North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are live and pre-recorded oral, and e-poster presentations given at the Third NPAFC-IYS Virtual Workshop on Linkages between Pacific Salmon Production and Environmental Changes, May 25–27, 2021, and shared with permission of the authors (or presenters). These presentations are for educational purposes and do not reflect policy or the positions of the authors’ agencies. Presentations are listed in the order given at the Workshop by topic session with live oral presentations first, then pre-recorded oral and e-poster presentations.
Topic 1. Salmon Production in Changing Environments |
Topic 1-1. Status and trends of key salmon populations and their environments |
[View] Keynote Presentation (1): State of Canadian Pacific Salmon 2019 and 2020: Responses to Changing Climate and Habitats Sue C.H. Grant, Bronwyn L. MacDonald, Jennifer L. Boldt, David A. Patterson, Kendra A. Robinson, Ian Perry, Jackie King, Chrys M. Neville, Dan T. Selbie, Keri Benner, Lucas Pon, Joe A. Tadey, and Mike Hawkshaw |
[View] Live Oral (1): Features of Pink Salmon Growth as a Possible Indicator of a Decrease in Its Survival in the Marine Life Period Alexander Kaev and Vladimir Radchenko |
[View] Live Oral (2): ‘Controlling the Controllables’—What More Can be Done?—State of Atlantic Salmon in Ireland Ciaran Byrne, C. Gallagher, P. Gargan, and M. Millane |
Topic 1-2. Effects of freshwater habitat changes on salmon production (chair: Jim Irvine) |
[View] Keynote Presentation (2): Salmon Futures: Resilience and Vulnerabilities across Their Life Cycle Samantha M. Wilson and Jonathan W. Moore |
[View] Live Oral (3): Analysis of Temperature Tolerance in Juvenile Chum Salmon Muchammad Fajri, Takuto Ouchi, Yoshio Takei, Susumu Hodo, and Makoto Kusakabe |
Topic 1-3. Survival mechanism of juvenile salmon in changing ocean environments |
[View] Keynote Presentation (3): Non-stationary Drivers of Pacific Salmon Productivity Michael J. Malick |
[View] Keynote Presentation (4): Atlantic Salmon – Nomads of the Ocean Eva B. Thorstad, Audun H. Rikardsen, and Vidar Wennevik |
[View] Live Oral (4): Ontogeny of Critical Swimming Speeds for Juvenile Chum Salmon Yuki Iino, Takashi Kitagawa, Takaaki Abe, Tsuyoshi Nagasaka, Yuichi Shimizu, and Katsuhiko Ota |
Topic 1-4. Winter ocean ecology and survivals of Pacific salmon |
[View] Keynote Presentation (5): Stock Identification of Chum Salmon Overwintering in the Gulf of Alaska by Using a New SNP Baseline Shigehiko Urawa*, Shunpei Sato, Terry Beacham, and Ben Sutherland |
[View] Live Oral (5): Zooplankton Community Structure and Development during Late Winter 2019 and 2020 in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Brian P.V. Hunt, Alexander Slabinsky, Natalie Mahara, and Alexei Somov |
Topic 1-5. Linkages between salmon production and climate/ocean changes |
[View] Keynote Presentation (6): Bottom-up and Top-down Processes Drive the Survival and Abundance of Pacific Salmon Gregory T. Ruggerone Brendan Connors, James R. Irvine, and colleagues |
[View] Live Oral (6): The Ups and Downs of Far East Pink Salmon Stocks during Recent Decades: Some Considerations about Possible Causes Andrey Krovnin, Kirill Kivva, and Gennady Khen |
[View] Live Oral (7): Missing Salmon? Salmon Presumed Dead at Sea may be Colonizing the Arctic Karen Dunmall, Darcy McNicholl, Ed Farley, and Jim Reist |
