological Variables, including Early Marine Growth Lyse Godbout*, Carrie Holt, Marc Trudel, Cameron Freshwater, Michael. O’Brien, Chrys. Neville, Maxine Reichardt, Moira. Galbraith, and Ian Perry |
Effect of Temperature and Amount of Food on the Growth Rate/ Aerobic Scope of Juvenile Chum Salmon Yuki Iino*, Takashi Kitagawa, Takaaki Abe, Tsuyoshi Nagasaka, Yuichi Shimizu, Katsuhiko Ota, Takuya Kawashima, and Tomohiko Kawamura |
Spatial and Temporal Trends in Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Diets Across Oceanographic Regimes on the Coast of British Columbia Samantha E. James*, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, and Brian P. V. Hunt |
The Role of Environmental Conditions in Various Types of Estuaries for the Productivity of Pacific Salmon Populations of Kamchatka Maksim Koval* and Sergey Gorin |
Nonstationary Effects of Ocean Temperature on Early Marine Survival of Salmon Michael A. Litzow*, Lorenzo Ciannelli, Patricia Puerta, Bethany Johnson, Ryan R. Rykaczewski, Justin J. Wettstein, and Michael Opiekun |
Profiling the Behaviour, Biology and Distinct Characteristics of a Survivor as an Approach to Understanding Factors Regulating Marine Survival of Chinook Salmon Chrys-Ellen M. Neville*, Richard J. Beamish, Yeongha Jung, Lana Fitzpatrick, and Colleen Haddad |
Fine-scale Taxonomic and Spatiotemporal Variability in the Energy Density of Prey for Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Jacob Weil, Francis Juanes, and Will Duguid* |
The Coast-wide Collapse in Northeast Pacific Chinook and Steelhead Survival—Where is Marine Survival Determined? David W. Welch, Erin L. Rechisky*, and Aswea D. Porter |
Topic 2. Salmon in changing ocean conditions |
Keynote Presentation (4): How Will Columbia River Salmonids Respond to Changing Ocean Conditions? Richard W. Zabel*, Lisa Crozier, Brian Burke, Brandon Chasco, Chris Jordan, Jeff Jorgensen, and Tom Cooney |
Keynote Presentation (5): Sustainable Conservation and Use of Chum Salmon Under Warming Climate and Changing Ocean Conditions Masahide Kaeriyama* |
Keynote Presentation (6): Recent Extremes in North Pacific Salmon Habitat Through the Lens of Fast and Slow Changes Nathan Mantua* |
Potential Effects of Changing Ocean Conditions on Juvenile Salmon Feeding and Subsequent Survival in Coastal Waters Based on Several Decades of Sampling Richard D. Brodeur* and Elizabeth A. Daly |
Is a Warming Bering Sea Leading to Smaller Chinook Salmon? Megan V. McPhee*, Jared E. Siegel, and Milo D. Adkison |
Competitive Interactions Between Natural Populations of Pink and Chum Salmon from Puget Sound and Coastal Washington, USA Marisa N. C. Litz*, Aaron M. Dufault, Andrew M. Claiborne, James P. Losee, and Tyler J. Garber |
Ecosystem Indicators Development for Steelhead Trout and Coho and Chinook Salmon Kathryn Sobocinski*, Correigh Greene, Neala Kendall, Joe Anderson, Mara Zimmerman, and Michael Schmidt |
Mechanisms for Shifts in the Distribution and Abundance of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon in the Eastern Bering Sea During Late Summer, 2002–2016 Ellen Yasumiishi*, Kristin Cieciel, Ed Farley, Alexander Andrews, and Jeanette Gann |
Detecting Regime Shifts in Dynamic Environments Using Multi-population State-space Models of Oregon Coastal Coho Matthew R Falcy* and Erik Suring |
Informing Quantitative Salmon Survival Predictions Through Life-cycle Observations: Fraser Sockeye Case Study Sue Grant*, Bronwyn MacDonald, David Patterson, Kendra Robinson, Jennifer Boldt, Keri Benner, Chrys Neville, Lucas Pon, Joe Tadey, Jackie King, Mike Hawkshaw, and Dan Selbie |
Evaluating Time-varying Productivity in Stock-recruit Relationships for Biological Benchmarks Carrie A. Holt* and Catherine G.J. Michielsens |
Improving Terminal Abundance Estimates of Spring- and Summer-run Age 52 Fraser River Chinook Salmon by Incorporating a Second CPUE Dataset from the Albion Test Fishery Brittany Jenewein* and Karen Rickards |
Special Session (High Seas Expedition) TBA |
May 20, 2019 (Monday) |
Topic 3. New technologies/integrated information systems for salmon research and management (Moderators: Brian Wells, Mark Saunders, and Shigehiko Urawa) |
