North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Workshop Abstracts

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Guidelines For Extended Abstracts

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Guidelines for Extended Abstracts (Download)

    • Please download and follow the instructions contained in the Guidelines for Extended Abstracts for important information for workshop presenters (both oral and E-poster presenters).
    • All presenters are expected to submit extended abstracts of their presentations for publication in a NPAFC Technical Report, which is available online only. Deadline for submission of extended abstracts is by June 30, 2021.

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Workshop 2021
Important Dates
Background and Objectives
Topic Sessions
Live Presentations

(opens on May 10)

Guidelines for Presenters
Guidelines for Extended Abstracts


Workshop Proceedings
Science Committee
Workshop File Uploads

(from May 23 to 27)

Tentative Program and Book of Abstracts


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    • All presenters (oral and E-poster) are required to register for the workshop.
    • Duration of invited keynote live oral presentations is 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions/discussion for a total duration of 25 minutes.
    • Duration of contributed live oral presentations is 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions/discussion for a total duration of 15 minutes.
    • Pre-recorded oral presentation should be one .mp4 file (max 300 MB) and no longer than 15 minutes, including narration (ideally converted from a PowerPoint presentation, but other formats welcome).
    • E-poster should be one .pdf file, converted from one, or multiple, PowerPoint slides.
    • All presenters (oral and E-poster) will be asked right after the workshop for permission to place their oral or E-poster presentation as a PDF on the workshop webpage.