Topic 2. New Technologies/Integrated Information Systems for Salmon Research and Management |
Topic 2-1. New technologies |
[View] Keynote Presentation (7): Salmon Genetics at Sea: Three Decades of New Insights William D. Templin, Andrew R. Munro, Chris Habicht, Dion Oxman, Sara Gilk-Baumer, Wesley Larson, and Andrew Gray |
[View] Keynote Presentation (8): Physiological Tools for Evaluating Growth Status of Migrating Salmon Munetaka Shimizu |
[View] Live Oral (8): Environmental DNA Surveys of the Gulf of Alaska during the 2019 and 2020 IYS Gulf of Alaska Expeditions Christoph M. Deeg, Shaoring Li, Brian P.V. Hunt, Svetlana Esenkulova, and Kristina M. Miller |
Topic 2-2. Integrated information and management systems |
[View] Keynote Presentation (9): The Salmon of Knowledge: A Road-map to Modernize Salmon Information Processing Scott A. Akenhead, J. Scott Carley, and James R. Irvine |
[View] Live Oral (9): Integrated Research on Olfactory and Geomagnetic Imprinting and Homing in Pacific Salmon Hiroshi Ueda, Nathan F. Putman, Tatsufumi Okino, and David L.G. Noakes |
[View] Live Oral (10): The Global Ocean Observation System and Essential Salmon Ocean Ecology Variables Brett T. Johnson, Ray Brunsting, Brian Hunt, Eric Peterson, and Mark Saunders |
(Special Session) Topic 3. Resilience for Salmon and People: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 |
Topic 3-1. Restoration of ecosystems and human society in the coastal zone systems |
[View] Keynote Presentation (10): Research Project of TEAMS for Restoration of Ecosystems and Human Society Akihiro Kijima |
[View] Live Oral (11): Challenges to Make Salmon in Sanriku an Icon of the Region Jun Aoyama and Susumu Hyodo |
[View] Live Oral (12): Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Fisheries and Salmon in Iwate Prefecture Tsuyoshi Nagasaka and Yuichi Shimizu |
Topic 3-2. Research for retrieval and sustainable management of salmon populations |
[View] Keynote Presentation (11): Recovery from the Critical Disaster and Managing Risk to Conserve Chum Salmon under the Warming Climate in the Sanriku Coast, Northern Honshu, Japan Masahide Kaeriyama, Yuichi Shimizu, Yuki Minegishi, and Jun Aoyama |
[N/A] Live Oral (13): Genetic Population Structure of Chum Salmon in the Sanriku-region, Japan Hideharu Tsukagoshi, Sayuri Terui, Gen Ogawa, Shunpei Sato, and Syuiti Abe |
[View] Live Oral (14): Wild Population and Natural Spawning of Chum Salmon in the Koduchi River on the Sanriku Coast, Japan Yuki Minegishi, Tatsuya Kawakami, and Jun Aoyama |
Topic 3-3. Risk managements and sustainability for the coastal zone systems and salmon production |
[View] Keynote Presentation (12): Lessons Learned from Ecological Disasters, Including the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) James R. Irvine, Masahide Kaeriyama, Shigehiko Urawa, and Jun Aoyama |
[View] Keynote Presentation (13): Legacy of a Disaster: Effects of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami on the Northern California Current in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean Richard D. Brodeur, Jessica A. Miller, John W. Chapman, and Gayle I Hansen |
[View] Live Oral (15): The Challenge of Reconstruction Faced by the Domestic Salmon Industry after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 Ikutaro Shimizu and Katsuhiro Miki |
Topic 1. Salmon Production in Changing Environments |