Keynote Presentation (7): Evaluation of an Environmental DNA Method as a Potential Tool for Monitoring Salmonid Fishes in the Wild Hitoshi Araki*, Hiroki Mizumoto, Takashi Kanbe, and Shunpei Sato |
Keynote Presentation (8): The RAFOS Ocean Acoustic Monitoring (ROAM) Tag: A highly Accurate Fish Tag for At-sea Movement Studies Camrin D. Braun*, Godi Fischer, H. Thomas Rossby, and Simon R. Thorrold |
Keynote Presentation (9): Genomic Science Advances Changing the Face of Salmon Science Kristina M. Miller* |
Keynote Presentation (10): Interactive Mapping and Dynamic Data Visualization—Eye Candy or Useful Tool for Fisheries Research? Dion Oxman* and Sabrina Larsen |
Comparison of Coded-wire Tagging with Parentage-based Tagging and Genetic Stock Identification in large-scale Coho Salmon Fisheries Applications in British Columbia, Canada Terry D. Beacham*, Colin Wallace, Kim Jonsen, Brenda McIntosh, John R. Candy, David Willis, Cheryl Lynch, Jean-Sébastien Moore, Louis Bernatchez, and Ruth E. Withler |
Using Telemetry to Map the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Atlantic Salmon in the Ocean Jonathan Carr, Jason Daniels*, Gerald Chaput, Graham Chafe, Eric Brunsdon, John Strom, Martha Robertson, and Timothy Sheehan |
Developing an Inter-individual Communication Biotelemetry System and Application to Chum Salmon Returned to Off Japanese Waters Takashi Kitagawa*, Nobuhiko Sato, Shigenori Nobata, Hiromichi Mitamura, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Nobuaki Arai, Keiichi Uchida, Hokuto Shirakawa, and Kazushi Miyashita |
A PIT Tag Based Method for Investigating the Survival of Cowichan River Chinook During Their First Year of Life Kevin A. Pellett*, Jeramy Damborg, Jamieson Atkinson, and Will Duguid |
Integrated Research on Geomagnetic Imprinting and Homing in Pacific Salmon Across the Pacific Ocean Nathan F. Putman*, Hiroshi Ueda, and David L.G. Noakes |
Survival, Migration, and Partial Residency in the Salish Sea of Cowichan River Chinook Salmon: The First Fall and Winter Erin L. Rechisky*, Aswea D. Porter, William D. P. Duguid, Kevin Pellett, Kristina M. Miller, and David W. Welch |
Integrating Multiple Intrinsic Markers to Infer Habitat Use of Sockeye Salmon Stocks (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the North Pacific Ocean Wade D. Smith*, Boris Espinasse, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, and Brian P.V. Hunt |
Linking Genotype, Phenotype, and Environment: Identifying the Genomic Basis of Fitness Traits in Salmon and its Potential for Understanding Responses to a Changing Climate Charles D. Waters*, Jeffrey J. Hard, David E. Fast, Kenneth I. Warheit, Curtis M. Knudsen, William J. Bosch, and Kerry A. Naish |
Forty Years of Salmon Research at Auke Creek Research Station Scott C. Vulstek*, Joshua R. Russell, and Taal Levi |
Supplementation of Atlantic Salmon in the Southern Extent of Their Range: Evaluation of age-1 Hatchery Smolt Stocking in a Small Coastal Watershed James Hawkes*, Graham Goullete, Alejandro Moctezuma, Ernie Atkinson, and Oliver Cox |
The Pacific Salmon Explorer: A Novel Tool for Tracking the Status of Salmon Populations and Their Habitats Christine Stevenson*, Katrina Connors, Eileen Jones, Eric Hertz, Katy Kellock, Leah Honka, and Brian Riddell |
Dynamic Ocean Management for Salmon: Integrating Spatially-explicit Environmental and Fishery Datasets to Describe and Predict Fish Distributions Jordan T. Watson*, Rob Ames, Camille Kohler, Robert Nigh, Robert Ryznar, and Jenny Suter |
Summary and Discussion Topic session moderators and Mark Saunders |
Closing Remarks Richard Brodeur and Brian Wells |
Poster presentations |
poster Presentations (Fireside room)
Topic 1. Current status of salmon and their environments |
Direct and Carryover Effects of Freshwater, Marine and Fish Conditions on Juvenile, Ocean, and Adult Survival of Snake River Chinook Salmon Jennifer L. Gosselin*, Eric Buhle, Chris Van Homes, Susannah Iltis, and James J. Anderson |
Juvenile Salmon Migration Observations in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait in 2018 compared to 2015–2017 Brett T. Johnson*, Julian C.L. Gan, Carly V. Janusson, and Brian P.V. Hunt |
