North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
The following are NPAFC scientific research papers (for CSRS*) authorized for distribution and citation. (*Committee on Scientific Research and Statistics)
ENFO and F&A documents are not available to the public.
NOTE: Click on document # to download.
Doc.# | Origin | Title | Author | Organization | Date |
661 | USA | Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Cruise Plan for 2003 | W. Heard E. Fergusson D. Mortensen J. Orsi M. Sturdevant A. Wertheimer B. Wing | NMFS | Jan 2003 |
662 | USA | Compilation of Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures Off Alaska, 2003 | L. Low | NMFS | Mar 2003 |
663 | Japan | Results of 2002 Salmon Research Cruise of the Oshoro maru | T. Meguro Y. Kajiwara S. Takagi Y. Kamei K. Sakaoka J. Kimura | HU | Mar 2003 |
664 | Japan | Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels Involving Incidental Takes of Anadromous Fish in the North Pacific Ocean in 2003/2004 Fiscal Year | FAJ | Mar 2003 | |
665 (Rev.1) | Japan | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2003 Salmon in Japan | M. Kawana S. Urawa H. Adachi | NSRC | Oct 2003 |
666 | Russia | Review of the Zooplankton Sampling and Processing Methods Used during BASIS Cruises 2002 | M. Koval | KamchatNIRO | Mar 2003 |
667 | Russia | Distribution and Structure of Parasalmo mykiss Grouping in the Near-Kuril Waters of Pacific Ocean and Okhotsk Sea | S. Kovalenko A. Shubin L. Khorevin V. Rudnev E. Tarasyuk V. Chaupakhin I. Ivanova Y. Ignatyev I. Nemchinova | SakhNIRO | Mar 2003 |
668 | Russia | Distribution of Juvenile Salmon Along the Eastern Sakhalin Coast in Late June–July 2002 by the R/V Dmitry Peskov Cruise Data | A. Shubin V. Radchenko D. Stominok M. Dolgikh G. Kantakov V. Pischalnik A. Romanov V. Chastikov | SakhNIRO | Mar 2003 |
669 | Russia | Growth Inefficiency of the Artificial Pink Salmon Culturing Under Providing Fish with Supplimentary Feeding and Optimization of Terms for Their Release from Southeastern Sakhalin Hatcheries | E. Tarasyuk V. Rudnev L. Khorevin S. Tarasyuk | SakhNIRO | Mar 2003 |
670 | Russia | Some Results of Studying Chum Salmon in Ilyushin and Sernovodka Rivers on the Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands) | A. Kaev L. Romasenko | SakhNIRO | Mar 2003 |
671 | Russia | Some Results of Studying the Kunashir Island Pink Salmon (Kuril Islands) | A. Kaev L. Romasenko | SakhNIRO | Mar 2003 |
672 | Russia | First Experience in Estimating Returns of the Thermally Marked Pink Salmon at Sakhalin Hatcheries | M. Selina L. Khorevin | SakhNIRO | Mar 2003 |
673 | Russia | Biology of Bolshaya River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (West Kamchatka) | V. Bugayev | KamchatNIRO | Mar 2003 |
674 | Russia | Results Marine Research on the STR Izyskatel-1 in 2002 | A. Bugaev E. Peshkurova | KamchatNIRO | Apr 2003 |
675 | Russia | Composition and Distribution of Macroplankton in the East Coast Waters of Kamchatka During Fall Period, 2000 and 2002 | M. Koval N. Batischev | KamchatNIRO | Mar 2003 |
676 (Rev.1) | USA | Cruise Report of the 2002 Northwest Explorer BASIS Survey in the Bering Sea, September–October | J. Murphy N. Davis O. Ivanov M. Rohr S. Elmajatti W. Barber | NMFS TINRO AQC UAF | May 2003 |
677 (Rev.1) | USA | Trawl Comparisons and Fishing Power Corrections for the F/V Northwest Explorer, R/V TINRO, and R/V Kaiyo Maru During the 2002 BASIS Survey | J. Murphy O. Temnykh T. Azumaya | NMFS TINRO FRA | Sep 2003 |
678 | USA | Eastern Bering Sea (BASIS) Coastal Research (August–October 2002) on Juvenile Salmon | E. Farley B. Wing A. Middleton J. Pohl L. Hulbert J. Moss M. Trudel E. Parks T. Hamilton C. Lagoudakis D. McCallum | NMFS UW DFO YRDFA USFS | May 2003 |