R-Oral-1 [View] David Warren Welch, Aswea Dawn Porter, and Erin Leanne Rechisky A Survey of the Coast-wide Decline in Survival of West Coast Chinook and Steelhead |
R-Oral-2 This was replaced as Keynote Presentation (1) |
R-Oral-3 [View] Hirokazu Urabe, Hayato Saneyoshi, and Makoto Hatakeyama Recent Trend in Chum Salmon Stock Decline and its Potential Mechanisms in Hokkaido, Japan |
R-Oral-4 [View] Shunpei Sato and Shigehiko Urawa International Variability of Japanese Chum Salmon Abundance in the Summer Bering Sea during a Long Monitoring Survey in 2007–2019 |
R-Oral-5 [View] Elizabeth Lee, Kathrine Howard, Sabrina Garcia, Jim Murphy, Charles M. Guthrie III, Alex Andrews, Tyler Dann, and Wes Larson Genetic Mixed Stock Analysis as a Tool for Identifying Immature Chinook Salmon Stock Distribution in the Bering Sea |
R-Oral-6 [View] Merran Hague, Rachael Hornsby, Jessica Gill, Catherine Michielsens, and Erica Jenkins Moving Targets: Assessing Fraser River Pink Salmon Run Size During a Period of Change and Uncertainty |
R-Oral-7 [View] Takaaki K. Abe and Takashi Kitagawa The Ecological Context of Aerobic Scope in Cost of Transport for Chum Salmon Migrating Upriver |
R-Oral-8 [View] Kiyoshi Kasugai, Mitsuru Torao, and Mitsuhiro Nagata Does Long-distance Downstream Migration Influence the Survival of Chum Salmon? Comparison of Adult Returns between the Upper and Lower Reaches Release Sites |
R-Oral-9 [View] Marisa N. C. Litz, Mickey Agha, John J. Winkowski, Devin West, and Jennifer Kordosky The Use of Spatial Stream Network Models to Evaluate the Effects Varying Stream Temperatures on Wild Coho Life History Expression and Survival |
R-Oral-10 [View] Alexandra G. McInturf, Ken W. Zillig, Dennis Cocherell, Cyril Michel, and Nann A. Fangue Assessing the Effect of Temperature on Predation Risk of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta System |
R-Oral-11 [View] Richard J. Beamish and Chrys Neville Ocean Carrying Capacity is Regulating the Production of Coho Salmon Rearing as Juveniles in the Strait of Georgia |
R-Oral-12 [View] Neala W. Kendall, Benjamin W. Nelson, and James P. Losee Density-dependent Marine Survival of Hatchery-Origin Chinook Salmon May be Associated with Pink Salmon |
R-Oral-13 [View] Elizabeth A. Daly, Richard D. Brodeur, Cheryl A. Morgan, Brian J. Burke, and David D. Huff Prey Selectivity of Juvenile Salmon in Coastal Waters during Contrasting Years and their Relation to Early Marine Survival |
R-Oral-14 [View] Yuya kogame and Hayato Saneyoshi Return Rates of Chum Salmon are Affected by Different Timings of Juvenile Release |
R-Oral-15 [View] Caroline Graham, Vladimir Radchenko, Evgeny Pakhomov, Ed Farley, Laurie Weitkamp, Dick Beamish, Brian Riddell, Jackie King, Chrys Neville, Shunpei Sato, Shigehiko Urawa, Aleksey Somov, Aleksandr Starovoytov, Sang-Seon Yun, Erika Anderson, Tim Van Der Stap, and Mark Saunders The International Year of the Salmon Pan Pacific High Seas Expedition 2022 |
R-Oral-16 This was replaced as Keynote Presentation (5) |
R-Oral-17 [View] Charles D. Waters, Todd Miller, Emily Fergusson, Dion Oxman, and Edward Farley Jr. Winter condition and trophic status of Pacific Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska: results from the 2019 survey |
