North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Workshop21 Oral & Poster Presentations

Oral and Poster Presentations

The virtual online workshop will be conducted by live and pre-recorded presentations in English. Sessions will be comprised of contributed presentations, which will be selected for live oral, pre-recorded oral or electronic (E) poster.

  • Live Oral: Keynote (max 25 min including 5 min discussion) and other oral (max 15 min including 3 min discussion) presentations in live sessions.
  • Pre-Recorded Oral*: Video (MP4, max 15 min) converted from PPT or other formats with narration
  • E-Poster*: Electronic (E) poster (PDF) converted from one slide or multiple slides in PPT or other formats

* Note that live sessions will be mostly allocated to invited keynote speakers’ live oral presentations, summary, and discussion. Only a few live oral presentations under each sub-topic will be allowed due to time constraints at the live sessions. Pre-Recorded Oral and E-Poster Presentations will be posted on the NPAFC workshop website for previews by registered participants at least one week prior to live sessions. These pre-recorded presentations will be each live topic session.