679 | USA | United States National Cruise Plan for BASIS Research by the F/V Sea Storm, August–October 2003 | E. Farley J. Murphy | NMFS | May 2003 |
681 (Rev.1) | Russia | Preliminary Results of Studying Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus) of the Urup Island | A. Zhivoglyadov V. Ulchenko A. Kozlov | SakhNIRO | Jun 2003 |
682 (Rev.2) | Russia | The Results of Trawling Survey in the Epipelagic Layer of the Russian Economic Zone in the Bering Sea during September–October, 2002 | O. Temnykh A. Starovoytov I. Glebov G. Khen A. Efimkin A. Slabinsky V. Sviridov | TINRO-Center | Apr 2003 |
683 (Rev.1) | Russia | Differences of Major Fish Species Abundance Estimates in the Epipelagic Layer of the Russian Far Eastern Seas Based on Data of Daytime and Nighttime Trawlings | V. Sviridov O. Temnykh I. Glebov A. Starovoytov P. Suslova | TINRO-Center | Apr 2003 |
684 (Rev.1) | Canda Japan Russia USA | Annual Report of the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS), 2002 (Figs. 1-11 are available at the Secretariat) | Mar 2003 | ||
689 | Russia | Proposed Thermal and Dry Marks for Brood Year 2003 Salmon in Russia | E. Akinicheva | MagadanNIRO | May 2003 |
692 | Russia | Proposed Cruise Plan of R/V TINRO for Pacific Salmon Marine Period of Life Research in the Bering Sea in 2003 | TINRO-Center | May 2003 | |
699 | Russia | To the Problem About Accuracy Using Scale Pattern Analysis for Identification of Some Local Stocks of Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka from Asia and North America | A. Bugaev | KamchatNIRO | Nov 2003 |
700 | USA | Incidental Catches of Salmonids by US Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and the Pacific Coast, 1990–2003 | J. Berger | NMFS | Oct 2003 |
701 | USA | High Seas Salmonid Coded-Wire Tag Recovery Data, 2003 | K. Myers A. Celewycz E. Farley | UW NMFS | Sep 2003 |
702 | USA | Survey of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2002 | J. Orsi E. Fergusson M. Sturdevant B. Wing W. Heard A. Wertheimer D. Mortensen | NMFS | Sep 2003 |
703 | USA | Proposed Thermal Marks for Brood Year 2003 Salmon in Alaska | B. Agler D. Oxman R. Josephson | ADFG | Sep 2003 |
704 | USA | Thermal Mark Patterns Applied to Salmon from Alaska, Washington, Treaty Tribes and Other Northwest States for Brood Year 2002 | B. Agler D. Oxman K. Van Kirk E. Volk J. Grimm | ADFG WDFW | Sep 2003 |
705 | USA | Internet Accessible Website for the NPAFC Working Group on Salmon Marking | B. Agler D. Oxman T. Frawley | ADFG | Sep 2003 |
706 | USA | Sea Lice Infection of Juvenile Salmon in the Marine Waters of the Northern Region of Southeastern Alaska, May–August 2003 | A. Wertheimer E. Fergusson R. Focht W. Heard J. Orsi M. Sturdevant B. Wing | NMFS DIPAC | Sep 2003 |
707 | Canada | Distribution and Monitoring of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in British Columbia, Canada – a Contribution to the Development of a Pink Salmon Watch | B. Riddell R. Beamish | DFO | Oct 2003 |
708 | Canada | Survey of Pacific Salmon in the Major Inlets of British Columbia | R. Beamish S. Dawe R. Sweeting E. Gordon N. Ambers A. Hurst C. Neville | DFO | Sep 2003 |
709 (Rev.1) | Canada | An Update on Catch Trends for Pacific Salmon in British Columbia Canada | J. Irvine L. Bijsterveld L. Nagy | DFO | Sep 2003 |
710 (Rev.1) | Canada | Enhanced Salmonid Production in British Columbia, Canada during 1978–2002 (1977–2001 Brood Years) | S. Lehmann | DFO | Sep 2003 |
711 | Canada | Proposed Thermal Marks for Salmon from British Columbia for Brood Year 2003 | J. Till | DFO | Oct 2003 |
712 | Canada | A Summary of Canadian High Seas Salmon Surveys in the Gulf of Alaska, 1995–2003 | D. Welch J. Morris M. Turdel M. Thiess T. Zubkowski M. Jacobs P. Winchell H. MacLean | DFO | Oct 2003 |
713 | Japan | Salmon Catch by Species and Region in 2002 | FAJ | Oct 2003 | |