R-Oral-18 [View] Nate Mantua, Rachel Johnson, John Field, Steve Lindley, Anne Todgham, Nann Fangue, Carson Jeffres, Heather Bell, Dennis Cocherell, Jacques Rinchard, Donald Tillitt, Bruce Finney, Dale Honeyfield, Taylor Lipscomb, Scott Foott, Kevin Kwak, Mark Adkison, Brett Kormos, Steve Litvin, Iliana Ruiz-Cooley Mechanisms, Impacts, and Mitigation for Thiamine Deficiency and Early Life Stage Mortality in California’s Central Valley Chinook Salmon |
R-Oral-19 [View] Megan V. McPhee, Matthew R. Catterson, David C. Love, and Trent M. Sutton Changing Ocean Conditions, Growth, and Saltwater Age at Maturity in Steelhead from the Situk River, Alaska (USA) |
R-Oral-20 [View] Jennifer L. Gosselin, Lisa G. Crozier, Brian J. Burke, and Eric Buhle Salmon Conservation under Changing Conditions and with Freshwater-marine Carryover Effects |
R-Oral-21 [View] James Murphy, Kathrine Howard, Sabrina Garcia, Jamal Moss, Wesley Strasburger, Fletcher Sewall, and Elizabeth Lee Juvenile Yukon River Chinook Salmon in a Warming Arctic |
Topic 2. New Technologies/Integrated Information Systems for Salmon Research and Management |
R-Oral-22 [View] Hiroki Mizumoto and Hitoshi Araki Hokkaido-wide eDNA Monitoring for Sakhalin Taimen, Endangered Salmonid Species |
R-Oral-23 [View] Daria A. Zelenina, Alexei A. Sergeev, and Valeri A. Soshnina SNP-based Discrimination of Russian Pink Salmon Stocks: Resolution of the Approach and Possible Ways to Increase It |
R-Oral-24 [View] Hitoshi Araki, Hiroki Mizumoto, Tetsu Yatsuyanagi, and Takashi Kanbe Anadromous Fish Monitoring Using Environmental DNA |
R-Oral-25 [View] Pavel B. Mikheev, Denis V. Kotsyuk, Elena V. Podorozhnik, Vsevolod N. Koshelev, Tatiana A. Sheina, Alexey Yu. Puzik The Identification of Individuals with Hatchery and Natural Origin in a Mixed Sample of Amur River Chum Salmon by Otolith Microchemistry |
R-Oral-26 [View] Dion Oxman, Patrick Charapata, Kevin W. McNeel, and Stephen Trumble Reconstructing Reproductive Life Histories Using Hormones Recovered from Incrementally Grown Structures in Fish |
R-Oral-27 [View] Lingbo Li, Pieter Van Will, and Brittany Jenewein Synthesizing Escapement, Harvest, and Genetic Data to Reconstruct Annual Southern BC and Puget Sound Chum Salmon Abundance |
Topic 3. Resilience for Salmon and People: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 |
R-Oral-28 [View] Kenji Yoshimura and Ryusuke Kodani First Salmon Ceremony in the Southernmost Area of Salmon Habitat |
R-Oral-29 [View] Tatsuya Kawakami, Yuki Minegishi, and Jun Aoyama Downstream Migration and Spatial Distribution of Juvenile Chum Salmon in the Otsuchi Bay, the Sanriku Coast of Iwate, Japan |
R-Oral-30 [View] Satoki Oba, Tatsuya Kawakami, Yuki Minegishi, and Jun Aoyama Spawning Environment of Chum Salmon in the Coastal Rivers on the Pacific Side of Northern Japan |
R-Oral-31 [View] Kei Sasaki, Tadahide Kurokawa, Koh Hasegawa, and Miwa Yatsuya Farmed Non-native Coho Salmon in Sanriku Region Affected by Recent Intense Natural Disasters |
Topic 1. Salmon Production in Changing Environments |
E-Poster-1 [View] Fumi Yamaguchi, Taro Nakamura, and Hirokazu Urabe Temporal and Spatial Variations in Body Size of Chum Salmon in Hokkaido |
E-Poster-2 [Withdraw] Skip McKinnell, Will Duguid, Cameron Freshwater, Jacob Weil, and Francis Juanes The Ocean is a Stable Rearing Environment for Sockeye Salmon |
E-Poster-3 [View] Аnastasia М. Khrustaleva, Ekaterina V. Ponomareva, Marya V. Ponomareva, Oksana A. Pilganchuk, Nataliya V. Klovach, and Alexander Bugaev Microevolution of Asian Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and its Link to Modern Diversity of Populations |