Analysis of Population Dynamics Pacific Salmon on Northern Coast of the Okhotsk Sea Alexey V. Yamborko*, Igor S. Golovanov, and Vladimir V. Volobuev |
Inter-annual, Stock-specific Distribution and Migration of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from 1997–2017 Erika D. Anderson*, Jackie R. King, Chrys Neville, Strahan Tucker, and Terry D. Beacham |
Trends of Distribution and Reginal Composition of Juvenile Pink and Chum Salmon in the Okhotsk Sea During the Fall of 2011–2017 A.V. Bugaev*, A.I. Chistyakova, and S. Urawa |
Timing of Spawning of Wild Chum Salmon in a Non-enhanced River and Their Seaward Migration in Northern Honshu, Japan Masaya Iida*, Yuta Yagi, and Tomoaki Iseki |
Genetic Characterization of Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Migrating Out of the Yukon River Delta Genevieve M. Johnson, Christine M. Kondzela*, Jacqueline A. Whittle, Katharine Miller, and Jeffrey R. Guyon |
Morphological and Genetic Subdivision of Sockeye Salmon Samples, Oncorhynchus nerka, Collected Within the Period of Spawning Migration in Outfalls of Kamchatka Rivers Аnastasia М. Khrustaleva* and Natalya V. Klovach |
Trace Elements Content in the Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum, 1792 from Sakhalin-Kuril Region (Svetlana Naydenko*) Nadezhda K. Khristoforova, Anna V. Litvinenko, Vasily Yu. Tsygankov, Maxim V. Kovalchuk, and Natalia I. Erofeeva |
Migration and Homing Behavior of Chum Salmon Tagged in the Okhotsk Sea, Eastern Hokkaido Hayato Saneyoshi*, Yousuke Koshino, Ryoutarou Ishida, Itsuki Tatsuoka, Hokuto Shirakawa, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, and Kazushi Miyashita |
Is Low Juvenile Salmon Condition Produced by a Disruption at the Base of the Plankton Food-web? David Costalago*, Ian Forster, and Brian Hunt |
Trophic Relationships Between Juvenile Salmon During a 22-year Time Series of Climate Variability in Southeast Alaska Emily A. Fergusson*, Andy Gray, and Jim Murphy |
Density-dependent Competition Between Pacific Salmon Species May be Amplified by Hatchery Supplementation Neala W. Kendall*, Benjamin W. Nelson, and James P. Losee |
Bottom-up Links to Juvenile Salmon Growth and Survival in Puget Sound, WA, USA Julie E. Keister*, Amanda Winans, Bethellee Herrmann, Julia Bos, and Iris Kemp |
Effects of Milt Mixture from Parr and Anadromous Males on Hatching Rate in Masu Salmon Yuya Makiguchi* |
Quantifying Juvenile Salmon Prey Quality and Exploring Trophic Linkages in Puget Sound, WA, USA Amanda Winans*, BethElLee Hermann, Minna Hiltunen, Ursula Strandberg, Michael Brett, and Julie E. Keister |
Topic 2. Salmon in changing ocean conditions |
Long-term Shifts of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Distribution in the North Pacific and the Arctic Ocean in Summer 1982–2017 Tomonori Azumaya and Shigehiko Urawa* |
Regional Patterns in Juvenile Salmon Marine Abundance (1997–2018) Jackie King*, Jennifer Boldt, Brian Burke, Correigh Greene, Jamal Moss, and Chrys Neville |
Fatty Acid and Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of BC Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations Found in SRKW and NRKW Critical Habitat Jacob E. Lerner*, Ian Forster, and Brian P. V. Hunt |
The Future of Yukon River Chinook Salmon in a Warming World Kathrine G. Howard* and James Murphy |
Patterns of Synchrony and Environmental Thresholds in the Performance of Forecast Models Used for U.S. West Coast Chinook and Coho Salmon Stocks William Satterthwaite*, Kelly Andrews, Jennifer Gosselin, Correigh Greene, Chris Harvey, Mary Hunsicker, Stuart Munsch, and Jameal Samhouri |
Sea Surface Temperatures Drive Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Fall Chinook Salmon Andrew O. Shelton*, Will Satterthwaite, Eric J. Ward, and Blake E. Feist |
Quantifying Thermal Impacts on Columbia River Steelhead Marine Growth Using Bioenergetics Models Hillary L. Thalmann, Elizabeth A. Daly, and Richard D. Brodeur* |
Topic 3. New technologies/integrated information systems for salmon research and management | |
A Compilation and Meta-analysis of Salmon Diet Data in the North Pacific Ocean Caroline Graham*, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, and Brian P.V. Hunt |
The International Salmon Data Laboratory (ISDL) Scott Akenhead* |