North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

The Third NPAFC-IYS Workshop on Linkages between Pacific Salmon Production and Environmental Changes

The three-day workshop includes oral presentations and posters. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the NPAFC Technical Report Series.

May 25–27, 2021 (Canada/USA)

May 26–28, 2021 (Japan, Korea, and Russia)

Virtual Workshop (please see workshop details below)

Abstracts for live oral, pre-recorded oral, and E-poster presentations must be received by January 15, 2021 at the NPAFC Secretariat by e-mail (

Links to the NPAFC–IYS Workshop can be accessed through the common login area. You will be able to see links to workshop posters and presentations AFTER  you register and login (coming soon).

Please contact NPAFC Secretariat if you have any questions or problems.

Workshop Details

Japan/Korea: 08:00–12:00, May 26 to 28, 2021
Russia (Vladivostok):09:00–13:00, May 26 to 28, 2021
Canada/USA (Vancouver/Seattle): 16:00–20:00, May 25 to 27, 2021
USA (Alaska): 15:00–19:00, May 25 to 27, 2021

Virtual Workshop*
* The workshop format has been changed to a virtual online workshop with live sessions, pre-recorded oral, and E-poster presentations due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions around the world. The virtual workshop will have a four-hour live session per day via video conferencing.

North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC),