E-Poster-4 [View] Takashi Abe and Hideaki Kudo Molecular Characterization and Expression of Synaptic Plasticity-related Genes in the Olfactory Organ and Brain of Chum and Pink Salmon during Seaward and Homeward Migration |
E-Poster-5 [N/A] Toshihiko Saito An Overview of the Recent Salmon Returns in Japan: Poor Returns of Chum and Pink Salmon |
E-Poster-6 [View] Kentaro Honda, Tomoki Sato, Hiroshi Kuroda, and Toshihiko Saito Initial Growth Characteristics of Poor-return Stocks of Chum Salmon Originated from the Okhotsk and Nemuro Regions in Hokkaido, on the Basis of Scale Analysis |
E-Poster-7 [View] Mitsuru Torao, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, and Munetaka Shimizu Low Nutritional Status in the Freshwater Phase and Temperature at Seawater Entry Reduce Swimming Performance of Juvenile Chum Salmon |
E-Poster-8 [View] Shigehiko Urawa and Alexander V. Bugaev Survivals of Japanese Chum Salmon during the Early Ocean Life in 2011–2017 |
E-Poster-9 [View] Tomonori Azumaya, Hiroshi Kuroda, Tatuya Unuma, Takashi Yokota, and Shigehiko Urawa Factors Affecting the Migration of Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) from the Coast of Hokkaido to the Okhotsk Sea |
E-Poster-10 [View] Tomoki Sato, Toshihiko Saito, Kentaro Honda, and Kyuji Watanabe Characteristics of Prey Environment during the Early Ocean Life of Juvenile Chum Salmon in Two Coastal Areas around Hokkaido, Northern Japan |
E-Poster-11 [View] Hana Kim, Ju Kyoung Kim, Sung Jin Yang, Sang-woo Lee, Jong Kuk Choi, Young Hyeon Kwon, Seong Jong Yoon, and Doo-Ho Kim Effects of High Water Temperature on Histological Changes in Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) |
E-Poster-12 [View] Yosuke Koshino, Taro Nakamura, Ryuuji Hashimoto, Kiyoshi Kasugai, and Makoto Fujiwara Early Marine Life of Chum Salmon under Different Marine Environments in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan |
E-Poster-13 [View] Nadezhda K. Khristoforova, Anna V. Litvinenko, Vasily Yu. Tsygankov, and Maxim V. Kovalchuk Trace Elements in Cherry Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in the Southwestern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk |
E-Poster-14 [View] Masahide Kaeriyama Consequences of Variable Ocean Carrying Capacity and Biological Interactions among Pacific Salmon in the Changing Climate of the North Pacific Ocean |
E-Poster-15 [View] Hirokazu Urabe and Akiyoshi Shinada Projected Impacts of the Global Warming on Chum Salmon Stock in Hokkaido, Japan |
E-Poster-16 [View] Steve Lindley and Nate Mantua Changes in the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Salmon Habitat in the North Pacific |
Topic 2. New Technologies/Integrated Information Systems for Salmon Research and Management |
E-Poster-17 [View] Anastasia D. Denisenko, Оksana А. Pilganchuk, Nina Yu. Shpigalskaya, and Alexander Bugaev Evaluation of the Regional Composition of Mixed Samples of Chum Salmon on the Data of the Autumn Juvenile Salmon Trawl Survey in the Sea of Okhotsk |
E-Poster-18 [View] Оksana А. Pilganchuk, Anna A. Kustova, Anastasiya D. Denisenko, and Nina Yu. Shpigalskaya, and Alexander Bugaev Genetic Identification of the Local Stocks of Sockeye Salmon of the Kamchatka River Basin in the Commercial Catches from Kamchatsky Gulf |