714 | Japan | Salmon Stock Assessment in the North Pacific Ocean, 2003 | M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya T. Nagasawa | FRA | Oct 2003 |
715 | Japan | Recoveries of High-Seas Tags in Japan in 2002, and Tag Releases and Recoveries of Fin-Clipped Salmon from Japanese Research Vessel Surveys in the North Pacific Ocean in Fall of 2002 and Summer of 2003 | M. Fukuwaka S. Urawa K. Hirasawa N. Davis R. Walker | FRA NSRC UW | Oct 2003 |
716 | Japan | International Salmon Research Aboard the R/V Wakatake maru in the Central North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the Summer of 2003 | M. Fukuwaka N. Davis T. Onuma A. Jodo M. Nomura S. Tsuchiya | FRA UW HU JMFRRC | Oct 2003 |
717 | Japan | Result of the Survey by Kaiyo maru in the Bering Sea, 2002 | T. Azumaya S. Urawa O. Yamamura M. Fukuwaka A. Kusaka T. Nagasawa T. Nomura S. Moriya A. Urano | FRA NSRC FRA NSRC NI HU | Oct 2003 |
718 (Rev.2) | Japan | Proposed Cruise Plans of Japanese Research Vessels for Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean in 2004/2005 Fiscal Year | T. Nagasawa M. Fukuwaka T. Azumaya | FRA | Oct 2003 |
719 | Japan | Releases of Thermally Marked Salmon from Japan in 2003 | M. Kawana S. Urawa H. Adachi | NSRC | Oct 2003 |
720 | Japan | Preliminary 2002 Salmon Enhancement Production in Japan | M. Ezure Y. Hirabayashi | NSRC | Oct 2003 |
721 | Japan | Origins of Juvenile Chum Salmon Caught in the Okhotsk Sea during the Fall of 2000 | S. Urawa J. Seki M. Kawana T. Saito P. Crane L. Seeb M. Fukuwaka A. Rogatnykh E. Akinicheva | NSRC ADFG FRA MagadanNIRO | Oct 2003 |
722 | USA | Releases and Recoveries of US Salmonid Data Storage Tags, and Recoveries of High Seas Tags in North America, 2003 | R. Walker N. Davis K. Myers M. Fukuwaka | UW FRA | Oct 2003 |
723 (Rev.3) | Canada Japan Russia USA | Catch Trends and Status of North Pacific Salmon | D. Eggers J. Irvine M. Fukuwaka V. Karpenko | Working Group on Stock Assessment | Oct 2003 |
724 | USA | Alaska Salmon Hatchery Releases, Commercial Fishery Catch Statistics, and Sport Fishery Harvest Statistics for 2002 Season | D. Eggers | ADFG | Oct 2003 |
727 | Russia | Trophic Relations of Pacific Salmon in Epipelagic Water Layers of the South Kuril Islands | S. Naydenko N. Kuznetsova | TINRO-Center | Oct 2003 |
728 | Russia | Interannual and Interregional Analysis of Chum Salmon Feeding Features in the Bering Sea and Adjacent Pacific Waters of Eastern Kamchatka | E. Dulepova V. Dulepov | TINRO-Center IMTP | Oct 2003 |
729 | Russia | GIS and Atlas of Salmons Spatial-Temporal Distribution in the Okhotsk Sea | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2003 |
730 | Russia | Database and GIS Technologies in Studying Nekton of the Northwest Pacific: The First Results and Perspectives | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2003 |
731 | Russia | Knowledge Base and Catalogue of Salmons Abundance in the Okhotsk Sea | I. Volvenko | TINRO-Center | Oct 2003 |
733 | USA | Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Genotyping Using the 5′-Nuclease Reaction Provides High-Throughput/High-Resolution Stock Identification of Chinook, Sockeye, and Chum Salmon | C. Smith L. Seeb J. Seeb | ADFG | Oct 2003 |
734 | Korea | Releases of Coded Wire Tag for Brood Year 2002 Chum Salmon in Korea | K.S. Seong | NFRDI | Oct 2003 |
735 | Korea | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches and Juveniles Released in Korea in 2002 | NFRDI | Oct 2003 | |
736 (Rev.2) | Russia | Biostatistical Information on Salmon Catches, Escapement, Outmigrants Number, and Enhancement Production in Russia in 2002 | TINRO-Center | Oct 2003 | |
738 (Rev.1) | Canada Japan Korea Russia USA | A Provisional Report on the 2003 Salmon Season | Working Group on Stock Assessment | Dec 2003 |
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