E-Poster-19 [View] Hayato Saneyoshi, Yousuke Koshino, Ryoutarou Ishida, Itsuki Tatsuoka, Hokuto Shirakawa, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, and Kazushi Miyashita Migration and Homing Behavior of Chum Salmon Tagged in the Okhotsk Sea, Eastern Hokkaido |
E-Poster-20 [View] Arimune Munakata, Masaya Suzuki, and Tomoichiro Tanaka Tracking Radio-tagged Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) from the Sky by Use of Drone |
E-Poster-21 [N/A] Toshihiko Saito, Kyuji Watanabe, Kentaro Honda, and Tomoki Sato Effective Hatchery Releases to Increase Adult Returns of Chum Salmon in the Ishikari River, Hokkaido, Japan |
E-Poster-22 [View] Yuka Karasawa, Hiromichi Ueno, Ryo Tanisugi, Ryo Dobashi, Seokjin Yoon, Akihide Kasai, and Masashi Kiyota Quantitative Estimation of the Ecosystem Services Supporting the Growth of Japanese Chum Salmon |
E-Poster-23 [View] Yue Zhang, Hiroyuki Shioya and Masaaki Wada Predicting the Port-Catch Volume of Salmon at Eastern Hokkaido |
E-Poster-24 [View] Yoshinari Uematsu, Arimune Munakata, and Hiroyuki Matsuda Development of Selection Method of Favorable Juvenile Fish by Egg Weight in Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) |
E-Poster-25 [N/A] Ryoma Hoson, Hiroyuki Shioya, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Fumi Yamaguchi, and Hirokazu Urabe Development of Age Determination Technique Part 1; Neural-network Based Prediction of Chum Salmon Age by the Scale Images |
E-Poster-26 [N/A] Masanobu Yoshida, Hiroyuki Shioya, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Fumi Yamaguchi, and Hirokazu Urabe Development of Age Determination Technique Part 2; Image Processing for the Age Determination Based on the Annuli of Chum Salmon Scale |
E-Poster-27 [View] Yasuyuki Miyakoshi Challenges to Improve Hatchery Program of Chum Salmon in Kitami Region, Hokkaido |
E-Poster-28 [View] Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Fumihiro Takahashi, Takafumi Hirata, Masahide Kaeruyama, Takashi Hosokawa, and Tatsuya Miyoshi Research and Development of a Supporting Information System for Optimization of Salmon Release Operation and Monitoring Coastal Environment in the Okhotsk Coast, Japan |
Topic 3. Resilience for Salmon and People: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 |
E-Poster-29 [View] Shigenori Nobata, Takashi Kitagawa, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Nobuhiko Sato, Katsufumi Sato, Yoshio Takei, and Susumu Hyodo Effects of Environment and Physiological Status on Homing Behavior of Chum Salmon in Otsuchi Bay along the Sanriku Ria-coast |
E-Poster-30 [View] Yuichiro Yamada, Kei Sasaki, Kodai Yamane, Miwa Yatsuya, Yuichi Shimizu, Yoshitomo Nagakura, Tadahide Kurokawa, and Hideki Nikaido The Utilization of Cold-water Zooplankton as Prey for Chum Salmon Fry in Yamada Bay, Iwate, Pacific Coast of Northern Japan |
E-Poster-31 [View] Shino Kitamura, Tomoaki Goto, Hideharu Tsukagoshi, Yu-ichi Shimizu, Fumihisa Takahashi, and Syuiti Abe Fine-scale Genetic Population Structure of Chum Salmon in the Iwate Coast, Northern Japan |
E-Poster-32 [N/A] Hideharu Tsukagoshi, Sayuri Terui, and Syuiti Abe Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in the Sanriku-region, Northern Japan |
E-Poster-33 [View] Hideki Kaeriyama Radioactive Cesium in the North Pacific after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident |
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